好睇,好多從未睇過嘅片段,美斯嘅童年,仲有Kobe 個一段西班牙文嘅 interview,即時諗起佢哋一齊出嘅廣告,呢D巨星就係有呢種魅力去吸引世人一直追隨佢哋嘅足跡,睇返佢哋嘅成長唔係單單倚靠天賦,中間有好多挫折,失敗嘅磨練,令佢地點樣堅持去克服重重難關,成就佢哋小時侯嘅夢想,各據一方嘅百獸雄獅🦁。thx Ryan 🙏🏻
Can we all appreciate the class of Ronaldinho? Can you imagine dominating the world in your prime worshiped by everyone but had the breadth of mind to proclaim someone else as up and coming to surpass you as the best? Keep in mind he wasn't at his twilight at that moment! Not to mention he is Brazilian and Messi is Argentine. No jealousy, no discrimination, no suppressing, no politics, just pure class! That's why we all love him regardless!