届けようorとろけようクイズ、映像があってもcards or carsより難しい〜🤣🤣🤣 Kevin's English roomやpodcastと出会って英語力が上がってきた実感があることが英語を学び続けられているmy biggest energy です☺️✨これからも各コンテンツ楽しみにしています💓
I really love this project. I recently found your channel on KZbin, then I realized that you absolutely rock 👊👊👊 Keep updating this talk session and look forward to see your another video as well🤞 Thank you for giving us this fun time and thank you again for this opportunity to keep hearing English 🙇♂️🙇♂️
That's an interesting point of view. Starting at a new place makes you feel comfortable and easy to learn new things. Maybe you both love challenges and ready to overcome difficulties. Yama-chan chose French because you saw no resemblance or connection between Japanese and French, and Kevin decided to move to a brand-new place (Japan), both in your teens. Awesome✨ By the way, it's nice to be able to 'watch' you guys have a good chat.
@hassaku04222 жыл бұрын
This is my favorite podcast program! I'm so happy to enjoy it on KZbin too 😊
I agree with Yamachan's opinions! If you interested that language, it's more easier to learn. Otherwise it's hard to study I think. I studied English, Spanish and German, but I focused to study English coz English is most common Language in the world I guess? (Generally speaking) So unless you wanna go any specific country, learn English is best. Just do not pursuit "perfect English" if you can speak enough, no one cares about the perfect English.
I think if you are Japanese and trying to learn another language for the first time, other than English, it will be completely new to them so that will also make a total challenge as well as fun in a sense that you’re starting from a clean slate. Now, if you already accomplished to learn more than 2 languages and if they are European languages, then it will be a lot easier to add another language as supposed to learn entirely different language from different regions of the world. As Yamachan mentioned, many European languages are more or less related because the origins are the same or mixture of close regions of that particular continent. Many vocabularies and grammar are more or less similar and related. About choosing the language you want to learn (next), I think most people would choose it because there is something that they are interested in something about that particular language whether that is because you are interested in the particular country(-ies) and the people who speak that language or because you simply like the sound of it or maybe you want to learn their culture….etc. I don’t think anyone would pick any language randomly out of the air, I believe. Moreover, you should pick whatever the language may be, that would make you happy and enjoy learning it. I remember when I was studying German during university, I hated the very hard pronunciation and grammar so I ended up hating the language. Although I wouldn’t say I hate German language now but definitely it would be towards the bottom of my list for sure!
@MaMeO25252 жыл бұрын
@mak12962 жыл бұрын
I can relate a lot to this talk! I spent my time in Europe and North America, and I am also a polyglot myself. As I have moved quite a few times from one continent to another, I also realized that getting out of your comfort zone could bring you some comfort if you are seeking for constant new adventures (which is me haha) Appreciate your all amazing work and looking forward to upcoming videos!
I didn’t know that podcast is in youtube too!!! i always listen to you guys conversation when i’m driving a car. thanks for make me laugh lol いつも応援してます♡
@cat_lover2022 жыл бұрын
@大吉-z9k2 жыл бұрын
@skydiverSia2 жыл бұрын
内容は2回聞いたらほとんどわかった!笑笑 最初の件😂笑った w I guess well Would you think? やっぱりわかるよ😂 でも勉強する一年前の私じゃほぼ訳せなかった 劇的成長だわ