講得好,絕對認同,呢個金成我睇過佢好多訪問,垃圾呃飯食,簡單做個訪問,問到見到蔡生好吾耐煩,問題全部係可以係 yes or no questions? 咁 hea 都得?蔡生出名好憎人問D廢話或者已經重覆答過千次,就算一般讀者都會知佢點答既問題,你仲問多次???哈哈,蔡生無吊你真係算俾面你啦成哥,早十年我相信佢會拍枱走人...
Food taste don't belong to only one person, everyone have individual taste bud, so comment by anyone on taste and praising on food taste and flavour are farse.
呀金成哥,D 問題垃圾到一般讀者市民都知蔡生會點答或者吾想答,你仲問?你係驚佢吾記得定我地吾記得? 答過N次啦,Hea 都暈,全部 yes or no questions...蔡生無吊你真係算俾面你啦成哥,早十年我相信佢會拍枱走人...
@crackerzelda5206 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. The interviewer asked really shallow stupid questions…..we have one of great HK writer/columnist/food critic and these are the questions presented to him? What an insult.