Should GTA 6 Online Focus On Solo Players?

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@ZakRas 3 ай бұрын
4:01 I can absolutely describe what the Casino Heist would be like if you could solo it; It would be exactly the same, minus the one other player you need to do the twin keycard swipe - that keycard swipe is the ONLY reason the Casino Heist "requires" at least 2 players. I for one would have so much more fun with the Casino Heist if I could solo it, because I could free myself from looping Gruppe Sechs & Sewers Aggressive - the two most straight-forward options, because I've suffered enough morons that don't do any optional preps and can't stealth. The whole point of the Vault having a timer is so you're encouraged to bring even more players than just 2, so you have an easier time emptying the vault... it's just 95% of the playerbase have no attention span or any interest in actually playing efficiently. Heists 2015 --- your own Heists With Randoms series --- are prime examples as to why the GTA playerbase cannot be trusted with missions that are specifically designed to be Co-Op Only with every player doing a different task. You cannot expect people to have 1-3 friends on hand all in what little leisure time they can afford to do work towards completing a series of missions they're expected to take a smaller/minimal payout from... so you turn to fellow players, but the game is demanding basic efficiency that the majority of the playerbase refuses to have. So R* had to dumb the Heists down in 2017/2019 - Casino doesn't have "roles" and there's very few missions in Doomsday that feature "roles". If GTA Online has proven anything - it's that its playerbase is NOT co-op oriented. The only challenge in GTA Online, is not the game, it's the players you're expected to rely on.
@randomserbianguy5677 2 ай бұрын
I agree on all points. The casino heist would be 10 times better if you could play it solo, that way, you can go about it at your own pace, wether that be slow but stealthy or fast but more dangerous. When I was playing with players, I felt like I had to either keep up with the more experienced ones, or waist time waiting on others to pick up a slack.
@ninochaosdrache3189 2 ай бұрын
Right? There is nothing in the Casino Heist that requires two players. Everything could be done alone just fine.
@nkjellman 3 ай бұрын
All you need to do is replace players with NPCs. You can keep the Diamond Casino Heist the same and allow people to play solo, with an NPC taking the other player's place if you're playing solo.
@BarFace 3 ай бұрын
Until they start doing funny stuff and glitching
@nkjellman 3 ай бұрын
@BarFace They don't in the SP heists so I think it'll be fine.
@MegaCazzam 3 ай бұрын
Considering how brain dead GTA players can be yes they should seriously make it solo focused 😂
@LAutisteAmateur 3 ай бұрын
"Common goal" "dong things in a group." doesn't have the same feeling. Yeah, alone it's a breeze and with others it's always a pain in the butt because there's always one that suck, so yeah, not the same feeling... Prison break with randoms or the doomsday heist?... Yeah you can have some unique feelings doing so... u_u
@christianskidmore4830 3 ай бұрын
I think a lot of people commenting here don't understand the difference between solo friendly and solo. An online game having things work for solo players doesn't hurt you in any way. A lot of you say "go play story mode" but apparently don't understand the difference between playing story and online. Because playing story doesn't make sense for the players who play online and want to be able to do it alone. Playing alone for those of us who play GTA to have fun is usually mandatory because of rebreather wearing, orbital cannon using losers who haven't showered since 2013. Those players make it near impossible to actually play the game unless you're alone. Those players will migrate to gta6 for the same reason. Now, as for if everything should be soloable or not. It could be done, and I don't see why anyone who isn't going to play solo cares. Think about the casino heist for example. Rockstar could've made it to where if you're solo, then you could still play just by having an extra set-up mission where you steal some device that you attach to one side of the door while you run over to swipe the other side. During the group 6 approach you don't have a partner, and they think you're legit so they could send an ai out to swipe with you. These changes would not effect players who just do this with other people, so why not have it? The solo player is naturally collecting less money or whatever is in the vault, and if it's still too much, balance it by having the crew take a slightly higher cut, with the reason being that it's less likely to work out since only one person is going in. As for things like sale missions, since no players are threatening you in solo, just send ai after the player. That's always been Rockstar's way of annoying players anyway, so it's nothing new. So, what would be the problem? As long as it doesn't hurt non solo players, why shouldn't solo be possible? Oh, anyone responding by acting condescending, rude or completely ignoring my point, you will be ignored. If you have your own points I'll gladly debate, but not if you disregard my own points. I've had enough of arguing on the internet, so if anyone is going to act civil, I'll talk. Otherwise, you're on the wrong comment.
@GL1TCH1N 3 ай бұрын
I hope the free roam events focus on Coop/PvE instead of PvP.
@kratos9954 3 ай бұрын
Solo should be a focus imo
@ibex485 3 ай бұрын
One thing they must do is ensure any grindy things can be done solo. By all means give a bonus for having additional players, but ensure they're viable solo. When I began playing GTAO the last thing I wanted to do when friends were in-game was businesses. I always did that grind solo. When friends were available I wanted to do something fun instead, like heists. (Unfortunately they mostly just wanted help selling their businesses. 😞)
@bullfrog8465 2 ай бұрын
I started GTAO way back in mid 2014 on Xbox 360, then to One... took a year break in 2018-19 then moved to PC and now I kinda in a way... miss the days before businesses and even the original heists ...when everyone would grind out contact missions like Rooftop Rumble, to make 18,750 if I remember right, for 5 minutes of work 😂 Sadly R* had to go and fix the mission payouts and made them be based on time taken ...aka the longer you took/waited ...the more you were paid smh. I also miss the old cut contact missions, like CCO 2 & 3 and Chemical Extraction.
