【生命故事】陳頌晞《晞望》星火飛騰 354

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@wattammy4444 2 жыл бұрын
@kalunwong7850 Жыл бұрын
@kwokkityuk8329 3 жыл бұрын
十分感人 你嘅愛 好似主耶穌一樣
@chiyuenau8487 2 жыл бұрын
病 真的很痛 哭泣不斷
@Kei-j1o 5 жыл бұрын
眼淚停不了。頌晞,你的message 收到了,謝謝。
@yeecheung6794 4 жыл бұрын
@yanniyoho457 4 жыл бұрын
@obiphil8672 4 жыл бұрын
感動! 祝家人靠信仰堅強走下去!
@newagegaga 5 жыл бұрын
@mingkaiwong6549 11 жыл бұрын
@helenec2468 6 жыл бұрын
@chanyokelei4558 5 жыл бұрын
孩子 ,神祝福你,也一样祝福离开了我一年的爱儿
@hkme5057 5 жыл бұрын
@柿本博光 5 жыл бұрын
@B夫夫 5 жыл бұрын
@liyuen4698 6 жыл бұрын
@kenchan1597 11 жыл бұрын
@latonng 5 жыл бұрын
When I watch this video Can't stop crying! Now he's in Heaven happy and No more pain.💖
@陳浩霖-o7l 7 жыл бұрын
@ryychung 3 жыл бұрын
He has achieved his mission on earth and done his parents proud
@elvinawong6376 2 жыл бұрын
@chiyuenau8487 2 жыл бұрын
@elaineyongsinyian58 5 жыл бұрын
@Neiamenase 2 жыл бұрын
我是北歐華人的基督教團體的其中一位弟兄 我地實在好想用這成為我們的鼓勵,所以我們打了全篇講稿並用我們有限的英文翻譯並給予我們的弟兄姊妹,現在此分享一下,如果有身在外地的弟兄姊妹都可以使用: P.s. 我們英文翻譯他的所有名字都是HeyHey
@Neiamenase 2 жыл бұрын
中文講稿1/2 "在八十年代有一首經典詩歌叫 有一句歌詞 我很深刻 年青應該起勁,行動莫停 唯求能默默用盡每一天 當年這首鼓勵了很多年青人 二十出頭的年青人 應該是精力充沛、幹勁沖天 因為在他們面前是一片無限的天空 就好像我們今集的主角頌晞 他的志願是成為物理活療師 為了實現這理想 他很努力讀書 很可惜在22歲那一年, 他發現患上末期神經母細胞瘤 雖然不知道將來如何 但他選擇樂觀面對癌病 好好用盡每一天" "腦出血可能對病人來說 是很舒服的事 因為可以舒服地離去 但對家人朋友來說 是很差的事 因為突然離去" "我舒服地離去 還是跟爸媽說再見才離去呢 我有點矛盾 我不知道明天會發生甚至麼事 能不能張開眼也不知道 我每天倚靠衪" 晞望 "23歲對很多人來說 可能只是人生的開始 不過對陳頌晞來說 隨時會是人生的終結 2012年他在美國讀大學三年級時 發現患上第四期的 神經母細胞瘤 我21歲時被診斷為第四期 英文是 neuroblastoma 中文是神經母細胞瘤 是一種很罕有的癌症 通常是0-5歲的嬰兒 小童才有的癌症 開始時眼睛瘀黑(here) 漸漸地頸項淋巴腫脹 像這樣的大 血小板是正常人的十分一 紅血球是正常人的一半 在美國治療一個月 完成5次化療、手術和電療" "(爸爸) 我每晚都流眼淚" "(媽媽) 很難接受 他本來好好的上學讀書 突然這樣" "(嫲嫲) 我剛在超級市場購物 收到他的電話 我不懂反應,好像傻了 買東西也忘了付錢 很難受,這孩子那麼年青 就得了這病 給我好了,我跟他交換" "(2013年7月22日拍攝) 一天比一天痛 要召姑娘來 幫我打嗎啡針止痛 食嗎啡也無效 醫生要接駁止痛機給我 著我痛就按 我完全下不了病床 去兩步洗手間基本上已是極限" "一個月後 頌晞的父母接他回香港 不過一提起兒子的病 媽媽都會好傷心 有朋友介紹她認識EQ導師余德淳" "看到她跟我說話 不到三句就哭 我想她傷心得絕望 因為她覺得很有希望的兒子 讀書很棒 竟然無法醫治 回港留在身邊 最難處理的問題是 頌晞躲在房間打遊戲機 不見任何朋友 所以我最後作了很奇怪的決定 我說如果你說服兒子 我請他吃東西 吃高級漢堡飽,任吃任喝 奇怪是後來收到她來電 她兒子願意 我邀請他,我們要去學校做訓練 不如你當大哥哥 跟小孩子談談天 特別你患病 你可以用你的經歷鼓勵他們 我試試而已 豈料他給我的反應是笑笑,點頭" "我戴著帽子 我從帽子開始 自我介紹三、四分鐘我的故事 小孩子對我的病很有興趣 他們很關心我 主動向我問好 他們很簡單地說 晞哥哥,你快點康復 我深深記在腦中 希望他們活好當下我的光陰 享受他們學校的時光" "(training mentor) 我們每次都準備一張椅子給他 跟他說,你坐下帶領訓練也行 不過我不常看到他坐 坐一下,又站起來 甚至有幾堂根本不坐" "(training mentor) 身邊很多人關心他 問他的情況如何 睡得好嗎?精神如何? 他通常有一句話回應他們 謝謝你,我會加油 『我會加油』這四個字 從他口中說出來,特別鼓勵我" "頌晞自小跟父母上教會 從小被愛包圍 信仰的種籽很小就埋藏在心 07年他到美國加州讀書 更切實感受到信徒的愛" "去到很好的基督教學校 接觸很多基督教朋友 很多誠心的基督徒環繞我 我慢慢思考 為何你們這麼好 有何不同?我很想找到答案 去了很多教會,接觸很多活動 有機會經歷神 對衪愈來愈有信心" "一次留宿在牧師家 令頌晞決志信主 大學三年級那年 他更找到奮鬥的目標" "頭兩年很迷茫,不知道做什麼 讀過會計 讀過醫療實驗學 轉過幾次科目,還找不到方向 機緣巧合下我對物理治療有興趣 從看電視,朋友介紹 我很有興趣 我想像自己每更接觸新病人 我會很開心 跟他們談談每個人的故事 第三年下定決心 努力讀書 盡力考好成績 考入物理治療學校" "只可惜這志願 由於癌病很難實現 滿腔熱誠的頌晞 雖然有很多理想都無法實踐 但他看到、得到的更多" "最近幾年才學會孝順父母 計劃好畢業後快快賺錢 給他們住更舒適的地方 但很遺憾 在22歲那年就病了 還發生了這麼多事 我父母任勞任怨 很擔心我的病" "(爸爸) 頌晞自小是我幫他洗澡 到現在要幫他洗澡 但看到他的身軀和疤痕 看著他消瘦 看著他是很心痛 爸爸很愛你,頌晞" "(媽媽) 年青人應精力充沛,蹦蹦跳 但現在反而我要拖著他 心理不太好受 雖然現在很困難 在難處當中 但我們要從中學習、經歷 有甚麼事都一起祈禱 我從未聽他說過一句埋怨的話 他很坦然面對這一切 我覺得他長大了,很成熟 這是我很欣賞他的 我愛你,晞晞" "今年五月頌晞跟家人一起去日本 雖然帶病旅行 但反而令他跟家人特別親密 尤其是很少貼身相的爸爸" "我爸爸沉默寡言 那次旅行一起吃夜宵 在東京的巷子裡吃拉麵 那是第七天 我的身體也累了 我搭著爸爸肩膀 吃完拉麵後我搭著爸爸肩膀 一起走回旅館,談了很久 我很珍惜那段時光" "(爸爸) 他很開心因為我陪伴他 身為父母可能會內斂 平時也不會表達愛 但他的病使我們的關係更密切" "旅行回來不久 頌晞的病情急轉直下 醫生指他的身體無法正常造血 一旦流血隨時有生命危險" "醫生宣判我已進入末期 血指數曾跌到很低 有生命危險 血小板是正常人的十份一 一天食5次嗎啡 看東西有兩個影 因為腦裡有神經壓著視神經 頭痛,走路喘氣 走不遠,隨時會內出血 嚴重的話會腦出血,即時死亡 所以好像有炸彈在身上 隨時會爆" "十月初頌晞如常跟好友外出吃飯 他們在讀中學時認識 在患病的期間 他們比以前更常見面" "(2013-10-4 拍攝) 很開心看到朋一起相聚 可以有聚會 未病前我不知道他們這麼疼愛我"
