Should You Try to Play Like a Pro?? | Beginner Disc Golf Mental Tips

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Robbie C Discgolf

Robbie C Discgolf

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@dcr1326 7 ай бұрын
I liked this video a lot. You and Anthony are 100% my go to-s for disc golf content on KZbin.
@jwoellhof 7 ай бұрын
Bodanza 100% right. Dude wants to be a pro, understands what it is going to take, sets his sights and goes for it. Someone thinking they are making a point by telling him that playing like a pro is stressfull is like telling a cliff diver that hitting the water can be wet.
@mindlander 7 ай бұрын
Isn't your point just as obvious?
@jwoellhof 7 ай бұрын
@@mindlander you don't want my sources?
@docxen 7 ай бұрын
totally don't understand all the hate in disc golf makes me sad. Dude follow your dreams if you fail shyte at least you went for it.
@justinbutler8418 7 ай бұрын
Yeah, I feel like literally no one can legitimately criticize Bodanza for going for it. If someone said they were going to try and earn a tour card 2 years into picking up a disc, I’d say they’re crazy. But look at the guy- 6 months in starts a YT channel basically going in hard on a sport he is still learning. 1 year in decided to try and cash in a Pro Tour event AND DID. Now he’s 2 years in and has a major sponsor and has his eyes on a tour card? Who am I to stop him?! He’s probably done more field work and played more rounds in the last 3 months than I’ve done in the last 3 years- dead serious lol.
@cnking27 7 ай бұрын
tldr, in defense of the commenter; I've been hucking plastic for about 3 years and I really appreciate what guys like you and Bodanza do, it's been extremely useful for my dg journey, and I enjoyed Bodanza going back through that round and sharing that experience with us. I'm a sociologist who minored in psych and econ and I've always been fascinated by sports psych, especially the zone and the yips. The root of that comment on Bodanza's video is that the mindset he was describing is at the very heart of the yips. He described himself going into every shot in that round thinking, essentially, "where will I be/what will I have to do if I miss." That's what sent Rick Ankiel to center field and ended Chuck Knoblauch's career, it's what made hack-a-Shaq a thing, and I've never read or heard of any elite athlete basically thinking about how many strikeouts they can have and still hit .300, or how many threes they can miss and still hit 40%...even among more similar sports like golf, you never hear guys talk about how many tournaments they can lose and still be rated number one, etc. The point of the comment is that, no matter how well he played or how high his targets were, he could play better if he's not thinking about missing on every shot. It also read to me to be a little more compassionate than you're giving it credit for here. Bodanza is often up front about his own battles with ADHD and anxiety as well as being overly critical of himself, and thinking like that shot to shot is a great way to torture yourself on the course and take all of the joy out of playing while feeding those negative emotions and thoughts...and we want to keep him around, we don't want the sport to become a burden to him. We want him to enjoy it. To me it read as an attempt to be helpful...and while there are plenty of idiots and debate enjoyers in comment sections everywhere, there are also people who try to be encouraging where they can and aren't there to feed the negativity. It didn't seem like an attempt to "own" him or a gotcha or anything like that when I read it. Although, *in saying all of this,* I still really do appreciate you using your channel to defend him and showing some solidarity among guys who could just as easily pile on each other in toxic competition.
@InfinitySworn 7 ай бұрын
I better never hear you say "do literally anything more productive with his life than watching a Robbie c video" ever again. Love your videos and you shouldn't ever think of it like that. Keep on putting videos out and we should all be lucky enough to get to watch them.
@discsmd 7 ай бұрын
Absolutely! I started my chasing 900 series (based off your Keep It 1000 series) and I got a couple of "don't chase a number, take it shot by shot" comments. And I can see where when you are practicing and trying to get better that can be the case (but not all of the time honestly). But if you are preparing yourself to compete against other people in tournaments you are ALWAYS chasing a number, either to catch the person in front of you or, if you are leading, put distance between you and the people behind you. And yeah there is an element of taking a shot at a time, but being able to deal with the pressure of not losing strokes is a skill that needs to be learned too!
