看不到起码的对恐怖分子的谴责,和对无辜受害者丝毫的同情。恶心!They didn't show any sympathy to those innocent victims or expressed any condemnation to those animal-like terrorists. I can only see political agenda. Disgusting!
@黄浦江畔11 жыл бұрын
Although the latest incident in Kunming appeared to be a genuine case of terrorist attack, there had been many cases in China where grassroots anti-Government activities were smeared as acts of terrorism and subsequently brutally suppressed by the PRC. Additionally, I don't think it's beyond the pale for VOA to explore the underlying causes for the deep-seated ethnic resentment amongst the Uyghur population towards PRC and Han migrants who have unfortunately come to symbolize Han's encroachment and domination. As a Shanghainese, I see no contradiction in strongly empathizing with Uyghur’s right to self-determination and unequivocally condemning instances of terrorism.
@yangzhou72025 ай бұрын
@user-rb9qm5wr2l screw u. Whats the difference between this one and 911?
As the news media should be substantial justice, minority in the domestic selling now "切糕", the mainland authorities rather indulge, when there is conflict, ethnic minorities and han Chinese also favored ethnic minorities.