Shrieker Guide: Darkest Dungeon

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HiDdeN SQuiDZ Gaming

HiDdeN SQuiDZ Gaming

Күн бұрын

This guide goes over some recommendations of how to kill the shrieker. The guide mostly focuses on buffing accuracy, debuffing the dodge, and have large amounts of raw damage.
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@lred1383 4 жыл бұрын
Just debuffing dodge, sounds simple, right? Well... How does one debuff dodge if the damn thing DODGES your DEBUFFS?
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah it's a cyclical process. The best you can do is get a jester and an accuracy trinket and hope it hits first round.
@ismathem 4 жыл бұрын
Lol 😆
@moldycarrot9267 3 жыл бұрын
The main reason why Illumination is so bad. Could try for OCC or ARB marks as they debuff dodge AND have higher ACC.
@mk6315 3 жыл бұрын
Pro tip: Defeat the Shrieker by attacking until it dies.
@krystiangorczyca77 4 жыл бұрын
I killed both with 2 Jesters, Houndmaster and Abomination, all with damage trinkets only, and huge acc granted by the jesters, then landed 2 Massive Finales
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 4 жыл бұрын
That's an interesting strategy and I don't think I've seen this one yet. Cool stuff though
@mcwhooperekranami2035 5 жыл бұрын
This boss made me think about the cocodrilian - loots of bs
@gmtiberias 5 жыл бұрын
Meanwhile antiquarian and grave robber : laughs in dodge
@gmtiberias 5 жыл бұрын
Yes, stealth doesn't work, but raw dodge works...
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 5 жыл бұрын
I saw they patched out the stealth thing on the wiki. Sad to see
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 5 жыл бұрын
Also to note, taking in some holy waters, medicinal herbs, and bandages is very important. You will notice that most of my clips did not have the vestal doing illumination and that is because I was not disciplined enough when I filmed these. The shrieker does not come very often (thank goodness) and the few times I went in, I forgot to change my skills out or put the vestal in the third position. Learn from this mistake of mine! Let me know what parties you like to take in.
@filiplykkegaardkastrup1876 5 жыл бұрын
HiDdeN SQuiDZ Gaming I haven’t fought the Shrieker before so take my advice with a lot of salt. I think an arbalest in the back and bounty hunter in front with other characters of your choosing. Could work because the arbalest mark can remove some of the shriekers dodge and buff the bounty hunter as well, and the bounty hunter can also get that buff if the shrieker is stunned from the vestal. PS I’m sorry if any misspellings is in the text English is not my 1st language and keep the good work up👍
@churchofmagic3733 5 жыл бұрын
Jester Vestal Manatarms Leper Have the Jester and MAA use Battle Ballad and Command to put the Leper’s Crit through the roof. Have Leper do Revenge turn one, and use Revenge again with Shard dust if the Shrieker is at back during his turn. On turn 3, the Jester Soloes forward to set up a Finale, and the MAA guards the Leper to use the +DMG when guarded buff from Command. Kill the Shriekr 9 times out of 10z
@Stoneagerer 4 жыл бұрын
I arrive a year late but here I I failed a long run and lost a full party at the Ruins and the Shrieker has appeared after stealing my trinkets. What I have in mind as a party is double Occultists and Bounty Hunters, the Occultists can debuff the Shrieker as well as marking it and also heal, and then Collect Bounty for massive damage. Or one Occultist and one Jester. What do you think?
@magicrainbowkitties1023 2 жыл бұрын
My boy Flag chews this guy up and spits him out like it's NUTHIN
@turntapeover5749 4 жыл бұрын
I usually go with a mark party to kill both. Bounty Hunter, Occultist, Houndmaster and Arbalest. I usually mark the nest with whoever goes first between Bounty or Hound and mark the bird with BOTH the Arbalest and Occultist (they both have -30 and -20 dodge debuffs on their respective marks). Sac. Stab does decent damage to the bird since its and Eldritch/Beast, you can boost his damage further on the bird, and use him as the clutchhitter to bring the nest down to 1 hit if necessary as his damage on the nest will be significantly lower than the others since he isnt affected by marks and the Eldritch dmg modifier on Sac. Stab doesnt apply to the nest.
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 4 жыл бұрын
I have heard and seen many people love the mark strategy and it is something I really need to try here. Thank you!