@Neiamenase 2 жыл бұрын
中文講稿2/2 "(classmate Derek) 中二開始做同學 算起來剛好十年 看到他的情緒沒有太大起伏 我明白不是人人可以接受 我看他比較樂觀 就算他病了也很關心朋友 他知道我會參加社會運動等等 他有時會問我 昨天的活動你有去嗎 我知道他不是喜歡這些 我身邊的朋友也不記得這些 只有他記得 認識他是我幾生修來的福氣" "(classmate) 他也想過放棄 會想為何是他 也會有低谷的時候 但我覺得更重要的是 他每次會找核心 就是他所相信的神 他知道他的神肯定會拯救他" "頌晞樂觀的態度 感染了這群好朋友 他們甚至一起談頌晞的身後事" "我閉起雙眼,想自己的後事會如何 我朋友剛巧做設計 更好,可以設計更漂亮" "(classmate) 很多氣球 很多蠟燭 他最想大家不要全都穿黑衣 好像去派對 很能啟發我,特別我沒有宗教信仰 他知道自己的方向" "由於頌晞經常進出醫院 媽媽特別停薪留職照顧他 在十月中他由於肺積水要留院 情況比以往都嚴重 這次入院如常輸血 你看我插上了氧氣管 (2013-10-18) 因為肺部突然積水增多 說話喘氣,呼吸困難 好像死亡將要臨到我 也會怕,所以不停唸神話語 我走過死蔭的幽谷 也不怕遭害 因為神與我同在" "他出院很愛吃西環的魚蛋粉 以往出院我們會去西環吃點東西 但現在只能留在家 出院馬上坐的士回家 不可以再四圍去 我覺得身體比以前差了" "如果神在兒子身上行奇妙的神蹟 有神蹟當然最好,可以康復 但現在情況不理想 我們將他交給神" "可能我現在陪伴他最多 相處最多 他說我是他最好的朋友 很開心、很感動" "我很開心爸媽在身邊╴很照顧我 吃媽媽親手做的飯 我知道她花了很多心思 經常去醫院,很花心力 謝謝爸媽,我愛你們" "醫生指頌晞身體機能愈來愈差 隨時會離開 家人朋友陸續來探望他 十月廿四日凌晨 頌晞在睡夢中離世 結束了廿三年的人生" "十一月十日頌晞的安息禮 禮堂播的是他生前喜歡的流行曲 放的是他最想人看的相片 如他所願,大家在輕快中懷念他" "想不到今天的禮堂坐滿了 很感人,我以兒子為榮" "我們的佈置全是阿晞想要的元素 不著重傷感" "親手送朋友的最後一程 仍很難過 希望將來在天堂跟他重聚" "頌晞想我們做歡送會 他不想我們自到他痛苦而痛苦 而是想我們知道他得著這救恩" "要分離、暫別 身為母親很傷痛 但我想到他能見證神 為主作見證 我心裡為這兒子驕傲" "雖然晞晞生命活得短暫 但活得很燦爛" "(訓練導師) 晞晞給我最深印象有四個字 活出盼望" "(訓練導師) 晞晞由我認識他第一天 到最後一次見他 一直進步 這麼大困難的人 也有如此堅強的生命 令我很驚訝" "當我們人生中 看到如此年青的人 能作這樣的事 不單影響很多人的回憶 更加學習他 連小孩子也有 我想很多人一生中 七、八十歲也不一定做到 這是我一生中首次見到的人" "晞晞我很感謝你 無論遇到任何困難 我們的學生一想起晞晞哥哥 都會用這四個字鼓勵自己 我會加油 晞晞,我要跟你說一句話 加油,我們也會加油" "我一直禱告 將我的事鼓勵人 希望鼓勵人、感動人信主 我就很開心 最開心的一句經文是 我且要住在耶和華的殿中 直到永遠 快點見到耶穌 離世只是睡覺,聖經說的 我們很快在天堂見面 在更好的地方見面" "看罷頌晞的經歷 我很感動,很受激勵 因為在他身上看到耶穌的大能 一位垂死病人仍然可以面露笑容 不單如此,更提起僅有氣力 做義工,關心家人朋友 甚至在鏡頭前 他不介意自己的外表己經衰殘 也要跟大家分享 耶穌在他生命的奇妙作為" "聖經說,其實明天如何 你們還不知道 你們的生命是什麼呢 你們原是一片雲霧 出現少時就不見了 你們只當說,主苦願意 我就可以活著 也可以作這事,或作那事" "人很自大 常常覺得一切在自己的掌握中 其實人很渺小 因為生命不由我們話事 我們能夠活著都是恩典" "如果可以選擇 我相信頌晞也想活更久 但他願意學習順服 將生命交給耶穌 因為他知道 耶穌有最好的計劃 今天頌晞完成了在世上的使命 回到天堂 得到耶穌為他預備的獎賞" "我們今天還有生命氣息 實在要心存感恩 不單如此,耶穌也很想你 好像頌晞這樣活得豐盛 成為別人的鼓勵和幫助 如果你也想活得有意義、有價值 我邀請你跟我向耶穌談幾句" "親愛的耶穌 我承認自己雖然能走能跑 但我覺得人生沒有意思 我覺得自己不滿足 我很想好像頌晞 能活得豐盛、有意義 人生有價值 求袮幫助我 我現在願意打開我心 我邀請袮進來,作我的救主 求袮帶領我走人生豐盛的道路 謝謝袮愛我,主耶穌"
@Neiamenase 2 жыл бұрын
英文翻譯1/3 "In the 80s, there was a classic worship song named There is a sentence in the lyric, I rememeber deeply Young people should be passionate and keep moving I just hope to make good use of every day This song inspired many teenagers youth in their early twenties Should be energetic and motivated Because before them is an infinite sky Just like our protagonist today: HeyHey in this episode His dream is to become a physical therapist In order to fulfill his dream he studied very hard Sadly, at the age of 22, He was diagnosed with end-stage neuroblastoma Although he doesn't know what the future holds But he chose to face cancer with optimism make the most out of every day" "Cerebral hemorrhage may be a comfortable thing to a lot of patients