Shiva Tandava Stotram (All 18 Slokas) | Vande Guru Paramparaam | 'Shiva-Bhakta' Ravana

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Kuldeep M Pai

Kuldeep M Pai

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@ajinkyapathak Жыл бұрын
No raps No unnecessary synthetic dramatic voicing Pure music No weird music This is how a stotra should be Thank you Kuldeep Pai ji and the shishyottammas
@ajinkyapathak Жыл бұрын
Thank you Kuldeep ji for highlighting the comment
@remakishore2196 Жыл бұрын
Shishyottamas👌🌿👌🌿 Such a perfect term for these brilliant youngsters 🙏🙏🙏 Thank you Pathak Sir 🌻🌻
@rajalakshmivenkataraman9737 Жыл бұрын
Kuldipji, u r really a precious jem to have created such pearls.We can understand how much time &energy u have spared to prepare these small children. We r all very blessed to have u&ur team.U have presented a precious gift for us on this Sivarathri day. Very well sung with clear pronounciation. God bless u & the devoted children. I pray God to give more &more strength to u to prepare many more children like this. My heartfelt congradulations to u&children.🙏🙏🌹🌹🌺🌺💐💐💐
@rajalakshmi5689 Жыл бұрын
Oom Namasivaya
@prernasharma7080 6 ай бұрын
Can I get the lyrics of all 18
@shubhashishmishra285 Жыл бұрын
जटाटवीगलज्जलप्रवाहपावितस्थले गलेऽवलम्ब्य लम्बितां भुजंगतुंगमालिकाम्‌ । डमड्डमड्डमड्डमन्निनादवड्डमर्वयं चकार चण्डताण्डवं तनोतु नः शिवः शिवम् ॥1॥ जटाकटाहसम्भ्रमभ्रमन्निलिम्पनिर्झरी- विलोलवीचिवल्लरीविराजमानमूर्द्धनी । धगद्धगद्धगज्ज्वलल्ललाटपट्टपावके किशोरचन्द्रशेखरे रतिः प्रतिक्षणं मम ॥2॥ धराधरेन्द्रनन्दिनीविलासबन्धुबन्धुर- स्फुरद्दिगन्तसन्ततिप्रमोदमानमानसे । कृपाकटाक्षधोरणीनिरुद्धदुर्धरापदि क्वचिद्दिगम्बरे मनो विनोदमेतु वस्तुनि ॥3॥ जटाभुजंगपिंगलस्फुरत्फणामणिप्रभा- कदम्बकुङ्कुमद्रवप्रलिप्तदिग्वधूमुखे । मदान्धसिन्धुरस्फुरत्त्वगुत्तरीयमेदुरे मनो विनोदमद्भुतं बिभर्तु भूतभर्तरि ॥4॥ सहस्रलोचनप्रभृत्यशेषलेखशेखर- प्रसूनधूलिधोरणीविधूसराङ्घ्रिपीठभूः । भुजंगराजमालया निबद्धजाटजूटकः श्रियै चिराय जायतां चकोरबन्धुशेखरः ॥5॥ ललाटचत्वरज्वलद्धनञ्जयस्फुलिङ्गभा- निपीतपञ्चसायकं नमन्निलिम्पनायकम्‌ । सुधामयूखलेखया विराजमानशेखरं महाकपालि सम्पदे शिरो जटालमस्तु नः ॥6॥ करालभालपट्टिकाधगद्धगद्धगज्ज्वल- द्धनञ्जयाहुतीकृतप्रचण्डपञ्चसायके । धराधरेन्द्रनन्दिनीकुचाग्रचित्रपत्रक- प्रकल्पनैकशिल्पिनि त्रिलोचने रतिर्मम ॥7॥ नवीनमेघमण्डलीनिरुद्धदुर्धरस्फुर- त्कुहूनिशीथिनीतमःप्रबन्धबद्धकन्धरः । निलिम्पनिर्झरीधरस्तनोतु कृत्तिसिन्धुरः कलानिधानबन्धुरः श्रियं जगद्धुरन्धरः ॥8॥ प्रफुल्लनीलपङ्कजप्रपञ्चकालिमप्रभा- वलम्बिकण्ठकन्दलीरुचिप्रबद्धकन्धरम्‌ । स्मरच्छिदं पुरच्छिदं भवच्छिदं मखच्छिदं गजच्छिदान्धकच्छिदं तमन्तकच्छिदं भजे ॥9॥ अखर्वसर्वमंगलाकलाकदम्बमञ्जरी- रसप्रवाहमाधुरीविजृम्भणामधुव्रतम्‌ । स्मरान्तकं पुरान्तकं भवान्तकं मखान्तकं गजान्तकान्धकान्तकं तमन्तकान्तकं भजे ॥10॥ जयत्वदभ्रविभ्रमभ्रमद्भुजंगमश्वस- द्विनिर्गमत्क्रमस्फुरत्करालभालहव्यवाट् । धिमिद्धिमिद्धिमिद्ध्वनन्मृदंगतुंगमंगल- ध्वनिक्रमप्रवर्तितप्रचण्डताण्डवः शिवः ॥11॥ दृषद्विचित्रतल्पयोर्भुजंगमौक्तिकस्रजो- र्गरिष्ठरत्नलोष्ठयोः सुहृद्विपक्षपक्षयोः । तृणारविन्दचक्षुषोः प्रजामहीमहेन्द्रयोः समप्रवृत्तिकः कदा सदाशिवं भजाम्यहम् ॥12॥ कदा निलिम्पनिर्झरीनिकुञ्जकोटरे वसन्‌ विमुक्तदुर्मतिः सदा शिरःस्थमञ्जलिं वहन्‌ । विलोललोललोचनो ललामभाललग्नकः शिवेति मन्त्रमुच्चरन्‌ कदा सुखी भवाम्यहम्‌ ॥13॥ निलिम्पनाथनागरीकदम्बमौलमल्लिका- निगुम्फनिर्भरक्षरन्मधूष्णिकामनोहरः । तनोतु नो मनोमुदं विनोदिनीमहर्निशं परश्रियः परम्पदं तदङ्गजत्विषां चयः ।।14॥ प्रचण्डवाडवानलप्रभाशुभप्रचारणी महाष्टसिद्धिकामिनीजनावहूतजल्पना 1 विमुक्तवामलोचनाविवाहकालिकध्वनिः शिवेति मन्त्रभूषणा जगज्जयाय जायताम् ॥15॥ नमामि पार्वतीपतिं नमामि जाह्नवीपतिं नमामि भक्तवत्सलं नमामि फाललोचनम् । नमामि चन्द्रशेखरं नमामि दुःखमोचन तदीयपादपङ्कर्ज स्मराम्यहं नटेश्वरम् ॥16॥ इमं हि नित्यमेवमुक्तमुत्तमोत्तमं स्तवं पठन् स्मरन् ब्रुवन्नरो विशुद्धिमेति सन्ततम्‌ । हरे गुरौ सुभक्तिमाशु याति नान्यथा गतिं विमोहनं हि देहिनां सुशंकरस्य चिन्तनम् ॥17 ॥ पूजावसानसमये दशवक्त्रगीतं यः शम्भुपूजनपरं पठति प्रदोषे । तस्य स्थिरां रथगजेन्द्रतुरंगयुक्तां लक्ष्मीं सदैव सुमुखीं प्रददाति शम्भुः ॥18॥ इति श्रीरावणकृतं शिवताण्डव स्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ।
@arunsahu3182 10 ай бұрын
Thank You very much Bhai
@longpipe31 9 ай бұрын
Thank you very much for full 18 stanza of the shiv tandav stotram.