@jorge2060shake 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah I also used the same party composition to do that. People seem to not like marking strategies over others but I think it is a pretty awesome and effective way to play the game. Kill enemies quickly and consistently
@GeraltofRivia22 Жыл бұрын
@@jorge2060shake mark teams are the most fun way to play the game for me. Nothing like deleting bosses with 50+ crit after 50+ crit.
@YMDIJ 3 жыл бұрын
Hi squidz, i just managed to kill both the nest and the shrieker today. My line up is Hellion, 2 houndmasters and a vestal. All of my dmg dealers are equipped with 1 focus ring and a damage item. Hellion is mainly for killing the nest while the 2 houndmasters go for the shrieker. Didn't mark, i just doggy treat and chomp em. Having the training ring district for accuracy on HM helps alot. Missed 1 attack in total. Id say its quite doable overall
@blackleaf124 5 жыл бұрын
I killed both by using 2 bounty hunters an arbalest and a vestal. I think it would be easier if I had brought a second arbalest, but I didn’t wanna risk not having a main healer because the shrieked can knock people to deaths door really fast. I mark the shrieker using the arbalest for the dodge reduction and target the nest first. After that I just wail on the shrieker with the bounty hunters collect bounty and the arbalests sniper shot till it’s dead. I’ve only done it twice but it seemed to work pretty well
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 5 жыл бұрын
Awesome stuff. The shrieker has a plethora of strategies and the mark build can be good.
@agdp2437 4 жыл бұрын
I used the same party worked both times I fight it, but I never was able to destroy the nest
@chaddeus8131 4 жыл бұрын
I destroyed both the nest and the Shrieker by absolutely ludicrous RNG, using a full mark party without a healer, and landing like 5 crits of 40-50 damage in a row
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 4 жыл бұрын
That is how I have heard people do it. It is a viable strategy for sure!
@daddyteemo6441 4 жыл бұрын
I know this video is pretty old, but I've managed to kill both by using quad hound master. The setup is pretty simple, you put all your speed accessories on position 1, and equip the rest with damage/accuracy trinkets. You start off by marking the nest, and then you pop all your dog treats, and use hound rush on it. After the nest is killed, you repeat the process on the bird itself.
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 4 жыл бұрын
Interesting. I never thought about it in that way but I could definitely see why that would work.
@Smanion628 4 жыл бұрын
Just killed The Shrieker for the first time using your guide. It helped a lot thank you. I was able to kill both the nest and The Shrieker with a Leper, Highwayman (melee build) w/ pistol shot. Jester and Arbalest. It was pretty good RNG though I only missed 1 hit, and one turn with my leper i couldn't strike because i put my jester up front for finale. But having mark with the Arb really helped a lot.
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching and awesome job!
@jacksonmower200 4 жыл бұрын
I killed both with a maxed out party of Vestal (Prophet's Eye and Debuff Stone), Jester (Quickdraw Charm and Legendary Bracer), Highway Man (Gunslinger's Buckle and Dismas' Head), and Hellion (Ancestor's Pen and Legendary Bracer), in that order. It would be more optimal to swap the Vestal and Jester to allow the Vestal to use Illuminate. The Jester used Battle Ballad twice, Solo, and finally Finale on the Shrieker. HWM only used pistol shot. If I recall correctly, the Hellion only used Iron Swan and Bleed Out. The Vestal hit the nest once with Judgment and spent all but one other turn healing.
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 4 жыл бұрын
The jester and vestal combo is a favorite of mine as well!
@Eadeve 5 жыл бұрын
Arbalest, occultist (dodge reduc/mark/eldritch dmg boost knife), bounty hunter, hellion. Quirks like eldritch hater or slayer are priority as well as any boost in accuracy in high light (or low if you snuff). Reliable hits are so much better than risky hard hits and trinkets with debuff chance for occ are easy to get
@Eadeve 5 жыл бұрын
If modded cataphract lol.
