Should We BAN Red Purple Law For Realsies?

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Car D. Kaizoku

Car D. Kaizoku

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@cardkaizoku 3 ай бұрын
CORRECTION: I misremembered the World Championships. It was GuanRong vs railz0. Sorry for my NA bias.
@JT07055 3 ай бұрын
Also the World Championship was using OP05 meta and not 06
@the16bithero15 3 ай бұрын
Refering to Gecko as, "This asshole" is a perfect way to describe how everyone feels about him
@paulbolwell3123 3 ай бұрын
I play black and if you dont have Gecko your deck sucks, so yeah its a design issue. But against RP Law it doesnt matter anyway he just rushes you down whilst removing all your cards. GG
@michaelsindaha2507 3 ай бұрын
Completely agree that the errata of Black Maria is the best solution. Historically, it’s been the AKP that have the most significant don minus effect (minus gear 5 luffy) so it makes sense that Black Maria was intended to work primarily for kaido and the other AKP leaders. It definitely sucks for some of the other purple leaders that could use her as well but it’s still the best and easiest solution at this time.
@fail_face4121 3 ай бұрын
Cards like Gecko Moria and Black Maria should have gotten the 10c big mom treatment. If your leader is X Pirates, then you get the effect. by leader locking you allow for a diverse game, while allowing powerful cards that aren't accessible to all decks of that colour.
@DNeonLamp 3 ай бұрын
Its truly ridiculous what effects Bandai seems to think should be universal and which should be restricted. Can't find any logic to it really.
@Jonathankim36 3 ай бұрын
I agree they shouldn't just ban him, in the long term they might build a history of just banning strong leaders which is overall bad for the longevity of the game
@NitenGale1 3 ай бұрын
Law’s leader effect is bad for the longevity of the game
@coltonsmith6262 3 ай бұрын
At the same time, there’s like 70 something leaders, banning one or two every couple sets doesn’t do much in the grand scheme of things
@uriarte411 3 ай бұрын
Want to know what's worse for the longevity of the game? Having 1 leader be a Tier 1 deck for 4 sets. Its so exhausting just playing against R/P Law every match since damn OP05. Its not an interesting play pattern either, you can't really stop bottom decking and 8 gordon/raise max mean you can't protect the cards that matter to you as well. I know he's not the only deck that has been good forever, but it sucks seeing new leaders introduced that simply don't get to exist because R/P law just wins way way too fast.
@coltonsmith6262 3 ай бұрын
@@uriarte411 yep that’s what I meant. They shouldn’t be afraid to ban a leader
@JackAttackMcD 3 ай бұрын
One thing you didn't mention when talking about Whitebeard was the leader and other red cards ban that only happened in the western format. This ban was only in effect for last month of the OP04 meta, but it led to one of the most diverse mini metas this game has ever seen. WB gate kept a ton of decks, and after that ban we saw a ton of experimentation that I don't think would have been possible otherwise.
@darkking4979 3 ай бұрын
I'm more of a fan of what vanguard used to do an restrict certain cards from being in the same deck doing this would even allow boat to comeback for a deck like ace or cabaji for any other blue deck
@Anorin1001 3 ай бұрын
You should feel bad. I cried. I'm joking. I agree it's Black Maria that's the real issue, not the leader. The only reasonable debate over tribal locking Black Maria I can see is if we'd want her available to Pudding too since purple's theme in 08 was the Big Mom, Kaido alliance.
@richardshiflett5181 3 ай бұрын
It's just Bandai is less likely to hit a new card, unfortunately
@link0108 3 ай бұрын
I think it would be a lot better if we type type lock Law's ability to Strawhat, Kid Pirates and Heart Pirates. That way you still get access to your rushers and rampers from ability. And you still can get the effects of Reiju on later turns and Black Maria if you pay the don for her first That way you don't limit card design space that much for literally every 4 Don or lower character in R/P
@link0108 3 ай бұрын
That way, you also keep the theme from the three captain's ST
@arpamaj9 3 ай бұрын
Supernovas archetype works too imo
@darythtaylor6706 3 ай бұрын
they should just leader lock black maria and gecko and give a new, not as annoying tech to B/Y luffy and Lucci in replacement for gecko. this would still let the cards be played.
