Shiv Tandav Stotram | Sooryagayathri | रावण रचित शिव तांडव स्तोत्रम् |Sawan Special Shiv Bhajan 2024

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Times Music Spiritual

Times Music Spiritual

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Watch official video of Shiv Tandav Stotram sung by Sooryagayathri, Sawan Special Shiv Bhajan 2024.
Track - Shiv Tandav Stotram
Singer - Sooryagayathri
Language - Sanskrit
Lyricist - Traditional
Composer - Uma Mohan. Shailesh Dani
Mixing and Mastering - Saji R Nair
Video Direction - Sajith Vista
Camera - Sajith Vista & Laneesh Edacheri
Editing - Laneesh Edacheri
Art Direction - Suresh Babu Nandana
Label - Times Music Spiritual
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@sibaprasadbehera9135 2 жыл бұрын
जटाटवीगलज्जल प्रवाहपावितस्थले गलेऽवलम्ब्य लम्बितां भुजंगतुंगमालिकाम्‌। डमड्डमड्डमड्डमनिनादवड्डमर्वयं चकार चंडतांडवं तनोतु नः शिवः शिवम ॥1॥ जटा कटा हसंभ्रम भ्रमन्निलिंपनिर्झरी । विलोलवी चिवल्लरी विराजमानमूर्धनि । धगद्धगद्ध गज्ज्वलल्ललाट पट्टपावके किशोरचंद्रशेखरे रतिः प्रतिक्षणं ममं ॥2॥ धरा धरेंद्र नंदिनी विलास बंधुवंधुर- स्फुरदृगंत संतति प्रमोद मानमानसे । कृपाकटा क्षधारणी निरुद्धदुर्धरापदि कवचिद्विगम्बरे मनो विनोदमेतु वस्तुनि ॥3॥ जटा भुजं गपिंगल स्फुरत्फणामणिप्रभा- कदंबकुंकुम द्रवप्रलिप्त दिग्वधूमुखे । मदांध सिंधु रस्फुरत्वगुत्तरीयमेदुरे मनो विनोदद्भुतं बिंभर्तु भूतभर्तरि ॥4॥ सहस्र लोचन प्रभृत्य शेषलेखशेखर- प्रसून धूलिधोरणी विधूसरांघ्रिपीठभूः । भुजंगराज मालया निबद्धजाटजूटकः श्रिये चिराय जायतां चकोर बंधुशेखरः ॥5॥ ललाट चत्वरज्वलद्धनंजयस्फुरिगभा- निपीतपंचसायकं निमन्निलिंपनायम्‌ । सुधा मयुख लेखया विराजमानशेखरं महा कपालि संपदे शिरोजयालमस्तू नः ॥6॥ कराल भाल पट्टिकाधगद्धगद्धगज्ज्वल- द्धनंजया धरीकृतप्रचंडपंचसायके । धराधरेंद्र नंदिनी कुचाग्रचित्रपत्रक- प्रकल्पनैकशिल्पिनि त्रिलोचने मतिर्मम ॥7॥ नवीन मेघ मंडली निरुद्धदुर्धरस्फुर- त्कुहु निशीथिनीतमः प्रबंधबंधुकंधरः । निलिम्पनिर्झरि धरस्तनोतु कृत्ति सिंधुरः कलानिधानबंधुरः श्रियं जगंद्धुरंधरः ॥8॥ प्रफुल्ल नील पंकज प्रपंचकालिमच्छटा- विडंबि कंठकंध रारुचि प्रबंधकंधरम्‌ स्मरच्छिदं पुरच्छिंद भवच्छिदं मखच्छिदं गजच्छिदांधकच्छिदं तमंतकच्छिदं भजे ॥9॥ अगर्वसर्वमंगला कलाकदम्बमंजरी- रसप्रवाह माधुरी विजृंभणा मधुव्रतम्‌ । स्मरांतकं पुरातकं भावंतकं मखांतकं गजांतकांधकांतकं तमंतकांतकं भजे ॥10॥ जयत्वदभ्रविभ्रम भ्रमद्भुजंगमस्फुर- द्धगद्धगद्वि निर्गमत्कराल भाल हव्यवाट्- धिमिद्धिमिद्धिमि नन्मृदंगतुंगमंगल- ध्वनिक्रमप्रवर्तित प्रचण्ड ताण्डवः शिवः ॥11॥ दृषद्विचित्रतल्पयोर्भुजंग मौक्तिकमस्रजो- र्गरिष्ठरत्नलोष्टयोः सुहृद्विपक्षपक्षयोः । तृणारविंदचक्षुषोः प्रजामहीमहेन्द्रयोः समं प्रवर्तयन्मनः कदा सदाशिवं भजे ॥12॥ कदा निलिंपनिर्झरी निकुजकोटरे वसन्‌ विमुक्तदुर्मतिः सदा शिरःस्थमंजलिं वहन्‌। विमुक्तलोललोचनो ललामभाललग्नकः शिवेति मंत्रमुच्चरन्‌कदा सुखी भवाम्यहम्‌॥13॥ निलिम्प नाथनागरी कदम्ब मौलमल्लिका- निगुम्फनिर्भक्षरन्म धूष्णिकामनोहरः । तनोतु नो मनोमुदं विनोदिनींमहनिशं परिश्रय परं पदं तदंगजत्विषां चयः ॥14॥ प्रचण्ड वाडवानल प्रभाशुभप्रचारणी महाष्टसिद्धिकामिनी जनावहूत जल्पना । विमुक्त वाम लोचनो विवाहकालिकध्वनिः शिवेति मन्त्रभूषगो जगज्जयाय जायताम्‌ ॥15॥ इमं हि नित्यमेव मुक्तमुक्तमोत्तम स्तवं पठन्स्मरन्‌ ब्रुवन्नरो विशुद्धमेति संततम्‌। हरे गुरौ सुभक्तिमाशु याति नांयथा गतिं विमोहनं हि देहना तु शंकरस्य चिंतनम ॥16॥ पूजाऽवसानसमये दशवक्रत्रगीतं यः शम्भूपूजनमिदं पठति प्रदोषे । तस्य स्थिरां रथगजेंद्रतुरंगयुक्तां लक्ष्मी सदैव सुमुखीं प्रददाति शम्भुः ॥17॥ ॥ इति शिव तांडव स्तोत्रं संपूर्णम्‌॥