Just today I got a wonderful run against the Shrieker. I barely suffered any stress or got hit, and all I did was this: 1- Shieldbreaker (Focus Ring + Ancestor's Pen) 2- Shieldbreaker (Focus Ring + Surgical Gloves) 3- Jester (Sun Cloak + Fortifying Garlic) 4- Vestal (Wilbur's Flag + Ancestor's Coat) Just spammed the Shieldbreakers' "Pierce", the Jester's "Battle Ballad" and heal however you need with Vestal. I was getting a crit every turn. The trick here is that since the Shrieker has such high dodge and so many turns, it is MUCH more reliable to go "all-in" in buffing your party, rather than debuffing the Shrieker. Within the end of the first round, your whole party should "outspeed" the Shrieker, and that means that with these trinkets a Shieldbreaker (with subpar quirks) should be having AT LEAST a 130 chance to hit. The chance to hit will keep rising by ten, as will the speed of your heroes, as will the chance to crit. They aren't very high damage dealing (27/35-ish) but they were just enough for me to finish it off.
@couchpotatoe91 2 жыл бұрын
Ngl, I actually love the shrieker fights for their rewards. With the chances of dying being pretty slim, the nest gives lots of money, the shrieker itself gives a higher chance for some of the best quirks in the game (like corvid's eye for +8acc +8 scouting!). And since I like playing on torchless even the trinkets are really good like the eye (+10acc +15 scouting) or the talon (+7crit +33 bleed skill)!
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 2 жыл бұрын
The shrieker can definitely offer some good things in terms of money and quirks!
@Tomohiko_JPN_1868 4 жыл бұрын
i love Shrieker , She is the Kindly Eldritch ever. Once i was an adventure, a Fanatic slaughtered a party. i cried for weeks. ** 1 year later ** i got surprised when i noticed She retrieved all my gears and protect them for long time ...
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 4 жыл бұрын
Haha yep. The nice thing is, you do not even need to kill the crow, though she will certainly try to kill you...
@REgamesplayer 3 жыл бұрын
I killed him before, but he escaped second time with just a sliver of health. Darkest Dungeon shows at its ugliest when it tries to ramp up the challenge. The only difference between now and then is that I had bad RNG. People who seem to take both, his nest and a Shrieker seem to be really lucky. In my run, all riposte attacks missed. Yeah, it was that kind of a battle. (Before anyone asks, I had Man at Arms buffing team accuracy twice. I had Hellion which buffed its own accuracy at the start and had trinkets for accuracy. I had Highwayman with its own buff too. I had spent a lot of time buffing my party up in order for it to do damage and it was still missing like a random composition who went blind without any buffs and just attacked it straight on)
@wh3nderson95 4 жыл бұрын
I have a bias for the Bounty Hunter because of his bonus damage. I also got a Houndmaster which acts as his spotter to mark the Shrieker. (The Bounty Hunter has bonus Mark damage trinkets). While a Plague Doctor buffs said Bounty Hunter. I like raw damage and I did have a fight where my BH became One Punch Man. (I was listening to random music and the OPM theme song played in the background). I was cheering for a few minutes. It annoyed the hell out of my roommate...
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 4 жыл бұрын
A lot of people really like the mark strategy on this boss!
@javiersilva8432 3 жыл бұрын
I somehow managed to destroy the nest and kill the Shrieker with a Flagellant (1), Highwayman (2), Plague Doctor (3), and Vestal (4). Honestly I wasn't trying because this was my third time going up against it, the first I managed to destroy the nest, the second it flew away so I tried to destroy the nest ( thinking that was what scared it of the first time). I simply spamed punish, duelist's Advance and point blank shot, noxious blast, and judgement with divine grace and comfort as need. But it was all for shit because the very next week I got the town event: A thief in the night that one didn't go well lost 2 heroes.
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing!
@mesh2138 4 жыл бұрын
Man I managed to kill the nest and Finale his ass with the jester in the same round but after one week he came back and stole my stuff again! What a troll
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 4 жыл бұрын
Haha a troll indeed.
@captaincraftit696 3 жыл бұрын
It's probably not the best strategy, but I've made a habit of bringing Vestal/Jester/Leper/Leper to this fight. Two Focus Rings (one on each Leper,) and two of any strong source of damage (one on each Leper.) I've just been using Dismas' Head and a Legendary Bracer for that, but I could probably do better. Jester trinkets don't matte to how I've been doing it, I'd just tossed Heavy Boots and Barristan's Head on mine so that I could mostly ignore the Jester if I needed, though something buffing speed would probably do plenty well too. Junia's head and Sacred Scroll for maximum healing strength on the Vestal. The first round is the set-up round. Jester fires off Battle Ballad (which he will be doing the whole fight,) while both Lepers pop Revenge. The Vestal heals anyone who gets low if the bird's feeling particularly sassy, and otherwise just fires off a potshot at the Shrieker for the heck of it, though it'll usually miss. The subsequent rounds are braindead simple. Both Jesters just Chop whatever's in front every turn, bird or nest. I've noticed that, for whatever reason, every time I fight the Shrieker it rarely uses Call the Murder, and mostly spams Peck, Regurgitate, and occasionally Caw, which keeps it up front, so I usually obliterate the Shrieker, but the Nest goes down plenty easily as well. Jester uses Battle Ballad every turn to ramp up accuracy to ensure hits land and boost crit chance through the roof, while Vestal just keeps the party alive. The Lepers just do what the Lepers do best. I could probably stand to try and fit Finale into the equation somehow (including throwing damage trinkets onto Jester,) but I've only fought the Shrieker a few times and haven't really experimented enough for that.