@garchompy_1561 3 ай бұрын
I think the solution to the solo vs co-op content dilemma is that whatever solo-able content there is should be even remotely coperable pay wise, or even pay more than the mandatory co-op for the time it takes. The co-op experience is great for a 1 time "sitting down and experiencing with your friends" on a saturday night. But, playing that "unique experience" to grind money as the only real way to make a lot of money is what turns that experience sour; see the Cayo Perico Heist, what is one of the most varied and unique heists with so many different approaches that does actually have more variation and freedom than casino and I would say is a better heist (or was, the nerfs and glitches have ruined it too), but because it was THE thing to grind, people just repeated the same 1 route, the same 1 set of setups, the same 1 heist over and over, the experience is just ruined by that. no one cares for the story of it, no one cares for the vast range of approaches, no one cares that you can use the alkonost and take any route through the island and any route off it. That first few times was great, but it made the most amount of money and it was the only one where you had the option to not need to upset or strain your friendships by constantly asking them to help grind with you for hours doing the same boring route over and over for days at a time with no end in sight. Compare that to the missions that SHOULD be the missions that people grind when theyre alone to make money and enjoy the game - Deathmatches, Races, Adversary modes, Survivals, LTS', Freemode Work/missions. All but freemode work/missions are absolutely useless for money making compared to the heists and heist-like missions. There is 0 reason to "just hop on to make some money" and play 20 races back to back with random players, because if youre alone and just want to use your time to make some money to then be able to enjoy the game with your friends next time theyre on, you know, like normal people, then you were always going to be better running a cayo, or running some new solo heist or heist-like mission. Why do those 20 races and get paid maybe 50k for them when you can do 2 heists in that time and get paid 2 million..? Who does survivals? its not to re-live the story of them, there isnt one, is it for the joy of combat? why not any of the other missions with combat? I hope in 6, they make the shift to focus on seperating the "grinding" content vs "experience" content. Give us big "first time completion" bonuses for these long story driven quests basically so we have an incentive to meet up with our friends and play them together and enjoy them as a group, but after that they shouldnt pay nearly as much. If you want to play those missions they should be for the reasons they exist at all, to experience unique gameplay mechanics and re-live the stories they tell. Maybe they could do great event weeks where they get that one time bonus back to encourage you to play it again in order to prepare for (insert new content) that is related to them, but other than that they shouldnt be the missions you replay over and over. Encourage the playlist jobs, encourage the simple missions, encourage the missions that are meant to be played over and over to be played over and over. remember grinding original heists? remember having to rewatch that ending cutscene with lester transferring the money to you EVERY TIME that you could not skip in any way? yea thats maybe a sign it shouldnt have paid well on repeaded attempts to discourage spamming it and only it...
@zabar1518 3 ай бұрын
Most Definitely they should focus on solo players
@MrMegaMario64 3 ай бұрын
Fact is, we need a bit of both. If Rockstar wants max money, they will attempt to cater to as many play-styles as possible.
@joewashington3469 3 ай бұрын
I think solo players should be a focus not everyone likes to play with others,has friends or people to play with, some people literally just don’t know how to play, then there’s people who bother you for no reason at all…
@jitteryjet7525 3 ай бұрын
GTA 6 is likely to have a good singleplayer open world to play in. If people do not know how to play, they need to be given a chance to learn by having a good matchmaking system.
@ninochaosdrache3189 2 ай бұрын
@@jitteryjet7525 Doesn't matter how good the singleplayer is if all new content will be locked to GTA Online.
@jitteryjet7525 2 ай бұрын
@@ninochaosdrache3189 You can count on R* doing what ever maximizes profit for them.
Either do more story content for solo players or make solo a thing in online, because- I'm sorry, the social aspect of it holds me personally back when I've not played with friends since I was in my twenties and we now all have lives and jobs too busy to link up for gtao dlcs. And playing with randoms is not it.
@chungusfootfungus 3 ай бұрын
That and rockstar has created a completely toxic online environment where everyone just tries to screw each other over and no one knows how to work as a team
@minthouse6338 2 ай бұрын
They need to do both and the system right now for Auto Shop contracts and Cayo is what works. You can do those solo or you can invite other players, the choice is yours. Not only that, if you have other players and they die or leave - the mission or heist do not fail, you can still continue playing and not have to relaunch it all over again.
@baginamonolog 3 ай бұрын
Basically if it's a grind in any way it's no good. Heyday was being able to deathmatch, race, co-op, even parachute with friends and random people and still make enough for a car every day or two, tank or heli every week or two. When it became a grind it jumped the shark.
@pantommy 3 ай бұрын
The grind should be there, but it shouldn't br a focus. It should be something you get through by enjoying the game, not by focusing on farming. You can still focus on farming, but that'd only hurt your enjoyment of the game. Also, raw power shouldn't be locked behind progression and grinding, otherwise there's an incentive to remove all fun and mindlessly farm to get the strongest items. The things you unlock shouldn't give you more power per se, they should allow you to expand your gameplay options and allow you to learn new skills in the game. You're grinding to unlock more gameplay, not to unlock more power essentially.
@sthea8486 3 ай бұрын
Drinking game: Take a shot every time Gtamen says “Dedicated Servers”
@sthea8486 3 ай бұрын
Also when Gtamen says “Solo”
@GeoToni13 3 ай бұрын
Solo play and multiplayer should both be given an option into the next gta online. I do play mostly solo but I do enjoying lurking around with people at times. I think the main reason why people play solo is cause we're sick of griefers etc. We don't always want to pvp. Esp in freemode where, let's face it, is kinda pointless and yet there's always death and distruction. If Rockstar implimented two types of freemode lobbies where one is like it is today but the other a friendly fire lobby which rewards players when they work together to commit crime and take over vice city, I would be down for that. But make it optional. Whether or not that happens or could happen I dunno, let alone if Rockstar would even consider something like that?