@shankeypal3687 2 жыл бұрын
मुझे शिव से नहीं, शिव मे मिलना है ॐ नमः शिवाय!............................. 🚩🚩🙏🕉️🕉️❤️🕉️🕉️🙏🚩🚩
@rudravtarmahadevji6187 Жыл бұрын
ॐ नमः शिवाय ॐ नमः शिवाय ॐ नमः शिवाय ॐ नमः शिवाय ॐ नमः शिवाय ॐ नमः शिवाय ॐ नमः शिवाय
@Nihar002 Жыл бұрын
Jatatavigalajjala pravahapavitasthale Galeavalambya lambitam bhujangatungamalikam Damad damad damaddama ninadavadamarvayam Chakara chandtandavam tanotu nah shivah shivam With his neck consecrated by the flow of water that flows from his hair, And on his neck a snake, which is hung like a garland, And the Damaru drum that emits the sound "Damat Damat Damat Damat", Lord Shiva did the auspicious dance of Tandava. May he give prosperity to all of us. Jata kata hasambhrama bhramanilimpanirjhari Vilolavichivalarai virajamanamurdhani Dhagadhagadhagajjva lalalata pattapavake Kishora chandrashekhare ratih pratikshanam mama I have a deep interest in Shiva Whose head is glorified by the rows of moving waves of the celestial Ganga river, Which stir in the deep well of his hair in tangled locks. Who has the brilliant fire burning on the surface of his forehead, And who has the crescent moon as a jewel on his head. Dharadharendrana ndinivilasabandhubandhura Sphuradigantasantati pramodamanamanase Krupakatakshadhorani nirudhadurdharapadi Kvachidigambare manovinodametuvastuni May my mind seek happiness in Lord Shiva, In whose mind all the living beings of the glorious universe exist, Who is the companion of Parvati (daughter of the mountain king), Who controls unsurpassed adversity with his compassionate gaze, Which is all-pervading And who wears the Heavens as his raiment. Jata bhujan gapingala sphuratphanamaniprabha Kadambakunkuma dravapralipta digvadhumukhe Madandha sindhu rasphuratvagutariyamedure Mano vinodamadbhutam bibhartu bhutabhartari May I find wonderful pleasure in Lord Shiva, who is the advocate of all life, With his creeping snake with its reddish brown hood and the shine of its gem on it Spreading variegated colors on the beautiful faces of the Goddesses of the Directions, Which is covered by a shimmering shawl made from the skin of a huge, inebriated elephant. Sahasra lochana prabhritya sheshalekhashekhara Prasuna dhulidhorani vidhusaranghripithabhuh Bhujangaraja malaya nibaddhajatajutaka Shriyai chiraya jayatam chakora bandhushekharah May Lord Shiva give us prosperity, Who has the Moon as a crown, Whose hair is bound by the red snake-garland, Whose footrest is darkened by the flow of dust from flowers Which fall from the heads of all the gods - Indra, Vishnu and others. Lalata chatvarajvaladhanajnjayasphulingabha nipitapajnchasayakam namannilimpanayakam Sudha mayukha lekhaya virajamanashekharam Maha kapali sampade shirojatalamastunah May we