Sidney Crosby Show

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@sauron3570 3 жыл бұрын
I watched this when I was a kid.... Now, it’s my turn to say that my boy is going to play in the big league!!! ♥️
@TheSiiwu 12 жыл бұрын
Sorry I didn't know we were talking about first seasons. Well then you have a good point. Especially when Oveckins first seasons are the ones where he had more than 60 points
@chaseman12 12 жыл бұрын
best complete hockey player ever. NS!
@AJG22PHILS 13 жыл бұрын
@ztkRaptoR that means he's on a better team, MVP is where it proves who is the best and if you didn't know, Ovi has more
@nightmareviper16 14 жыл бұрын
its pretty obvious the questions about who is better ovechkin or crosby has been answered crosby is the best player on the planet today
@romanbellic4042 6 жыл бұрын
Wow these comments are old. lol
@kekke2000 16 жыл бұрын
Crosby is the Gretzky of the 21st century. I'm looking forward to see what he becomes.
@GoRdirty30jd 13 жыл бұрын
@87Pensfan1 yea the Caps got swept in the second round... at least they made it that far. and missing 3 crucial guys? its pathetic to think that your whole team is 3 guys. if you cant win without those guys then your team sucks. enough said
@GoRdirty30jd 13 жыл бұрын
both sid and ovie are great players. no doubt about that. but they have two different play styles and it doesnt do either of them justice to compare them to eachother
@Schleihauf12 14 жыл бұрын
It is comical that so many haters watch his videos just to try to start arguments. The truth is, there isn't too much of an argument against him unless you are a jealous opposing fan that doesn't watch him enough. Sure he says things to the ref, but aren't captains supposed to do that for their team? He is currently leading the league in points while playing with Kunitz and Dupuis. He is 23 and has already won junior gold, olympic gold, won the stanley cup, rocket richard and art ross.
@Unoong2 13 жыл бұрын
Crosby is without a doubt the best player in NHL. Ovechkin isn't even close to be honest. Crosby is a better goal scorer, better passer, better two-way player then Ovechkin will ever be. He also has the will to improve and get better even better. I'am not even a Penguins fan, I cheer for the Flyers and i still love this guy because of his passion for the game and down to earth personality. Keep up the good work Sid, hope to see you back in the league again as soon as possible!
@braydenjack1 13 жыл бұрын
What's with all this Crosby vs Ovi crap? They're two completely different players on two completely different teams? I like both of them but Ovi isn't exactly a role model kind of player. He doesn't really play hard every game and he doesn't LOOK like he has any motivation. Crosby plays almost every game like it's his last and the effort that he puts into every game is what makes him so good. I hate both teams they play for (VAN ftw) but I do respect Crosby way more than Ovi.
@mrcoolmanbitesize 13 жыл бұрын
@420shanks when it comes down to it, ovechkin is the only one scoring for his team in the playoffs, you d think backstrom and semin were down in the corner having a beer letting ovechkin do everything. on the other hand crosby has letang, malkin, staal, and most of all fleury, a good goalie while ovechkin has terrible goalies. last of all, crosby always has a warm spot on the DL. Im not saying crosby sucks, im just saying ovechkin is a much better player.
@MeMcMon 13 жыл бұрын
ok so crosby haters, why are you watching this? people who claim to hate him are the ones most obsessed. Crosby and Ovi are both awesome players, but Crosby is undoubtedly the more respectable player. Ovi sprays little kids, punches females reporters& dont get me started on his dirty hits. Now I'm not saying hes better or worse than crosby, but crosby is definately more classy. and hey GuitarHockeyLife, For every talented teammate crosby has, Ovi has one of equal skill. CAPS = PLAYOFF CHOKERS
@alphadude159 13 жыл бұрын
@87Pensfan1 Can we stop this useless fanboy war between crosby and ovechkin They both have good shots and hands The difference is that crosby has a ring so i say that its a team sport and ovechkin by himself cant carry his team. and ovechkin has maybe a few more scoring titles(someone check me on that) So can we just say that they're both good and also Y does everyone think that crosby cries or ovi??? so everyone stfu about who they think is better and wait until october for the next season!
@LudvikvonPenguin 13 жыл бұрын
@87Pensfan1 both Crosby and Ovenchicken scored 32 goals this year.......Crosby played 38 games LESS than Ovenchicken. Crosby had 66 points in those 41 games in the extra games Oven was only able to amass 19 more point; judging by the stats CROSBY is the better player. If you add the fact the Crosby, Malkin, and Stall only played THREE games together all season due to injuries...... it is not even a close race this year.
@JoeS434 13 жыл бұрын
@packers256 yes teams do win championships but those teams need a leader who can play the fuck out of the game. Zetterberg and Datsyuk are incredible but seldom do you watch detroit play and see what looks like just either of those guys running the show like Ovechkin, Crosby or Malkin do. Detroit has been the most well rounded team over the last 20 years. Jagr and Lemieux are in this group as well but the other names you mentioned are not at the same level though they are great players.