@michaelman8751 3 ай бұрын
we wants servers that will be like roleplay so we can do more things freely and aslo mid servers with at least 35 people in the city considering how big the cities will be , so everybody can be in different part of the city doing their own thing
@jhardyjr415 3 ай бұрын
Solo players are the best way for me personally.
@NailStrafer 3 ай бұрын
If Rockstar wants to encourage teaming up, it's extremely important to reward players for doing so. Outside of heists, you never get paid enough to make it worth teaming up VS running solo.
@minthouse6338 2 ай бұрын
The rewards are good as they are. I never heard any complaints from the other players who I do heists with.
@NailStrafer 2 ай бұрын
​@@minthouse6338 That's because you're doing heists, like I was talking about before. But if it's anything else besides the Cayo/Casino heists, you're usually better off doing it alone. What I'd like to see is more of an incentive to team up in all activities, not just those two particular heists.
@lI_Speedor_Il 3 ай бұрын
Some content shoud be doable solo but definitelly not all, we need stuff like Prison Break heist too - Story Mode type of heist with diffrent roles doing their own stuff at the same time but theyre all actually diffrent players instead of switchable characters
@danpp6175 3 ай бұрын
If people don't like solo players then find other online games as GTA V should be both for multiplayer and solo players why should online players be forced to play with online players who want to mess up jobs and not make money when solo players get on to make money and that is online look at Perico for example even Dr Dre or even how about the auto shop
@Katastrofi_X28 2 ай бұрын
If you've played red dead redemption, you would know they've implemented the ability for solo players to play missions solo dolo
@rundur4805 3 ай бұрын
GTA Online is like a perfect escape from reality. Sometimes, you just want to grind or play the new content with videos/streams/movies/music in the background while enjoying your peace and quiet and earning some money in the process. Playing with others should be a part of GTA Online, but not "forced", especially with any main game content and missions besides maybe races and adversary modes. In other words, playing with friends/randos shouldn't be forced, but instead an option to help variety in approaching missions differently depending on the people you play with. Focus on Solo players should absolutely be their priority, i'd almost say over anything. Even in "Massively Multiplayer Online" games like World of Warcraft, people mostly prefer doing content on their own, and most of the times they don't engage with other players unless they're forced into it like with raiding or dungeons, and even that is now getting AI support to facilitate the solo play. That being said, I also hope they don't remove invite only/solo sessions like they did in Red Dead Online. RDO is the worst example of all of this, where you literally cannot have peace no matter what you do unless you glitch a solo lobby every like 20 minutes or are incredibly lucky in not getting players randomly chase after you just because there's a random blip on their map (you).
@minthouse6338 2 ай бұрын
They should remove the ability to attack other players in freemode. Make it you can only do that in a an actual PVP mission or adversary mode. That way, players who want to be left in peace can have that and if they wanna go all aggressive - join a PVP mission. In other games, that's exactly what freemode is - it's just a staging area for players to make up their mind what they want to do or just explore.
@sycas1 3 ай бұрын
Rockstar bought 5M servers. they will very probly have a hybrid server concept. they will have the same as we do for GTA5 but we might get 5M servers renteble directly from rockstar like "realms" in minecraft. with this comes different characters that doesnt cross over. this also makes it so that you deside who plays and that you can have friends and others to play on them. if someone cheats its up to you to take control of it. this concept makes so much sense to me because it will force people to play MORE and bring in MORE money for rockstar then just buying the game. it will also make people buy more sharkcards due to spending time on different characters and not being able to grind for all the money in time. With this also comes a easy menu to adjust dlc content on the server (enable/disable) which makes it doesnt matter what content they add, you just get to disable a DLC if its bad for gameplay or RP. This concept also holds true for me due to the story being 2 characters that plays at the same time..... if they just add the base code that in fairness could be very simular....... that means we get coop storymode due to the 5M servers. With this I see that to play coop you need to rent a server. People will hate it, but i do see this being being true. there is just so much money to be milked from this constantly every single week/month.
@creamfiend84 2 ай бұрын
Like some commenters have mentioned solo play should have the option of np team player for mission like heists.
@minthouse6338 2 ай бұрын
you don't need np player. Auto shop contracts and Cayo is how they should do the missions and heists. Either do it solo or invite other players - you have a choice.
@creamfiend84 2 ай бұрын
@@minthouse6338Well I guess they struck a balance with heists being single player and team based, keeps us happy I guess. One other topic that ticks me of bunker for single player! Why not use the same system from night club when playing solo, bigger shipment bigger vehicle.
@andywilson5518 3 ай бұрын
Definitely solo. I love GTA but damn people are toxic. Trying to get 4 randoms on heist,
@minthouse6338 2 ай бұрын
Why do you want 4 randoms. I only ever have one on Casino heist. It's a lot easier to find one other random player.