@JTygerAU 7 ай бұрын
Different mentality works for different people at different times. I’m right with you on rating goals and motivation. Sure…you can only get to 900 (or whatever stretch goal) one shot at a time, but to do the huge work on the game that it takes to stretch to the next plateau means you have to have goals. There is a portion of the DG community that feels like it’s just smoking weed or getting hammered in a park with friends and it’s wrong to take it “too seriously”. Fine with me if that’s how someone wants to enjoy the game, but that’s not my personal ethos.
@matthewbertram4312 7 ай бұрын
Bounty is a phenomenal understable 4 speed. Also sneaky long.
@Dopey313 7 ай бұрын
I bought a Lucid Ice Bounty on a whim. Easily my fave midrange. Like you said sneaky long. And super controllable in Lucid Ice plastic. Got my first ace with that disc and bought its twin a couple weeks later. Love the Bounty.
@man0utoftime 7 ай бұрын
Looks like DD's version of a Comet with a tiny bit lower profile.
@kizzitykaj 7 ай бұрын
Clean your lens brother man!
@billcoulter1984 7 ай бұрын
There are often holes that my mindset is to play for bogie, par is like birdie for me.
@bilboswaggings 7 ай бұрын
I really like the origin, it isn't much smaller but feels quite small compared to some other mids so I like it a lot
@pathape 7 ай бұрын
Good video. Touring pros rating are also way more impressive since they cant really pick and choose which courses/tournaments they play in for the most part. Amautuer ratings can be misleading since quite a few of them only play tournaments where they are super familiar with course. Others play tournaments blind since it's not that important to them. Your rating will be around 25 or more points if youre very selective of the course you play. I've had the chance to play casual rounds with a top 15 pro and he's stated the difference between a touring pro from a really talented player is pressure. With every putt being super important lots of players fold. He told me people poke fun at Evelina because she misses easy putts, but she's actaully a good putter. She completely goes off the rails mentally in tournaments and her technique completely changes. She's talented enough to still comptete despite that. Most people can't do that. I also play with someone that literally can throw pro distance on the regular and has loads of pure talent but is only a 940 rated player since he can't execute in tournaments under pressure. But if you play him in casual rounds your dead.
@DamianM90 7 ай бұрын
“There are so many coaches on comments sections” 😂 absolute gold. Also, the idea that you shouldn’t try to play like a pro is wild. Each their own, if it works for you and thats what you want, then do it. Don’t know why people think there is only one mentality for any given situation.
@tinncan 7 ай бұрын
You couldn't get her a pink Pearl? Then again, my wife nailed me in the back of the head when we played together... twice... Maybe I'm not the best to suggest beginner disks...
@LuceDiscGolf 7 ай бұрын
You need to have a goal before the tournament. For instance I have a tourney on the 3rd that I am familiar with the course and know what I can shoot on it. I know in my division I am going to have to slightly beat my average to win and my goal is to win. I am absolutely choosing a couple spots I can take a risk if I need to and push towards that scoring goal. After deciding my goal, it's now time to take it shot by shot and execute to achieve that goal. The holes I get often I will play aggressive (8 holes), the holes I get sometimes I will play without forcing a weird line (6 holes) and if I get the bird great but not a great chance I take a bogey, the holes I rarely get (which is 4 holes) I know 2 of them I can get and 2 of them it's not worth it to try. If I need to push I will play aggressive on the 2 I can get, if I need to maintain I will go for par. Idk, that's my general plan. I think it's a good one.
@chip6954 6 ай бұрын
I normally don't watch these video types, could care less about other people's off-course lives (especially KZbinrs commenting on each other, no offense), but since this video, I noticed he missed Qing at Austin by one shot after triple bogeying the last hole - dude needs a small victory in a bad way. It'll come, just need to keep chopping that wood and results will come!!!
@mattroy8629 7 ай бұрын
"Never read the comments!!!!!" is what most would say. I don't read them on youtube vids that I watch, I don't see the point. Way too much negative on there haha But I understand KZbinrs needs too. I rarely comment on a vid unless I wanna share some positive with the universe. Haven't got around to watching that Bonanza video and not aware there was controversy about it. But your "Team Kind Comments" and what you said following.. more people should practice that. If you're gonna engage with comments, do so with the positive ones and don't feed the hate machine.