obtain the riches of the Siddhis from the tangled strands Shiva’s hair, Who devoured the God of Love with the sparks of the fire that burns on his forehead, Which is revered by all the heavenly leaders, Which is beautiful with a crescent moon. Karala bhala pattikadhagaddhagaddhagajjvala Ddhanajnjaya hutikruta prachandapajnchasayake Dharadharendra nandini kuchagrachitrapatraka Prakalpanaikashilpini trilochane ratirmama My interest is in Lord Shiva, who has three eyes, Who offered the powerful God of Love to fire. The terrible surface of his forehead burns with the sound "Dhagad, Dhagad ..." He is the only artist expert in tracing decorative lines on the tips of the breasts of Parvati, the daughter of the mountain king. navina megha mandali niruddhadurdharasphurat Kuhu nishithinitamah prabandhabaddhakandharah nilimpanirjhari dharastanotu krutti sindhurah Kalanidhanabandhurah shriyam jagaddhurandharah May Lord Shiva give us prosperity, The one who bears the weight of this universe, Who is enchanting with the moon, Who has the celestial river Ganga Whose neck is dark as midnight on a new moon night, covered in layers of clouds. Praphulla nila pankaja prapajnchakalimchatha Vdambi kanthakandali raruchi prabaddhakandharam Smarachchidam purachchhidam bhavachchidam makhachchidam Gajachchidandhakachidam tamamtakachchidam bhaje I pray to Lord Shiva, whose neck is bound with the brightness of the temples hanging with the glory of fully bloomed blue lotus flowers, Which look like the blackness of the universe. Who is the slayer of Manmatha, who destroyed the Tripura, Who destroyed the bonds of worldly life, who destroyed the sacrifice, Who destroyed the demon Andhaka, who is the destroyer of the elephants, And who has overwhelmed the God of death, Yama. Akharvagarvasarvamangala kalakadambamajnjari Rasapravaha madhuri vijrumbhana madhuvratam Smarantakam purantakam bhavantakam makhantakam Gajantakandhakantakam tamantakantakam bhaje I pray to Lord Siva, who has bees flying all around because of the sweet Scent of honey coming from the beautiful bouquet of auspicious Kadamba flowers, Who is the slayer of Manmatha, who destroyed the Tripura, Who destroyed the bonds of worldly life, who destroyed the sacrifice, Who destroyed the demon Andhaka, who is the destroyer of the elephants, And who has overwhelmed the God of death, Yama. Jayatvadabhravibhrama bhramadbhujangamasafur Dhigdhigdhi nirgamatkarala bhaal havyavat Dhimiddhimiddhimidhva nanmrudangatungamangala Dhvanikramapravartita prachanda tandavah shivah Shiva, whose dance of Tandava is in tune with the series of loud sounds of drum making the sound “Dhimid Dhimid”, Who has fire on his great forehead, the fire that is spreading out because of the breath of the snake, wandering in whirling motions in the glorious sky. Drushadvichitratalpayor bhujanga mauktikasrajor Garishtharatnaloshthayoh suhrudvipakshapakshayoh Trushnaravindachakshushoh prajamahimahendrayoh Sama pravartayanmanah kada sadashivam bhaje When will I be able to worship