@leviponce7730 3 ай бұрын
As of right now all the erratas were translation fixes like nami and rules text fixes likeup to none were made to impact how a card works. Though when saka ban hit his promo replacement is effectively an errata, so if law gets banned he should get an errata version. Probably a lot easier to take that route
@GregJungg 3 ай бұрын
The analysis and history recap is so good. Very level headed. Contratulations on the video!
@ukaleilei 3 ай бұрын
I think we Bandai should do a restrictive combo list. Just say you can't run Black Maria with RP Law
@Ace_Arcanine 3 ай бұрын
Did really enjoy this discussion content please do more :)
@nootmytoot7692 3 ай бұрын
Hey wondering if you’re going to do a Marco decklist love the content btw keep it up👍👍
@BlackHippy93 3 ай бұрын
I feel for moria they should just errata him and make him type lock like his leader card
@ericv5435 3 ай бұрын
Make gecko moria specificly for thriller bark leaders only
@bryanpadilla8826 3 ай бұрын
prefer this than just sim games. great vid
@adarr03 3 ай бұрын
I just don't understand why a red/purple leader has a bottom deck effect just make it KO. I feel like that would make it feel more fair.
@davidherrera8528 3 ай бұрын
yep ban that leader.... they could of easily errated sakazuki to give it a cost but no they just outright banned him(I'm aware they are releasing a promo version of him with a similar skill that some consider an errata but its NOT the same, they could of taken that idea of droping a navy card and adding it to original card as a cost to active his effect while attacking so your losing a card (navy) and then drawing a card and giving -1 to a character.)... so naw RP Law should get the same treatment.. Ban that card!!
@vamptcg 3 ай бұрын
Saka being free was dummy crazy.
@Agent_Lambchop 3 ай бұрын
Wait a minute, that’s not 10 Drop Big Mom!
@jansukoS 3 ай бұрын
Couldn't have said it any better myself!! This is what i've been trying to say to people!!! Reiju's not the problem, nor raise max or the leader effect. It's LITERALLY Black Maria 😂 But people cope and say its all reiju's fault or the leader. And like you said and i said all on twitter, if reiju was always a problem, they would've hit her in set 6, 7 or eb already 💀 Black Maria allows RP Law to do the most don sacky plays without any consequences really. Car D. Kaizoku the goat 😭 People may not listen to me, but they'll listen to you 😤 👏 👑
@TheGoodColonel 3 ай бұрын
The issue is that Black Maria is broken ONLY in RP Law. Maybe that means something 😂
@cardkaizoku 3 ай бұрын
Show em your serial!!
@Fullmetal719 3 ай бұрын
Reiju should not have counter though, it's too much. She should be dead in hand, she has too much utility. Also, I'm SHOCKED that Black Maria can use her effect and stay active. It's overkill.
@Dirpman42 3 ай бұрын
@@Fullmetal719 Not making her rest is GOOFY although honestly if she resolves once the game is pretty much locked.
@austynkozak4073 3 ай бұрын
Black Maria needs to be leader locked
@stanl3ydagamer 3 ай бұрын
I was suggesting that we can choice ban her…. If you use maria you cant run it in law decks. That way all purple decks don’t take a hit. No need to errata her completely. And its something that was done in bandai’s other game digimon.
@akstar100 3 ай бұрын
Or, just ban Black Maria from RP Law. It’s not too hard to do, just deck-check as is supposed to happen anyway. No other purple leader is a problem with Black Maria, so all that’s needed is to keep her out of this one deck.
