true love 3:00 requirements 3:53 there maybe many true loves, but it's best to have only one in the same time period haha 5:10 1. do you really want to find the one? 5:45 , see too many bad examples of marriage and relationships 6:18 , I am deserved to be loved when I know God 6:38 , We love because he first loved us 2.If I meet the right person, I will be happy (like in the movie and drama) 7:47 we started to demand more and more requirements from the other half. We are getting picky (food stuck in teeth, wrong pronunciation). no one is perfect, don't use a long requirement list to judge the other half. The more we know ourselves, the more we are familiar with our limits/ weakness. I am not saying we should not list requirements, but make a reasonable list. Try to see if you also have the qualities in your requirement list for the other half. For examples, a girl want a confident guy, but actually the girl is not confident. a guy wants a girl to look beauty and know how to cook. But sometimes guys are not clean looking and don't know how to cook or clean the house are you the person that you are looking is looking for how do you know this person is the one 11:45 true love is not a person, true love is a promise it's not about what I can get from this person, is what can you give/sacrifice in this relationship a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. They live for each other instead of thinking about what I can get from each other if this person is the one, how should I treat this person