I am always truly amazed Ellie with how you not only keep Luke and Lucy busy, but how much they are learning with all their toys, shapes, colours, books, colouring etc. I could go on and on how totally impressed I am. I taught preschool from ages 18 months to 5 years for over 10 years and I can honestly say that what you do in a day with Luke and Lucy is just as excellent as any daycare or preschool program. Taking them out to the park is so good for them too!! You might want to try playdoh with them. There are wonderful recipes that you can get over the internet to make your own playdoh or you can buy it too. You can use cookie cut out shapes for Luke and Lucy to use when playing with their playdoh. This is only a suggestion of course. You may not feel that they are ready yet to use playdoh. Sweet Hailey is always so happy and loving. What a wonderful family you have Ellie!!