@JoeS434 13 жыл бұрын
@packers256 for future reference you should learn a little about the game before you speak. If you can find 4 players who have played in the last 10 years who could dominate like Crosby can then go ahead. Its not about flashes of greatness, Ovechkin is an incredible talent but being talented is nothing when you do not show up when it counts (playoffs). Crosby is a proven champion. TOEWS and CROSBY are the top two in the league, because they are Championship players who can dominate any team.
@JoeS434 13 жыл бұрын
@packers256 So in your opinion he sucks. Well lets think about this, two trips to the Stanley Cup final and got to hoist it on his second go and this would have hardly been possible if it were not for Sid. He showed up in the gold medal game against the USA and scored an awesome goal to win it for Canada. He has been one of the top in points since he entered the league and can make the best defence look bad. Your right he does suck...... Not biased at all actually just not a FUCKING IDIOT!
@JoeS434 13 жыл бұрын
@packers256 If you know anything about hockey and how the game has evolved over the past 20 years you would understand. The thing is you cant compare Crosby to Gretzky based on points, Gretzky played in an era where goalies were not nearly as good as they are now and defence were not nearly as quick and strong (as a whole). In the 80's the oilers would win games by scores of 7-5 and Grant Fuhr was considered a good goalie. Learn a little about the game before you talk about it.
@JoeS434 13 жыл бұрын
Crosby may or may not be the greatest ever but you can't ignore the fact that he is a Champion. Gretzky and Lemieux played in a time when the defence were not as strong and fast as they are now so there is no way to really compare. The current hockey era is nothing like it was in the 80's, if Crosby was playing in the 80's he would have gotten 200 points in a season. When Crosby turns it on out there he can make a good defenceman look like a fool.
@87Pensfan1 13 жыл бұрын
@golferismylife1 I disagree, I swear to god ever time I watch a Caps game, Ovie is skating out of his zone stickhandling, and someone takes it right off of him and gets a breakaway, sometimes scoring. And I'm pretty sure Crosby had more goals than Ovie this year, and he played half as many games. I may be wrong, but I know it was close. And the Penguins in general didn't get SWEPT by the Lightning, plus we were missing 3 crucial guys in our lineup
@kdfsjljklgjfg 13 жыл бұрын
@gakman41 So you can use team achievements as a reason to glorify Crosby over Ovechkin but nobody else over Crosby? My point is that if you want to say that Crosby is better than Ovechkin because of a cup and a medal, I can say that Staal is better for that plus a world championship, or that Kris Draper is better because he has 4 cups instead of just 1. You can't just say "no, that argument doesn't apply anymore."
@mokgable 13 жыл бұрын
@kdfsjljklgjfg i love people who complain about "your" and "you're" on youtube. its called short hand typing, i obviously got my point across so stfu. I seriously think you should reconsider your numbers. check them again. oh and i never even said that i like crosby. you just assumed that. i am a flyers fan, we hate him, although i do have a lot of respect for him, in my opinion he is the best player in the league today. i just don't like it when people post false stats in their comments.
@kdfsjljklgjfg 13 жыл бұрын
@mokgable Says the person incapable of spelling "you're" and doesn't check the numbers himself because out of a blind love of Crosby, surely he has to be better than everyone else. Hockey-reference has a game by game stat sheet of every player to have played in the NHL, including goals per game by season. I did the math myself to double check them. It checks out. Unless you want to call one of the largest sports databases a Crosby hating conspiracy, quit crying and deal with it.
@kdfsjljklgjfg 13 жыл бұрын
@achingknees I am well aware that Crosby is a superstar player, and that he is a top 3 forward in the league. But he's not everything you claim to be, and you use arguments for him that are either false, blown out of proportion, or that you refuse to apply the same principles of to other players. He isn't a defensive stud, and Stamkos and Ovechkin are every bit as good goal scorers.
@kdfsjljklgjfg 13 жыл бұрын
@achingknees You say that because of what you see watching him play, he's way better than the stat chart, and you say he's better than Stamkos and Ovechkin, yet you probably haven't seen any of THEIR games live to judge them on the same basis. You're unfairly judging just because Crosby is Crosby, and damn anyone who disagrees, they're wrong no matter what. Crosby is mediocre defensively, Stamkos is as good of a goal scorer, Ovechkin is as good of a goal scorer, just on a down year. Deal with it
@kdfsjljklgjfg 13 жыл бұрын
@achingknees No, you're just a fanboy whose hockey knowledge is based around "CROSBY IS REALLY REALLY GOOD AND OVECHKIN ISNT". You act as if stats are wholly irrelevant because of what you see live. Even if the stats don't tell the whole story, the stats don't lie. Crosby has yet to do anything that stands him apart from Ovechkin's 65 goal season or Stamkos' pace at the start of this season.