@kieronmckay4276 7 ай бұрын
I’ll pose a metaphor…if you want to become an X-Games snowboarder or skier doing video game tricks in real life and the only thing you do is the bunny slope, you’ll literally never ever get there. You want to be a pro disc golfer, you’re going to have to learn how to play like and do the things the pros can do, which will mean distance, running uncomfortable putts, throwing through tiny gaps, throwing over huge water carries, playing in all conditions, mental toughness, physical stamina, etc…on top of living out on the road for 6-10 months of the year and making money mostly from selling discs and sponsorships. You’ll never get there just dicking around at your local pitch n putt.
@ilikesnow 7 ай бұрын
I think it also does not sit well with some people that Anthony's only played for a year and half and thinks he can compete with people like Simon and Paul who have been playing seriously since they were kids. It SHOULD be really hard to be a pro and his journey may show us how hard it really is. He's a great dude though and I wish him luck.
@zGingaSnapz 6 ай бұрын
I’ve been playing for 6 months I throw both hands backend and right hand forehand. Any recommendations for order I should be going in changing my throw. Trying to throw nose down, find grip strength per disc, waiting on my reach back and stay in the power pocket without opening up all at the same time and I feel like every time I try to slow down and focus on one as soon as one thing feels good adding something else seems to mess everything up. Any recommendations?
@davismorehead2494 7 ай бұрын
After watching Anthony straddle put, I think he might want to go back to straddle putting. Wonder why he switched
@bashildy 7 ай бұрын
Hey Robbie, that was my comment on Bodanza's video, I've attached it for context: "You can’t put yourself in a mental situation where you only allow yourself four misses in a 18 hole round and be counting down to 0 from there. That’s too much pressure on each shot. Every occurrence is independent and you have to treat it like 18 separate one hole rounds." Quick Background: I am only a low 800s player in disc golf and started just before Robbie. My background is in game development, and customer behavior. Anthony is a 987 rated player. His standard deviation is standard deviation is 25. For him to shoot 1019 or above would be a 1.3 standard deviation event, or basically he has a 10% chance of this occurring assuming normal distribution. This is within the realm of possibility, but treating every event with a 10% chance of happening (I know tap-ins and some upshots wouldn't factor in ) is bound to cause mental game issues much like feeling the need to park every hole. I've played the course he's played, and watched him play in person and he's right to treat EVERY hole as an attack hole based on his skillset and risk/reward, and goals. I replied to his reply with: "That’s for the game plan to determine which lines to take based on which holes are gettable. In this case he was going for it on every hole due to the score needed and his ability. I agree that the -14 and rating is a fine target. But there isn’t any bonus lines he can do to make up a stroke and play more aggressive if every hole is a runner. That’s why I believe every shot in this situation should be treated as independent and scorable with zero consideration for previous outcome. He was so bearish once down to 0 or negative mistakes left he felt he had to park every shot. That isn’t sustainable even at a pitch and putt like Valmont (Boulder course we both live near which Eagle had a perfect round on in a local C tier but still had to make two longer putts and hit a 25 ft. island that is known to have unlucky breaks)" Earlier this year we chatted about his self-created +/- putting statistic which I also felt had a negative affect on his play as it created a must-have event that wasn't needed unlike a hole 18 need this to win the tournament situation in which it truly is binary. His video title on this being the biggest choke job he's done I believe is an overstatement. A 953 round in a single round tournament is a -1.3 standard deviation event. Basically a 10% chance based on his current rating similar to that of a 1019. Not ideal, but likely to happen more than once during a season. I think many of us have unrealistic expectations of performance, and cause ourselves to have more negative long-tail events due to unnecessary pressure we apply to ourselves in what we believe to be "baseline" or "adequate." In summary, having seen Anthony and knowing his drive, I have no doubt he will be a 1000+ rated player who has a very good chance of being in the Q-series finale and possibly getting a silver card in the next year or two. I think he'll get there sooner if he focuses on that rather than the expectation of linear progression in every round and tournament and having his ranking go up in a similar fashion. Even if he disagrees with me, I know he'll eventually make it there as he's gotten better faster than anyone I've seen and his focus on becoming an elite putter and pushing his distance is exactly the pro mentality he'll need to succeed.