@sandhyagokhale9734 9 ай бұрын
Thank you very much. 18 stanza shiv tandav in lyrics found rarely. There are no wards for this work and all the best for group to this best work 👏
@arundhatisarmasarkar3165 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for the lyrics
@1008maharajji-y5r 7 ай бұрын
jay sri mahakal
@TakeAbackPak Жыл бұрын
ॐ नमः शिवाय🙏 अहो कीयान् संस्कारः बालानाम् ! कुलदीपमहोदयाय अनेके नमांसि।
@Pritis Жыл бұрын
This is what is purely intended to be an absolute dedication to Bhagavan, all 18 slokas of lengthy composition with complicated pronunciation, rendered with absolute perfection and synchronisation, with all immersion, by the little and beautiful Devi swaroopas in sindoora vastram and the balakas with their Guru, their inner radiance glowing through their golden garments, gracefully yet powerfully swinging their heads to the rhythms of this auspicious 'Shiva thandava stotram'. What is left for us! the eager listeners, just to get engulfed in this supreme joy while the inner and the outer self dances in ecstasy to the tunes of this auspicious rendition, offered with all austerity and devotion. When the heart just craves to dance to this beautiful rhythms, the mind does crave to understand the meaning of the verses that conveys the intense devotion of the composer. Prostrations to the Guru and the little ones, innocently traversing their journey towards the highest. Prostrations to the 'pillars' of VGP for their dedication in making this a complete, fulfilling and revered offering to Bhagavan.
@sunnyb1638 Жыл бұрын
Breathtaking..Thank you Universe for this creation through the 12 magicians..
@maddyk2448 Жыл бұрын
Very truly said..👍👍
@Vasuvasu-jb1sd Жыл бұрын
@lakshmib2154 Жыл бұрын
@lakshmib2154 Жыл бұрын
The twelve amazing kids rendered the sthothra with absolute divinity!! God bless them all and koti pranams to u for this wonderful treat on the auspicious day!!🙏🙏💐💐
@angarasrihari Жыл бұрын
This is called real music necessary to stand up and dance. No words to appreciate this. MASTER PIECE with Real Master. 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
@dileepmuscat8055 Жыл бұрын
Very true
@maharshirathi 10 ай бұрын
You are right
@aumnamahshivya3974 Жыл бұрын
I'm a British north Indian, I bow down to. The lotus feet of these small bhagwans. south India has kept our true Santana dharma alive and proud and eternal. Aum namah shivya, shanti shanti shanti to the whole universe ❤
@mithilbhandari867 Жыл бұрын
These are true Children of Bharat, Om Namah Shivaya🙏❤️
@casioamplifier Жыл бұрын
100%. I can barely remember, memorize and recite one verse of the Shiva stotram, however, these children memorized and recited flawlessly and fluently the entire shiva stotram! This is unbelievable! It is amazing! I wish Bharat would produce more children like these who make Bharat and the Hindu culture really proud.
@aru2279 6 ай бұрын
May God bless these little angels.
@musicbox1435 Жыл бұрын
I got goosebumps listening to it 😭. And my baby was kicking my belly when I was listening to it. Such is the vibration of this rendition.
@vasanthakokila4440 Жыл бұрын
Om namah shivaya namah Om Shanti
@shwetakulkarni28 Жыл бұрын
@anuraggup6076 Жыл бұрын
ऊँ नमः शिवाय
@anuraggup6076 Жыл бұрын
ऊँ नमः शिवाय
@anuraggup6076 Жыл бұрын
ऊँ नमः शिवाय
@RavindraShing-t9w 9 ай бұрын
Om namah shivay,,, ati sundar prstuti ,, ye 18 shlok ka poora shiv tandav sun kar aatma prsnn ho jati hae. Har har Mahadev,,,,,,,
@vishalsarswat4095 Жыл бұрын
यह सम्पूर्ण शिवतांडव तो पहली बार सुना।मैं 28 साल का हो गया।पूजा-पाठ भी करता हूं,आश्रम में पढ़ हूँ पर कभी यह अन्तिम 14-16 वाले 3 श्लोक ना ही पढ़े,ना ही सुने।दुर्लभ स्तोत्र से पूर्ण परिचय करवाने हेतु आपका धन्यवाद मैं आपका एक बहुत बड़ा प्रशंसक हूँ।
@kr365 Жыл бұрын
Ha main bhi jab pura stotra dekha to usme bhi sirf 17 he pankti hai..isme Jo 16th pankti hai wo kahi nai mil Rahi hai🤔
@shrividyamukherjee3149 Жыл бұрын
I am stunned. I really am running short of words It took me a while to realize that I am still on this planet. 'Heaven on Earth' goes perfectly well!! Serene and scintillating at the same time. Have no words to express my gratitude. I was taken aback seeing the Remix of shiva tandava stotram and now taken aback again, but for a better reason. You are a true patron and right to your name, you truly are a lamp to our lineage, brightening day by day! God bless you and the vibrant kids. Simply stupendous. It is a real gift on this auspicious day. Jaya Shiva Sankara, Hara Hara Sankara
@rajalakshmi5689 Жыл бұрын
ஓம் நமசிவாய
@lakshmiannamraju6458 Жыл бұрын
simply superb. 👌👌👌
@parimalavallik5080 Жыл бұрын
Hariom Shri Gurubhyonamaha. Hara,Hara namah Parvathi Pathaye namaha. Shubhamastu Guruji.🙏🙏🙏👌👌👌🤗🤗
@parasnathyadav3869 Жыл бұрын
हर हर महादेव 💐💐🙏🙏
@kathyayiniprasad4202 3 ай бұрын
Koti koti PRANAMS to You Kuldeep pai ji and Your ATI Uttam Shishayas, I am so blessed one to listen to this Master piece.🙏🙏
@jyothipola8381 Жыл бұрын
I had to watch this a minimum of 5 times to assimilate every thing in this brilliant rendition to my senses and my mind. To hear the melody, to read and understand the shlokas, to see the wonderful faces singing with so much happiness . No words for how to appreciate you sir. Your commitment, your dedication is seen in this master piece.