@robertrodriguez3784 3 ай бұрын
i think banning leaders is bad and will ultimately be unhealthy. we ban law, then next strongest people call for a ban etc etc. it's just dumb to me. i also don't think leader locking certain cards is needed. i can see limiting or banning certain cards is good tho. but eh. thats me. so many decks will die with 8 moria ban. b.y luffy goes down and isn't relevant. most black decks will probably suffer heavy (though you don't really need moria imo, it just helps). maria is strong, but no one used her in the recent tourny? like she was in their deck but not on field? idk.
@Lessonius 3 ай бұрын
You don't ban the strongest leaders, you ban the most oppressive leaders that hinder a vast majority of other leaders from even being considered for events. The reason Whitebeard got banned for a while is because you were forced to run him or lose to him. Same applies to Saka and in 08, same applies to Law - You're either playing them, or playing a deck that has about an even chance to win against them (that was NOTHING in 04, Enel in 05, Moria in 06 and now it's Lucci in 08 that can at least compete IF you deckbuild specifically for that matchup and pray you dodge BY Luffy for example). It's not a problem if there's a strongest leader, but there's 8 other leaders who are close and can compete (which is kind-of the situation now in 07, there's a lot of options and the difference isn't obnoxious). It's a problem when there's a strongest leader that only 1 other leader can come even remotely close to having a chance. 8Moria is a different problem, if 5 decks are so reliant on that card and are drastically worse without it, it's the card that's a problem, not those individual decks. You can print support for those decks individually, but 1 card shouldn't be carrying an entire color pool by itself, that's just a sign of terrible design choices being made.
@JayJayJay83 3 ай бұрын
Non RP Law players just need to draw better. 😊 Not but srsly, black is gatekeeping all other decks. Law just happens to be the one that counters graveyard plays tru bottom decking. There’s a lot of decks that do well vs law but get stomped by 8c gecko Moria plays.
@CrimsonCatGaming 3 ай бұрын
The game is becoming One Law tcg... everyone either runs law or loses. He needs nerfed big time. If a large offical tournament occurs and 80% are the same deck, it means that deck is ruining the game.
@lithium457 3 ай бұрын
people talking about law but gecko has been broken for over two sets 😂
@camerondavis5039 3 ай бұрын
they just need to start supporting other decks that can counter the strong cards they print
@ericv5435 3 ай бұрын
Errata law to do one effect or the other. Ban black maria for law decks only. Make it animal kingdom only.
@MrYasuchi 3 ай бұрын
Maybe errata RP Law, like he can only cheat out Super nova, stay strong but restricted the deck
@ericv5435 3 ай бұрын
I suggest to errata the leader to either bottom deck or play a 4 cost
@regretnowdoitlater2936 3 ай бұрын
RP Luffy will not be happy about this. 😅
@Cheftimusprime 3 ай бұрын
Law effect should only let you play Heart Pirates.
@noahbearden9849 3 ай бұрын
Similar to Sakazuki, there's no one single thing that makes this deck an over-centralizing menace. Having eight Gordon effects is powerful, especially when one is an expensive, out of print promo, does a lot in terms of absolutely invalidating other midrange decks. Having access to Reiju almost single handedly made RP Law playable, I would definitely argue it to be candidate for restriction. Law used to have two weaknesses in that he dumped all his don and dumped his whole hand to the board, leaving him starved for both. It seems in a post Reiju and post Black Maria world he straight up has no weaknesses. His leader ability might as well be free.
@DubstopherWubson13 3 ай бұрын
he gets even worse in op08 and considering like 60% of players are playing it then yeah it should 100% be nerfed. It's over performing and his kit is overloaded.
@KuePidd 3 ай бұрын
Nah, but Red Uta should be.
@ZetsubouZolo 3 ай бұрын
They should stop making braindead strong cards for leaders like him. Idk what they smoked when they made Black Mariah and not leader lock her but that is just stupid game design
@GaryMFBlue 3 ай бұрын
Ban him they did it to saka and cost people mad money so screw the law players too
@Diamondude42 3 ай бұрын
Really bad take, u ignored the red half of the deck completely. It's not good that a deck can spit out one of the best rush units in the game for free WHILE removing a threat, law needs to go.