@mindlander 7 ай бұрын
That's one long comment lol..and I agree with it 100%.
@michaelr1397 7 ай бұрын
I think i read it was $300 to play in a pro tournament. If so he better have lots of money saved up. Disc golf is a rich man sport.
@tylermoseley7492 7 ай бұрын
I quit watching his channel when I tuned in one day to hear “hello my little frolflings”. 🤮🤮
@basp-ef7jx 7 ай бұрын
I can't play like the pros, I can only play like me and understand my limitations.
@Phaedrus27 2 ай бұрын
“…but we’re gonna switch things up here and go Origin.” 😂😂
@joeconsford 7 ай бұрын
Team Kind Comments! Let’s GO! Thanks for that!
@thebr0wnhornet 7 ай бұрын
Maybe you wouldn’t have lost them if they were …. meatiers
@devlin76 7 ай бұрын
Great video Robbie! Your mom needs a Fuse!
@paulking0512 7 ай бұрын
100%!!!! The Fuse is a great new/low arm speed disc. Glidey and little fade that works best being thrown like a Putter.
@joebrannon8843 7 ай бұрын
Team Wizard and Midnight Prowl II ❤
@ogdiscgolfer 7 ай бұрын
Good stuff buddy! I appreciate you!
@FreshMattyJ 7 ай бұрын
it's a paradox inquiry as how can one play like - therefore being a pro , without being a pro. There's some marketing there as well. I've seen the Bonanza guy show up but not interested - too many 'personal journies' I'll stick to my own in 2024 without the marketing.
@brianguinn7463 7 ай бұрын
I had a 50’ birdie yesterday. No video but my friend was there with me. Wife was unimpressed but you all will appreciate it.
@RobbieCDiscgolf 7 ай бұрын
Let’s go!!! Lovecto hear it!!
@bruceleo2607 7 ай бұрын
Do you think a rollo would be good for your mom's starter bag?
@RobbieCDiscgolf 7 ай бұрын
Honestly looking at that and a paradox as options!
@matgbx 7 ай бұрын
Yea I was gonna say a Rollo too. A bit faster than the Origin but considerably more flippy.
@bashildy 7 ай бұрын
@@RobbieCDiscgolf Diamond is a great option, especially in Gold as it's light weight, and gets great glide, and is super available at shops.
@hendojr3296 7 ай бұрын
Since you're talking about Bodanza, you should try to get ahold of the new "Khonsu". It's suppose to be the origin of Infinite's lineup :) hint hint. nudge nudge.
@robertericks 7 ай бұрын
I really hope you stick with the Meteor. I throw ESP and Vanessa Tour Series. They are awesome for tunnel shots and going uphill.
@benoitsouligny863 7 ай бұрын
Can changing his whole bag 1 month before trying to make it pro be his biggest downfall? Just sayimg
@ptomeo 7 ай бұрын
Keep up the good work! Do you use a UV lens filter? It might help with color correction during bright days. Also helps keep the lens clean 😉.
@kylehendren950 7 ай бұрын
The putting under pressure idea is like playing HORSE in basketball. If you focus on getting it because you could loose instead of just throwing the shot, you’re way more likely to mess it up.
@aaronhackett5889 7 ай бұрын
Good video! I'm a "every shot is its own unique little flower" kind of player. I'm also the guy you always talk about: 250 straight off the tee, 20' putts, 900 rating.
