The Shibes are as happy to see a returning family member as we humans are when we greet returning family at the airport. I immediately embrace my family, exactly as the Shibes did. When I'm the one returning, I scan left and right to see where my family is, then do a beeline straight towards them, dropping my carry-on when I arrive and embracing in a HUGE hug. A MOST HAPPY MOMENT!
And oh yeah, I"m sure Mom brought back (customs withstanding) whatever treatos she could bring back for the Shibes - chew toys, snacks - whatever can be legally imported into Canada from Japan. Most HAPPY times!
Do you give em a snack called Greenies? They help with doggie breath, and dogs love em too. Our dog has figured out the name of the treat so now we have to say "Has Baloo had a g today" He's starting to catch on to that, so soon we won't be able to say a letter of the alphabet around the house.