Thanks for another vid. I’m not sure the next one will be as interesting since it will be in DP and players will have decided to stop pushing at different points. It will be more meaningful out of DP, but ofc that will be a long time away. However an analysis coming out of DP will be major, as players settle to their decisions and long term trends.
@xBlackGreyGreen28 күн бұрын
Good point, I'll have to think about how to approach the DP. I'm afraid it's going to be hard to capture and reliable results will only be obtained after all the top players have completed the DP.
@chent196228 күн бұрын
@@xBlackGreyGreenyou wouldn’t need to capture it from when all players leave DP. It actually makes it interesting as new players enter the mix as they come out of it. Maybe a good starting point is when 50-70% of the players are out. You will know since they will be 500+. Then the focus is on who can get the most stat gain, and any small level advantage from the early pushing will translate to a very long term stat gain advantage.