@pantommy 3 ай бұрын
The points about dedicated servers don't make a lot of sense. First off, just saying that servers wouldn't "fit" a game like GTA is just vague. I assume you're referring to the logistics of it and how making lobbies would be troublesome, but this isn't 2013 anymore. There are technologies meant to allow servers to dynamically create dedicated lobbies for 1 or 30 players. A single physical machine can host a range of lobbies, it's just about managing the creation of these instances. A problem I can see is lobbies getting slow after a couple of hours of uptime, but regular shutdowns and ways to isolate old lobbies can help remedy this. This might be a weird example, but Roblox does dedicated servers pretty well where they dynamically instance new lobbies based on demand and filter players towards newer servers to avoid slower old servers. The benefits of dedicated servers are paramount. Saying that "there will still be cheaters" is missing the point, cheaters will not be nearly as powerful on dedicated servers. They wouldn't be able to spawn UFOs or change things about other people's clients, for example. The server would be the authority, so their clients couldn't do mcuh besides modifying things locally and abusing a few exploits from the server-side which can be patched. GTAO doesn't have an aimbot problem like other games with dedicated servers, it has a problem with people literally messing with the entire lobby as if they were admins on the server (because, given the peer 2 peer architecture, they ARE if they're the host). Also, the performance of lobbies wouldn't be tied to the performance of the host's machine, so lobbies in gener would be more stable and fair for everyone. The main draw for dedicated servers is cost, and if that's an issue I just think we have different perspectives on what kind of company Rockstar is - they have the money. There are little to no effective drawbacks to dedicated servers, none that were presented in this video, so I don't see the point in arguing against it - especially in a dismissive and condescending manner telling people to "educate themselves".
@MarkBluett 3 ай бұрын
RDR2 had a good solution (better than GTA's normal or hard mode) of 5 bounty hunter levels going up to free aim and enemies not shown on the map. Although once reaching the 5th level you should be able to choose the difficulty levels when playing the mission again, rather than locked to max 5th level.
@jeannine1215 3 ай бұрын
Solo should be considered
@jobwanmojo 3 ай бұрын
As someone who plays solo 90% of the time i actually agree with your statement, there should definitely be a bonus to encourage multiplayer in gta 6 online (its called online for a reason). Not saying at all that solo missions, heists, etc should be useless or removed of course, as a solo player i would like the baseline payouts and such to be good, Im saying that playing with other people should be a good way to progress faster within the game with more rp and money bonuses like you said. Why as a solo player would you be worried about other people achieveing/buying something first if you aren't going to play with them? Before i was always a diehard solo player but my views have shifted a bit. Even if i wont change being a solo player or not, GTA 6 online should be a game where playing with people should be benefitted but at the end of the day you should play however the fuck you want
@brunoutechkaheeros1182 3 ай бұрын
only after 10 years they added the ability to manage your business in a private/invite lobby
@PAXperMortem 3 ай бұрын
GTA 6 should be singleplayer-only.
@edwardadrian5173 3 ай бұрын
This guy keeps crying about solo content but because he got a Crew that protect him. Try playing without a crew and they me about it.
@minthouse6338 2 ай бұрын
Why not join a crew? It's what I did when I started playing online and it's easier if you get a mic too. Talking to people, you can tell if they're a good person and ask if they're willing to help you. Obviously if they're bad, you just quit and block them.
@alwinuding8926 3 ай бұрын
I like to play GTA online for all the content that story mode doesn't have. But I like to enjoy that content in my own space and pace. So I would like it if every content in GTA 6 online has the option to be done solo. I would also like it, if they could still make it possible to do the casino heist solo in the current GTA online.
@papishai9267 3 ай бұрын
I feel like in a inv only I get to be the city’s biggest criminal not just another guy with 30 other people causing havoc but to be able to be the biggest mogul / criminal in my session it’s just way more fun with a single player vibe I understand it’s a multiplayer game but it not the same as 10 years ago where I wanted to go make friends in public sessions I just want to listen to my music and drive around
@MrGrimm-gy1mu 3 ай бұрын
I have a feeling that GTA 6 online will be nothing like GTA 5 online, the games are so different from eachother and it's more "realistic" in terms of gameplay. I think that it's gonna be (atleast for the first year) a more RP-based "realistic" experience until the updates starts flowing.
@chrisflemming8272 3 ай бұрын
Day 1 heist? Day 1 Contest mode raid? Hmmm If we have Day 1 heist would that mean triple or double money?
@Manwitnoplan 3 ай бұрын
I mean ik that finding intelligent ppl in the game is actually the hardest thing in this game but man why make an online mode just to play solo thats just a waste than
@jitteryjet7525 3 ай бұрын
I think GTA 6 Online will have dedicated servers. Look at other Open World games such as Rust, etc. Client-side cheats will still be possible, but at least they won't be able to affect the environment and other players like in GTA Online. I just can't see Rockstar Games using a peer-to-peer mesh network.
@SupergirlJLM 3 ай бұрын
I want solo to not be totally shut out because I don't like dealing with random players on the off chance I run into a griefer. They can cater to solo players and non solo players. I'm not in gta online for the pvp unless its me just messing about with my friends. I also don't mind a challenge I just don't want it to be to the point where its frustratingly difficult like the npcs being extremely accurate like in 5 and hopefully they don't have that glitch where the npc get a full clip or magazine out in a split second.
@minthouse6338 2 ай бұрын
Y'all complaining about GTA online - why don't you try playing Elden Ring multiplayer, then you'll quit complaining.
@clarksonoceallachain8536 3 ай бұрын
Needs more equal pay Auto shop mini heists as an example
@kennythemeat 3 ай бұрын
heists are pretty complicated. its not a thing you do with strangers. since it is free to play it needs a lot of grinding. so there is no way you make more money with more players. in gta 5 online it is not worth it to do things with others. payouts are allways worse. the only heist i was able to do with a stranger was the fleeca heist. tried the prison break heist several times. but no chance at all. i never played the other heists.
@minthouse6338 2 ай бұрын
My average cash take from GTA online skyrocketed after Casino heist was added to the game.
@ChimpManZ1264 3 ай бұрын
I just want GTA VI to be good. Screw VI online, the next online needs to focus more on being it's own IP so it can try new things like a new map every few years so it doesn't go stale with exploration.
