Mr Wang has very solid training and great potential as a Wu Sheng. His potential is all for everyone to see, however, it takes more artistic talent to do drama in opera then doing martial arts. He lacks a bit of understanding of a general who tragically lost almost every male family members, and he failed to project the intense emotions through his singing and body language to move the audience. I wish if there is a re-run of this production, Mr Wang would spend more time to portrait Sixth'er, his anger, helplessness, sadness, regret not able to save his father and brothers, resentment toward the emperor, there are so much in that character. It can make him famous overnight if he does it successfully.
my comments were in response to yours: Waiyee wong , too negative and unconstructive 1 hour ago 你唔好怪我地當有學過粵劇的人也知道佢既弱點應加多改善而不該重武輕唱,在總花旦當中我最睇好係康華佢比較岩做正印!只是謝佢一味靠關係! Waiyee wong 1 hour ago 我留意左謝唱到尾字唔夠氣都靠震音有點走走地
@binhon64416 жыл бұрын
@andrewtam31854 жыл бұрын
Andrew tam 1 minute ago @Waiyee wong 我也學過唱曲,正宗的傳承,但我所說的是为何要挑惕,無論什么原因誰做正印花旦,小生,只希望他們有多机会演出,進步吸收,实際自己的水準心中有數,也許会有前輩提点,這公開的負面評語,真的有教育作用吗?还是使其他看到的替某某不值? 有沒有想到傳到其他成員的耳中,使他們更添壓力,可能觉得自己也有不足,会惹起來驚恐心理,影響日後演出,這種評語也製造矛盾,不是团结,這是好事吗? 若真是行內人或支持者,我也唔該你積極去說有建設的說,你說誰假音,有些人支說國內的文武生有鄉音,有人又說謝囯璋问字取腔有懒音。。。倒頭來对香港已暮氣沉沉的粤剧介有什麼贡献呢? 是.真的学過戲的人应有的態度嗎?