The Beauty of Timeless and Formless Consciousness Shines in the Form in Time ❤️ 💚 💜
@อรพรรณขุนทอง-ษ1ปАй бұрын
@NabinRai-x9hАй бұрын
Nomo bhudday ❤❤❤ good
@KoLay-xg7zfАй бұрын
Namo Buddhaya.
@TheNewsPaper563Ай бұрын
विश्व में फैला बौद्ध धम्म 0:19 महाबोधि मंदिर बोधगया भारत 0:34 बोधगया,सारनाथ,कुशीनगर, संकिसा,श्रावस्ती,वैशाली,राजगीर, नालंदा 01:35 गोल्डन बुद्धा प्रतीमा महाबोधि मंदिर 01:55 एशिया में बुद्ध धम्म 01:18 मौर्य सम्राट अशोक महान 02:12 विश्व के मानचित्र पर बुद्ध धम्म 02:44 नालंदा विश्वविद्यालय 04:09 *_प्रधान मंत्री जी लाइव _**_05:17_*
@senakadezoysa3759Ай бұрын
India can become a world superpower nation by promoting Buddha Dhamma, the message of peace, happiness, and respect for all sentient beings. Loving kindness & karuna are the key healing tools Lord Buddha shows to practice by all.
@vasanlalАй бұрын
Wish no history repeat of destroy happened at the time of King Mogel.
@ogathingo888529 күн бұрын
If India can revive the wisdome based government and social system that made Ashoka’s reign great, than only BHARAT will shine through her soft super power , which will lift the humanity from IGNORANCE…
@ogathingo888529 күн бұрын
@@vasanlalsorry to say but it not only the invaders have destroyed the greatness of India but also by her own citizens who have neglected the ancient knowledge. After the Independence , Indians were and still are chasing dream to be like her colonial masters , instead of reviving once own over 3000 years of civilization ( like Harappa etc..) that were very advanced even in today’s context e.g. social and administration infrastructure….
@ratanapothisuwan1541Ай бұрын
@asinha4528Ай бұрын
Om mane padme hung 🙏 🙏
@kplow7513Ай бұрын
@ribeirojorge5064Ай бұрын
@D.P123-1Ай бұрын
@diabetesasiaАй бұрын
Excellent 👌 o
@TheUnknown79Ай бұрын
Spiritual tongue of Einstein favours Buddhism Let Einstein sharan be the Sharan sangha of Integral Humanism
@SANN-1969Ай бұрын
@YLYLMR27 күн бұрын
None of the politician can follow the Buddha teaching.
@ecv167Ай бұрын
Pls chant I get a job in Abudhabi Nam Myo ho renge kyo
@YLYLMR27 күн бұрын
Who going to sponsor money for Buddhist event around the Asia or the world?
@RabinsXP25 күн бұрын
The attempt to shadow Lumbini, Nepal - the birthplace of Buddha is quite seen in Indian videos. They always find ways to make it as if Buddha was born in India while Buddha was born in Nepal in real. I did not come here to spread hatred but I can see it in lots of Indian videos.
@theholidayplan268Ай бұрын
@user-drukyelАй бұрын
Man at that time geographical india was not there until the British marked it....used logic not ur mythology
@easybbcАй бұрын
Nepal, Lumbini is the birth place of Lord Buddha, not India!
@HemantKumar-ry5qkАй бұрын
Nepal didn't exist in 2000 years ago 😂 nepal is part of India
@user-drukyelАй бұрын
@@HemantKumar-ry5qkindia too until the British marked it too...😂
@HemantKumar-ry5qkАй бұрын
@@user-drukyel india have many names like जम्बूद्वीप
@user-drukyel23 күн бұрын
@@HemantKumar-ry5qk servant of slave of british under 200 year's
@shambhugangwar79002 күн бұрын
In lord Buddha's time even Nepal was India. Besides his actual kingdom Kapilvastu has been identified as a place in India and not in Nepal as was thought earlier.
@DhammaNews563Ай бұрын
विश्व में फैला बौद्ध धम्म 0:19 महाबोधि मंदिर बोधगया भारत 0:34 बोधगया,सारनाथ,कुशीनगर, संकिसा,श्रावस्ती,वैशाली,राजगीर, नालंदा 01:35 गोल्डन बुद्धा प्रतीमा महाबोधि मंदिर 01:55 एशिया में बुद्ध धम्म 01:18 मौर्य सम्राट अशोक महान 02:12 विश्व के मानचित्र पर बुद्ध धम्म 02:44 नालंदा विश्वविद्यालय 04:09 *_प्रधान मंत्री जी लाइव _**_05:17_*