In case it wasn't super clear, 2377 gets the credit for closing out Kingsland. GG and WP everybody, fun (but fast) Kingsland fight!
@savagesnadgaming72524 күн бұрын
Honestly could have gone either way. All came down to who won the 1v1 of 365/2377. If 365 wins that or even tips in their favor this goes the other way potentially, or at the very least lasts another day or more. Good fight and congrats on the win.
@kimkong41634 күн бұрын
You fought really great ....only thing what i was wondering you didnt pick boudicca over ash ,cause her skill dmg debuff really benefits that swarm strategy more then ash does !
@MDNT322 күн бұрын
You should do an account tour that would be sick
@holahup70284 күн бұрын
1365 is just bad right now. They need to downsize and get rid of those deadweights
@Kledis144 күн бұрын
W really fun kvk especially that Martilla counter rally
@SystemcIify3 күн бұрын
1365 full of deadweights
@nemo81984 күн бұрын
baba loss again lol
@miko_k194 күн бұрын
Not just baba 1365 lost,kvk is not fighting a single person
@Perez1593 күн бұрын
@@miko_k19he probably talking about the baba curse
@YudiS32753 күн бұрын
Baba curse 😂
@ragingomen22483 күн бұрын
Insane kvk, congrats man, was a blast to watch! 💪
@gabrielalmeida69174 күн бұрын
Congo rats, man. Watched and made a timelapse of the KvK from 11 seconds until KL opened and even now I'm still running it. Amazing performance from 2293, 2934 and 2377.
@ducky34523 күн бұрын
shockingly good swarming setup, fascinating part of the video. my only gripes are shajar should be primary, she’s just going to help a ton with the single target and the buff will still help and trigger rousing drums. i also question sargon. even though hes getting full value of 2.5k dmg factor, it’s just questionable, someone like scipio is bringing debuff, damage, stats, and his fourth skill triggers rousing drums. or even alex could serve a similar purpose with his buff/debuff
@dickymehangmbewa40283 күн бұрын
Congratulations Sir 🎉
@chillwhale074 күн бұрын
Disappointing end. Congrats to 2377,2293 and 2934. Also kudos to 1718 and 3310 for giving it their all.
@chickenstudios1574 күн бұрын
1365 is in a very weird spot rn, we have clearly seen they have downtime which as an imperium they can’t afford to have plus they don’t stand a chance against other imperiums like 60gt, 2377, 1093, 2489 etc… Power wise they are the strongest but in reality I would go as far as to say they are one of the weakest imperiums out there. Not lasting even a day in KL as an imperium is a fact they need to look closer upon. But yeah they are in such a weird spot because they are better than the a seeds, but against imperiums they stand no chance. It will be interesting to see how 365 leadership will react and adapt to this situation. This isn’t supposed to sound hateful lol, I love 365 and their consistency over the years, but one should always prioritize facts and truth instead of blindly saying stuff. So for they 365 fan base please don’t take it personally, this is just my observation 🫶❤
@dominickspain56553 күн бұрын
Thats been 365 issue for about 2 years now. Before it never killed them but because they cant recruit and bring in players as they used to, it was only a matter of time. 365 been one of the top kingdoms for 4 years now. Not an easy feat but unfortunately like many other imps, all good things come to and end and success is measured by how much they bounce back after failure. They finally got punched in the mouth. So the real test begins. And yes i used to play in 365 2 years ago. Wasnt that big of a player but it was evident. Alot of ppl were cocky and alot thought they knew the game. And alot of them we knew couldnt maintain the wallet to back up the talk. Its apparent. Knowledge without application equals a countdown of inevitability
@chickenstudios1573 күн бұрын
Beautifully said
@redbluegreen10623 күн бұрын
They already beat 93
@chickenstudios1573 күн бұрын
@@redbluegreen1062 the kvk 2 years ago? 1365 wouldn’t survive 93 in todays era. To be honest I don’t think 1365 survives this kvk as a kingdom
@wurgdenjurg93644 күн бұрын
Tbh, 1718 was handling 2293/2934 alone by themselves. Meanwhile, 3310 was burning flags of the 2293/2934 camp around the Ziggurat without much resistance, since most of the 93/34 camp was heavily focused on 1718. At the same time, 3310 successfully defended their own flags against players from 2377, such as Hope, Lion, and Shanks. I wouldn’t call the A-seed camps equal. The 1718 murderball consistently clashed with the 93/34 murderball and almost always came out on top, burning flags of 93/34 in the process. Meanwhile, their allies in 3310 had also a murderball near the Ziggurat without facing any real fights. As for 2377, that’s a different story. 1365 is likely heading towards the same fate as other previously strong and dominant kingdoms-eventually becoming a dead kingdom.
@Jame-33104 күн бұрын
1718 was never handling the other a seeds alone, 3310 joined DC#1 and 1718 alliances. Plus sending numerous time balls up top/middle.
@wurgdenjurg93644 күн бұрын
@ yes there were some people from 3310 in DC1 i agree. But far the most were 1718 and if you watched the ziggurat, there was always a huge murderball of 3310 whilst 1718 was fighting 34/93 and the murderball of 3310 wouldn’t have been there if so many 3310 would have joined DC1 as you claim. 93/34 were burning flags on the top right corner that’s true, as chisgule said but at the same time there were 4-6 flags burning of 93/34. it was a interesting match, but in my opinion was 1718/3310 camp stronger.