Lord Sadashiva, the eternally auspicious God, With equanimous vision towards people or emperors, Towards a blade of grass and a lotus, towards friends and enemies, Towards the most precious gem and a lump of dirt, Toward a snake or a garland and towards the varied forms of the world? Kada nilimpanirjhari nikujnjakotare vasanh Vimuktadurmatih sada shirah sthamajnjalim vahanh Vimuktalolalochano lalamabhalalagnakah Shiveti mantramuchcharan sada sukhi bhavamyaham When I can be happy, living in a cave near the celestial river Ganga, Bringing my hands clasped on my head all the time, With my impure thoughts washed away, uttering the mantra of Shiva, Devoted to the God with a glorious forehead and with vibrant eyes? Imam hi nityameva muktamuttamottamam stavam Pathansmaran bruvannaro vishuddhimeti santatam Hare gurau subhaktimashu yati nanyatha gatim Vimohanam hi dehinam sushankarasya chintanam Anyone who reads, remembers and recites this stotra as stated here Is purified forever and obtains devotion in the great Guru Shiva. For this devotion, there is no other way or refuge. Just the mere thought of Shiva removes the delusion.
@risenow4769 11 ай бұрын
@btsarmyforever3816 2 жыл бұрын
She is blessed by Lord Shiva himself. It takes great blessings to sing our Hindu Gods songs like this.
@Vikramnvasishita Жыл бұрын
@bhogilalgorhiralalgor3914 Жыл бұрын
आज का दिन सूर्या गायत्री के नाम बहुत ही सुन्दर आवाज मंत्र मुग्ध कर देने वाली। आज सूर्या गायत्री के 20 वीडियो सुना। खुब खूब अभिनंदन
@sujitbarua9066 Жыл бұрын
Just speechless! I'm not Hindism,but Love the Music of Shiva Tandava Stotram.🇧🇩🇧🇩
@RamuRamu-cl3jl 2 жыл бұрын
Kumari Soorya Gayathri is very talented singer.She sang this Shiva Tandav stotram with her brilliant mesmerizing voice.Ambience is very good nicely decorated with lamps. Lord Shiva is beautifully shown on graphics .Your face expression and hand gestures are perfectly matched with lyrics and music . Excellent.
@dixittaroraa209 2 жыл бұрын
Vtvvvvvvv be t CNN hh
@dixittaroraa209 2 жыл бұрын
The too gg guy to ft gff ft ft ttttttyt5
@dixittaroraa209 2 жыл бұрын
@ChallagullaBalakrishna 2 жыл бұрын
yes sir
@Vasuvasu-jb1sd 2 жыл бұрын
@rameshpalla1574 Ай бұрын
Good recital by Chi.Surya Gayatri. God bless you
@krishnalamichhane6024 Жыл бұрын
ॐ नम: शिवाय 🙏🙏❣️🙏 ❤❤❤
@anilanil-fl5gc 2 жыл бұрын
कर्णप्रिय नाद के साथ अतिसुन्दर गायन! सूर्यागायत्री गायन के सभी गुणों से परिपूर्ण है। उज्ज्वल भविष्य के लिए शुभकामनाएँ।
@muthuvel2062 Жыл бұрын
@TheDivineEra108 2 жыл бұрын
Har har Mahadev 🙏🚩🔱
@jotheeviapuri9626 2 жыл бұрын
@syamb4852 2 жыл бұрын
No words are enough to praise Sooryagayathri talent. This is very very special song. Taken us to different world
@RajuRaj-hr1pi 11 ай бұрын
❤❤❤❤ చాలా మంచిగా పాడింది ఇలా పాటలు పాడవ అంటే నాకు చాలా బాగుంది
@ankitasingha9191 2 жыл бұрын
सुन्दरं सुन्दरं सुन्दरं अस्ति
@venkataramansubramanian9288 Жыл бұрын
Fast and flawless Sooryagayathri, touch the entire hearts globally. Wherever she goes and render her glorious songs, the land start propagate and prosper.