@CaptOfWolves 3 ай бұрын
They could do an anti cheat like Valorant's where it's like always running some people won't really like that of course which is understandable.
@ninochaosdrache3189 2 ай бұрын
Given how unrealiable random players are and how much griefing there will be, yes. Absolutely yes. While I see your points, I don't agree with the. Tje singleplayer shows that Rockstar can make intricate missions for solo players, so there is no reason why they can't do the same for the Online mode. Like the mentioned Clucking Brll Raid. It is soloable, but still has neat mechanics. And regarding working together, I don't think GTA has the playerbase for it. People are too incompetent and too bloodthirsty, so how are you supposed to jave cooperation if everyone wants to jump at each other's throat all the time. Even in PvE missions you get run over and your car wrecked by teammates.
@MegaMjjordan 3 ай бұрын
They should halt the Online counterpart for at least a year or 2 to flesh out the actual game. All these talks before of adding to the map over time just to do the same thing they’re doing now… having newer cars and misc but never scene in story mode
@minthouse6338 2 ай бұрын
It probably be 2 years before a new online is launched anyway - they had delays with some stuff on the existing online such as the OG heists.
@oussamalag3253 3 ай бұрын
I was only able to get as much money and buy stuff because many of newer missions and business were solo friendly and i severely hate and the times wmi spent on a single setup mission because a random isn't able to take cover
@RSAgility 3 ай бұрын
Shuuut up about having "soloable content" Its not about doing it "alone solo" Its called NPC followers, AI partners, etc, than can replace player slots for the game to function both online and offline. It could even be an option to use the player slots with bots, keep them empty or invite players... Thats what we want. No, need to have in any game. I hate only online games, I actually like to own what I buy. Claiming this is not possible is an argument from ignorance
@minthouse6338 2 ай бұрын
If you hate online games then stop going online and stick to story mode.
@eeelpuma 3 ай бұрын
GTA 6 online need to be more like GTA 4 online just more advanced
@MetroRetro31 3 ай бұрын
I really want it to focus solo players
@DeviousNor 3 ай бұрын
wouldnt dedicated servers keep cheaters from getting hold of peoples info like in peer to peer? whatever the solution is, IT NEEDS TO BE SOLVED AND IF ITS NOT THEN THE GAME IS AN IMMEDIATE FAILURE. A GAME SHOULD NOT COMPROMISE YOUR SENSITIVE INFORMATION. (edit, I am excited for single player, but I pray this issue wont be repeated in gta6 online, if it even has online)
@keegansikorski3691 3 ай бұрын
Focus solo watch it fall like rdo did a perfect game destroyed by greed will be your famous last words with gta6. Imagine playing an online multiplayer game with no friends. 😂 that’s why crews where created from the start of gta online it’s even a trophy crew cut.
@sltdahn2305 3 ай бұрын
But it can be so hard to get 4 players
@minthouse6338 2 ай бұрын
You don't need 4 players, I still earned good money by having only one random on Casino heist.
@angrysocialjusticewarrior 3 ай бұрын
Yikes. Can't take criticism I see.
@ethanacton408 3 ай бұрын
they can do none of this and people will still flock to GTA 6 and give them money so probably nothing will be done, since they will probably just get the same money regardless due to many wanting the game. seen so many say that will pre-order when we haven't seen any real gameplay
@TheIronCross2000 3 ай бұрын
The online is not even coming out, if GTA 6 comes out that is suppose in 2025 in winter i guess, but it will be just single player and it could take to 2026 for online to come out or it could take to even 2027 for online version of gta 6 to come out, because it could be alot buggier in gta 6 after it came out
@vackey2311 3 ай бұрын
The fact that Rockstar hasn't made the online mode playable offline is a crime that this point because at this point they focus solo play first multiplayer second
@Keiiluminati 3 ай бұрын
Read what you just said. Hasn’t made online playable offline? What?
@Sadrany 3 ай бұрын
delete this comment
@moosehoodie4661 3 ай бұрын
PCEO or something like it will return.
@AL3X1KUS 3 ай бұрын
Did they finally re-enable the Casino Heist?
@angelinos66 3 ай бұрын
At the end of it gta is belong to rockstar take2 not to us they do whatever they want the are the legendary ever in history everything they've done its amazing and no one can't change it
@HellRainGod 3 ай бұрын
Gtav fail many on body armour on sum missions... Need i keep going how much times they failed us all?,
@st.paddymad7085 3 ай бұрын
Yes, it should!
@SpiritJellyfish1 3 ай бұрын
They won’t have closed friend or invite only sessions. That’s confirmed. So I won’t be playing gta 6 lol. So sick of griefers. They ruined gta 5 for me.
@ordinaryvideos3033 3 ай бұрын
That's never been confirmed
@SpiritJellyfish1 3 ай бұрын
@@ordinaryvideos3033 doesn’t need to be. Knowing r*’s greed. They doesn’t want to pay for extra servers when everyone could just be in the same session as griefers lmaaaao.
@ordinaryvideos3033 2 ай бұрын
@SpiritJellyfish1 OK, but again, it's not confirmed, so you're lying for no reason.
@SpiritJellyfish1 2 ай бұрын
@@ordinaryvideos3033 Ok, but again, It doesn’t need to be confirmed, So you’re high on copium for no reason.
@ordinaryvideos3033 2 ай бұрын
@@SpiritJellyfish1 It does need to be confirmed to be true.... not a hard concept. You'll get there one day 👍
@beastabuelos6421 3 ай бұрын
@weedsoldier. 3 ай бұрын
They will do one or the other, people will bitch about it, rockstar will change it and people will still bitch about it, that's the reality of it. I don't care, im gonna mod lol.