@kdkkalyani1364 Жыл бұрын
@rajeswariiyer5184 Жыл бұрын
Superb. 👌👌🙏🙏
@janakianbilsanthaanaam1352 Жыл бұрын
Fabulous 👌
@vasanthakokila4440 Жыл бұрын
Om namah shivaya namah Om Shanti
@girishrane373 Жыл бұрын
OM namah shivay... Talented of India
@manishbharava46 Жыл бұрын
श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ जटाटवीगलज्जलप्रवाहपावितस्थले गलेऽवलम्ब्य लम्बितां भुजङ्गतुङ्गमालिकाम् । डमड्डमड्डमड्डमन्निनादवड्डमर्वयं चकार चण्डताण्डवं तनोतु नः शिवः शिवम् ॥१॥ जटाकटाहसम्भ्रमभ्रमन्निलिम्पनिर्झरी विलोलवीचिवल्लरीविराजमानमूर्धनि । धगद्धगद्धगज्ज्वलल्ललाटपट्टपावके किशोरचन्द्रशेखरे रतिः प्रतिक्षणं मम ॥२॥ धराधरेन्द्रनंदिनीविलासबन्धुबन्धुर स्फुरद्दिगन्तसन्ततिप्रमोदमानमानसे । कृपाकटाक्षधोरणीनिरुद्धदुर्धरापदि क्वचिद्दिगम्बरे(क्वचिच्चिदम्बरे) मनो विनोदमेतु वस्तुनि ॥३॥ जटाभुजङ्गपिङ्गलस्फुरत्फणामणिप्रभा कदम्बकुङ्कुमद्रवप्रलिप्तदिग्वधूमुखे । मदान्धसिन्धुरस्फुरत्त्वगुत्तरीयमेदुरे मनो विनोदमद्भुतं बिभर्तु भूतभर्तरि ॥४॥ सहस्रलोचनप्रभृत्यशेषलेखशेखर प्रसूनधूलिधोरणी विधूसराङ्घ्रिपीठभूः । भुजङ्गराजमालया निबद्धजाटजूटक श्रियै चिराय जायतां चकोरबन्धुशेखरः ॥५॥ ललाटचत्वरज्वलद्धनञ्जयस्फुलिङ्गभा निपीतपञ्चसायकं नमन्निलिम्पनायकम् । सुधामयूखलेखया विराजमानशेखरं महाकपालिसम्पदेशिरोजटालमस्तु नः ॥६॥ करालभालपट्टिकाधगद्धगद्धगज्ज्वल द्धनञ्जयाहुतीकृतप्रचण्डपञ्चसायके । धराधरेन्द्रनन्दिनीकुचाग्रचित्रपत्रक प्रकल्पनैकशिल्पिनि त्रिलोचने रतिर्मम ॥७॥ नवीनमेघमण्डली निरुद्धदुर्धरस्फुरत् कुहूनिशीथिनीतमः प्रबन्धबद्धकन्धरः । निलिम्पनिर्झरीधरस्तनोतु कृत्तिसिन्धुरः कलानिधानबन्धुरः श्रियं जगद्धुरंधरः ॥८॥ प्रफुल्लनीलपङ्कजप्रपञ्चकालिमप्रभा वलम्बिकण्ठकन्दलीरुचिप्रबद्धकन्धरम् । स्मरच्छिदं पुरच्छिदं भवच्छिदं मखच्छिदं गजच्छिदांधकच्छिदं तमन्तकच्छिदं भजे ॥९॥
@KshitijJoshi-f1c 5 ай бұрын
Aapka bahut bahut Aabhar 🙏 Mahadev aapka bhala kare 🕉
@manishbharava46 Жыл бұрын
प्रफुल्ल नील पङकज प्रपञ्च कालि म प्रभा वलम्बि कण्ठ कन्दली रुचि प्रबद्ध कन्धरम्‌। स्मरच् छिदम् पुरच् छिदम् भवच् छिदम् मखच् छिदम् गजच् छि दान्ध कच् छिदम् तमन्त कच् छिदम् भजे ॥9॥ अखर्व सर्व मङ्गला कला कदम्ब मञ्जरी रस प्रवाह माधुरी विजृम् भणा मधु व्रतम्‌। स्मरान् तकम् पुरान् तकम् भवान् तकम् मखान् तकम् गजान् त कान् ध कान्तकम् तमन्त कान्तकम् भजे ॥10॥ जयत् वदभ्र विभ्रम भ्रमद् भुजङ्ग मश्वस द्विनिर्ग मत् क्रमस् फुरत् कराल भाल हव्य वाट्। धिमिद् धिमिद् धिमिद् ध्वनन् मृदङ्ग तुङ्ग मङ्गल ध्वनि क्रम प्रवर् तित प्रचण्ड ताण्डवः शिवः ॥11॥ दृषद् विचित्र तल्प योर् भुजङ्ग मौक्ति कस्र जोर गरिष्ठ रत्न लोष्ठयोः सुहृद् विपक्ष पक्ष योः। तृणार विन्द चक्षुषोः प्रजा मही महेन्द्रयोः सम प्रवृत्ति कः कदा सदा शिवं भजाम्यहम् ॥12॥ कदा निलिम्प निर्झरी निकुञ्ज कोटरे वसन्‌ विमुक्त दुर् मतिः सदा शिरःस्थ मञ्जलिम् वहन्‌। विलोल लोल लोचनो ललाम भाल लग्नकः शिवेति मन्त्र मुच्चरन्‌ कदा सुखी भवाम्यहम्‌ ॥13॥ इमं हि नित्य मेव मुक्त मुत्त मोत्तम् स्तवम् पठन् स्मरन्‌ ब्रुवन् नरो विशुद्धि मेति सन्ततम्‌। हरे गुरौ सुभक्ति माशु याति नान्यथा गतिं विमोहनं हि देहिनांं सुशङ्करस्य चिंतनम् ॥16॥ पूजा ऽवसान समये दश वक्त गीतं यः शम्भू पूजन परम् पठति प्रदोषे। तस्य स्थिरां रथ गजेन्द्र तुरङ्ग युक्ताम् लक्ष्मिम् सदैव सुमुखिम् प्रददाति शम्भुः ॥17॥
@rosappan 9 ай бұрын
Namaskaram Guru 🙏🙏🙏
@satyanarayang6589 Жыл бұрын
अतः बालानाम् इदं गीतं सुन्दरं गायन्ति इति श्रुत्वा आनन्दः। शिवः तान् आशीर्वादं ददातु !
@chinnichinni3865 Жыл бұрын
ఇప్పటి వరకు మొత్తం 18 శ్లోకాలని తెలుసుకో లేదు 15 శ్లోకాలే చదువుకునే వాళ్ళం..మీవల్ల తెలుసుకుని రాసుకుని చదువుకుంటాం.. 🙏 ఓం నమశ్శివాయ..