@kdfsjljklgjfg 13 жыл бұрын
@achingknees If you talk about his awesome defense when he's 100th in the league in takeaways, and has twice as many giveaways, you're overrating his defense. If you talk about how much better Crosby is than Stamkos at goal scoring when their numbers were almost identical, you're overrating his goal scoring. Stats don't always tell the whole story, but don't lie either. Good defensive players don't get so few takeaways, Ovechkin and Stamkos don't rely on empty net goals, and Crosby is overrated.
@achingknees 13 жыл бұрын
@kdfsjljklgjfg and clearly your not a Pens fan, we are not blindly following Crosby or overrating him. You look at stats and see highlights of what Crosby does, however, to truly appreciate what kind of player he is you must watch him play. He does so much on the ice that is never recorded in a statistic chart. I had to learn this first hand by watching him play in many, many games. He is always evolving and changing what he does, he is truly an amazing hockey player.
@kdfsjljklgjfg 13 жыл бұрын
@kdfsjljklgjfg Also, earlier you said "In 07-08, how many empty netters were fed to him to pad his stats", which is what I was referring to when I said that season he only had 3 empty net goals. The season in which he had a goal per game rate almost exact to Crosby's this season, which all blind Crysby fans seem to forget when they talk about how good Crosby was doing this season and how much better than Ovechkin they think he is.
@kdfsjljklgjfg 13 жыл бұрын
@achingknees I'm not a Caps fan. I just think Pens fans blindly follow Crosby and incredibly overrate him, and aren't above manufacturing fake untrue statements to make him look better. Oh, how about a better indication of Crosby's "defense" than plus/minus? Last season he was tied for 5th in the league with 77 giveaways. He tied for 100th in the league in takeaways with 43. What a top notch defensive talent it takes to be 100th in takeaways.
@achingknees 13 жыл бұрын
@kdfsjljklgjfg You are comparing Crosby's stats at 41 games, with Stamkos stats at 82 games. That is why they grew closer together, I was comparing their stats both at 41 games. Last year Crosby was 7 for 8 in shootouts. Crosby seldom takes the empty netter, he will only do it if it is to put the game away, otherwise he passes it, and yes I do think he is the second coming of the greatest hockey player in the world.
@kdfsjljklgjfg 13 жыл бұрын
@achingknees Oh, and I went back and checked, Ovechkin had 3 empty net goals on his 65 goal season. Yeah, he was so totally desperate for empty net goals to pad his stats. If you're gonna spew BS like the even strength goals vs powerplay and empty net goals for padding stats, make sure it's enough of an amount for them to actually be relevant instead of grasping at straws just because you love Crosby so much. Despite the beliefs of most Pens fans, he isn't the second coming of Christ.
@kdfsjljklgjfg 13 жыл бұрын
@achingknees Of Crosby's 32 goals at the time of his injury, 10 came on the power play. That's 31.25%. Of Stamkos' 45 goals, 17 were on the power play. That's 37.78%. I don't think it's all that huge of a difference for you to say Crosby was doing so much better. Crosby got 1 goal on 4 shootouts, Stamkos got none on 7. I wouldn't say Crosby is extroardinarily better there either, although he is better. Crosby got 1 empty net goal this year. Stamkos got 2.
@achingknees 13 жыл бұрын
@kdfsjljklgjfg Plus/Minus statistics are worthless. Crosby plays on the first line, he plays against opposing teams first lines, their best players and best scorers, of course there are going to be more goals scored when his line is out there. Last year the Capitals had a least 3 players leading in plus/minus statistics and they lost in the first round, didn't help your team much.
@achingknees 13 жыл бұрын
@kdfsjljklgjfg Crosby is better on defense, better play maker, better at face offs, better at shootouts, and now better scorer. Crosby doesn't have to pat his stats with empty netters, he passes them to his teammates. Crosby was scoring his goals in five on five play, most of Stamkos' goals were on the powerplay. Look I get it you love Ovie, good for you, but why come to the site "Sidney Crosby Show". I sure as hell don't go to any sites to watch Ovie because I don't care about Ovie.
@kdfsjljklgjfg 13 жыл бұрын
@achingknees Last season Crosby had 51 goals, tied for first in the league, and managed to only tie for 46th in +/-. To score so many goals and have enough scored against you to be so low ranked on plus/minus means some pretty bad defensive play when he's on the ice. And Pittsburgh had a halfway decent defense that year. He can't be a great defensive player to have such a low +/- on such a huge goal scoring season.