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 3 жыл бұрын
That is one of my more favorite comps for the crow. Very reliable at getting at least the nest or the bird.
@neilcuzon7909 26 күн бұрын
Killed the nest and the shrieker. Occultist, HM, HM, and ARBALEST at the very back line. All take mark, and occultist takes stab, mark, heal and stun. Arbalest had CC trinkets. HM had vvulf's tassel and damage trinkets.
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 26 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing the mark comp!
@PrincipledNaturalLaw Жыл бұрын
I got a town event, think thats what it was, called something like 'Wolves at the door'...this was a new type of challenge to me, ignored it though it stated doing so risked my whole hamlet being razed...went on a regular quest due to having zero funds, finished that...& another town event challenge triggered with the Shrieker, 5th level/character quest, considering the previous warning about my hamlet, i decided to do the Shrieker....being clueless as to best means of defeating it, i was getting hammered & only having got Shrieker & nest down to approx 50% health each i was preparing to quit, however, i gave it more turn & i attacked the nest, both disappeared & i'd won....thing is i'm 99.9% sure both enemies had 50-60 health left & even with a critical attack couldn't do that much damage. Strange.....oh yeah, and i was awarded of some kinda claw trinket with no hint/description what its for or does that's worth 1 gold piece.....while 3 of my characters had diseases, all had high stress with 3 being afflicted mid-battle. Goddamn dark dungeon 😆😆
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming Жыл бұрын
The game is crazy. Between the events and monsters it throws some curve balls
@zachwild6765 4 жыл бұрын
thanks this helped a lot
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 4 жыл бұрын
Glad to hear!
@timothyh5632 3 жыл бұрын
I managed to kill both the Shrieker and nest recently. I went in with a Highwayman, Abomination, Houndsmaster, and Arbalest. In the end, my success (and survival) mostly just came down to trinkets and luck. I maxed out damage and melee crit chance at the cost of everything else. I managed to get some great crits with the Abomination and Highwayman, and my Arbalest shot down the nest just before the Shrieker managed to impale itself on a riposte.
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 3 жыл бұрын
Riposte is super nice and well played!
@memoryofsalem4474 Жыл бұрын
I'd say jester, vestal, leper and another leper or a hellion with high acc trinkets (in that order). The lepers use revenge on the first turn/adrenaline rush for hellion, jester uses battle ballad and vestal uses illumination to try and lower its evasion. That's how I did it anyway
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing!
@jonathanngo7452 2 жыл бұрын
Since I did this late game, I fortunately didn't need the gold from killing the nest, so I skipped that (I think I saw in another video you get 8-10x of those prismatic gem thingies that you find from secret rooms) I went: Hellion rank 1 Houndmaster rank 2 + 3 Occultist rank 4 Accuracy + Eldritch slayer trinkets on DPS, used Prophets Eye (for accuracy and speed) + debuff ammulet for Occultist to mark birb. Luckily my Occultist went first and his Hex crit for dodge debuff + mark. Doggos + treats x2 ripped him up, and I buffed Hellion w/ Adrenaline Rush thinking she'd need the accuracy + dmg but the fight was over before Hellion even got her 2nd turn... I spent more time finding trinkets than on the boss lol. Walked away with Corvids Grace on one of the Houndmasters and the Distended Crowseye for my reward. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds great thank you or sharing!
@1God1Fury 5 жыл бұрын
Wiki told me that you don't really need a healer and just go for full offensive classes only. Yea, right... Shrieker crits you like crazy.... Healer is A MUST!