@Jame-33104 күн бұрын
@ 1718 made the calls, we asked multiple times to help. Wanted us to stay… a lot can be said, but it’s done. Gg’s to everyone
@tempestmusic3 күн бұрын
multiple swings in momentum, but in favor of 2293/2934 as we capitalized on it and destroyed more important flags. 1718/3310 were on their backfoot trying to build the same flag 3 times near the pass. so i wouldn't say anyone handled anyone
@wurgdenjurg93643 күн бұрын
@@Jame-3310 i didn't attack any of the kingdoms, 3310/1718 together were stronger than 2934/2293 that's what i meant. i am not saying 3310 was not a help, from what i have seen they both did their work very well!
@ardasonmezdag44914 күн бұрын
Congratulations boss
@JaydenHaycock4 күн бұрын
My kvk 1 kingsland took 2 days before my allies got destroyed
@siongkianlim4 күн бұрын
Congratulations 👏🎉 to the winner 🥳 ❤🎉
@ninjahhh95064 күн бұрын
Its was great 🔥🔥
@mrdante61263 күн бұрын
I wish 365 get rid of their deadweights and recover . They lost many good players and pretty sure many more after this kvk. Good luck to save and other leaderships in 365
@stevensonlin27363 күн бұрын
Spend millions of dollars and still NO AUTARCH (Baba 2025)
@NhatMinhPhamNgoc4 күн бұрын
thought this kl would've lasted for longer, like the 2377vs2429 kvk, but no lol
@georgiivanov28334 күн бұрын
you really thought 1365 can hold 2377 for more ? 1365 have a downtime which for imperium of their size, they cant afford to have it. While 2377 dont have any downtime, they have so many pilots and just keep on going and going. at gate 7 we saw, 1365 cant do much, people thought they just saving for KL... nah it wasnt the case at all, 1365 is just deathweight imperium.
@Zungentruppen3 күн бұрын
Sounds like you should keep your main here, a very well run A seed who has good track record of winning KVKs. 2 KVK wins in a row, Chisgule on a winning streak haha
@VGVis4 күн бұрын
@poonanji3 күн бұрын
While the win was impressive, 1365 did not perform up to expectations, given their capabilities. I believe Chis was attempting to be diplomatic, but let's be honest: too many deadweight whale accounts in 1365 are inflating their MM power.
@Chisgule3 күн бұрын
To your point, their performance was obvious for everyone to see.
@WillofD183 күн бұрын
Should've swarmed with Nev/Mina But congrats on the fat W!!
@Za_maus3 күн бұрын
1365 should zero the deadweights
@GHANYY-z8h3 күн бұрын
They should zero baba, he's deadweight
@kotoriammamurakyrigaya39542 күн бұрын
Question: when Baba will win KvK?😂😂😂
@lizardjesus30603 күн бұрын
@darkfuryalp2544 күн бұрын
Matchmaking sucks, powerful people become allies
@ChristIsKing88883 күн бұрын
Bad matchmaking is liliths cash cow
@luizfernando-di5jv4 күн бұрын
They changed something in matchmaking for this format (they even asked for feedback, first time I noticed that) and its clearly off... I'm also in this format and they basically gave a guaranteed win to one of the camps
@iCe-jo2jd4 күн бұрын
Hi yt😊
@fatpedro55883 күн бұрын
So did Chisgule win or lose this KvK?
@Chisgule3 күн бұрын
@MoTVation9733 күн бұрын
baba losing kvk again?
@Ainz-Ooal-Gown33104 күн бұрын
@emmanuelvillanueva17664 күн бұрын
@harrysherman49904 күн бұрын
First comment!
@chrislivesey91453 күн бұрын
You know the game is bad when the youtuber literally spends his money on the game and useless for the game because of psy too win
@kalisurf56444 күн бұрын
This is why the game is dead.
@savagesnadgaming72524 күн бұрын
Because 365 can't handle 2377 the game is dead? Odd.
@Jac769064 күн бұрын
@@savagesnadgaming7252 more like ppl are not investing in pilots anymore.
@endofexistence21494 күн бұрын
Pilots should get you banned anyways, it ruins the actual strategy of the game.
@2377Kilde3 күн бұрын
@@endofexistence2149 Atleast for this kvk it had nothing to do with pilots. Our pilots got bored out their minds cuz it was over so they didn't even get used
@savagesnadgaming72523 күн бұрын
365 just had 0 uptime compared to previous KVKs. 8 hours and done...its good to see new blood at the top. Tired of seeing the same names 365, 960, 93. Bring on 2377, 2489, etc. This is good for the game. Sucks to hear you all got bored so quickly. Tbh I probably would have too considering the hype and buildup. Gg tho and congrats on win
@ahmedhossain1096Күн бұрын
The curse of BABA...😂😂😂😂...bullet might miss but BABA curse never
@Helios_6364 күн бұрын
You had finished kvk before you even went KL at 1254😂