because it is comfortable when leaving but for family and friends is a very tragic thing because of the sudden departure" "Should I choose to I leave comfortably Or have time to say goodbye to my parents before leaving? I feel conflicted I don't know what will happen tomorrow I don't know if I can open my eyes neither I rely on him every day" This has 2 meaning: "Hey looks forward to" and "Hope" "To many people, 23 years old Maybe it is just the beginning of life But for HeyHey Anytime will be the end of life In 2012, when he was in the third year of university in the United States it is found to have stage 4 of Neuroblastoma I was diagnosed with stage 4 when I was 21 English is neuroblastoma Chinese is neuroblastoma it is a very rare cancer Usually happen in babies aged 0-5 it is usually a cancer found in children Initially I have bruised eyes (here) And then, gradually swollen neck lymph nodes as big as this Platelets are one-tenth of a normal level Red blood cells are half of a normal level After one month treatment in the United States I have completed 5 rounds of chemotherapy, surgery and electrotherapy" "(Dad) I shed tears every night" "(Mum) it is too hard to accept He used to go to school well suddenly like this..." "(Grandma) i just was shopping in the supermarket received his call I don't know how to react, as if I am stupid I forgot to pay for something It's too hard to take it, the kid is so young Got this disease I rather he gives it to me, I'll exchange with him" "(Taken on July 22, 2013) more and more pain every day I have to call the nurses And give me Morphine shot for the pain But then, taking Morphine has become ineffective The doctors have to connect me to a painkiller machine And ask me to press it when it hurts I can't get out of bed at all Going two-step to the bathroom is basically the limit" "A month later HeyHey's parents took him back to Hong Kong But once mentioning his son's illness Mom will be so sad A friend introduced her to an EQ mentor" "see her talking to me she cried in less than three sentences I think she's heartbroken and hopeless Because she thinks there was a lot of hope for her son did so well in study Yet he can't be healed After HeyHey went back to hong kong The most difficult problem to deal with was HeyHey hides in his room and plays game consoles didn't want to see any friends So I ended up making a weird decision I said: if you convince your son I will invite him to eat Eat expensive burgers, eat and drink all you can It's strange that I then got a call from her later that her son was willing to. I invited him, we went to a school for training And I suggested him to a big brother for kids talk to the children especially because you are sick You can encourage them with your experiences I just wanted to give it a try Unexpectedly, his reaction to me was to smile and nod." "I was wearing a hat So I started talking from my hat And introduced myself in three or four minutes about my story The kids are very interested in my illness they care about me so much and