@supermanbobby007 3 ай бұрын
GTA Online solo is so boring 😐. I play Online only for the friends that I made along the way. The sole purpose of the game is to make money, buy cool stuff & show off to your friends. Otherwise, it's better to stick to single player story mode.
@AlexT0210 3 ай бұрын
This. The playerbase who want GTA to be an online solo game are cringe.
@beastabuelos6421 3 ай бұрын
Friends you made along the way? Brain dead toxic morons? That's all i ever encounter
@K9unit37 3 ай бұрын
Fuck. I'm cringe. Sorry everyone.
@AlexT0210 3 ай бұрын
@@K9unit37 it's your own decision but when the entire playerbase wants the multiplayer game to be like this, it reduces the actual player count and forces Rockstar to make stupid changes to the game (single player everything to appease you)
@AlexT0210 3 ай бұрын
Absolutely NOT, this is what killed GTAO after The Criminal Enterprises. If you want a single player game, play story mode, otherwise you should be FORCED to play multiplayer in a multiplayer game.
@beastabuelos6421 3 ай бұрын
Garbage take. Ain't no way in fuck I'm playing with stupid randoms
@SLAYER_TDF 3 ай бұрын
That's not what killed gtaO... lol.
@deathunknown4949 3 ай бұрын
then play single player for 10+ years and see if it never gets boring
@AlexT0210 3 ай бұрын
@@SLAYER_TDF It absolutely is.
@SLAYER_TDF 3 ай бұрын
@@AlexT0210 LOL, how exactly?
@akram151 3 ай бұрын
They don't show any Dix and that well be good
@davidpomerantz 3 ай бұрын
Rockstar spent most of gta 5's lifespan, making players hate each other, so they might not have a choice
@PluuuumE 3 ай бұрын
They did that on purpose to drive shark card sales. Pitting us against eachother so we can never rally together to call them out for their bullshit. A true Divide and Conquer approach to game and MTX design. If only rockstars skeleton crew for GTAO were any good at programming because pretty much every single update 100 different exploits and glitches get added. Man, I remember when Gunrunning and all of that was just coming out, there were new glitches and exploits being found on the daily. Skeleton Crew must love swiss cheese because their code be full of holes
@tankdogization 3 ай бұрын
When people enter a virtual world they become more violent and reckless towards other people in that virtual world. Especially if you give them the tools to do those reckless acts in the first place.
@matthewdeguire472 3 ай бұрын
Solo focus should be the way they go in my opinion. I'm sorry, but finding a competent player to play with is like finding a needle in a haystack, and not everyone has friends who wanna play with them.
@Tiger_65674 3 ай бұрын
Just do GTA story mode DLC, but they ain’t doing that
@ufokuk77 3 ай бұрын
nah screw that you need to find better friends or make actual freinds in game so keep to ya solo story mode and be happy
@Grunt_007 3 ай бұрын
That is indeed a very valid issue, and the reason why they steered gta v online towards solo play. Which was a good change. However that does not mean the should start the gta 6 online experience in that same direction. It is a good remedy for the issues that became apparent in gta v. But that does not mean R* should turn its multiplayer into a story mode with a custom character. Instead, they should focus on fixing the problems that caused so many players to prefer playing gta v multiplayer, all on their own. If activision made a multiplayer COD that became so annoying you'd rather play against bots, does not mean they should focus their next cod on PvE, but rather fix the issues. Make gta 6 an enjoyable MULTIplayer experience, and it will be way better than making it 'playable solo
@Tiger_65674 3 ай бұрын
@@ufokuk77 i don’t have friends and I don’t care to make any
@chriscarpenter3370 3 ай бұрын
good point. and even if you do have friends, there's no guarantee they're gonna be playing at the same time. or if they'll even have time in the first place?
@DubcatcherAmazing 3 ай бұрын
The reason I want to play solo is because the average gta player iq is 80. It’s amazing how the game will tell you exactly what to do in BIG YELLOW WORDS and these people can never figure it out. Im 90% sure they cant read.
@Daman.S 3 ай бұрын
80 is a bit to high for them lol
@Doktor_Etti 3 ай бұрын
Children, way to many children Play it
@jamesbrown7647 3 ай бұрын
I've been trying for 2 years to get the doomsday heist done and can't because of randoms. Wish it could be done solo or at least the setups.
@DubcatcherAmazing 3 ай бұрын
@@jamesbrown7647 if ur on p5 I can help u. We can duo it, just might take a while.
@pt5728 Ай бұрын
@@jamesbrown7647ahhh I remember doomsday😂😂😂that shit was fun af
@Amr_Wael2020 3 ай бұрын
I think i have THE PERFECT SOLUTION for this problem The number one reason that players generally like to play solo is so that they don't have to rely on other player that could be incompetent So what is the perfect Solution you might ask? Simple Design the content of the game around group play so that way we please the players that like to play with their friends And when it comes to solo players give them the option to play with content (example: hiests)with npc (example:hiest crew members like patrick mcrhreary or gustavo mota) and make them take a small but noticeable cut like 25% or less if you choose a less skilled hiest crew member Because let's face it if an npc screws up it can't be as bad as a player that screws up Because generally speaking the npc will be informed ahead of what is going to happen precisely while the player is going to expirence it for the first time That way we don't limit what the developers can do And at the same time we please solo players Win-win situation I mean ghost recon wildlands did it and i think it worked
@garchompy_1561 3 ай бұрын
I dont think NPC team-mates are the answer, because chances are no AI for these is perfect and chances are players will only feel frustrated as a result. I would say seperate the experiences; The story driven, unique gameplay missions shouldn't be the highest paying per minute. the reason you should play them is because its fun and interesting. Missions that should be used to make money should be simple and faster to complete. Something like races or deathmatches or survivals or adversary modes - The "playlist modes". People complained that cayo was a bad heist despite it having the most approaches to any given run, but they would all pick the same route over and over because it was the simplest and quickest way to do the mission and thus make the most money in the least time. as long as you use it to grind, you wont care for anything but how much it pays and how long it takes to do. You will shut your brain off and play on muscle memory, and I dont think thats a good idea to do on the story and experience driven mission, that should be how you replay survivals and deathmatches on a late night when you have some free time alone. no reason to get a group together, just hop on with random people who you wont rely on, no worry of failling the same mission 8 times before giving up and not making any money, just you and the hour you have to play whatever jobs come up in the list.