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 5 жыл бұрын
Does it really? That's really depending on quick damage or gracious rng. I almost always take in a vestal.
@LucasCunhaRocha 4 жыл бұрын
you could go man-mode and use the trinket that increase damage at death's door, in my current run I have 2 of those, I will try it later.
@TheGunslinger44 4 жыл бұрын
I did the same and I lost a Resolve 6 Bounty Hunter in the first few minutes
@zombieboss5178 4 жыл бұрын
I have killed the Shrieker and nest once, I used an Arb, Highwayman, Leper, and a Hellion, the arb and highwayman focus the nest with marks, the Leper buffs for 2 rounds with 1 shard dust, and the hellion uses 'If it bleeds' and that other bleed one (I use medi herbs to rid her of the dmg debuff every round) the Leper, if he crits twice, which he did, can almost 2 shot the thing, while the hellion also deals alot of dmg (btw the Bird didn't dodge a SINGLE ATTACK!) I was lucky with around 70% of my atacks criting, though I did lose my Hellion near the end to bleed dmg :(. I just killed the bird like 1 or 2 turns of the bird before it flew away, though this team only worked because of luck :D (which is my last name!) (some things I forgot to mention, the highwayman was there to only be dealing dmg with his ranged shot, but it also has a really good crit chance, so that's why I chose him instead of 2 Arbs, probably a stupid move, since Arb has a higher crit when she is attacking off of a mark.)
@DuMacaco 4 жыл бұрын
I killed both with an occultist, a plague doc, a bounty hunter and a lepper. I went for the nest, killed it and had two rounds left, so I attacked the shrieker. I debuffed the crow's dodge and just attacked him. I was lucky and the BH and Lepper landed two massive crits in a row and just fucking smashed the bird.
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 4 жыл бұрын
I have seen a lot of people post a line up like that. I need to consider that next time I go in.
@DuMacaco 4 жыл бұрын
@@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming It's a very usefull party for killing the shrieker. You just spam vulnerability hex on him with the occulist to debuff dodge, use the plage doc for emboldening vapors and blight, the BH to move and mark the nest or the shrieker (and to hit hard once marked) and the leper just for raw damage.
@cesargeney5268 4 жыл бұрын
My formation for this thing is Lepper 1. Vesta 2. Jester 3. MAA 4 Jester and MAA can boost my acuracy. The lepper takes the first turn to boost himself. Vesta will only heal as a group but she can bring the illumination (it landed on my second turn). The shrieker moved back on my third turn so I activaded solo. This made the thing go nuts for pecking my poor jester, but fortunately he dodge it all. The finale landed in a nice 84 crit and my lepper finished with a 40 something (eldritch hater, slugger and warrior of light) thats +35% damage, +35% from revenge. It was a gonner
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 4 жыл бұрын
I like the Leper strategy as well for the shrieker. It's pretty consistent but people have said they have great success with a mark build.
@cesargeney5268 4 жыл бұрын
@@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming Im gonna try that one next time. But with the speed and 3 turns its kind of difficult to take advantage of it well. I would try next time to take the nest for the money
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 4 жыл бұрын
The nest money is huge since the dungeon itself offers practically nothing.
@NocnyMarek5 3 жыл бұрын
When I first met this stupid bird thing my lepper did crit for about 50+ :D on level 4
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 3 жыл бұрын
Heck yeah go leper!
@falseking989 2 жыл бұрын
There's a video from 2017 of a person killing both nest and Shrieker with an Arbalist / Houndmaster / Houndmaster / Man-at-Arms. I'm not sure if a patch after 2017 changed the fight significantly, but he didn't get any big crits. It was all base damage.
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure either but I know people do it with Mark comps.
@NightBoyPlays 5 жыл бұрын
To kill him i used 2 Bounty Hunters , Hound Master and a Vestal just for healing
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 5 жыл бұрын
I am assuming one marks then the other two benefit?
@NightBoyPlays 5 жыл бұрын
​@@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming Yes and than you go full in with just hitting the Nest or the Shrieker but if you wanna make sure that you can hit if with a higher change (Lower his Dodge) you can change the Hount Master or one of the Bounty Hunter for a Musketeer with Call the Shot or a Occultist with Hex.
@thejojofamilyssecrettechni3824 Ай бұрын
Arbalest, MAA, houndmaster and occultist is like setting game to easy mode. Didnt even need jester's finale
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming Ай бұрын
The mark parties are good!