@Vasuvasu-jb1sd Жыл бұрын
@somasekharr9797 Жыл бұрын
ಇದುವರೆವಿಗೆ ಕೇವಲ ೧೫ ಶ್ಲೋಕಗಳು ಮಾತ್ರ ತಿಳಿದಿದ್ದೆವು ಅದರೆ ನಿಮ್ಮಿಂದ ಅವು ೧೮ ಇವೆ ಎಂದು ತಿಳಿಯಲ್ಪಟ್ಟಿತು
@a-ztechveera4204 Жыл бұрын
నీలింపనాథ నాగరి కదంబమౌళమల్లికా నిగుంపా నిర్భారక్షరాన్ మధూశ్నికా మనోహరా తానో తునో మనోమూధం వినోదిని మహర్నిశం పరా శ్రీయా పరంపాదం తథం గజాత్వి సంశయా ప్రచండ వడా వనాల ప్రభాశుభా ప్రచారణి మహాష్ట శిద్ధి కామిని జానవాహూట జల్పనా విముక్త వామలోచనా వివాహ కాళిక ధ్వని శీవేతి మాత్ర భూషణ జగజ్జయయ జాయతాం నమామి పార్వతీపతిం నమామి జాహ్నవిపతిం నమామి భక్త వత్సలం నమామి పాలలోచనం నమామి చంద్రశేఖరం నమామి దుఖః మోచనం తథీయా పాద పాంకజాం స్మరంయాహం నటేశ్వరం
@sambaagn Жыл бұрын
Thank you sir for giving these
@ArjunBariaArjunbaria-q9m 9 сағат бұрын
बहुत ही जबरदस्त खूबसूरत तरीका से गाते हुए बच्चे.. उनको गाते देखके दूसरे बच्चे भी सीखेंगे.. धन्यवाद आपको सबको 🙏🏽जयजय शिवशंकर 🙏🏽
@Jvs-eq3iy Жыл бұрын
I am past 90 and I bow my head to all these boys and girls as they achieved the nearly impossible.
@rajaramkn3306 Жыл бұрын
Wow. One word to sum my reaction. What a start to the holy day of Maha Shiva Rathri. After hearing this first thing in the morning, I somehow have a feeling that everything will go right today. That is the feeling you bring Shri Pai, to multitudes of people hearing your wards. Avyaktha, Prakruthi, SriRanjini and Rakshita are old pros now with many hits under their belt. Good additions of Nandana, Bhakti, Sarvarshi and Shrea. Suryanarayan is his inimitable self, God Bless him. He brings a smile to my face, irrespective of the mood I am in. Ishaan Pai's eyes are really dancing the Tandava, when he sings Shiva Shiva Shiva Shankara. Advaith is a good mature addition. As usual, the guru Shri. Kuldeep Pai looks contented, revelling in his Shishyas perfect rendering. My salutations sir to you, my blessings to the young ones and my sicere thanks to the unknown and unseen ones toiling behind for the production.
@parasnathyadav3869 Жыл бұрын
हर हर महादेव 💐💐💐💐💐🙏
@sunil200111 Жыл бұрын
I second your thoughts, i wanted to convey all you have said ॐ
@bharathiramesh5878 5 ай бұрын
rajaram ji...thanks for mentioning all the kids' names🙏
@DipBiswas-v4z 14 күн бұрын
ॐ तत्पुरुषाय विद्महे महादेवाय धीमहि, तन्नो रुद्रः प्रचोदयात्..🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 It gives goosebumps while hearing this... ❤
@chandramoulidharmana Жыл бұрын
An auspicious start to an auspicious day 🧡. It's always a concern about the future of Bharatiya classical music. It's okay to add modern tech and masala but there should be someone to continue preserving the simplicity of traditional music: more focussed human efforts less on machines, center around Devotional elements - less on artists. Nowadays many are not even taking the trouble to sing Bhajans completely. Kuladeep garu, you will be remembered for this effort and I hope these kids grow in these lines. We always support such efforts to our capacity ☺️🙏
@padmaganesan3879 Жыл бұрын
🙏🏻 Sri Gurubhyo Namah 🙏🏻 Very well said Chandramouli Ji👌👌🙏🏻 Fully endorse your views and it's not your voice, our voices, but the Voice of Bharatiya Classical Music speaking Through You & others in this Wonderful VGP Satsang 🙇🙇 There is One thing that strikes me as a thunder Bolt: Simplicity of Traditional Music,Focus on Human Effort & Devotion,Less on Machines & Artistes....all the positive elements is a Divine & Priceless offering as Bhagwan's Sattvik Mahaprasadam which gets converted into Rajasik with the negative aspects like the ingredients of food with nutritional value being overtaken by the spicy elements & ofcourse Garlic 🧄🧄 as key player for Smell and Taste.... Instant & Fast Food can be No match To traditional food!!! It's All the Play of Time (Kaalam) & we sincerely Hope & Pray that the Little Gems making this wonderful Team VGP To retain this Purity, Devotion & Innocence upholding the Sanathana Dharma in the years to follow 🙇🙇 Vande Guru Paramparaam 🙏🏻 💐Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu 🙏🏻 With Prayers Always 🙏🏻 Mahaperiyava Charanam 🙏🏻🌹
@kalaivanisubramaniam2965 Жыл бұрын
@krishtheindian Жыл бұрын
I'm spellbound at the quality of this production! I understand how difficult it is to produce such a masterpiece! Yet the Master and the desciples pulled it gracefully with the Anugraha of Lord Shiva! Oh Shiva, please bless the Guru and desciples with lot of health and wealth! They are the future!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@subbukrish1251 Жыл бұрын
Very good.
@jayanthishekar5865 Жыл бұрын
Awesome rendering. May Lord Shiva bless everyone. 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
@peoplesucks Жыл бұрын
@architaram2440 Жыл бұрын
Very good
@casioamplifier Жыл бұрын
People don’t realize how hard the Shiva stotram is to memorize and recite in its entirety. The fact these children did this at such a young age and were able to memorize and recite the entire shiva stotram and fluently recite every shloka is just amazing. I am in awe and admiration of all these children who are blessed with Lord Shivas grace
@savitharamesh4512 Жыл бұрын
ಓಂ ನಮಃ ಶಿವಾಯ ನನಗಂತೂ ಗೊತ್ತೇ ಇರಲಿಲ್ಲ ಈ ಹಾಡು ಶ್ಲೋಕವೆಂದು. ನನಗೆ ಈ ಹಾಡು ತುಂಬಾ ಇಷ್ಟ. ಈ ಮಕ್ಕಳಂತೂ ಅದ್ಭುತವೇ ಸರಿ. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 ಧನ್ಯವಾದ ಇ ಮಕ್ಕಳಿಗೆ ಇ ಹಾಡನ್ನು ಹಾಡಿದ್ದಕ್ಕಾಗಿ, ಧನ್ಯವಾದ ಇವರ ಪಾಲಕರಿಗೆ ಇಂತಹ ಸಂಸ್ಕೃತಿಯನ್ನು ಕಲಿಸಿದ್ದಕ್ಕಾಗಿ.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 ಓಂ ನಮಃ ಶಿವಾಯ
@visalakshiraghupathy4133 Жыл бұрын
மெய்சிலிர்க்க வைக்கும் அட்சர சுத்தமான பாடல் பயிற்சி. கண்கள் குளமாகியது. அந்த தாண்டவ சிவனையே நேரில் பார்த்தது போன்ற உணர்ச்சி. திருச்சிற்றம்பலம். எனது இரண்டு பேத்திகளை தங்கள் குழுமத்தில் சேர்க்க வேண்டும் என்று நினைக்கிறேன். தங்களின் ஆசீர்வாதமும் , அந்த சிவனின் அருளும் இருப்பின் எனது ஆவல் நிறைவேறும் என்று நினைக்கிறேன். 🙏🙏
@luckypaul1191 Жыл бұрын
May your dreams come true
@shrikantjoshi6200 Жыл бұрын
क्या बात है ..... इसे सुनके मैं मेरे आसू नहीं रोक पाया कितनी सुंदर रचना हैं... और कितनी सुंदरता से गायन किया इन सभी बच्चो ने..... गुरुजी आपको बहोत धन्यवाद शिव शिव शंकर
@pbpandya4u Жыл бұрын
Great wording of raavan I proud raavan
@bhujangchavan2615 Жыл бұрын
@Known_amit Жыл бұрын
First ever Shiva Tandav Stotram having complete 18 shlokas with errorless pronunciation.....🙏 Thanks for giving us...