proactively greets me they used their easiest words: Brother Hey, get well soon I deeply remember it. I hope they live their lives well and enjoy their time in the school" "(training mentor) We prepared a chair for him every time And told him: you can sit down and lead the training But I didn't often see him sitting he only sitted for a little while and then stood up again There are even a few lectures that he didn't sit at all" "(training mentor) Many people around him care about him asked: how is he doing Did you sleep well? Are you tired? he usually has a sentence in response to them Thank you, I will try hard ""I will try hard"" these four words From his mouth, especially encouraged me so much" "HeyHey went to the church with his parents since he was a child surrounded by love since he was a kid The seeds of faith is buried in his heart since he was little In 2007, he went to study in California, USA He feels the love of Christians so deep." "I went to a very good christian school And contacted many Christian friends A lot of sincere Christians surrounded me So I tried to think slowly Why are you guys so nice What is the difference? I'd love to find out I went to many churches and got in touch with many activities I have the opportunity to experience God And I have more and more faith in him" "there was one time, I stayed at the pastor's place it causes HeyHey decides to believe in the Lord And in the third year of college He have found his dream to fight for" "In the first two years, I was very confused and didn't know what to do with my life I studied accounting And studied about medical laboratory science And I have changed subjects several times, but I still can't find the direction By chance, I found myself interested in physical therapy From watching TV, friend introduction I'm very interested I imagine myself meeting new patients every day And I will be very happy to talk to them and know about the story of each person I was determined in my third year and decided to study hard tried my best to get the best academic result to get into the Physical Therapy School" "It's sad that this dream has become very difficult to achieve due to cancer HeyHey was passionated Although there are many dreams that cannot be achieved But he sees and gets more"
@Neiamenase 2 жыл бұрын
英文翻譯2/3 "Only in recent years have I learned to be filial to my parents I planned to make money quickly after graduation And give them a more comfortable place to live but sadly I have become sick since the age of 22 and so many things happened (Meaning: A huge burden is given to my parents) My parents has become so busy and hard And they have to constantly worried about my illness" "(Dad) HeyHey has been bathed by me since he was a child And I have to help him to take a bath now but seeing his thin body and all the scars watching him losing weight it hurts me so much to see that Dad loves you very much, HeyHey" "(Mother) Young people should be energetic and bounce around But now instead I will have to hold his hands everywhere My