@kdfsjljklgjfg 13 жыл бұрын
@achingknees Ovechkin had 15 empty net goals in his career prior to this season. 5 came in 09-10. Unless all 10 came in a single season and he never scored any others in any other seasons but those two, he still would've topped 60 goals. And again, there's no way of knowing if Crosby would've kept up the pace, but much as Stamkos slowed down, Crosby likely would've as well. And you can hardly say Crosby has "always" played defense.
@kdfsjljklgjfg 13 жыл бұрын
@achingknees Congratulations on completely changing the topic. Ovie switched to play more defensively this season. That in addition to the possibility that maybe he was having a down year and Crosby was having an up year means Crosby still isn't as much better as his fanboys seem to think? For the record, Crosby was scoring at a .78 goal per game pace until his injury. For all we know, he wouldn't have kept that pace. In 07-08, Ovechkin finished the season with a .79 GPG pace.
@achingknees 13 жыл бұрын
@kdfsjljklgjfg There is a time and place for the type of emotion he displays, screaming and carrying on every time your team scores a goal is not warranted. If he wants to celebrate his team's victories, he should also learn to take their losses with dignity. Last year when knocked out of the playoffs in the first round, he could not pick up his head and look those reporters in the eye. A true leader does displays grace when at his lowest.
@kdfsjljklgjfg 13 жыл бұрын
@achingknees He used to be a mostly one way player. Now he plays defensively. Now he has less goals. You can't say that it's not making a bit of difference. Also, he's been in the league what now, 5? 6 seasons? If it's just other players and coaches catching onto his playstyle and changing the way they defend him, it wouldn't have taken this long like all Ovi naysayers seem to think. It doesn't take half of a decade to figure it out.
@kdfsjljklgjfg 13 жыл бұрын
@CRASdanglin "choke" in goals? He had ONE less, and you're blaming him alone for the Caps dropping out and the Russians failing? Pittsburgh lost to Montreal too you know, so apparently he choked just as hard. Hockey is a TEAM sport. Just because Washington's defense was atrocious last season and Canada had a dream team doesn't mean Crosby is better than Ovechkin. It means Crosby's TEAMS are better than Ovechkin's TEAMS.
@masterchiefsgay 13 жыл бұрын
@brooks468 if you men jagr, hes from Czechoslovakia and he was good his whole nhl career and Kovalchuk was always good except for this season but you can't blame one person its team effort. im not a fan of ovechkin infact i hate the guy and the caps or crosby and the pens but don't say hes going to be shit because hes russian thats just fucking stupid and even if he does win more cups who cares....amazing players dont need a cup for their career it just helps
@yesiambatman 13 жыл бұрын
He's arguably the best player in the league (read world). I can only begin to imagine the amount of physical and mental beating this guy has to take every single game. And people call him a pussy? A sincere fuck you to anyone who says that! That being said, I'm a caps fan and Ovechkin is my favourite player. Still, I don't get why people seem to think that this makes me obliged to hate Crosby.
@CRASdanglin 13 жыл бұрын
@EvansAutoShop this isnt just about the Penguins. If Ovechkin is the hockey god that all of Washington makes him out to be, he should easily be putting up 50+ goal season, competing far into the stanley cup championships and at least medaling in international play. And FYI, Crosby has never had a solid winger on his line from the beginning of the season to the end of the playoffs. Ovechkin has always had Backstrom and Knuble/Semineater with Green and Schultz on the point. Face it, hes bad.
@ChoboOv 14 жыл бұрын
@matthewslipchuk What do you mean get your facts? Where in my entire post did I say Malkin isn't hurt? If anything that helps my argument. THIS SEASON Malkin is NOT helping Crosby very much because of (INSERT WHATEVER REASON) and Crosby is carrying the Pens on his shoulders. Even his teammates say they have never seen him play this good. If you take Crosby out, they don't have 11 executive wins it's as simple as that. Crosby >>>>> Any other hockey player in the world right now.
@ChoboOv 14 жыл бұрын
@anotherdumbvideo He didn't win in Cleveland and he won't win in Miami. With regards to Crosby, I was referring to the current NHL season. Right now Malkin has 8 goals and 14 assists. That isn't anywhere close to the league's top players. Crosby has more goals than he has points, Crosby has 26 goals right now. Malkin doesn't play on Crosby's line he plays with Kunitz and Dupuis. Lebron James is definitely a great player, no denying that but he isn't dominating like Crosby is right now.