@Anithasri143 Жыл бұрын
మాటలు లేవు ఈ song ని వార్ణించడానికి 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 exlent 🪷power of god and 👏👏👏👏👏 kuldeep jee 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@abhinav-t20 Жыл бұрын
मैं आने वाले 15 दिनों में इसे पूरी तरह याद करके महादेव की अर्चना करूँगा🙏 महादेव मेरी सहायता करें🚩🚩 जय महाकाल🙏🙏
@Granite_Uranium 5 ай бұрын
❤❤❤ हर हर महादेव
@rajurathi7890 Жыл бұрын
ஆனந்தத்தில் மெய்சிலிர்க்குது. மிக்க நன்றி இந்த அழகான காணொளிக்கு. குல்தீப் சகோதரருக்கு என் நமஸ்காரங்கள். குழந்தைகளுக்கு ஆசிகள் 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@lalithalala5401 Жыл бұрын
You have been doing a wonderful service to God by training children. God bless you,your students and the support team.
@rajalakshmichandrasekhar3879 Жыл бұрын
Bringing the real Shiva tandavam on this Shivarathri... Sizzling and goosebumps all over... can visualize Ishan and Belived SooryaNarayanan grow much matured
@BhumikaSharma-u4p Ай бұрын
ॐ नमः शिवाय 🙏 हर हर महादेव 🙏
@श्रीरामसमर्थ-ड8च Жыл бұрын
Ravana came and talked to Kuldeep....he told him real tune as he had sung it!! You are simply great Kuldeep Anna!
@nar7745 Жыл бұрын
Stop making a Hero out of ASURA just bcos he composed it ....this is the problem with today's WOKE society that while trying to sound intelligent they support the wrong. So Mahadev wont guide Kuldeepji and Ravan will do the good work hun....slow clap fr you 🫏
@srinidhis9957 Жыл бұрын
ShatakOti pranams Kuldeep ji.. Once again, I'm amazed at the one-ness of the voices - it is sometimes deceptive that just 2 or 3 girls are singing the chorus. With so many mahAprANAs in the text, at this fast paced kAlapramANam (to suit Lord Shiva's roudra bhAva), it is unimaginable how much of effort would have gone into this masterpiece. On a lighter note, Many a times, I listen keenly (in vain), to make out some slip of pronunciation - since the singers are very tenders voices 😁 but each mahAprANa is soooo carefully handled in this collective scale - to mention a few, dhagaddhaga, dharAdharendra, jAnhavi, bhaktavatsalam, phAlalochanam, duhkha, shambhuh OMG!! Hats off, spellbound Kuldeep Ji. Such miiiiiinute care and dedication, so inspiring... May the Lord shower undiminishing strength & steadfastness on you and aaaalllllll these gems.. And may you come up with all possible works in our world of music and spiritual essence.. Namaskaram!!
@kuldeepmpai Жыл бұрын
Srinidhi ji… Humble pranam. Really value when someone acknowledge the detailing done. No exaggeration, those details are must, because each Akshara is Bhagavan Himself. We cannot be without doing justice to it. Little ones beautifully understand and practice the necessary nuances. Meanwhile, on a lighter note, we know that people like you who are knowledgable are among our rasikas! How can we do mistakes then?! Will you spare us? (Joking). ❤ Prayers for you.
@jyothipola8381 Жыл бұрын
Same emotions felt here but cant express the way you did madam.. After listening to this excellent rendition and hearing to your comments my tears unstoppable. Feeling so blessed. Kuldeep ji is my stress buster. 🙏
@srinidhis9957 Жыл бұрын
​@@jyothipola8381 Really Kuldeep ji is healing & spreading happiness & peace to many many souls across the world, not just India!
@parasnathyadav3869 Жыл бұрын
​@@srinidhis9957 हर हर महादेव 💐💐💐🙏🙏🙏
@sumiborah6522 Жыл бұрын
কিমান যে ভাগ্যবান সেই কণমানি কেইজন... আপোনাৰ দৰে বন্দনীয় গুৰু পালে🙏
@amaverick4953 Жыл бұрын
उच्चारण की शुद्धता और स्वर की पकड़ अद्भुत, अद्वितीय और अवर्णनीय है। मेरा प्रणाम एवं शुभकामनाएँ स्वीकार करें। आपने कितना परिश्रम किया होगा इन बच्चों को तैयार करने में। आपने स्क्रीन पर देवनागरी लिपि में व्याकरण की शुद्धता शत-प्रतिशत रखी है। साधुवाद है आपको।
@nishakhandelwal1403 Жыл бұрын
Ur aapki Hindi mind-blowing 😊
@stutiagrawal1018 Жыл бұрын
I am so grateful and glad to my mother who taught this while we were kids. She used to put us in bed while reciting this shlok and we used to wait for it. Me and my elder sister were able to learn the entire shiv tandav even before we were three :)) We continued reciting it till we were 10-12 but then with more academia we were never able to actively get back. I have heard so many versions of Shiv Tandav but nothing comes close to this. This melody with no auto tune and minimal music reminds me of my childhood. I long to build up that habit again of reciting the entire Shiv Tandav in a go w/o the slightest pause and hesitation. It is strangely satisfying how it is still in my subconscious memory and I could remember most of it. I will listen to this more often and v soon hoping to chant it like the young Stuti 10 years back could :))
@BG-xx5fc Ай бұрын
🌞🕉 श्री महालक्ष्मी-महानारायणाय नमः॥🙏🙏🚩😊
@MonjaBiancaToffaniTV Жыл бұрын
My pranams to all your efforts to keep the Glories of Transcendental plane in this world in Kali Yuga. Namaskar from Brazil 🙏🕉💕
@Vasuvasu-jb1sd Жыл бұрын
@amityadav-xx3mu Жыл бұрын
जय शिव शंकर
@vaishalikajrekar1884 Жыл бұрын
फारच सुंदर 👌👌👌🙏🙏🙏 अतिशय उत्कृष्ट कलाकृती!! सर्व सहभागी सदस्यांचे हार्दिक अभिनंदन आणि अश्या उत्तमोत्तम कलाकृती या पुढेही होवोत यासाठी शुभेच्छा!!!!