heart does not feeling well Although it is difficult now in the middle of hardship But we need to learn from it, experience it Pray together for everything I never heard him say a word of complaint He faces all this calmly I think he's grown up and mature This is what I admire about him I love you, HeyHey" "In May of this year, HeyHey went to Japan with his family Although travelling with sickness But it gives him a chance to be very closed to his family Especially the father who seldom gets close" "my dad is staid and keeps silence for a lot of things And on that trip, we had night snack together Having ramen in an alley of Tokyo that was the seventh day my body was tired too I put my hand on daddy's shoulders. After eating ramen, I put my hand on father's shoulders Walked back to the hotel together and talked for a long time I cherish that time very much" "(dad) He's happy because I'm with him I didn't express myself much as a parent And I don't usually express love But his illness brought us closer" "soon after this trip HeyHey's condition has become worse Doctors said his body can't make blood normally Once there is any bleeding, it can be life-threatening at any time" "The doctor declared me to be the final phase Blood index had dropped to a very low level it is life threatening Platelets are one-tenth of normal taking Morphine 5 times a day I now see two shadows of everything when I see because there's something in the brain pressing on the optic nerve I have headache, gasp when walking (not breathing well) Can't go far, internal bleeding can happen anytime In severe cases, if there is bleeding in my brain, it will cause immediate death So, as if I am carrying a bomb and it can explode anytime" "In early October, HeyHey went out to eat with friends as usual They know each other in secondary school during illness they meet more often than before" "(taken in 2013-10-4) I feel glad to see friends get together, glad to have gatherings before I got sick, I didn't know they loved me so much" "(classmate Derek) I Began to be a classmate with him in Secondary Two It ihas been ten years now Seeing that his mood doesn't fluctuate much I understand it is not something everyone can accept But I think he is more optimistic He cares about his friends even when he's sick He knows I'll be involved in social movements, and he sometimes asks me Did you go to yesterday's event? I know he doesn't like these movements kind of things But all my friends don't remember about that only he remembers Knowing him is truly a blessing of my life" "(classmate) He also thought about giving up I wanted to ask why, why him There has be sad times but i think more importantly He finds the core every time the God he believes in He knows his god would surely save him" "HeyHey's optimistic attitude Infected this group of good friends They even talked about HeyHey's funeral together" "I closed my eyes and imagine my funeral My friend happened to do design better, it could be more beautifully designed" "(classmate) many balloons maybe a