@rabipanda9569 16 күн бұрын
❤❤Jay sri mahakali mahakal mprp ❤❤
@rabipanda9569 10 күн бұрын
Thanks moggggmmmmoramprp. Ashribad Prabhu
@M.R.P26 2 жыл бұрын
ॐ नमः शिवाय 😞😞😞
@milindchauhan3006 Жыл бұрын
जय जय शिव शंभू 🙏 जय जय शिव शंकर 🙏 हर हर महादेव 🙏 हर हर महादेव 🙏 हर हर महादेव 🙏
@ashajoshi8200 11 ай бұрын
Om Namah Shivaya 🕉️🕉️🕉️💐💐💐🙏🙏🙏 Om triyambkam yaha Mahe sugandhim पुष्टि vardhnam urvaruk miv bandhanan mrityomokshi amamratam 🕉️🕉️🕉️💐💐💐🙏🙏🙏
@LunaSelenaTarot 3 ай бұрын
Очаровательная певица, талант, поцелованная Богом ❤
@NaveenKumar-d5n2m Жыл бұрын
God bless you beta har har mahadev 🕉
@ShushantKumarSrivastava 5 ай бұрын
🙏🙏🌺🌺❄️❄️ ॐ नमः शिवाय ❄️❄️❄️🌺🌺🌺🙏🙏🙏🫠
@vinodmahajan564 7 ай бұрын
ओम नमः शिवाय
@keshavsharmanepal6021 Ай бұрын
Bishnu lives in water. Shiva lives in earth. BRAHMA lives in sky.
@11ThGEAR 10 ай бұрын
All the best my child❤❤❤
@ramachakraborty219 Жыл бұрын
ওঁম নমঃ শিবায় ওঁম নমঃ শিবায় ওঁম নমঃ শিবায় 🌹🌹❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️🌹🌹
@E.C.RagupathiRagupathi-d7r Ай бұрын
Sooryagayathri😮😮😮 Voice super beautiful singer 😮😮😮 Thanks 😮😮😮❤❤❤
@aisrajan Жыл бұрын
Sooryagayathri is a blessed angel in earth. Feels like satchat Devi singing
@thaiyalnayakiselvam8320 Жыл бұрын
She is born to sing with the blessing of her ancestors!!😍🎶🎶🎶🎶👌🏻😊🙏🙏🙏
@suwaneeeangchuan1862 Жыл бұрын
@Wavenoam Жыл бұрын
ॐ नमः शिवाय 🙏
@amreshkumarjha9550 Жыл бұрын
Heart touching keep it up all the best Jay ho jite raho
@ilakkiyathiyagarajan41 Жыл бұрын
அருமையான பாடல் இனிமையான குரல் குழந்தை சூரிய காயத்ரி வாழ்க வளமுடன் நலமுடன்
@swathisri7658 2 жыл бұрын
Speechless 🥺really got a Goosebumps while singing om nama shivaya ❤️🪄
@tusharghodajkar4256 2 жыл бұрын
Watching Her From Her Shri Ram Stuti To This Shiv Tandav Stotram ❤️🔥🙏🏻 God Bless You Sooryagayathri 🙌🏻❤️👏🏻
@padmachandru4865 10 ай бұрын
nice akka
@renu16 Жыл бұрын
A saumya(gentle) version of Shiva Tandava Stotram.❤
@gitagond4928 3 ай бұрын
om Namah Shivay om Namah Shivay om Namah Shivay om Namah Shivay om Namah Shivay om Namah
@p.srawat5404 2 жыл бұрын
🕉️ Har Har Har Mahadev🔱 🕉️Har Har Har Mahadev🔱 🕉️ Har Har Har Mahadev🔱 🕉️ Har Har Har Mahadev🔱 🕉️Har Har Har Mahadev🔱 🕉️ Har Har Har Mahadev🔱 🕉️ Har Har Har Mahadev🔱 🕉️Har Har Har Mahadev🔱 🕉️ Har Har Har Mahadev🔱 🕉️ Har Har Har Mahadev🔱 🕉️Har Har Har Mahadev🔱 🕉️ Har Har Har Mahadev🔱
@sivakumars7899 2 ай бұрын
ஓம் நமச்சிவாயா ஓம் நமச்சிவாயா
@Rudransh-n3j 2 жыл бұрын
🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 lovely voice 💞💞 om namah shivaya 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👌👌👌
@imbbasp4047 2 жыл бұрын
She is so amazing that she doesn't need approval/awards of Bollywood stars, singers, personnels.
