0:54 へい! 4:08 完璧なういママの弱点 / Perfect Ui's weakness (bad at games) 4:33 バニーマン開始 / Bunnyman begins 10:38 仲良死 / Good friends die together (11:06) 再放送 / Replay 11:36 伝説のあの場所 / Those legendary spikes 14:21 「あ~あ~あ~」 15:40 Orz 17:35 「一緒に逝こうね…」/ "Let's go together..." 18:00 食べ物デッキ / Awkward food talks 20:49 インタビュー / Interview 21:39 超・死体蹴り / Super dead bunny jump 23:18 「あっばばっば」/ " Abahbababah" 23:56 先に逝った / Went first 24:50 「赤ちゃんやん」/ "Like a baby" (Kanata said this upon hearing Ui drinks wtih a straw) 26:18 スバル / Subaru 27:31 イケメンモード / Handsome mode 28:39 陰キャかなたん / Introvert Kanatan 29:20 アイドル好きの二人 / Both likes idols 30:53 「コツ掴んだわ」/ "I'm getting the hang of this" (super body kick) 34:29 パニック / Panic (34:50) あっ / Oops 35:12 インタビュー・続 / Interview, cont. 35:42 ドルオタかなた / Idol otaku Kanata 36:41 JKになったういママ / Ui-mama became JK 37:22 JKの有限性?/ Limitations of JK? 39:01 「お先にどぞ」 / "After you" 39:27 年齢マウント / Age flex fail 40:26 慈悲深さ?/ Mercy? 42:23 褒め言葉慣れてないういママ / Ui-mama is not used to compliments 42:56 蹴り落とし / Kick fiinisher 43:49 ういのオタク? / Ui's Otakus? 44:29 同調圧力 / Peer pressure 47:12 パワープレー / Power play 51:45 煽り / Taunting 52:27 ういの歌 / Ui's singing 53:00 ゲーム下手同士 / Team "bad at games" (54:25) のりお…/ Norioo... 56:35 「全ての女を愛してる」/ "I love all the girls" (57:03) 説明 / Elaboration 58:22 神回避 / Good dodge 59:53 ういの得意料理? / Ui's best dish? 1:00:55 ぺこらが人参飽きた!?/ Pekora got tired of carrots!? 1:01:29 無様な死に方 / What a way to die 1:02:26 ういのASMR?/ Ui's ASMR? (1:02:54) コラボ?/ Collab? 1:04:13 エンディング / Ending Footnotes (in case you genuinely didn't know): Today's collab is with Shigure Ui, the illustrator of Subaru, her voice is kinda similar to Watame, and a meme was created. "Orz" is a text emote ... just google what it means
It's the other way around though, Uimama's Watame voice can sound a bit off, but Watame's Ui voice is perfectly like the original. EDIT footnote: but who am I kidding, they might be the same person all along.
@SeanKingstone98WEAK4 жыл бұрын
Ironic how Ui mama dislikes lolicons when Watame is a lolicon herself. Watame is the evil twin
That level of Super Bunny Man is unbeatable lmao, I don't think I've seen any Hololive collabs pass it yet. Also, some of you English viewers need to chill on the Ui-mama/Watame joke when talking to newcomers who don't really know them, they legitimately get confused and sarcasm doesn't carry over the internet.