@hathejoker 3 ай бұрын
What if Black Maria got 5 Don for Monocolored leaders and 3 Don for Multicolored leaders?
@nircovi 3 ай бұрын
She just needs to be leader locked. Animal kingdom only where the cards are -4, -6, and -7 Don effects.
@Fullmetal719 3 ай бұрын
She still shouldn't be a 2k with an effect that good, and she should rest herself too. Someone at Bandai just had a boner for Purple and Maria simultaneously.
@alexismendez8236 3 ай бұрын
Pair bans. That’s what r/p law needs.
@JayUpgraded 3 ай бұрын
I think they should just ban Black Maria in RP Law list.
@Mr.Lucky_BigBrainPlays 3 ай бұрын
Ban law and let’s play purple kaido with Black Maria
@ololuno 3 ай бұрын
Please for the love of god, buy some better music. I can't with the same old tunes anymore.
@Dublin.655 3 ай бұрын
Been playing Law since he dropped and I have had success with him even before op-06 and EB-01 buffed him. I agree with your analysis. As much as I love this deck, and it is my favorite deck so far, it cannot be this powerful for the sake of game balance. Black Maria can be hit with an errata, but another possibility would be what Bandai did with Digimon recently: ban certain card combos. So keep Maria the same, but put it in the ban rules that you cannot use her with a Law deck. In any event, something needs to be done. I just hope he doesn't get banned. A nerf would help, but I also don't want to see Maria banned either since Mono Purple Kaido is my 2nd favorite deck in this game. Him losing Maria would put him right back in the losers pile.
@StrawHatsAreCool 3 ай бұрын
I think there is an issue with having effectively 8 gordons with rise max. I see the comparison to ice age/tempest and what not. But law gets to abuse gordon more because the romoval is on the leader and you get to play a body with it. In black you need the cost reduction and a removal card to get value out of it. whereas gordon is always life because of the leader effect. Only black leader with removal is Z and he does spit out a 4c dude
@tcgdiscussions2413 3 ай бұрын
The issue with law is it gets 3 effects. Don minus for free return off effects or on play effects to help pressure the opponent, Free play in to broken cards, mostly rush that’s problematic, and it’s removal that is easy to remove every early game card while putting a body of your own. It limits the design of every good red card, every good purple card and every power reducer in the game. Just ban the leader.
@KingBrachion92 3 ай бұрын
The effect should have read "return active DON." As it stands, the Law player can use 3 DON to play a Rush Zoro, return that same 3 DON to remove an opponent's character, and play a FOUR cost for free. That amount of value is insane.
@DoctorShambles1 3 ай бұрын
As a RP Law enjoyer since OP04, i support the propaganda of not banning him 👍😃👍 Also, i agree with every point you made, for the way i am seeing, bandai is getting ready to release something that counters these cards design moving the power creep even further and then balancing the game out in the next set (the power creep is going too fast imo), some of the new cards getting leaked are very weird and i think that is a sign of big change and they will have great chemistry with some of the more "op" cards that havent been announced yet. i would prefer an errata on maria for animal kingdom too.
@iridium_nl 3 ай бұрын
For Nami at the end, she was always supposed to read straw hat card. Bandai has never changed how a card worked once its been printed. In this game at least, I can't say for others.
@arthurRips 3 ай бұрын
Decided to support the channel buying some of your don, because you are the only OP youtuber who has actually put some thought into this topic. Every other OP youtuber be like “if you dont think RP law should be banned you are an idiot!” 😂
@Icepick614 3 ай бұрын
It blows my mind that purple still doesn't have an Animal Kingdom searcher.
@wyattfelton3796 3 ай бұрын
they do it is an one drop event in op08. Still no character searcher.