@ninochaosdrache3189 2 ай бұрын
@@garchompy_1561 They don't need to be perfect, just competent enough, like the AI in story mode heists
@hellomynameisbob922 3 ай бұрын
I'd love to do more multi-player heists/jobs in GTA Online, but it's so hard to meet people and form a cohesive group. Maybe it's just me. Skill issue 😂
@jitteryjet7525 3 ай бұрын
It's not you. The biggest problem with GTA Online is the player community. Perhaps multiplayer games such as GTA Online have had their day and we need something new. Finding other Players to play with is just a match-making function, it is easy to program.
@ninochaosdrache3189 2 ай бұрын
@@jitteryjet7525 Matchmaking already exists in the game
@4LoreReasons 3 ай бұрын
My biggest problem with GTA online mainly for PC. I want to play in a public session but i get punished. Try to sell to get money, i get grieved. Yeah i can get more money for selling in public sessions for taking a risk. but the possibility of me getting my IP Address leaked and ddos attacked by modders and hackers while losing all of my cargo is not worth the cost. and in addition to my point... the game has a problem where i do a heist with other players i end up getting less money then i would get just by soloing. and you get locked into a stalemate when you got a bunch of nobodies demanding a higher cut or they don't play. or the guys that are AFK for the whole hiest but want to get paid for nothing. If I'm making more money solo and its safer to play in invite only sessions then of course I'm going to pick that option. What i would suggest is making everything soloable. but the more friends you have on a hiest the more money you get and the game is locked on each member getting 25% of the cut. That 25% cut should be more then a solo player. Especially if the more players you have on a hiest the higher the difficulty. doomsday sucks mainly because of how difficult it is and it doesn't pay more then the Dre Contract or Cayo Perico so it's not worth it. you people should be able to solo the game... but Rockstar needs to bring the community together to help each other. and save pvp for the gamemodes.
@TommyVercetti209 3 ай бұрын
I love doing the solo stuff and yes I have friends and we do stuff that requires more than one player. But I think it gta 6 online should make solo content and team content equally focused. Just my opinion
@Marco-br2wi 3 ай бұрын
Could just make a rep/ranked system for missions that punishes people who leave and dont come back to a mission and pairs u with other similarly ranked people to encourage better coop gameplay with randoms
@minthouse6338 2 ай бұрын
There's no need for that. Just do the missions and heists same way as Auto shop and Cayo. If a player leaves or dies - it won't fail and you can still continue playing the mission or heist.
@HugeGeronimo 3 ай бұрын
People are sick of finding other competent players, from the random pool of low IQ's wondering around free mode killing each other poor. For those who have groups or friends, good for you... Try doing it without your support group. GTA 5 Online has always had failings that has a disappointment, many of my friends never came back wasting their time, only new young players ever come back. I played from GTA 1 all through the others to this, and after they nerfed Perico Heist, well I don't even bother playing a DLC anymore than twice. It's all too boring added with frustrating boring mini games. And I MTU 800 before playing. In RDD2 Online I do the same, but in that game you can do everything solo. Raise your hand if your IQ is above 80, you won't find many in online lobbies. Don't make your hobby your job, try earning real money.
@jitteryjet7525 3 ай бұрын
GTA Online was never a good game. Not many play it anymore, the "new" players are just coming from new countries - that supply will dry up sooner or later.
@LAutisteAmateur 3 ай бұрын
Soloable all the way, I can't stand having to rely on other people's skills to do simple mission that turns into nightmare because they can't read simple objectives... u_u
@lexus8018 3 ай бұрын
Saying dedicated servers only work for small match based games is probably the most gamer brain out of touch thing I've ever heard.
@whitealphaw0lf709 3 ай бұрын
Shortest answer, YES! Whenever I saw Friends playing multiplayer, they ended up hating each other.
@nawtzs7792 3 ай бұрын
If your friends end up hating each other over a game they clearly don’t meet the 18+ requirements
@whitealphaw0lf709 3 ай бұрын
@@nawtzs7792 if you can only speculate and dont have facts, dont write shit you cant prove.
@nawtzs7792 3 ай бұрын
@@whitealphaw0lf709 u liked your own comment dawg
@Avi0097 3 ай бұрын
I am someone who LOVES playing with randoms. Like I wish more people played things like LTS, Races and Adversary modes(especially Extraction which is the best game mode ever in GTAO it's so fun). I do like to play solo as well. But competing with other real humans in various game modes feels much better. And even in heists it is fun....unless the randoms are total noobs.
@minthouse6338 2 ай бұрын
3:49 it's funny how Gtamen says what he says about not playing soloable and yet he uploads all these videos about how it's a bad idea to play with randoms. It wouldn't be so bad if he actually uploaded a video about "how to play with randoms" or "how to make friends to play GTA online".