lot of candles he wants most us not to all wear black. he hopes us treating the whole thing as a party It is very inspiring, especially since I'm not religious he knows his way" "Because HeyHey often goes in and out of the hospital Mother took special leave without pay to take care of him In mid-October he was hospitalized with fluid in his lungs the situation is worse than ever Today, he has blood transfusion as usual Look, I'm plugged in the oxygen tube (2013-10-18) Sudden, my lungs has accumulation of fluid gasping for speech, difficulty in breathing It seems like death is coming to me I’m also afraid, so I keep reading God’s words though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil because God is with me" "Everytime out of the hospital, he always loved to eat fish ball noodles in Sai Wan In the past, once we are out, we would go to Sai Wan to have something to eat. But now he only stay at home Immediately after leaving the hospital, take a taxi home can't go around anymore I feel worse than before" "If God act a miraculous miracle on the Son A miracle, it is of course the best, and it is possible to heal but now the situation is not ideal we hand him over to god" "Maybe I accompany him the most now Get along the most He said I am his best friend I am very happy and touched" "I am very happy that my parents are by my side ╴ they take good care of me eat mom's homemade meal I know she put a lot of thought into it I often go to the hospital, it takes a lot of effort Thank you father, mother, I love you"
@Neiamenase 2 жыл бұрын
英文翻譯3/3 "The doctor pointed out that HeyHey's body function is getting worse and worse he can leave anytime Family and friends came to visit him one after another Early morning of October 24th HeyHey passed away in his sleep Ended his Twenty-three years of life" "HeyHey's memorial service on November 10 The hall played the pop music he liked during his lifetime Here are the photos he wants people to see the most As he wished, everyone misses him lightly" "Unexpectedly, today's hall is full Very touching, I'm proud of my son" "All the elements in our layout is what HeyHey wants Try not to emphasize sadness" "The last journey to send a friend by hand I am still very sad I hope to I can reunited with him in heaven in the future" "HeyHey wants us to have a farewell party He doesn't want us to see him in pain and feel pain but want us to know that he HAS this salvation" "having to separate from him temporarily being a mother, it hurts But I find him being about testify about God, witness for the Lord I'm so proud of my son" "Although HeyHey's life is short but live a very bright life" "(training mentor) HeyHey impressed me the most with four words live out hope (the word means hope with faith in Chinese)" "(training mentor) HeyHey from the first day I know him until the last time i saw him he keep improving someone lives with such a huge differencities can also have such a strong life it surprised me very much" "in our lives, seeing someone so young can do such a wonderful