It is so exciting to see your return visit to this site. It is a beautiful place to walk, meditate and explore. The overview of Nara was spectacular. What a great trip.
@katecobb92786 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing another lovely vlog. I’m sure your mum has had a wonderful time and appreciates all of the places you have taken her. The scenery has been breathtaking and I have enjoyed seeing many places that are familiar to me. My Japanese husband and I raised our three children in Kansai (Osaka and Kobe) for many years and have seen and done very similar things to your family. Thank you again. Love from Australia
@Chakochan-MylifeinJapan6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! We love living in Kansai. (Well, my husband is from here so of course! 😉)
@dennistani19866 ай бұрын
Thanks for taking us along on your trip! Glad to see your mom is enjoying her trip.
Just got back from a trip to Japan (Chiba) and the weather was hit or miss. I’m glad your mom got some nice weather and see some amazing places.
@Chakochan-MylifeinJapan6 ай бұрын
It wasn’t always nice weather when she was here so we definitely had to make the best of the few days that were nice. This year’s weather has been so off compared to what I’m used to.
@sfyoko6 ай бұрын
@@Chakochan-MylifeinJapan yeah, spring and fall are not nice anymore in Japan. I once encountered Typhoon hit Kanto in early October during my stay and my parents house was shaking! So frightening, I appreciate the California’s sunny weather here.