@thejojofamilyssecrettechni3824 Ай бұрын
@@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming i know. Thought about replacing Jester with houndmaster but didnt want to risk both
@LiezAllLiez 4 жыл бұрын
4th rank vestal, 3rd rank jester, first two ranks highwaymen. Vestal heals, jester buffs accuracy in first 2 turns, then attacks with the rest and two highwaymen constantly apply bleed. Bleed doesnt do that much damage, but when the bird catches a dozen+ damage per move? It adds up whether you hit him or not. Also if i feel a bit too lucky i try to point blank the crow with highwaymen. Other than the vestal, the entire party has +bleed and +accuracy trinkets. The fight itself is a clusterfuck though. You can completely obliterate the shrieker in a turn or two or completely fail the fight, get a ton of damage and stress on your guys. Ive never managed to DPS the nest. Maybe i just didnt try hard enough but a bleeding party isnt going to do much to the nest anyway. I suppose marks could work if there was more than one marker on the task? The shriekers 3 moves per turn deplete the mark quickly if not reapplied. Then again some marks carry a dodge debuff so...
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 4 жыл бұрын
About killing both the nest and the shrieker, there are some people down in the comments here who really do well with the mark strategies.
@deusvult77 4 жыл бұрын
This bugger stole my trinkets and I don't think i'm strong enough yet to fight him. How do I get my trinkets back? Do I just have to destroy the nest?
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 4 жыл бұрын
In all honesty, I would just kill the nest. It gets a lot of money and gets your trinkets back, however be aware that if the shrieker lives to the end of the 4th round it will massively stress your party.
@ky-letics6183 4 жыл бұрын
What about 1 occultist 1 jester and 2 bounty hunters? Use vulnerability with occultist lowering dodge and marking it (if it hits) Use battle ballad solo finale with jester Use collect bounty and caltrops and mark for death ( if occultist is unlucky) The general idea is to build up the heroes the first two rounds, depending on your skill (luck) you theoretically could kill it using 4 collect bounties, 1 finale, and one sacrificial stab.
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 4 жыл бұрын
Yep, I have heard of strategies like that before. Some people really mark strategies and I can see why for the shrieker.
@elim9054 4 жыл бұрын
Buffing accuracy is good, but marking and debuffing the Shrieker is considerably less effective because it gets three actions every round which means they go away quicker.
@be-ugh5782 3 жыл бұрын
I killed Both Once. I had a Houndmaster, An Abomination, a Highwayman and a Hellion. Keep in mind it was rather lucky since The Shrieker, yknow... 60+ fking Dodge, and it basically killed itself on my Highwayman's Crit riposte's. After the nest was Annihilated, some hits on the birb did the job right and Both were dead.
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 3 жыл бұрын
Very nice!
@gerettkindred6949 3 жыл бұрын
Just killed both with this crew: {[Arbalest (Wrathful Bandana & Prophet's Eye)], [Hound Master(Ancestor's Pistol & Ancestor's Musket Ball)], [Highwayman(Gunslinger's Buckle & Fuseman's Matchstick)], [Abomination (Ancestor's Signet Ring & Vvulf's Tassle)]}... RNJesus was on my side.
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 3 жыл бұрын
Sounds great to me!
@gerettkindred6949 3 жыл бұрын
@@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming Thanks for the Videos, guy. Started playing again at the start of the year and forgot what to expect from all the bosses, these vids have really helped.
@4bootest Жыл бұрын
Occultist, highway man, abomination and hellion. Killed the bird on second turn. But nest disappeared. Well, that was my first bird killed :)
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming Жыл бұрын
@Itsover9000napa 5 жыл бұрын
I usually just bring in 3 heavy hitters and a flagalent for backup heals abomination is solid and so is Mark teams with occultist and bounty hunter
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 5 жыл бұрын
Mark strategies can work really well and I've seen other people comment about that as well.
@Itsover9000napa 5 жыл бұрын
@@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming ive only fought him like 4 times and it worked every time but i always go him not nest cause u cant bleed nest
@butterwantschoclate9364 4 жыл бұрын
The thing flew away on my first mission. I still got my items back and didnt kill the nest. Is this a glitch or something?
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 4 жыл бұрын
It's not a glitch, I don't know if it's intentional programming but you never have to kill the shrieker to get the achievement or the items.