@raveenaramesh3379 2 жыл бұрын
One of the best devotional heart melted song , sooryagayathri voice amazing🎹🎻 om namah shivaya
@prajyotagarwal1642 10 ай бұрын
हर हर महादेव
@snehakatke2765 Жыл бұрын
You have such a divine, soulful voice ! So clear and crisp pronunciations. I really cherish listening your songs again & again. May you reach highest pinnacle in Indian music.
@gaytriebangoer8020 Жыл бұрын
WOW that's awesome 🙏
@dhananjayghumare3643 Ай бұрын
God bless you
@sagarranmale8975 2 жыл бұрын
Hara ..... Hara...... Mahadev.....🎶
@kinjaks3082 28 күн бұрын
Hey sambsadashiv 🙏🥰
@sukanyakumbhar2259 2 жыл бұрын
मस्त soory Gayathri खूप छान गातेय तुला माता सरस्वती नी फार मोठी देणगी दिली आहे. 👌👌👌🙏🙏🙏
@punitsinghrajput2023 2 жыл бұрын
You sang this Shiva tandav stotram with your brilliant mesmerizing voice 🙏
@stylexmensouptik Жыл бұрын
I don’t know why but Baar Baar Sun Raha Hoon Kal Se Inke Saab Gaaye Hue Gaane… 😌❤
@sujitkumarsinha2351 Жыл бұрын
ॐ नमः शिवाय ॐ
@AJAYSINGH-ns1vv 2 жыл бұрын
ॐ नमःशिवाय॥
@adhikarijukta 7 ай бұрын
@srividyaananth7644 Жыл бұрын
शम्भो महादेव। 🙏🙏 திருச்சிற்றம்பலம்
@Murugess Жыл бұрын
பிரபஞ்சம் எனக்கும் என்னை சுற்றி உள்ள அனைவருக்கும் தேவையான சக்தியையும், செல்வதையும், மகிழ்ச்சியையும், ஆரோக்கியத்தையும் தந்து கொண்டு இருக்கிறது, நன்றி.❤
@JamsCademy 3 ай бұрын
बहुत सुन्दर❤
@RAHULKASHYAP-vn6nf 7 ай бұрын
🚩जय हो भोलेनाथ हर हर महादेव 🚩
@ramnov70 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing Stotram and the kid sang so well 😢 My tears rolls down listening, blessed we are to listen to this divine kid 👧 and Shivji and Mother Bless 🙏🙏🙏
@vivekgoswami3072 Жыл бұрын
@mohanjoshi349 Жыл бұрын
बहु सुंदरम् 👏
@nayanmandol2769 2 жыл бұрын
हर हर शम्भु शम्भु शिव महादेवा
@RonnieGideonn Жыл бұрын
@dulalsoren2788 3 ай бұрын
@VilasSamrat Жыл бұрын
Bahut bahut Sundar bhajan dhanyvad 👌🕉️🌈🦚🚩👍🙏❤️🕉️🚩
@galukumaryadav-mq2ot 2 ай бұрын
Har har Mahadev 🙏🙏
@deepikadongare8366 Жыл бұрын
I am fan of her since last 8 year... Love u dear 😍😍..
@RajeshAchari-pp5tv 7 ай бұрын
Siva tandav stotram very powerful and surya priya your voice is very most and troww powerful keep it up
@BhgwanDass-x4u Ай бұрын
Om namah shivaya har har mahadev ji
@kavitajadhav9638 2 ай бұрын
Plz don't put ads in between the songs. Before and after is understandable. It just breaks the flow of such beautiful songs.
