Very touching to see Ake's adventure to Afghanistan Wakhan Corridor. Its indeed an eye opener. The people, the country side and the political and economic situation. The background music is superb. Thank you so much for sharing your adventure which many of us will not and dare not visit. Absolute respect and take care Ake.
1. Wakhan to China的關口是關閉了的,不通關,但有人駐守。 2.照片中的地圖,若能行完瓦罕(或稱阿富汗走廊)全程(瓦罕尾站是Sarhad de Broghil),再進到小帕米爾,到達Lake Chaqmaqtin,再前行約50-70公里,就到達阿富汗境內能最靠近中國邊境的地方了。其實,沿途40多公里的東側就已是中國的新疆,西側是塔吉克,就是所謂的「一鷄鳴三國」的情境了。未到最近中國邊境的盡頭,東望就能看到新疆的宏偉雪峰和山口,西望塔吉克那邊也是一樣,近在咫尺!當然,路途也辛苦上十倍呀。