Depends on how much you charge your kids. If you charge them market rate you are preventing them from saving enough for a down payment for their own house.
@kmm626279 ай бұрын
Yes emphatically you should charge your children rent when they are earning. If they lived elsewhere they would have to pay rent, utilities, food, savings etc and they need to learn that living costs money and your bills have to be paid first before you spend all your money. Some parents need the money for living expenses. Most parents save the money contributed and give it back as a lump sum to enable a car or house to be bought - you can still have your children coming home all their lives but it is a good life lesson to manage your income responsibly - however large or small. As parents it is our responsibility to teach our children to grow to be confident, strong, caring, responsible, hard working, independent individuals. If we do that lovingly then we have done a good job and our children will come home because they want to. Making your children dependent on you does them a disservice in the long run.
@SuperHone1229 күн бұрын
Charging your kids rent when they’re earning is a win-win! It teaches them real-world budgeting and prepares them for the future. Plus, you can save it secretly and gift it back later-instant boost for a house, car, or emergency fund! It also helps them see where their money goes, building financial awareness and responsibility. Whether it’s rent, groceries, or pitching in with bills, these lessons set them up for success-and show them how to manage money like a pro.
@cafsixtieslover25 күн бұрын
I had to pay rent when I was working and living at home and I charged my own children too when they were working and living at home.
@MRT16013 ай бұрын
For cultural reasons I would not be charging my kids rent however I would strongly be encouraging them to save.
@lazcaveli15 күн бұрын
Great, older parents should pay rent and go work at 75yr old
@JulieClarke-oq5hs7 ай бұрын
Agree if working yes i did with my son he paid us rent every month and it worked fantastic