@DhanaSekaran-nz4bu Жыл бұрын
Oomm dhansaya valliaya namag❤❤
@padmachandru4865 7 ай бұрын
@leelapadiki2046 2 жыл бұрын
Superb voice. Exellent. God bless her. Vandhe maatharam
@SanjaySahani-qy1re 2 ай бұрын
Radhey Radhey
@pixelpatcher 2 жыл бұрын
So graceful! Feeling so happy and delighted to see your continuous growth,efforts and success! Keep working, congrats to the team!
@sachinsachinuh3709 Жыл бұрын
Om Namah Shivaya🚩🚩🕉🕉🙏🙏❤❤
@funjone7541 Жыл бұрын
Wow, speechless of such mesmerizing voice and the flow of her lyrics is so wonderful. Really she is blessed by god. Gifted child.
@maheswarankandiah8897 Жыл бұрын
Amazing excellent divine voice beautiful singing spritual vibration congratulations thank you so much for your sharing spritual services ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@artimishra9750 11 ай бұрын
Wah 🎉
@harishpandey1 2 жыл бұрын
Adbhut..... Dher saara ashirvaad Bitiya Rani.✋✋✋
@ramdascm534 9 ай бұрын
Power of hindu spirituality.......
@abhijittripathi6725 Жыл бұрын
Just divine! She is so lucky to have such a beautiful voice.
@bablikundalia6942 Жыл бұрын
Om Namah Shivay
@amreshkumarjha9550 Жыл бұрын
@raviedwardchandran Жыл бұрын
When The Divine Spark In You Vigorously Activated Nothing Could Stop You...This Is What Happened Within Herself...Stay Blessed Forever Maa... 🙏❤️🙏🌹
@Annamlaya 11 ай бұрын
Supar Amma good blsyu om namshya
@shalabhasrivastava3871 Жыл бұрын
Beti Surya Gayatri oam namah shivay ❤. Gurukripa hi kevalam❤❤❤
@swapnaranigochhayay Жыл бұрын
She is blessed by God ....Heart touching voice ....Love it ❤
@vijayjoshi7465 8 ай бұрын
Sooryagyathri Always great I thank God for hearing your singing
@Allthings537 2 жыл бұрын
Maha Saraswati mata aap ki kanth mei vaas karti hei..... Jai Maa Saarde
@1geethanjali 2 жыл бұрын
what a treat. great artist with a golden touch in all respects 🥰🥰👌
@parthu009 2 жыл бұрын
Extraordinary 👏👏👏 You are truly blessed 🙏🏼 Har Har Mahadev Shambho 🚩🙏
@omakraachari3792 Жыл бұрын
ಅದ್ಭುತ 👌 ನಮಸ್ಕಾರ 🙏 🙏 🙏
@baswarajbaswarajmedha8323 2 жыл бұрын
I noticed a small difference in SOORYA'S voice which is excellently matched to SHIVA TANDAVAM song.👌👌👌
@ranjithachander1203 2 жыл бұрын
@gopalchpadhi8102 2 жыл бұрын
🙏🔥🙏🔥🙏🔥🙏🔥🙏🔥🙏 🙏💖🔥 ॐ नमः शिवाय 🔥💖🙏 🙏🔥🙏🔥🙏🔥🙏🔥🙏 🔥🙏 💖💖 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 💖💖
@mukundmalegaonkar5553 2 жыл бұрын
Best version of Shiv Tandav ever heard on you tube.
@தமிழ்கவிதைகள்-ந5த Жыл бұрын
Wonderful amazing voice God bless you too Surya love you so much for your attitude on expression ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@sivanesan1475 Жыл бұрын
😮😮What a performance...🎉🎉
@georgegeorgiou1499 2 жыл бұрын
Beautiful voice, blessing to all sharing this video. Thank you 💕😊😊😊
@suvarnarajesh1565 11 ай бұрын
Har Har mahadev 💞🔱🔱🔱🕉️🕉️🕉️
@vijaygupta_11 2 жыл бұрын
Surya Gayatri amazing voice amazing presentation I love this strotam and you done very brilliantly especially chanting Om namah shivaya Gayatri I know your channel recently from Facebook watch I scrollled your all videos I become your new Mata Saraswati blessed you gifted very strong beautiful voice keep it up
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