Uff- oh. Don't be close-minded, catatonic, insular, a crackpot, rein wearing blinkers or blinders or goin' astray, be receptive, have a good head on your shoulder and don't go off the rails, run amok or lose your marbles, keep a level head, amass forbearance, and be level-headed, equable, sanguine, poised, buoyant, collected, upbeat, get your hope up, conjecture or second-guess positive things, quell Monday blues and don't let it cause a stir, embroil composure and don't be unhinged, don't go bonkers, go overboard, act demented, deranged, off the rocket, touched in the head or as a moron, daft or pea-brain, grow into your own and put a leash on livin' in an ivory tower or having your head in the clouds, shun being unpragmatic and resting on inexpedient, immaterial, inconsequential, unavailing, lacklustre, vapid, mundane, indifferent, banal, broad-brush, absurd, preposterous segments or the ones that won't pay dividends or bear fruit down the pike, that's not in the offing in kind the way you yearn for or hanker after. As long as Rajeev did cast you adrift, you don't get bogged down or spin your wheels, don't fritter your time away or faff abt as a goofball, bounce back, gain momentum and all this looks plausible whether you turn out having a stout heart, dauntless, intrepid, plucky, valorous, gritty, defiant, spunky and unleash chutzpah, gumption, grit, audacity, mettle, Moxie, knack and aplomb and don't get under the sway of inadequacy and let the situation clip your wings, take the wind out of your sails, give you heebie-jeebie, drag you down or dampen your spirits, amidst life, not all donuts've a hole yet it doesn't primarily signify that we should kick the can down the road, break free from excruciating, hideous, gut-wrenching, hairy situations and go on our beam ends, on a hiding to nothing, down the tubes, it's beyond our reach to transmute what's destined to transpire, and it eminently plays out that it becomes stiff, arduous, torrid to straddle the fence, on most occasions, we hunger after bliss, glee, euphoria yet as dismay makes way, we lose the plot and go in limbo, in the middle of the fence, addled, at sixes and sevens, flummoxed, flustered, non-plussed, bemused, confounded, befuddled, overwrought, disconcerted, crestfallen, downcast, despondent, apathetic, half-hearted, dispirited, listless, enervated, dejected, invariably, gutted and squander our perseverance and go on the fence, tho, we should break the glass ceiling, and lick our wounds and get back on our feet, we should learn to whistle in the dark, then solely, we can turn a milestone around our neck into the best of both worlds. We should fathom that we're on the driver's seat, we get subdued by fate and amidst this amalgam of agonizing, underwhelming or blithesome, rambunctious momentous, we find our place in the sun, relish life, rejoice or buck up or ever and anon, we go in a blue fonk, we're at the end of our tether, whilst teetering om the brink of a disdainful and nerve-wracking situation, nonetheless, we shouldn't limit ourselves in our frame of mind and get our life conditioned unto a solitary alternative, provided comin' to the fore, letting gambit go off and running, get off the ground, step up the pace, being in the wings can make you recoup every nook and cranny you longed for and disrupt you to be out of the reckoning, thereafter, we should catch a break and let our life go on a roll and let ourselves head under its wings, we shouldn't rob ourselves of the salubrious chance, it may take place that things can cease taking a dark turn furthermore. Pondering positive things makes you act positive, look in all your glory and rack up or ensorcell rhapsodic vibes and transcend serene joy, thus, kick off hitting the nail on the head, without a cease. Deter livin' under a rock, Alka, keep your eye on the ball, bid adieu to Rajeev, unfold a fresh chapter in your life, break fresh ground, don't wish your life away, keep your eyes peeled and keep a tab on present and keep your eye on the ball and do away with or eschew your stark past and make a move towards present and embrace whatevs comes your way gaily, off the reel,roll out the red carpet and hang on to your hat for whatever on the cards. Look out! Don't take the edge off your self-confidence and come to terms with the verity verily, in no time. Learn to take it in your stride, suck it up and paddle in your canoe! In life some days honey, some days onions yet don't turn a blind eye to those that you're in line to bring off, indefinitely else you'll get penitent, unravel beef, contrition or rue the day, moving on will-o'-the-wisp, it's not a low hanging fruit, it's off-limits, like chasing shadows or trying to square the circle, still, you give it a go, give it a fling and spread your wings and soar above stars and contemplate what comes up in the imminent time, whether a ray of sunshine, a glitter of hope, hues of happiness or a pang of remorse but by dint of turning out a fiasco or a dud in a situation, don't hang your hat on illusion or misperception and don't have tunnel vision, there's umpteen meats and potatoes, strive to catch sight of the big picture, thereafter, life'll indubitably go on a full boil. Thus, don't reluctantly or grudgingly give a nod to leading a conjugal life with Rohan and leave behind Anu-Rajeev's love saga, don't let it be a blast from the past, an encumbrance, impediment or stumbling block of late, have a bee in your bonnet, be abreast of the times, plugged-in, in the loop, up to speed, get the memo and don't get gray hair from or get the bent out of shape over bond with Rajeev, cast it aside, get your mind off it, frightfully and leave it without a backward glance and step ahead, hail the impending opportunity that's awaiting your big yess. Get your wiggle on else you can miss the boat. Don't take a back seat in life, go through the mill, feel the pinch, rise to the occasion, rise above all odds, come onto your own, be at a crossroad, twist in the wind, strike an apt balance and by your own bootstraps, get life dazzling and replete with unswerving, majestic glory and have the time of your life, knock yourself out, hug gutso and merriment, be a gung-ho. Shift your ground, change your stripes, wrap your mind around grievous facets, let them ring a bell, have eyes in the back of your mind. Don't put a damper on your life by taking erroneous calls. Think long and hard.