@kenkrehbiel1931 7 ай бұрын
Being clutch just starts with accidentally being clutch once. Then the next opportunity you know it’s possible, and you accidentally get that one too. All of a sudden you firmly know you can be clutch, and look forward to opportunities to be clutch. And then you do it on bigger and bigger stages until there are no bigger stages and you are now officially “experienced”. Love this way of thinking about it. Helped me in tennis a lot. Changing mindset from “god, it’s all on me to win or not lose this match” to “time to drop the hammer baby, let’s get that W”. Cool thing is that skill translates to so many other sports and situations. I think that’s why Bodanza does such a good job because he was already experienced and confident coming into the sport from soccer
@stuartschwenke6656 7 ай бұрын
Insightful on your three keys. This helps to explain why that older generation on the Pro Tour do not make lead cards anymore, except maybe some honorary first round lead cards. Take Ulibarri for example. Distance has become a real issue for him, but not nearly as his self-proclaimed inconsistent play. He has plenty of experience and he has way more distance (golf line distance) than most of us. But, he has been honest with his poor execution on the course. You are seeing that he is playing more for PAR than for Birdie on most course, now. These three keys help us to develop a "winning" strategy for any give course or tournament.
@discnature 7 ай бұрын
Gonna use that “attack hole strategy” for my tournament at Glendoveer this weekend, cause last time it ate my lunch😂
@randyleigh6457 7 ай бұрын
Just wanted to say thank you sir. These mentality videos have helped my game improve greatly. 13:48
@johnsd333 7 ай бұрын
Very enjoyable. ❤ Your channel robbie c I support anthony 💯
@robertflores2311 7 ай бұрын
That bag is nice! Wish that color was available when I ordered mine.
@deadewok02 7 ай бұрын
robbie c origins....NOWWWW we're talkin.
@Mouspadu 7 ай бұрын
Takes a lot of balls to put tournament footage online for the haters to see. Let’s rise up together!
@jamesstricklin4056 7 ай бұрын
Are you going to be playing the tournament in jasper Alabama?
@travis4863 7 ай бұрын
The Origin is Au. My only ace came with one
@tonykaze 7 ай бұрын
I'm doing great, thanks for askin'!
@GoodyearDiscGolf 7 ай бұрын
W vid, I had the same origin as you and I lost it into a sewer on a flukey shot 😂
@95mushroom 7 ай бұрын
Lol @ the anatomically correct thumbnail 😆
@michaelr1397 7 ай бұрын
I new someone that left to go be on the tour. He went broke. His parents were not giving him money to go play. He ended up stopping and got a job. It cost lots of money to go play. There are lots of good disc golfers that dont have the money from there parents to go play.
@sorenbarnell2176 7 ай бұрын
The way you worded your comment makes me think that you are of the belief that every Pro currently on tour is on tour or started on tour because they had the money in backing of higher income households. I'm not entirely sure that's accurate in fact I would say for the most part it's not
@colejohnston8031 7 ай бұрын
Good stuff Robbie!
@davesage4931 7 ай бұрын
Mom needs a Rollo!
@justinsimpson9892 7 ай бұрын
Although not a -1 1 (more like -3 1) my origins go as far as my fairways. I went to the field and tested all my tournament discs and none of my other mids could touch my origins. The glide is unreal.
@Mr_Ace_Run3000 7 ай бұрын
@aaron5632018 7 ай бұрын
Too much talk ,more golf !
@JohnnyFairway 7 ай бұрын
Bodanza is inspirational. Your goals and expectations are tied to your abilities reasons for doing. Anthony's birdies are my pars, his pars my bogies, mostly because of Robbie's first two points, distance and consistency. He's trying to tour as a professional while I'm enjoying a wicked fun pastime. He knows the mindset he needs to reach his goals better than any of us.
@billcoulter1984 7 ай бұрын
@tonystreehouse7269 7 ай бұрын
I don't quite understand why you're talking about Bonanza that's a worm that will never happen and you're better than that. He's not a pro player and probably never will be
@RettHill 7 ай бұрын
Why the negativity?
@scbuckeye1267 7 ай бұрын
Who pissed in your Wheaties, at least he's trying. I think you're green with envy.
@nickwood9053 7 ай бұрын
You always hear about the trolls in the disc golf world. Tonystreehouse is apparently one of those trolls.
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