@butterwantschoclate9364 4 жыл бұрын
task failed successfully
@falseking989 2 жыл бұрын
I found the Shrieker very killable. I went Vestal / Bounty Hunter / Houndmaster / Hellion. I put the Vestal in the wrong spot so I couldn't use the dodge reduction & I forgot to use the dog treat to boost it's damage, and 3 of my DPS abilities were dodged. So, you can royally screw up like I did and still kill the boss.
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching!
@plaquedr1621 Жыл бұрын
I managed to kill him in about two turns, my team was starting from the back Vestal, Highway man, Hellion, Leper. The Leper crit him first turn which did a third of his health & then Highway man & Hellion chipped the rest off in about two turns.
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing!
@einherjar8147 4 жыл бұрын
Just killed him with (front-to-back) Hellion, Leper, Vestal, and Librarian (mod class). Easy-peasy. Hellion - Heaven's Hairpin + Eldritch Slayer's Ring Leper - Ethereal Crucifix + Focus Ring Vestal had speed + healing class trinkets - sub-optimal, I know - but still landed Illumination with no issue. Librarian had speed + dodge trinkets. Believe it or not, the Librarian is key. Improvised Tactics gives +Acc with high torch, and Know Your Enemy debuffs the bird for increased damage taken. Leper and Hellion buff themselves in R1, then unload, and the Vestal keeps everyone off Death's Door.
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 4 жыл бұрын
Nice trait about the Librarian!
@einherjar8147 4 жыл бұрын
@@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming Yeah. I didn't have a properly leveled Jester or MAA, so I had to make do. Worst case, I knew everyone had a heal, so I (probably) wasn't going to lose anyone. That said, he focused my Leper with Peck twice after I had used Revenge, so that was slightly worrisome. The only thing that kinda sucks is that the Librarian got the Corvid's Grace quirk... Would be a lot better on another hero.
@persinitrix 3 жыл бұрын
Ive had the best luck with 2 Man at arms and 2 lepers. MaA spam the accuracy/crit chance buff and the lepers use their damage buff first round. Trying to debuff its dodge has never worked for me as it never seems to land. RNgesus is not with me
@Akihabarajin 3 жыл бұрын
HM jester HM hellion (everyone lvl 3-4). First two rounds buff with jester. Never had an easier fight
@berkgumus4047 3 жыл бұрын
i kill the shrieker really easy with musketeer/occultist/highwayman/a tank havent tried killing the nest then the shrieker yet but i think this line up will manage it too. I put an accuracy trinket on occultist to debuff the beasts dodge and his unique trinket that buffs debuff chance and stun skill chance.For others i just go for highest damage possible and for the tank crusader might be the best choice cause if things go bad which never happened to me you can heal allies out of deaths door and he is also really tanky.
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 3 жыл бұрын
A mark combo seems to be a really reliable combo for killing the shrieker and nest.
@Panzerkuchen 3 жыл бұрын
I did it quite easily with a houndmaster - Vestal - Highwaymen - Hellion, stack accuracy trinkets. If I'd redo the fight I'd probably forgo the Vestal for either another houndmaster or another Highwaymen I think. Almost killed it in 2 1/2 rounds.
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 3 жыл бұрын
It is always a gamble to bring a vestal or not. The bird doesn't do heavy damage but one crit could be scary.
@xdrago1051 3 жыл бұрын
A full bleed team is honestly insane houndmaster rank 4 jester rank 3 flagellant rank 2 and I use mods so I have thrall but you can just use hellion in rank 1 (2 misses from thrall and shrieker was dead in round 2) dmg trinkets and or accuracy or crit no defense just full offense in terms of moves and you're set, if you get unlucky one might die via crits
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing!
@user-ht3ie2lk6h 2 жыл бұрын
i just killed the bird first but the nest disappeared along with the rewards... and all i get is a negative quirk wtf.
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah finishing dungeons is rough as those quirks really add up.
@phiwvey 3 жыл бұрын
old vid bit ive used Vestal, Jester, Plague Doctor and Leper PD cause buff with vapors and incision is pretty good ive had success with that before on the Shrieker
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 3 жыл бұрын
That's a nice one!
@butterwantschoclate9364 4 жыл бұрын
Bruh dismas died again after I brought him back because of the flesh. I’m taking a break for a while.