@RavindraRschouhan 6 ай бұрын
श्री शिवाय नमस्कारम् -- 3 हर हर महादेव,,,, जयतु --2 श्री पार्वती पाये नमो नमः
நமசிவய குல்தீப் அண்ணா. மிகப்பெரிய அற்புதமான படைப்பு அண்ணா. சாமகான பிரியருக்கு மஹா சிவராத்திரி அன்று அவர் தோலில் இருக்கும் வில்வ மாலையில் தங்களுடைய கண்மணிகளை சரமாக கோர்த்து விட்டீர்கள் மிக சரளமாக. மிக்க நன்றி அண்ணா. ஹர ஹர மஹாதேவ! ஓம் ரீங் சிவ சிவ!!
@sugureshr7450 Жыл бұрын
This man and his team never disappoint us... Om namah shivaya
@parasnathyadav3869 Жыл бұрын
हर हर महादेव 💐💐💐🙏🙏
@s1shamsundar 6 ай бұрын
These children and their Guru are inheritors and carerakers of the 10000 years of uninterrupted high culture and Dharma. This brilliant rendition would have moved Mahadev himself. Om Namashivaya.
@Munagalashailender Жыл бұрын
నమస్కారం 🙏🙏🙏😊కుల్దీప్ గారు మీరు ఒక అద్భుతం ....exellent content ....ఓం నమః శివాయ
@himanshusaxena9121 Жыл бұрын
I am not even the dust for them but lots of blessings to these great little devotees. Bhagwan Ram aap par kripa karein
@sandhyajoshi2402 10 ай бұрын
3:12 beautifully recited by these children ❤️❤️❤️
@swarupkumar1175 Жыл бұрын
Mahashivratri day starting with divine prayer of Mahadev... Such a beautiful rendition by all the Gems... Bowing down to you Kuldeep ji for nourishing these divine children and for the work you are doing for Sanatana Dharma... 🙏...नमः पार्वती पतये हर हर महादेव।। महाशिवरात्री की अनंत शुभकामनाएं।
@Ankitprajapati82862 Жыл бұрын
Wow sir har har Mahadev 🙏🙏🙏
@bmdipti Жыл бұрын
My 3.5 year old has been asking to listen to this beautiful rendition of the Shiva Tandava Stotram everyday since he first witnessed it on the auspicious day of Shivratri 🙏🏻 no words to describe the beauty with which it has been brought forth and the efforts to the minutest detail are so clearly visible yet the rendition is so effortless. Pranaam and heartfelt gratitude to VGP and Kuldeep ji 🙏🏻🌼💫
@cancer1510 Жыл бұрын
सुनते ही मन शिव मग्न हो जाता है। धन्यवाद। @kuldeep sir please रावण रचित शिव ध्यान स्त्रोत का पाठ अगर आपके शिष्य गए तो बहुत आभारी रहूंगा।🙏🏻 ऊं डिं डिं डिंकत डिम्ब डिम्ब डमरु,पाणौ सदा यस्य वै। फुं फुं फुंकत सर्पजाल हृदयं,घं घं च घण्टा रवम् ॥ वं वं वंकत वम्ब वम्ब वहनं,कारुण्य पुण्यात् परम्॥ भं भं भंकत भम्ब भम्ब नयनं,ध्यायेत् शिवं शंकरम्॥ यावत् तोय धरा धरा धर धरा ,धारा धरा भूधरा।। यावत् चारू सुचारू चारू चमरं, चामीकरं चामरं।। यावत् रावण राम राम रमणं, रामायणे श्रूयताम्। तावत् भोग विभोग भोगमतुलम् यो गायते नित्यशः॥ यस्यास्ते द्राट द्राट द्रुट द्रुट ममलं, टंट टं टं टटं टं। तैलं तैलं तु तैलं खुखु खुखु खुखुमं ,खंख खंख सखंखम्॥ डंसं डंसं डु डंसं डुहि डुहि चकितं, भूपकं भूय नालम्।। ध्यायन्ते विप्रगान्ते वसतु च सकलं पातु नो चन्द्रचूड़ || चैतन्यं मनं मनं मनमनं मानं मनं मानसम! माया ज्वार धवं धवं धव धवं धावं धवं माधवं स्वाहा चार चरं चर चरं चारं चरं वाचरं वैकुंठाधिपते भवं भवभवं भावंभवं शांभवं !!
@shaileshprabhu6884 Жыл бұрын
Sometimes I really feel surprised to imagine, that how a single person is successful each and every time in bringing the pure divinity out from these cute little souls. It's the efforts of personalities like kuldeepji that makes this world do liveable, divine and peaceful.
@randhirsingh4964 Жыл бұрын
True 💯
@pavanivemula4298 Жыл бұрын
Vande Guru Paramparaam 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 This Mahaa Yagna continues with all the blessings from Lord Shiva ....... Paadaabhi vandam 🙏🙏🙏 for your dedication, hard work, determination and strong sankalpam Kuldeep garu ........ No words 😍😍😍 May lord Shiva shower all his blessings on these little kids and their family........ They are so blessed to have this opportunity.
@bhargavsharma4076 Жыл бұрын
बहुत सुंदर प्रस्तुति शिव महिम्नः स्तोत्र की प्रतीक्षा रहेगी।
@lavanyach8347 Жыл бұрын
Goosebumps! 🙏🙏🙏 The girls look like Bala Tripura Sundaris. Mahadev & Maa Parvati have blessed you all and gave strength so that you could bring this precious jewel to all of us . Loved it 🙏🙏🙏
@Bhaktivanizone1008-d Жыл бұрын
अत्यंत सुंदर एवम हृदय को छू गया ।। सभी छोटी बाल कन्याओं को चरण स्पर्श। पूरे ग्रुप पे मां सरस्वती का आशीर्वाद बना रहे।।।। for udaipur rajasthan
@shishirsahu6251 Жыл бұрын
अद्भुत..अद्भुत... अद्भुत... अविर्चनीय अनुभव... ओम् नमः शिवाय.... 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@sudharmafarms1005 Ай бұрын
சனாதன தர்மம் ஒரு மிக பெரிய ஆல மரம். தேவாரமும் திருமுறைகளை அதன் வேற்கள். எந்த மதத்திற்கு இருக்கு இந்த பெருமையும் ஆழமும் !!! வாழ்க சனாதன தர்மம்!
@SwamiAvadhoot Жыл бұрын
I wonder why not your team participate in Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev’s Mahashivratri celebrations- your team will definitely stand out and will give these smart kids a bigger platform. I wish you consider this next year! My blessings are with you. Om Namah Shivaya!!