@ChoboOv 14 жыл бұрын
@anotherdumbvideo The only difference is Crosby is a winner Lebron James didn't win the NBA Championship with Cleveland. Lebron also doesn't make his teammates better as well as Crosby does. His linemates are not goal scorers but he still wins. Imagine if Crosby had goal scorers on his line like Ovechkin does. Love him or hate him Crosby is by far the best player in the NHL
@iv0luti0n 14 жыл бұрын
@20juli2008 Well fighting has had a long history with hockey. It's part of the physicality, the roughness of the game. It's not universally accepted, there is a large minority that believes it should be removed from hockey. If you watch any NHL game chances are there will be some rowdy fans (especially front row near the glass) which will be waiting for fights so they can get really excited and cheer. There are some rules though, nowadays both players usually have to agree to fight or there
@raid4000 14 жыл бұрын
@brooklynmeatslapper LMFAOOO HE FOUGHT WHO?? ahahah he almost got his ass wooped by Steve Downie but Matt Bradley came in to save his queen and if your talking about points just fucken tell me who Crosbys linemates are fucken no names Ovechkin has all starts and funny thing about the hat thing crosby only said that because he wanted to Complete his hatrick ahhahaha GG Stanley Cup Ring WJC Gold OLYMPICS GOLD theres no comparison Crosby is the best in the world
@CSIS25 14 жыл бұрын
@ManitobaMooseJets Hamilton is not a good choice for a NHL team, if Hamilton got a hockey team then no one would be going to the Buffalo games. Put back teams where they where like Winnipeg and Quebec... its ok for Gary Bettman to bring back hockey to places like Minnesota, Atlanta, Colorado and then put teams in the middle of the desert and other places that gets temp so high u can fry a egg on your car... but then wont give places in canada a chance...
@nhl4471 14 жыл бұрын
One thing that no one mentions, Crosby back checks and plays this thing called defense, something a certain number 8 can't claim to do! I'm not talking about hitting really, but getting back to the defensive zone after a play in the offensive zone! If you really watch Ovechkin he doesn't skate back he just coasts back! And don't give me that it's his position BS and Crosby plays center so it's different! If you have ever played hockey you know you skate back to your zone as fast as you can!
@nhl4471 14 жыл бұрын
@DJK290 Also I'de like to mention that crosby is the most clutch player in the NHL. I would have no inhibitions what so ever saying that he is probably ONE OF THE MOST clutch players to ever play the game. Sid always comes through some examples: the winter classic, the olympics, and every playoffs he's been in. Especially this year 14 pts in 6 games thats amazing, I don't see Ovi (other comments I'll keep to myself) putting up those kind of numbers!
@pandala420 14 жыл бұрын
crosby is basically a pure student of the game. he's always learning. people used to say crosby can just pass, but he's scoring goals this season. people said he was a wuss, but he has become a solid defender and isn't afraid to drop the gloves once in a while. sure he complains to the refs but that's a captain's job. he's the team's vocal leader. gretzky & lemieux whined a lot also, but last i checked those 2 always come up on the "all time greatest" debate.
@1995brendan1995 14 жыл бұрын
*** TO ALL THE HATERS OF SIDNEY CROSBY*** you cant say anything about him, hes an amazing hockey player, the best there is in the league. If you hate him, its cause he's good, or he has probably beat your favourite team. If your a detroit fan, you hate him cause he took ur team out this year, if your a caps fan, u hate him casue hes better the ovi, he tries harder, he plays harder, Crosby deserves respect. Cause the pens stoned the caps in game 7 doesnt mean u shuld hate. Crosby kicks ass !!
@08alexovechkin08 14 жыл бұрын
Okay, I'm going for Canada but I think Russia will win. Ovechkin, Kovalchuk, Datsyuk, Malkin, Gonchar, and more. I understand Canada has talent and I hope they win. But, I just think Russia will, just settle down. And Crosby, he dives and complains. But still, no doubt he has skill. Look at the stats right now, Ovechkin 76pts, and Crosby 68pts.Ovechkin also 7 less games. And you'll probably reply with "who has the Stanley Cup?" Teams win Cups and individuals win awards. Look at # of awards...Ovy
@tslabjr7 15 жыл бұрын
i highly doubt you will go any where with pronger down low and emery in net. he was scared to death of hatcher. Crosby will be useless this year when ever you face us. and Emery will not tolerate his child shit. so i highly doubt he will be rushing in the crease as freely as he did with Biron. defense wins champion ship and at the moment we have the best defense men in the league. and not to men chin kimo timinon another great defense men.
@tslabjr7 15 жыл бұрын
jeliouse of what? Crosby is the leader of the team right?the captains job is to lead the team and protect them and fight when needed to. Lets get this straight right now! Crosby can't fight! he is turning the pens into the Pittsburgh *******. if Crosby is such a Great captain, then why does Pittsburgh get there asses kicked in when every they get in a brawl? Yeah that is one great captain you have there!!! we really want him!!! NOT!! will proger down low and Emery in net lets see what he does!
@3Cupsanda6Pack 15 жыл бұрын
You can't really compare Crosby & Ovechkin. The one player is a good goal scorer and great at throwing cheap shots. That's pretty much all there is to his game. The other just simply leads by example, EARNED his teammates respect, totally unselfish player, COMPLETE TEAM PLAYER, unbelievable playmaker, could care less if he makes the goal or someone else on team does. Does what it takes to win. Who is is a Stanley Cup Champion, one is not.