thing not only affect the memory of many people but also be able to learn more from him even children I think many people in their lives even being 70 or 80 years old may not be able to do the same This is the kind person I've never seen in my life" "HeyHey I thank you very much regardless of any difficulties When our students think of big brother HeyHey I will use these words to encourage myself I will try hard HeyHey, I want to tell you something Carry on, we will do it too" "I keep praying that I can encourage others with my story If it can encourage and lead people to the Lord I will be very happy The happiest verse is I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. meeting Jesus soon death is just falling asleep, bible says we will meet soon in heaven we will meet each other in somewhere far better" "After watching HeyHey's experience I'm touched and motivated for I can see the power of Jesus from him A dying patient can still smile Not only that, but also using his little strength left to be a volunteer, to care for family and friends even in front of the camera He doesn't mind his decaying appearance, still also want to share with us The Wonderful Works of Jesus in His Life" "The bible says, Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”" "People are very arrogant often feel that everything is under their control In fact, people are powerless and helpless Because in the end, life is not up to us It is grace that we can live" "If he can choose I believe HeyHey also wants to live longer But he is willing to learn to obey and offer his life to Jesus for he knows Jesus has the best plan for everything HeyHey has completed her mission in the world today and he is now back to heaven He has received the reward Jesus has prepared for him" "We still have lives today We really need to be grateful in our hearts Not only that, Jesus, too, hopes you to be able to live like HeyHey so abundantly Become other's encouragement and help If you also want to live a meaningful and valuable life I invite you to talk to Jesus with me for a few sentences" "Dear jesus I admit that although I can walk and run But I think life is in fact, in the end, meaningless I feel dissatisfied sometimes in our lives I want to live the way HeyHey did, Live a fruitful and meaningful life Live to feel our lives being valuable Lord, Please help me I would like to open my heart now I invite you to come in and be my savior Please lead me on the path of abundance in life Thank you for loving me, Lord Jesus"
@avtechnician178 10 жыл бұрын
May Our Lord, Jesus Christ blessing his family and friends to understand more about His love and salvation that leading us to separate our sins and self centered to a way that God wants.
@acaftermath 9 жыл бұрын
rest in peace
@latonng 5 жыл бұрын
@MsCalra 11 жыл бұрын
@cheunghelen4358 11 жыл бұрын
@wingksung8155 8 жыл бұрын
+Cheung Hele69,n
@leowang6767 8 жыл бұрын
rest in peace
@jasonfun2009 6 жыл бұрын
Your story inspire me may god be with you.
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