@padmajapadikal1815 Жыл бұрын
Let them live a peaceful life
@Rajan_Pandey1993 Жыл бұрын
नमः पार्वती पते हर हर हर महादेव 🌸💮😌🙏🏻
@vijaysharma6677 Жыл бұрын
श्री गुरु चरणों में प्रणाम। अति सुंदर और प्रभावशाली शिव तांडव स्रोत की प्रस्तुति। आप और आप के शिष्यों ने वास्तव में इस मंत्र को सिद्ध कर लिया है। इतनी भाव पूर्ण प्रस्तुति। देवी स्वरूप बालिकाएँ और स्वयं गुरु के सानिध्य में बैठे बालक, ऐसा लगा मानो स्वयं देवाधिदेव सम्मुख विराजमान हों। आप का अनंत आभार। ईश्वर भारत माँ पर ऐसे ही कृपा करता रहे। इस भूमि में वास्तव में ही कुछ तो ख़ास है। हर हर महादेव।
@vibhamath2113 Жыл бұрын
हर हर महादेव. अद्भुत अद्भुत. अति सुंदर. शिवकृपा तुम्हा सगळ्यांवर अशीच नेहमी राहो. कोटी नमन
@रणबंकाराठौड़ Жыл бұрын
Full of divinity.. full of Bliss..Blessed by Mahadev🙏🚩 हर हर महादेव नमः शिवाय नमः पार्वती पतये🙏🙇🚩
@maheshrajput2307 Жыл бұрын
Har Har Mahadev 🙏 ॐ नमः शिवाय 😊 इन बच्चू को कोटी कोटी प्रणाम. Lots of love and blessings from Indloo Bhallessa Jammu and Kashmir
@suryakumari5658 Жыл бұрын
I wish I were a child to be one of his disciples,no words to describe how divine & vibrant I felt goosebumps everytime "SIVA SIVA SIVA SANKARA"🙏🙏
@savitharamesh3966 Жыл бұрын
ಬಹಳ ಬಹಳ ಚೆನ್ನಾಗಿದೆ... ಎಲ್ಲರಿಗೂ ಶಿವರಾತ್ರಿಯ ಶುಭಾಶಯಗಳು
@NIKHIL_YADAV2 Жыл бұрын
🕉नम:शिवाय 🙏❣️🔱
@depp231 8 ай бұрын
Bbb Bggfvg ghyuf🎉
@vijayalakshminarayanan8153 Жыл бұрын
Aha!!! Long awaited release!! Felt like we're amongst hundreds of Bhaktas enjoying the MahaTandavam of Maheshwara!! Sashtang Namaskarams for every soul that has put even little effort in this Yagna!! How Beautiful is everything around this, the ambience, the Alankaram (literally looks like Nataraja wearing a Dhoti!!)... the clear pronounciation of words and the Bhavam of the translation itself!! Beyond words to praise.. you keep transcending all boundaries of praise....silent tears seems to be the best way to experience this!! Had to bring down the speed to 0.5 and still couldn't get to read the meaning properly.. had to pause, go back a couple of times and read it again and again to savor the meaning!! I loved this para the most.. Kadaa nilim panir jhari nikunja kotare vasan Vimukta durmatih sadaa sirastha manjalim vahan Vimukta lola locano lalaama bhaala lagnakah Siveti mantram uccharan kadaa sukhi bhavamyaham.. ahaa.. no words... 🥺🥺🥺 Ipdi Bhagavath smaranai yeppodhu varum nu irukku!! Again and again, all that can come out is GRATITUDE!! MAY HE KEEP YOU ALL BLESSED IN HIS REMEMBRANCE ALWAYS!! Happy Sivaratri to your Blessed Team🙏🙏🙏🙏
@secularpoint Жыл бұрын
If once start this strotram then listen it fully. Don't skip because it's tandav strotram...
@i_am_very_happy798 Жыл бұрын
বাচ্চা গুলো অত্যন্ত ভালো গাইছে! এতো ভালো presentation কখনো দেখিনি আমাদের নিজের নিজের দেশের সংস্কৃতির... আমি আমার জাপানী বন্ধু কে এই গান টা শুনিয়েছিলাম | ও তো এই গানের শক্তি টা কে অনুভব করে একেবারে অবাক হয়ে গেছিলো!! ও এখন সবসময় শিবের গীত গায়ে আর শিব নাম করে! আমি আপনার খুব ধন্য! 🙏🏻 মা সরস্বতী যেনো আশীর্বাদ দিন এদের কে!😊😊
@ravindrasinghchouhanrschou2749 Жыл бұрын
अति सुन्दर रचना और प्रस्तुति है।भगवान श्री भोले बाबा के प्रीत महाराज रावण ने अपनी सच्ची लगन प्रस्तुत करके भगवान शिव को प्रसन्न किया था।जय श्री महाकाल। जय श्री shamshaneshwar । जय श्री भगवान अघोरेश्वर आपकी सदा ही जय हो जय हो जय हो।
@jeyasreeraman942 Жыл бұрын
I could feel the dance of shiva in the middle. Excellent synchronisation and perfection. May God bless the entire team 🙏
@preethibalachandran822 Жыл бұрын
Hara Hara Mahadeva
@venhari6365 Жыл бұрын
@kalyanidesigno Жыл бұрын
🙏शिव हर शंकर नमामि शंकर शिव शंकर शंभो🙏 🙏हे गिरीजापती भवानी शंकर शिव शंकर शंभो🙏🌼 अप्रतिम सादरीकरण 🌼 🙏 निःशब्द....तुमची प्रत्येक कलाकृती अतिशय विचारपूर्वक असते...अशाच सुंदर कलाकृती निर्माण होत राहो हीच ईश्वरचरणी प्रार्थना 😇🙏 🙏पार्वतीपते पशुपते सदाशिव शंभो शूलपाणि🙏
@kiran13101980 Жыл бұрын
అజ్ఞానాంధకారాన్ని తొలగించే శక్తి ఈ శివ స్తోత్రం తో మీరు అందరికీ ప్రసదించడం మీకు దేవుడు ఇచ్చిన వరం, మీకు ఆ శివుడు సర్వదా అన్ని వేళలా తోడు ఉండాలని ఆశిస్తున్నాను
@sarikamenon5147 11 ай бұрын
This is really a masterpiece ❤ so... Divine!!!!🙏 Kuldeep ji and the Sishyaas conveyed the complete feel to us.... The visual treat is also grand🧡👌👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Actually no words are enough for appreciating on this Duvine work 🙏🧡
@jahnavidave7519 Жыл бұрын
Wow! I got goosebumps listening to this beautiful stotram! Absolutely devine! You all vibrate such pure positive energy! 🙏🙏❤
@sharadambac9041 Жыл бұрын
@sharadambac9041 Жыл бұрын
Most wonderfully rendered 🎊🙏🎊🙏🎊
@rahulsuthar4478 Жыл бұрын
The concept of including lyrics and translation is very good. It helps to know the meaning of the stotram. Raga for this rendition of the most divine Shri Shiv Tandav stotram was creative and beautiful. Synchronisation is a must in case of multiple singers. And when you dare to sing extremely auspicious, Shri Shiv Tandav stotram, it becomes all the more important. I must say, these kids and their guru were singing in a pure sync. ShivLingam of Bhagwaan Shree Maheshwara was adorned with Shringaar and deepaks were lit before the lingam of Parameshwara. This shows sincerity and genuineness of the creater. That chorus 'शिव शिव शंकरा' was at right places within the stotram. All in all, I must say, today I listened a very beautiful and new rendition of the auspicious Shri Shiv Tandav stotram. ॐ नमः शिवाय ♥️ ♥️ हर हर हर महादेव
@parasnathyadav3869 Жыл бұрын
हर हर महादेव 💐💐💐💐🙏🙏
@dattatrayakshirsagar324 Жыл бұрын
अप्रतिम अनुभव...!!! हर हर हर महादेव...!!!