@GillD03 15 жыл бұрын
That kid is all go all the time. He literally cries if he loses. I know all the internet tough guys think that real men dont cry, but a person who is not completely self delusional woul call that the definition of heart and passion. And its hilarious that you think Ovechkin the son of a professional athlete and an olympic athlete is some badass while he was getting the best training money could buy Crosby was shooting pucks at a dryer.....
@dbn52 15 жыл бұрын
Those of you who say Sid sucks are delusional.Come on guys get a clue. You can say you don't like him,whines to much or even say he isn't as exciting as Ovie. But he is a team player who can do it all. Sid and his team mates just hoisted the cup. Ovie needs some help before he can do the same. I am not a Penguin fan.I am a life long Hawk fan. But I can see how wonderfully talented he is. Ignorance is bliss.
@3mattbillard3 15 жыл бұрын
Comments like this tick me off. Come on now lets be serious here. Crosby is a playmaker he makes players around him better. Ovechkin is a sniper/dangler. Really who do you think is going to score more goals? You can't base the skill of a player by how many goals he puts up. Look at Jordan Staal. He's an amazing player and he doesnt put up hundreds of points. He goes in deep and forechecks the hell out of the other team. He is an asset and hes not scoring goals.
@casscjd 15 жыл бұрын
all you who are dissing this kid are fucking jealous, he's out there dominating the sport and you guys are just sitting here talking about him as if he doesn't deserve a thing of what he has accomplished, he just won the cup and i think that pretty much shows how great the kid is, so instead of dissing him why don't you just take him for who he really and that is pure "greatness"
@langdon19 15 жыл бұрын
People have no respect for Crosby,, theres no one in the leauge that plays with more heart and determiation than Crosby ,, just because he talks to refs everyone thinks he complains and whines,, he is the fukin captain of the team hes suposed to talk to the damn refs to sort shit out ,, wake the fuck up people Crosby is without a doubt the best overall skilled player in the league
@agreenfan14 15 жыл бұрын
ok. i get wat yur saying. but the celebrating can go. but to a certain extent. Ovie tends to wayyyyyy over do it and as a guy who dosent like ovechkin it just makes me madder than hell. I like crosby more than ovie so im obvouisly a bit biased. but to say "ppl like me" u act as if theres a huge big group of ppl that talk shit on ovie.. trust me there a much larger more energetic group of crosby haters that i have to hear about every day
@Brunan68 15 жыл бұрын
For the record, I would take Sid, Ovi, Ilya, Evgeni, and Pavel any day of the week in any pool. It's a north american game, it's Canada's game (notwithstanding some incredible american players), and the broadcasters in Canada picked the #1 overall pick to be the savior. Gretzky himself was following Sid and when asked who to watch for answered with Sid. I feel sorry for the kid, he can't take a dump without someone calling him a pussy for having a soft shit.
@Brunan68 15 жыл бұрын
Stiv.. he never asked for the attention. He was an 18 year old tasked with saving the NHL after it could have nearly tanked as the premier hockey league on the planet due to that lockout. Alexander Daigle was another canadian kid drafted 1st overall, with the same hype and pressure... he caved under the scrutiny and it ended his career. Someone had to shoulder the burden, the media picked him due to his remarkable talent and clean cut image.
@Brunan68 15 жыл бұрын
They are all incredible players, and on any given game day will get the first star. Saying that one is way better than another is just retarded. If given the opportunity any coach in the league would make a play to get any one of these guys on the team. Yea, Ovi is a better pure goal scorer, but Crosby is a better playmaker and passer. Malkin is another elite russian goal scorer. To say that one plays with more passion than another just isn't true. They are all franchise players. Period.
@davidmotykafitness 15 жыл бұрын
hey buddy you know that ovy has more points and skill that crosby i dont see crosby sucks its just crosby wasent the only one last year that leaded them to the finals fleury was the goalthender and malkin too . ovy can score and crosby too malkin play maker who cares whos better there 3 VERY skilled players btw am a HABS fan ( i dont like crosby or malkin) ovy and pleky are the best
@scottling 16 жыл бұрын
I think we all knew who it was for anyway. While it's nice to get an update on what "most people focus on" right now (who asked?), you have to laugh at the moronic contention that Crosby hasn't proved anything yet. Youngest player to score 100 pts (it's right in the video!), only teenage scoring champion in American pro sports history, captain of a team currently 10-1 in the playoffs. If not for the juggernaut of Detroit, they'd probably be headed for a Stanley Cup next month.
@r4ndomduud 13 жыл бұрын
@ChoboOv Well in my eyes Kunitz makes Crosby a better player. If you have 3 full attacking players on one line it's likely you'll get a lot of minuses along the pluses. Also the points will devide more. Now Crosby can concintrate on attacking whilst his line men do everything they can to make Crosby better and allow him to do the things he does best.