@dstreak24 3 ай бұрын
@@wyattfelton3796they do queen got a black searcher in 08 can’t search for himself though
@fr3d611 3 ай бұрын
there's a one drop event now in op07 that searches for animal kingdom and big mom pirates - "We're going to claim the one piece"
@vamptcg 3 ай бұрын
On the raise max though. You can't bank an Ice Age, if you're going first you can bank the gordon or Raise Max to use and not have to use that don!! which is something.
@Dirpman42 3 ай бұрын
Ban Law, errata 8c Gecko to only play Thriller Barks from grave, and stop giving Yellow infinite value every set.
@HeSoKlutch_84 3 ай бұрын
Moria is fine
@eugeng6453 3 ай бұрын
@@HeSoKlutch_84you are living under a rock if you think Moria is fine
@Fullmetal719 3 ай бұрын
It's disingenuous to act like Powe reduction and cost reduction are equivalent, or even comparable. Effects that are solely cost reduction ALWAYS needs another card to combo. Power reduction is always useful because you can just attack for no loss of cards. This is why Great Eruption is NOT ban worthy. It's the only card designed to mitigate Black's weakness. Also, it's funny that you consider banning Black Maria too hurtful against Purple but didn't care about Great Eruption for Black (which has no counter-power on hand). Answer: Ban Gordon, errata Maria
@J-roll1 3 ай бұрын
I think yes rp the leader needs banned, I've played him since release so I'm low-key salty but whatever Yu-Gi-Oh had this problem with Firewall dragon. They banned everything making it strong and with future sets it just came back again and again You can hit Maria, kid/killer, pudding, anything, etc , etc however with more sets coming out law will just abuse them so hitting the problem at it's source is what I think is the right option In return banning the leader, black needs more hits, 8 Moria just boosts deck's power 10fold, but hitting it ruins alot of deck's which is why it should have been leader locked but we're past that. Agian you hit blocker Rebecca, 4 lucci, blah blah some thing, the source of the problem is Moria
@llshadowghostll 3 ай бұрын
Just change his ruling to where he must bottom deck in order to cheat out a 4cost and problem solve. Because he can cheat with out bottom deck a card makes his effect able to play out Maria or reiju or even kid to finish the game is what make him broken. Yes he got 8 -3k power but not all the time he will have it in hand. This is why law play reiju and Queen to cycle through. If you watch back those tourment matches for example the one he vs zoro, that law would not have won if he was not able to cheat out kid to deal the final blow just by -3 don and not bottom deck anything. The same went when law vs the new op07 yellow leader, he was able to Cheat out law blocker by -3 don and once again not bottom deck anything. If both times he had to meet the bottom deck requirement, the final would not been law vs law
@lithium457 3 ай бұрын
ur basing ur whole thing on the jp meta which hasn’t even hit the US YET 😂
@ibal8405 3 ай бұрын
Just restrict Maria, the card is just toxic RPLaw is a top meta contender back in OP07 meta, a unique good stuff deck with a good color combination and great effect, now due to OP08 Maria, we are having a sakazuki tier 0 format all over again
@thebanman2293 3 ай бұрын
I was looking for a new, fun deck to play one day and happened to stumble across rp Law. Since Law is my third favorite character and a red/purple color combo seemed interesting i decided to build him a deck i found on yt and i LOVED it. rp law is my favorite deck, and hes strong too, and I didnt even know he is meta until doing some more looking on yt for gameplay. I made my own decklist for him and even though it doesnt have black maria or pudding and stuff hes still insanely strong. I hope he isnt banned
@timewizard7868 3 ай бұрын
I disagree that black maria is the problem, the leader ability is too open ended for its own good, to the point that whenever a generically good red or purple card is 4 cost or less it’s automatically RP law support wether it’s intentional or not. Law is bad for the game design, because cards like reiju and black maria are too important for other decks but only buff law now. Also having essentially 8 copies of the same card is bs, imagine if saka had 8 great eruptions.