@bajichiru Жыл бұрын
Probably the best version of Shiva Tandava Strotram on KZbin 🙏 Thank you Kuldeep M Pai Ji for bringing this to us
@revathimohan4576 Жыл бұрын
Yes- very true🙏🙏
@sumanmsingh Жыл бұрын
महाशिव रात्री के दिन का अद्भूत शुरुआत इस अलौकिक भजन से | आपका कोटि-कोटि साधूवाद ...
@manojvaidya9387 Жыл бұрын
(हे जगजननी हे जगदम्बा मात: भवानी तू शरणे लेजे) ||.: * ψ ૐ 卐 ૐ ψ *.|| गुरु कृपाही केवलं शिष्य परम मंगलं ॐ जय अर्धनारी नटेश्वर.. ll दिगंबरा दिगंबरा श्रीपादवल्लभ दिंगबरा ll *... सत्यं शिवं सुन्दरम् *||*ॐ *मंगलम ओमकार मंगलम.*|| 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@rammysore25 Жыл бұрын
Brilliant rendition with devotion Blessed to listen this divine Stotra. 🙏🏻
@ushaprasad9490 Жыл бұрын
You have won the hearts of so many shiva bhatas. Baba ko kitna kushi diya jaiho. 🙏🙏
@nilanjanmukherjee1209 9 күн бұрын
Most pure hearted people are doing Shiva Aradhana 🙏
@krishnaramachandran5569 Жыл бұрын
Our parampara is kept alive in the form of these kids rendering this stotra Humble pranams to the participants and maker Shree Pai ji
@brijeshchauhan8121 Жыл бұрын
Sir mai 2018 se आपके चैनल जुडा हू. तब से अब तक सभी गाने बहोत ही अच्छे होते हैं. 🙏🙏🎹🎼
@দীপাংকৰশৰণীয়া Жыл бұрын
Speechless performance This izz real Tandava... হৰ হৰ মহাদেৱ 🔱🌸☘️🙏🪔🚩
@vabhykd6952 Жыл бұрын
ಅದ್ಭುತ ಗುರುಗಳೇ... ಓಂ ನಮಃ ಶಿವಾಯ 💗💖💗
@abhasaxena4694 Жыл бұрын
हर हर महादेव 🚩🚩🚩 जय बाबा केदार 🚩🚩🚩 ॐ नमः पार्वती पते हर हर महादेव 🚩🚩🚩 बहुत ही सुंदर प्रस्तुति रोम रोम खिल गया सुनकर आपसे निवेदन है कि शिव रुद्राष्टक के साथ शिव सहस्त्रनाम भी लेकर आए...
@pavitrajaimungal1889 Жыл бұрын
Shubh ShivRaatri 2023. Amazing voices and music arrangements. May Bhagwaan Shiva bless you all. Har Mahadev.
@usharawat3027 Жыл бұрын
अद्भुत गायन, प्रशंसा के लिए शब्द नहीं मिल रहे है धन्य हैं वो गुरु जिनके अथक परिश्रम से इतना अद्भुत गायन कर रहे हैं बच्चे,शत शत नमन गुरु और होनहार शिष्यों को ।
@usharawat3027 Жыл бұрын
@knowledgeaboutreailty Ай бұрын
महादेव शिव शंकर शंभू रावण जैसे राक्षस ने भी महादेव की आराधना में ऐसी स्तुति की है कि मानो शब्दों के बया नहीं किया जा सकता ॐ नमः शिवाय
@radharao890 Жыл бұрын
శ్రీ కులదీప్ పాయ్ గారి అద్భుత సృష్టికి నమోవాకములు.
@jayashreets8598 Жыл бұрын
In ecstasy!!! What to comment??? Speechless!!! From yesterday I was checking all my you tube notification whether this is streaming or not!! All of a sudden, like a flower blooms, I got the notification!! Here I'm writing. God bless you and children who has sang as usual soul'ful and divinity to the core
@SandhyaDas-b3x Жыл бұрын
I'm proud to be Sanatani.. and I am proud of all of you... It's really amazing, kuldeep jii.. I am really proud of your every step that is taking us close to God
@vikasdevdubey3918 Жыл бұрын
Kuldeep bhaiya आपको चरण स्पर्श महादेव आपको लंबी उम्र दे. आपकी हमेशा जय हो... सब बच्चों को प्रणाम धन्य है हम भारतवासी जहां आप जैसे मेरे भाई बहन का जन्म हुआ.. बहोत बहोत गर्व होता है आप सब पर महादेव आप सबको ढेर सारी खुशियां दे.. आप सबके माता पिता की जय हो.. हर हर महादेव 🙏🙏🙏
@parasnathyadav3869 Жыл бұрын
हर हर महादेव 💐💐💐💐💐🙏
@mohanvisvanathan4753 Жыл бұрын
What a great service to Humanity Kuldeep Pai. Apart from spreading spirituality, you are creating numerous future great speakers , those who sing such difficult scriptures with ease. Hats off🙏🙏🙏
@parasnathyadav3869 Жыл бұрын
हर हर महादेव 💐💐💐💐💐🙏
@vimalgurjar96 Жыл бұрын
I'm from Agra Uttar Pradesh, everytime I listen this shiv tandav stotram, mera har har rogate khade ho jate hai, kuldeep ji I'm your listener from Spotify and youtube music also i love all you bhajanam ,bolo har har Mahadev 🚩🚩🚩🚩
@aarem2880 Жыл бұрын
பாராட்ட வார்த்தைகள் இல்லை!! எல்லா பாராட்டு வார்த்தைகள் இங்கே எழுதி விட்டதாக கொள்ளவும்! Another Master piece by Shri Kuldeep and team!!!🙏🙏🙏🙏
@gopalchpadhi8102 Жыл бұрын
🙏🐯 ॐ नमः शिवाय 🐯🙏 💖God 🔥 bless 🔥 you 🔥 all 💖
@subhadeepdas9353 5 ай бұрын
Sawan mash ka subh absar par maa kali ma kulbar shanibar me sun raha hu ati uttam ❤
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