Good work. Thanks for using our music... lets hope CUT CAPERS get to tour Japan when all this is over!
@nickvtguitar5464 жыл бұрын
Yaass!! 📽🎞🎬🎸🎶
@hakumaiumasugitanbo4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching my video! I love your music,”I know” and “get movin on” and “one more drink” and…they’re all the best.One day I want to go CUT CAPERS tour in JAPAN! I’ll be waiting for your visit to Japan! Hope to meet you in person😊
@しす-f1u4 жыл бұрын
まって、よくよく見たら曲の本家様じゃありませんか!素敵な曲をありがとうございます! Thank you for wonderful song!
自分用歌詞+日本語訳 ※日本語訳はシロウト作成 神作品をありがとうございます…素敵過ぎて永遠にループ… ↓ -------------------- 時間がここから変わっていくみたい 侘しい日常がプレイグラウンドに様変わりして 凄くいろんな意味で 今は自分が自分のボスだし 働く時間も自由だし、こいつらとつるんで 魂を洗う余裕が出来て、ようやく息ができるの で、僕も君も彼も彼女も知ってる ただ掌の内に落ちてくるものなんてない 欲しいものを手に入れるためには、よく見て、君のショーなんだ 逆らえ、人のマネなんてするな 分かってる、流れに逆らえ、マネなんてするな そうだよ、あの肝っ玉の据わったお子ちゃまさ、 ラップに戻った、ビッチなギャルから離れらんねー 人からは「マジ?」なんて 小せービール缶握って そう、それだよ、 ラップが怖くなっちまったラッパー、下っ腹出たハッピーな野郎 頭がガスまみれになるまでラム啜ってんの チャリンコ乗って、ファイヤーボールぶっ放して 俺は全て、お前がサイエンススクールで教わってきた全て 俺は自分の手で一から始めたんだ、俺は生きる純正アーティファクト 俺の超絶歌詞が聞ける地下のパーキングパス そんでまたディナーはツナパスタ 勝者のメンタルもった負け犬なのかも 雲の平らなとこをちょっといじるみたいに 疑心暗鬼、スペシャリスト、人に取り入って 目立とうとして、でも結局ただ突っ立ってるだけんなって、 際立って、着地なんて気にしてらんねえって この作詞作るっていうやつちょっとキツくなってきたわ でも超絶凄ェステージやってるダチとなら好きだわ 僕も君も彼も彼女も知ってる ただ掌の内に落ちてくるものなんてない 欲しいものを手に入れるためには、よく見て、君のショーなんだ 逆らえ、人のマネなんてするな 彼女も僕も君も彼も知ってる ただ掌の内に落ちてくるものなんてない 欲しいものを手に入れるためには、よく見て、君のショーなんだ 逆らえ、人のマネなんてするな ---------------- Time seems to be evolvin' here on out My dreary days have turned to playgrounds In oh so many ways Right now I get to be my own boss Work my own hours and I get to hang with this lot Plenty of space to invigorate my soul and finally breathe And I know and you know and he knows and she knows That it doesn't just fall on your plate and To get what you want, see it through it's your show Go against the grain don't emulate She knows and I know and you know and he knows That it doesn't just fall on your plate and To get what you want, see it through it's your show Go against the grain don't emulate I know, I know, I know I know, I know, I know ay I know, I know Go against the grain, don't emulate Yeah Yeah Don't Don't Yeah, it's that bald kiddy Back for a rap with a stack of hoe-giddy People like "Oh, did he?" Grippin' to a cold tinny Yeah it's that Got rappers scared of rap, belly fat Merry chap, who's sippin' on a rum until my head is gas I'm on a bicycle, spitting pure fire balls I am all, everything you're taught in your science school I start from scratch, I'm breathing pure artefacts Parking pass underground where my bars are at Yet again pasta tuna for dinner Might be a loser with mentality of a winner Fiddlin' about with a flat in the clouds Full of doubt, the specialist, charming my way out now Tryna stand out but end up as standing Outstanding, careless feelings about the landing This lyrical thing has become rather demanding But I love it with my mates on the stage spittin' gnarly And I know and you know and he knows and she knows That it doesn't just fall on your plate and To get what you want, see it through it's your show Go against the grain don't emulate She knows and I know and you know and he knows That it doesn't just fall on your plate and To get what you want, see it through it's your show Go against the grain don't emulate I know, you know, he knows, she knows That it doesn't just fall on your plate That to get what you want, it's your show Go against the grain, don't emulate I know and you know and he knows and she knows That it doesn't just fall on your plate and That to get what you want, see it through, it's your show Go against the grain, don't emulate