見到了,終於見到了🥲⋯一直以來都期待想見到另一面嘅XIX,今晚已向人証明咗你哋唔一定只sell跳舞、sell青春、sell可愛⋯有實力嘅人,係完全唔需要刻意sell,因為舉手投足已經散發得淋漓盡致⋯雖然唔係咩評審,但係仍然聽到用a cappella做嘅opening,每個人嘅音準音飾都好靚,作為聽眾觀眾嘅我(哋),聽你哋嘅那些年,耳朵好舒服😌;見到你哋每個都能走出自己嘅風格,聲線,望到台背景播放從前嘅片段,突然覺得好感動⋯看到你哋成熟了、成長了、畢業了⋯眼淚也一起來了👏🏻👏🏻⋯加油XIX💪🏻ps: Love you Aster😘😜
I think XIX is one of the very few girls group in HK that have very good vocal. All 6 of them also can sing very well.💯 Add oil XIX 👍😘 Congratulations TVB for finding such a gem in XIX 👍🙂
多謝!有大家嘅支持,我同埋XiX嘅姊妹先可以經歷一個咁不平凡嘅夢幻旅程🙏🏻 喺聲夢junior同聲夢傳奇二嘅日子,我哋六姊妹經曆咗好多喜怒哀樂,我哋一齊克服咗好多困難同挑戰。 我只想講,無論今日之後大家會係點,喺舞台上面我哋一齊好好享受左段段美好時光,我會好好珍惜我哋嘅那些年,多謝XiX🥰 多謝每一位支持同批評我嘅人🙏🏻 I ❤️ you all!
My favourite performance of XIX so far! They harmonise well. their voices blend together yet they sing exquisitely individually too. I got chills. Gayau