@brockfg 3 ай бұрын
In OP07 i think it is fair to BAN or errat shachi and penguin. This hit does not affect any other real deck currently. In OP08 Black Maria should be errata'd or banned. It is comical that they made it a 2k counter
@Leon.2k 3 ай бұрын
Type Lock Maria so Law can’t use it, Limit Gordon/Max. At pre release yesterday a lot of my friends were already saying they’re not going to be playing 08 if nothing is done about Law
@ntre5127 3 ай бұрын
deck strength aside im not sure how anyone could defend the gordon/ raise max issue. 8 of one card just inherently goes against the point of deckbuilding in this game. Rp law or any deck should never be able to run 8 of the same card
@Blzero9 3 ай бұрын
8 Gordons is def a problem, you need more than 2 don to KO a 8k and up Character in a black deck while law not only bottom decks them, but then plays a body after only using 2 don to take out a huge body.
@HairyHandful 3 ай бұрын
Why can they not errata Leader Law? Make it -5 Don, or the character needs to be 1k power, or pick between bottom decking a character or playing a 4c character. This way the leader has to make greater decisions.
@domcorrea9417 3 ай бұрын
They should do what they did in digimon, and certain cards are not allowed to be played with other cards. since there’s no leader in digimon, so maybe certain cards like Black Maria are not allowed in r/p law maybe
@ireurieoioprieworiopew 3 ай бұрын
They should just do choice restriction/ban. Saves them money and wouldn't nerf certain leaders.
@jonazinnecker2529 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, I think bandai should simply leaderlock more cards, at least soft leaderlock them!
@Spookyghost7 3 ай бұрын
Don’t ban but he also needs to be changed. If his effect is kept the same we will have this issue with every new release of cards.
@alexismendez8236 3 ай бұрын
Now if r/b Marco doesn’t get the same hate as Sam’s… also pair bans would help balance law
@leonardotralongo4978 3 ай бұрын
Oh yes the problem is black maria so ban it but then dont release more cost 4 or less generic card ad we good what a perfect idea
@tylerbeaulne1769 3 ай бұрын
i think you don't need to ban law completely just either gord or raise max.
@sorathehusky4841 3 ай бұрын
Why not make black moria a tab effect? That way it's opened up to attack after use
@joecooper8527 3 ай бұрын
Just ban the pairing of black maria and rp law if they're not going to errata her.
@nathanho6790 3 ай бұрын
I like the errata and choice restriction as well. itself black maria is ok
@camerondavis5039 3 ай бұрын
the problem is law bottom decks the cards instead of ko
@gh0stbeard 3 ай бұрын
Bro gonna hit Law w the hardest “Okay Byeeee” when he gets banned
@tron_carter 3 ай бұрын
Right! “OK.BYYYE.” 💀
@ThatsJustExquisite 3 ай бұрын
Leader lock Black Maria to animal kingdom 👏
@Michael-np2lw 3 ай бұрын
But can I buy 10x of only the Lucci gang don lol
@Script.19 3 ай бұрын
I agree with everything you said here
@martinv477 3 ай бұрын
@charliecharlie3912 3 ай бұрын
@xarmanhsh2981 3 ай бұрын
@dettob 3 ай бұрын
Raise Max and Ice Age are different. You can raise max a body with the option to swing onto it since its reduced power (theoretically if the body was too big to remove but you have a board that can swing/pressure it. Lowering cost alone does nothing it requires a secondary action to gain value.
@Fullmetal719 3 ай бұрын
Exactly why Great Eruption is NOT ban worthy! He thinks banning Black Maria is too hurtful against Purple but doesn't care about Black 😅😅😅
@DNeonLamp 3 ай бұрын
@@Fullmetal719 Great Eruption is super cheap cycle with a useful effect. Saying its not ban worthy cos -1 cost isn't a big deal is missing the entire point of the card.
@GregJungg 3 ай бұрын
Do you think Bandai could go for the Digimon TCG approach? They have conditional bans/ restrictions. So X card can't be played in the same deck as Y card. Or is limited to 1, etc...
@Pulpxx 3 ай бұрын
We could ban RP Law, but he'd just bottom deck the ban and then play out a Reiju.
