我覺得rock gor 而家個channel 似係用輕鬆既手法向一班年青既男仔 around 中學至大專生個d年齡層灌輸梗點樣做一個男人 (grown up) in terms of physically and mentally,最後internalize 做一個好男人/ 紳士 (manner maketh man),當然有時會拍下d 搞笑99地既野,但我覺得rock gor 既出發點你好既~ 畢竟,而家好似無咩media targeting 呢班人,以前女仔都叫有 cosmo girl/ yes, 男仔真係少呢方面既media.
Wow...you got big balls to do this pick-up game in HK, although it's a bit cringy, it's absolutely fun to watch, way to go Rock Gor!
@kwyuenantony2 жыл бұрын
不過ig可以隨時block你。但係我覺得起碼攞到係比攞唔到有一定分別既, 攞到起碼講緊果刻個女仔無因為你既唐突而piss off, 所以連ig都唔俾,睇係有一定取悅既成分既先令到佢有一定既開心, 放低左戒心。我覺得喺香港街頭Pickup, 不如話係Make a friend, 等於以前小學做過用英文問啲外國人問卷, 聽者其實都feel到可能你都係玩野(true or dare), 或者係練緊膽, 如果有時間既話都會同你講兩句。我覺得有時與其話你學到點Pickup, 逆向思想係你Pickup果個人係咪真係同你啱嘴形, he or she can make a friend with you, 因為唔係你同佢要維持關係你都係辛苦既。所以我覺得應用喺可能做社工、參加啲party識新朋友, 其實係同一個道理。 同埋真心好多時如果係為左發展關係而搭訕, 其實真係要令女仔覺得你唔係以做女朋友為前提去交友, 始終男女關係都係要令人覺得你係坦誠相對, 否則饑不擇食咁其實人地都覺得你其實同佢傾計都係假既, 就唔會有動力浪費時間傾計。所以其實pickup之餘更重要係點維繫關係, 否則就淨係pickup只係為左"好似得到異性認同"既一時快感, 其實耐左連自己都會失去動力去識人。
I accidentally came across this video. To the people who currently live in HK, would you agree that people are generally more openminded when it comes to meeting people or dating or more conservative? It seems like HK has both western and eastern influences but based on my travel experiences it seems girls and guys are generally a lot more conservative when meeting new people. At least in Australia, where I’m from, people don’t find it weird. Its just one of the ways to meet new people. PUA or talking to strangers in public actually increases your social awareness, confidence and calibration. It helps your assertiveness and confidence as a man because you’re willing to take risks.
@HelenaWWS2 жыл бұрын
It's actually like the girl in Muji said. It depends on where they are. If they are in Muji or in a shopping centre, generally people would feel like their space is being invaded and they would feel on guard if someone approaches them. That being said, asking strangers for their number or instagram is not that uncommon in Hong Kong. The success rate is probably low though 😅
@dnmgch Жыл бұрын
So as you seen. Rock Gor's so called PUA Criticism series are full of bias and shallow commentators, even China and Taiwan are popularising the manosphere/self-help/seduction culture. But as HK people, is fxxking up for evaluate what they lack of.