@wefoundabuyerforthetvs 2 ай бұрын
i hear what you saying, but as i got older i don't feel the need to play social no more, so i kind of need the solo thing, i'm 28 years old i'm not about to play with randoms when GTA 6 comes out. i could never complete the original heist because of da social shit. who the hell has 4 friends to help you complete da shit, (maybe they can do both make a solo mode & a social mode)
@thesnassassn8521 3 ай бұрын
Gtao is so poorly optimised that thousands of lines of code need to be rewritten to move the game to dedicated servers
@MegaMjjordan 3 ай бұрын
I know we live in a live service game world but this hey need to release a good base game with dlc regardless if it make money. They already have the eventual online version, credibility is at stake in my opinion. If gta6 is released like 5 with dlc will be massively disappointing going forward
@minthouse6338 2 ай бұрын
I sure hope you don't decide to run your own business one day and be saying I don't care about making money.
@bobbythorton7693 2 ай бұрын
nah the money and people want online
@AllThatJazB 3 ай бұрын
GTA v made stats no other game in gaming history ever made. No wonder R* rarely listens to KZbinrs. Nerfing content, curtailing gameplay, limiting options, and now censoring for woke agendas ruins free concepts. Like it or not, you're going to like it or not. Hindsight is always 20/20. They pioneered a new firm of gameplay that worked. People still complained, even though it still remains a fan favorite. GTA 6 is another new concept. Hopefully it's even better than 5, and lasts just as long. Maybe it'll be customizable according to the individual style of play. Ijs, but time will tell
@DJIronChef 3 ай бұрын
whats funny, is rockstar support has no clue what they're doing. ill post a whole transcript these mf have no idea how to check your profile, see if you have an issue that you're claiming, let alone telling them you've done everything google said before they tell you everything google says, and they proceed to tell you all these things that arent on their end; change ipv4/6 server settings, reset your modem, ect. like bro wtf
@tjakal 3 ай бұрын
It should have content that is solo playable but focus on co-op. I would prefer a mission structure where having multiple people simplifies things by being able to target different locations simultaneously similar to the 'Prison Break finale', but make it so other players failing their part don't fail everyone, just makes it a lot harder for the remainder to succeed as they have to deal with covering up for the fuck-ups on the team.
@paulie-Gualtieri. 3 ай бұрын
Maybe you should say no weaponized and futuristic crap!
@diggy1147 3 ай бұрын
Hey Gtamen! Would you mind not letting Lester talk at similar volume to you? Hard to concentrate on what you're saying.
@Gtamen 3 ай бұрын
sadly had no control over it as it was (unexpectingly) taken from stream. Under "normal" circumstances where I just record it I would've. Sorry about this.
@thegetawaycat 3 ай бұрын
name of race used in the 2nd half of the video?
@Denes2005 3 ай бұрын
Before Cayo i used to see people looking for other players all the time, to do heists, races, all that. Nowadays that same chat devolved into “gta anyone?” with responses to about a quarter of them
@Doktor_Etti 3 ай бұрын
I think Online Should Not be solo focused but still solo possible mostly, but Not Focus on it, so they dont have to nerf Like heists or stuff to be soloable -me yapping Somethin'-
@Doktor_Etti 3 ай бұрын
Maybe Bots could be usable, becouse God i hate rendoms, and Boy i dont have Friends on xbox
@deathunknown4949 3 ай бұрын
@@Doktor_Ettimake some friends
@PluuuumE 3 ай бұрын
​@@Doktor_Etti God I hate illiterate Xbox users that can't spell or capitalise correctly. You made 8 different spelling mistakes in this single comment alone. Jesus fucking Christ.
@pantommy 3 ай бұрын
​@@deathunknown4949 you wasted a bit of the lifetime of your keyboard with that comment.
@Doktor_Etti 3 ай бұрын
@@deathunknown4949 i have Friends, sorry that they have a Life and dont have xbox's
@KingPaimon666 3 ай бұрын
Who cares honestly, GTA 6 is waaaaaaaay over hyped imo and the online aspect is going to be mainly GTA+ based...
@orynx2835 3 ай бұрын
Hell NO! if you want to play solo just play the single player mode . Hear me out , i do want solo missions and heists to he able to be solo . But its way more funs when you have friends playing and doing the mission together. Now, about randoms everyone is keep complaining about the playerbase and how stupid they are some times . So some solutions are simply a actually good matchmaking system. A system that punishes players doing horribly on heists and missions ( sabotaging , AFKING too much etc etc. ) A problem that some people just dont really mention is the mission structure, how can a 10 year old do a challenge on fortnite easily but not a heist in GTA ONLINE ? why is that? I do know that the dialogue says what you do. The yellow lines says , even the map shows you where to go but the problem comes when everything in the mission is soooo scripted , ruining the players creativity to engage on a mission . When a mission says " kill that guy " and then rockstar instead of making the mission in a more of ways to kill the guy and creative ways and instead they do some scripting sure it gets boring . I believe that yes the majority of randoms are stupid , they either cant read or they dont know English or any other factor . But how every random is so stupid that they fail the mission? Maybe rockstar has to give the information in a more easily way? But again. Sure those who never search they will never learn what and how to do . I do what to play with other people, thats why i am playing the game , not for going to an invite only session and spend my day even more lonely. Thats one of the reasons as to why i stopped playing . Rockstar should really improve the online aspect and the community one . As to more of community oriented one and less individually
@masrafisiam2648 3 ай бұрын
Hey, I can't claim the Itali GTO. The claim option is not showing. And it's saying that I have to sell the car for $0. Do you know how to fix this issue?
@smk1795 3 ай бұрын
gta men: I love being challenged Also gtamen: Plays Casino heist on big con approach (the easiest one)
@Gtamen 3 ай бұрын
was a heist with randoms.
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