@AkagamiTcg 3 ай бұрын
I always say to others and I'll keep saying it, Bandai has a huge problem with not putting type specific conditions on their cards, and it's not just One Piece but most of their card games. If they started to leader lock or type lock cards it would make things so much better, especially going into OP08 and further into the game.
@CaptainSnugzGaming 3 ай бұрын
In Digimon I'm pretty sure they have cards banned in certain decks. So they could just be like. Black Maria is banned in RP Law
@hooliganXxero0 3 ай бұрын
Errata black maria or do what they did in digimon and union arena and ban the card from the leader. But also bring back saka and just keep great eruption banned.
@belowzero1364 3 ай бұрын
I don't think the -cost vs -atk between black and red are comparable, reducing attack always has the opportunity to give more value since you can actually use it when attacking board with smaller bodies
@BunnyOPTCG 3 ай бұрын
10:47 I thought finals was railz0?
@azimuth9819 3 ай бұрын
Quality take, thanks
@GigaGanon2 3 ай бұрын
I think the best solution is to literally do what they did with Sakazuki. Ban Law, and release a new version of him with a toned down ability. Banning or issuing an errata to any cards Law uses is just a stop gap. Every set would just be one good generic red or purple card away from rebreaking Law and bring us back to square one.
@alexismendez8236 3 ай бұрын
I don’t even think saka leader was the problem, but the card synergy in saka.
@sup12128 3 ай бұрын
2 basically free leader abilities is pretty strong and the blue/black card pool is just the icing on the cake
@alexismendez8236 3 ай бұрын
@@sup12128 wasnt entirely free. You did have to trash to gain one. But hey the game will essentially get the same style of leader again in the next set
@Lessonius 3 ай бұрын
@@alexismendez8236 It is entirely free, because you aren't losing anything in card or don economy. You trash one - you get one, that's a net 0, basic math. In addition, trashing cards in black is what you anyways want to do and you can recur most of them back, so it's not even a net 0, it's basically a plus and with that in mind leader that simply has 2 draws a turn without actually "losing" anything in the process, 99% of the time. And as we see, the same style of leader does absolutely nothing without those 2 abilities, proving that the card pool alone doesn't carry the deck, it was HIGHLY dependent on the synergy between the pool and the free leader abilities. The "new" Saka hasn't done anything and won't do anything as it's a brick house and you can no longer clean it up for free every turn.
@finalvenom 3 ай бұрын
Leader specific ban list. I believe vanguard and Weisse do ban cards based of the leader you play. It allows balancing without the need to errata.
@jesliz5480 3 ай бұрын
I feel a bit shaky about the gordan and ice age comparison, I think what makes it stronger for red purple law is the fact you never have to play the removal aspect, it's baked into your leader. For saka or any black deck, yeah ice age is 1 for 5 or GE is 1 for 2 and a draw, but you NEED to find the piece that removes. If using a ten cost as an example, at minimum it's three don in saka as the best case scenario it's two don for two ice ages and 1 drop that can remove a 1 drop but realistically black decks dont play that, they usually use rob lucci or card that cost two or more. For law, at minimum you need to find three gordans and no removal piece whatsoever. Idk, his ability is really flexible which makes it so good.
@otakuheavenbackup9116 3 ай бұрын
We definitely should not ban law. We have been dealing with big mom and yellow in general for the past 3 sets. It's about time they get shut down.
@AnimeALX 3 ай бұрын
How about both? Lol
@tcgdiscussions2413 3 ай бұрын
Moria is a greatly designed card. Just leave it alone.
@dariotorres4136 3 ай бұрын
The thing about rp law is that his leader effect is very simple and gets around general protection since he bottom decks. His own leader effect will limit card design. I believe just to not have a laundry list of bans and erratas in the game, he should get banned. The power creep in this game has been steep uet not absurd but since rp law effect is so simple, any generic ramp or minus support will benefit him more than any other deck in those colors. Just how katakuri benefits most off of generic yellow support.
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