Didnt even sweat, not even once :eyes: -- Watch live at / boboontv
Пікірлер: 4
@Itzagr09 ай бұрын
Love your Ui man, alot to look at though would have the main bars a bit smaller. Is this just a combination of the Edit mode WA and Omni CD with alot of fine tuning ?
@BoboonTV9 ай бұрын
Thank you! and yea absolutely I need to refine some things can be a bit messy at times. It's actually Shadowed Unit Frames with Omnicd, the actions bars are base edit mode though :)
@Chrisbo909 ай бұрын
Hey you dont play balance druid this season ? 😊
@BoboonTV9 ай бұрын
I got bored of balance quite early on last season, which is why the uploads were kinda non-existent :S. I'm having a blast on shadow priest again though, definitely worth picking it up if you're unsure of what to play