Thanks for the video. One helpful way is to shift one’s thinking from “What do they think about me? Do they like me?” to “What do I think about them? Do I like them?”. While this may sound a bit selfish at first glance, it is a helpful way of balancing out the type of anxious thoughts you may have about yourself as a shy person. The idea is just like you don’t expect people to be perfect & don’t judge them very harshly, you needn’t expect yourself to be perfect & shouldn’t judge urself too harshly too. Give yourself the same type of understanding that u give strangers. At that point, u will probably start acting much less shy. Shyness can also prevent u from discovering ur authentic self. After all, life is about trying new things & experimenting & making mistakes. U won’t learn anything new about the world or about urself unless u give urself the permission to make mistakes & risk looking foolish at times. As u said, it’s best to take small steps in overcoming shyness. No need to try to do it too quickly. Do it at your own pace, in your own way. Like everyone, we all have “relapses” so don’t judge urself harshly when they do occur & on getting 1% better every time. One day, you’d look back at your life & realize u are now much more mature & free than you thought you’d be earlier. The most important thing is to focus on ur own baby steps & forgive urself when u “relapse” & just learn from it & move on.