@@RaymondTHYoung Some of the Vietnamese refugees immigrated to French as I knew. I was there and helped them as a member of the special force at that time. 據我所知,一些越南難民移民到了法國。 當時我在那裡,作為特種部隊的一員幫助了他們。
@chasehsieh9004 Жыл бұрын
I served as a member of the special force at that time. The Vietnamese refugees were residents at our base for a few months. We heard some terrible true stories that happened to them. It was unbelievably horrifying in my memory. 我當時是特種部隊的一員。 越南難民在我們的基地住了幾個月。 我們聽到了一些發生在他們身上的可怕的真實故事。 這在我的記憶中是難以置信的恐怖。
1954年的中美共同防禦條約( Mutual Defense between the United States of America and the Republic of China) 及1979年的台灣關係法( Taiwan Relation Act), 其內容都只包含, 台灣及澎湖諸島。 卻, 不含金門與馬祖。 😂🤣😅 金門馬祖離恰那太近,很難管控馳援,徒增困擾,乾脆送還給恰那算了 。 再說, 金門馬祖人可能也想回歸他們的祖國吧! 😅🤣😂 中華民國在金馬。 建議國民黨滾到金門馬祖, 重舉反共之大纛, 再吹反攻之號角。 即使最終灰飛煙滅,也留下好名聲。 別死賴在台灣下四下賤了。 難看嘛!