@ThePellinenNHL 14 жыл бұрын
Why you are all barking? Crosby's fans: "Ovechkin sucks" - Ovechkin's fans: "Crosby sucks" - They're both good players, two best players in the world. I do not understand why you did not understand this fact, because it is true. Sidney Crosby and Alex Ovechkin - The best players in the world. - But good video!
@nhlking7682 11 жыл бұрын
don't forget WJHC gold medal olympic gold medal stanley cup youngest player to score 100 points scored over over 120 points in just his second year in the nhl some players don't even reach that in they're prime so may records set alreay for crosby and i'm sure much more lies ahead for us CROSBY CROSBY CROSBY
@sulutkin 13 жыл бұрын
Sidney is very talented but biggest cry baby and shameful actor with divings in NHL. You´re right, Teemu Selänne is not complaining even when he got puck in to his jaw and broke it and get hits all the time as a flaslight skater. Even his knee injured I believe he will play one probably very last season in Anaheim and get Stanley Cup again.
@packers256 13 жыл бұрын
@JoeS434 Not sure if you know this, but teams win championships, not one player. Zetterberg and Datsyuk dominate Crosby and Malkin whenever they play. I'm not a fan of Crosby or Ovechkin, but I think Ovi is a better player. Other players from the last 10 years: Iginla, Lidstrom, Kovalchuk, Thornton. If you want to go a few years back, Jagr and Lemieux.
@Vanc3y84 13 жыл бұрын
@HockeyFan7374 crosby didn't win a memorial cup. he played for rimouski in 2005 the tournament was hosted in london and the knights beat them in the finals. That was the stacked london knights team that broke numerous CHL records. starred by Cory Perry and Steve Mason. There are many other nhl'ers from that squad but those are the most notable.
@insaneboy683 13 жыл бұрын
Crosby: First girl in the NHL. Nahh, just kidding. I'm glad he's havin' some fun out there in the NHL. Good for him. It takes a great player to be in the NHL, it takes a phenominal miraculous wonder to be in the Hall of fame, but it takes a true legend to be considered one of the best ever. Good for Sid.
@kdfsjljklgjfg 13 жыл бұрын
@achingknees You're saying that playing defensively has nothing to do with how much you score at all? Do you know nothing about hockey? Playing defensively means yo're stauing back more to help out the defense, meaning you're in scoring chances the offensive zone less often, because you're not in as good of a position to get up there.
@achingknees 13 жыл бұрын
@mikko522 Playing a defensive game has nothing to do with Ovechkin not scoring, he gets power play chances galore. He is just not being fed those stretch passes by Backstrom and Semin like he is so used to and goalies are on to those wristers he shoots. Crosby on the other hand makes his own breaks and scores in many different ways.
@CRASdanglin 13 жыл бұрын
@jukeinc Ever hear of Datsyuk, Kovalchuk, Malkin, Nabokov, Gonchar, Markov, Volchenkov, Tyutin, Kovalev, Frolov, Semin, or Bryzgalov??? There's more than enough of a supporting cast to AT LEAST get a medal. If Russia would have gotten the Bronze then it would be slightly different argument, but he got nothing...actually they got 9th place, ouch.
@detroitmcpro 13 жыл бұрын
@willeblink crosby isnt the best, but neither is ovechkin. crosby is young and kinda soft to be honest, while ovechkin is talented but doesnt have any real playmaking skills, he has to score for his team to do well. the best player is the league (offensively) is pavel datsyuk....say what u will about his stats but he is the BEST
@Borzke 13 жыл бұрын
Crosby is the best player currently playing hockey. He has beaten Ovechkin at every head to head battle: World Juniors (Wins Gold Medal), Stanley Cup Playoffs (Wins Stanley Cup), Olympics (wins Gold Medal). Crosby is a winner! @ tormodhs - Name of the song is Big League by Tom Cochrane and Red Rider.
@ChoboOv 13 жыл бұрын
@mjtm77 Crosby was told you need to work on scoring goals, the following year he won the Rocket Richard trophy. He is only going to get better. There is no one as good as Crosby right now. Regardless of what you think of him he has WON it all. Olympic Gold, Stanley Cup. He is a PROVEN winner. Period.
@max432156 14 жыл бұрын
@ejl74 hes the best at making plays , and scoring points and its understandble because he always finishes the season with over 100 points ( unless he's injured) . Oh ya and who is the only player since the lockout to score over 115 points? : Crosby. SO shutup you obviously dont know anything about hockey.
@Kaalec 14 жыл бұрын
Nah, I'm in Halifax on the Atlantic coast, but I have always been a Habs fan and I lived in Montreal for 10 years. The chances of the Kings winning the Cup are about equal to the Raptors winning the NBA Championship. I hope the Lakers CRUSH Miami next year. Have you ever seen three more self-absorbed people than Bosch, Lebron James and the other guy?