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 4 жыл бұрын
I would as well, since it is better to take a break than rage at the game. My first playthrough for a couple of reasons, I actually took about a 3 to 4 month break. I got frustrated with something and a new game out so I played that. Come back with a new mindset and sometimes things seem more clear. I hope you enjoy your break!
@butterwantschoclate9364 4 жыл бұрын
HiDdeN SQuiDZ Gaming yeh good thing I have 2 other lvl 6 highwayman so I’m not completely fricked.
@mikepette4422 2 жыл бұрын
so wait you cant kill both the nest and sheiker ? this is nuts i question what the devs think fun is every time I play this
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 2 жыл бұрын
You can kill both but the nest has to die first. Mark builds are best for it.
@teckdeck6480 3 жыл бұрын
Just four-shot the boss with my abomination he just kept getting crits on it but the shrieker did the same thing on my jester so now I'm down a prestige 6 jester rng be like
@mhumanworldm 3 жыл бұрын
What happens when you kill the shrieker? Does it just come back?
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 3 жыл бұрын
Technically. It's not often but it can comeback
@marionettes7974 4 жыл бұрын
houndmaster(4) occultist(3) bounty hunter(2) Leper(1) Ez pz two rounds kill the shrieker
@williamli8708 2 жыл бұрын
i did it with highwayman, occultist, and 2 arbalests
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing!
@ruwenzori1915 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 2 жыл бұрын
You're welcome!
@gfy69 3 ай бұрын
always wondered how to kill this thing
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 3 ай бұрын
It's either an accuracy buff/mark or decrease dodge.
@gfy69 3 ай бұрын
@@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming every guide I see has a level 5 team. I have never come up against this thing for the 1st time at level 5. I dont understand how people are doing this and I am wondering if my only option is the nest or to let it steal. I usually have level 1-2 heros and a few level 3s but never the means to fully upgrade any of that. So just survive and kill the nest?
@charlee8149 Жыл бұрын
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming Жыл бұрын
Darn. The shrieker is an annoying boss for sure.
@TheCrankSpiderNinja 2 жыл бұрын
Ever just search for rogue lineage and find this game?
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 2 жыл бұрын
I have not.
@emiliaplater2951 3 жыл бұрын
arbalest, highwayman, man at arms and hellion, i killed this in round 3 :0
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing!
@Mufasata 2 жыл бұрын
Mybloodlust leper one shots the bird ok two shot ;D
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 2 жыл бұрын
Very nice!
@cntipede1000 3 жыл бұрын
I take 2 houndmasters vestal and Jester
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 3 жыл бұрын
That should do it! Thank you for sharing.
@SCARaw 4 жыл бұрын
i usualy killing both with some heavy shits like 2 houndmaster 1 lepper/arbalest/bounty hunter and 1 man at arms compositions are alvays kind of same LEPPER 1st if i taking him man at arms 1st alvays in bounty hunter 2nd or none 2x hounmasters 2nd and 3rd alvays have them arbalest 4th or none fuck healing, fuck survival, we comming for the glory :D 100% light so heavy trinkets all this sun rings ancestor candle any goodly damage ranged skills 1st focus nest and drinking holy water like fucking addict ofc eat dog bones every turn on both houndmasters :D
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming 4 жыл бұрын
I need to try a more pure damage strategy with marks. People have great success with it!
@SCARaw 4 жыл бұрын
@@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming Totaly just dont underestimate skill setup Leppet should use 1x raise sword and 1xprotection man at arms 2x buff to attack never dodge never stress reduce, no time for such luxury 1st houndmaster usualy have ancestor candle for me (+5dodge i call him "tank") and he is wasting turn on marks unless i have nice bounty hunter/occultist with better speed you should take 4x holy water or even 8 if you feel unlucky 4x herbals/2x if no lepper and some bandages/antivenom good luck
@filiplykkegaardkastrup1876 5 жыл бұрын
@notmbr Жыл бұрын
killed him on champion w/ 3 Lvl 3-4 Highwaymen (all used riposte and bleed, w/ 3 camo cloaks surgical gloves) and 1 Lvl 4 Houndmaster. Was my first time and got 3 Death’s Door checks on Houndmaster lol Didn’t know I should have focused on the nest first since it disappears on its death (nest was 1/3 health)
@HiDdeNSQuiDZGaming Жыл бұрын
Yeah the nest is nice little touch and often I focused that later on in my play time.
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