我大概從一個半月前留發現您的頻道,非常喜歡你的內容,也學了很多知識。謝謝! 每年這個時刻大家都說Happy New Year,但其實大家都知道未來一年都會有幸福跟不幸的情況發生,有時不幸的事可能更多一些。我們無法控制發生的事情,但我們可以控制怎樣面對,這對我說就是人生的修行吧。 我們成長了,父母都老了,抱歉聽到您這一年失去親人。不過我相信他們會對你感到驕傲的! 雖然2025年會有不少挑戰,但仍會向所有的人加油,Happy New Year!
打從心底佩服你,humility, & bravery all built in one brilliant and practical mind. Thank you for truly being yourself and inspiring others, deep appreciation to you!
Jojo, I used 10 years to forgot the pain and the unforgettable moment (in the mid-night around 2:00am in year 2013) that I lost Mom. I had travelled the school she taught student many years ago. I had listened the song " You are my eyes" ("你是我的眼") In addition, my doctor used color treatment to cure me (The water color painting effect is great). But, you need to trust Jesus who created everything and protect us in our way to more happiness. I hug you and time will slowly slowly heal you. Bless you!
Literally 剛從健身房回來 雖然健身房離家才三分鐘的距離 卻已經八個月沒去過了 肚子一大圈 整整肥了十公斤🫠 臥推從之前的55磅 變成30磅 手還會抖 之前的gains全化為烏有. 真的不能懈怠 是時候轉向光明 and let the shadows fall behind 為妳❤加油 也給自己加油!
@@ShieldMind518 人生的常态就是无常。很多事情不得不面对,人真的太渺小,唯一能做的就是去改变自己,努力去修炼自己。不以物喜 不以己悲。只是这条路并不是一蹴而就。 慢慢走慢慢来 永远不要失去希望。 take you time❤️ 这条路上你不是一个人!
@GamieForАй бұрын
i've also just lost my mom 2 mths ago due to lymphoma. She fought for 10 mths and eventually lost to that disease. i stayed with her until her last breath. i still need time to overcome it, it's not easy as I was her main caregiver. So now my focus is all on my Pa. i quit my dreadful job of 22 yrs this yr (29 Feb) and now I am starting something on my own so that I can build the life I want. Once it's up & running, I will be practicing my meditation. Rebirth, old age, sickness & death are suffering, break this cycle.
@GrowWithDamiАй бұрын
So sorry to hear that. I completely understand the feeling because I’ve just gone through the same. In the first few months, I lost all motivation to live. Later, I started reading many spiritual books, and I came to realize that the end of life is maybe not truly the end-there must be another world beyond what we can see. I also began practicing meditation and reading Buddhist teachings, hoping to find some answers in this lifetime. I firmly believe that our loved ones are in a place where they can still see us, watching over us. By living well, we can bring them peace and comfort. If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m always here. Let’s support each other and keep moving forward together.
@gregorykwong6018Ай бұрын
@GrowWithDamiАй бұрын
我也谢谢大家!! 一起进步!
@hukaihengAAA22 күн бұрын
@九易达29 күн бұрын
@jiangdaxia12 күн бұрын
@tzewong7255Ай бұрын
you may need sometime to grief, take care n take a break..let time take care of it and don't need to rush on anything. good luck.
谢谢大米的分享。分享一个我自己的方法,调节精神,调节情绪的,从Tony Robbins的UPW training (Unleash the Power Within)学到的,也一直在用,就是要energy,energy一旦被提升或者boosted,就会完全不一样,而motion能boost energy,也就是运动,每周有固定频率的运动(有氧+无养),试一试看,会感觉不一样。