@Jiltedin2007 14 жыл бұрын
@Kaalec None taken, I'm not a Kings Fan. KINGS SUCK! I'm from Los Angeles, but the only Los Angeles team that I like are the Lakers. And in Basketball, the Lakers are without a doubt King! Are you from Montreal? The day the Rams come back to L.A. will probably be when the Kings win a Stanley Cup. Which is NEVER!
@Kaalec 14 жыл бұрын
@Jiltedin2007 I read your profile and I agree with you about Philly sports teams. I can't stand the Flyers, never could. Especially after they beat my beloved Montreal Canadiens this year in the playoffs. No offense, but it was sweet when the Habs beat the Kings with the Great One back in '93. When are you going to bring the Rams home to LA where they belong?
@Kaalec 14 жыл бұрын
@Jiltedin2007 Okay, I'm impressed, you're more than a pretty face. He was born in a small town closer to Ottawa - a few hundred miles from London. And in fairness, Dr. Naismith did become an American citizen (treason to most Canadians, :-). Also. in fairness, the US is the dominant power in basketball. But it's still nice to see Steve Nash make some contributions.
@BLACKzzJESUS 14 жыл бұрын
I think we have to put our differences aside when comparing Crosby and Ovechkin, they are both good players. We need to look at the bigger picture that Semin's name looks awful lot like Semen, also if you get rid of the M and replace it with a P you can spell Penis (if you rearrange the order), that's what is really important.
@PR0UDCANADIAN87 14 жыл бұрын
Our Father whom art in Vancouver, hockey be thy name. Thy will be done, the gold will be won, on ice as well as in the stands. Give us this day, our hockey sticks, and forgive us our penalties as we forgive those who cross check against us. Lead us not into elimination but deliver us to victory. In the name of the Canadian hockey team, AMEN
@sg72792 14 жыл бұрын
ok him and ovechkin are pretty much the best in the league. so why are people bitching on who is better, they are the faces of the nhl. They both have different styles and both get the job done. IMO crosby has more overall skill, the ability to see the ice, make the play, and finish it. ovechkin is a one dimensional player, offence, no defence.
@GillD03 15 жыл бұрын
Gretzky said himself that Crosby is the guy who can break his records. Ovechkin is a cherry picker, anyone who has watched him play in person will tell you he straddles the blue line the whole game. He is a highlight reel player nothing more. I am really not that impressed with him after this years playoffs as Crosby beat him with half the shots.
@Sinsemilla4u 15 жыл бұрын
lol aren't you kind of contradicting yourself with that statement. Part of the skill in hockey is being there to get rebounds, which he is skilled at. He is also very skilled on the S/O's and breakaways. If you ever took the time to watch a video of some of his goals, you'd realize there's more to his scoring than just little tap ins lol.
@Sinsemilla4u 15 жыл бұрын
So then, I guess if you're just going to go off stats, you're going to have to admit Malkin is better than Ovechkin. I know Ovie won the Hart, but that's only because he made the biggest difference on his team. And it's not like Crosby was far off in the race, he was 3rd in points. Besides, we'll take the Stanley cup over the Hart trophy any day.
@Brunan68 15 жыл бұрын
Can't blame you there. Detroit is original six and the fans are crazy for their team. Incredible hockey organization with alot of great history. I grew up Leafs fan, would love it if they could pick up an incredible forward like the ones listed below... burns my ass to see Sundin in an Canucks uniform... always next year I guess..
@slicedbread12345 15 жыл бұрын
ovechkin is the flashiest when he plays and he can score goals better than anyone else..... but there are other players out there that are better and offer more on the defensive end and in the passing department ...... but dont get me wrong im not taking anything away from the guy he still does things that make me cry
@lightningjelly 15 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with you about what you said but to us canadians we don't understand why hockey isn't bigger in the u.s.a it is such a great game to play. I am not saying that because i am canadian iv'e played every sport in school and i think hockey is way better than baseball that's for sure. I am glad to see you guys kept your team i love the penguins.
@ScubaProDiver 15 жыл бұрын
Crosby and Ovechkin are both amazing, I would choose Crosby on my NHL team though, he can set up great plays and always finds the open man. As for you losers saying Crsoby sucks, you might want to look at his records in his past 2 NHL years. As well, are any of you in the NHL? No I didn't think so, he can skate circle around you guys I bet.
@gdub19777 13 жыл бұрын
I like all NHL players simply because I love the sport. But you'd have to be an idiot to say Ovechkin is better than Crosby. Crosby is a better center than Ovechkin is a winger. No matter how you look at it. Datsyuk is better than Ovechkin and Crosby is better than Datsyuk.
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