Signs in the Heavens 'The Sign Of Jonah"

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Troy Brewer

Troy Brewer

6 жыл бұрын

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@kingbuddha101 Жыл бұрын
Every time I listen to this great man speak, I truly get chills throughout my whole body. I can't help but take that as a sign from God that I am on the right path. God Bless you Troy Brewer!
@cyndimercado1764 3 жыл бұрын
18 speaks as well and even though I’m watching this now three years later I am so blessed by it and absolutely have felt since the great American eclipse something huge was going to happen this is amazing thank you so much for this it’s been a blessing and I am now realizing that I think I’m a prophet of God I know that sounds crazy but does it sound crazy though? I honestly just don’t know how to do this walk but I’m just trusting Jesus I’m just going with it and have left a life of witchcraft behind. Bless you and bless anyone that watches this in the name of Jesus thank you.
@Nanette0628 5 жыл бұрын
Excellent teaching here. Thanks for sharing 😀
@queenkeeministry7452 4 жыл бұрын
This is in 2019. God lead me to you and thank you for being yourself! Praise God. Its 2019 and I am excited that this month I'm ready for the tribal blessings
@melidamartinez4312 3 жыл бұрын
Man this was good! that is good! october 2020 here. Love this!
@anitaph123 4 жыл бұрын
What is the sign of Jonah spoken of by Jesus in Matthew 12:38-42 and again in Luke 11:29-32? Let me read the passage for you. Matthew 12:38-42 38Then some of the Pharisees and teachers of the law said to him, "Teacher, we want to see a sign from you." He answered them, "A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the sea monster, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. The people of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and now something greater than Jonah is here. The queen of the South will rise up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon's wisdom, and see something greater than Solomon is here. Jonah was told by God to go to the most heathen city and call them to repentance and the Sign of Jonah is a sign that emphasizes not only repentance but forgiveness towards others. Something greater than Jonah is here. The queen of the south, which in some editions of the Bible is wrongly identified as the Queen of Sheba; the original translation reads "Southern queen" the q is not capitalized. Therefore it is not a formal Queen such as the Queen of England, it's not a formal title. The original word for queen is the term "regina" which has many meanings among them are: a beautiful woman, a woman of authority, also a "belle." Like Jonah she has no formal credentials except for the call of God on her life. And like the nenevites she was once a heathen and that makes her the most appropriate witness. There are many similarities and differences when it comes to comparing the queen of the south or the "southern belle" to the Queen of Sheba; they were both so eager for wisdom that they travelled far in their faith to satisfy thier deep longing to be close to God. This message sends a warning to critics who do not desire the truth because in their pride they hate the light. Something greater than Solomon is here! But this preaching won't be regarded as a sign by an unrepentant generation, they will actually see it as an evil thing. I am not proclaiming the gospel of some new religion but the fulfillment of the one we claim to know and already have. Complete forgiveness is what we require from God and we are completely forgiven when we completely forgive others We must understand the seriousness of unforgiveness. In Matthew 5:21 Jesus likens unforgiveness to murder. In Matthew 5:24 tells us if we go to God in prayer and we have ought in our heart against another that we must go and resolve that issue before we can come back and be in the presence of God to have Him hear our prayers. In Matthew 6:15 it says if we don't forgive others then God cannot forgive us. This is how it is evident that Christ lives in us and that we live in Him is that we have love for other people. We are even encouraged to love our enemies and the people who hurt us and use us in Matthew 5:44. Many people profess to know God but their hearts are really far from Him. "Give and it will be given unto you, pressed down shaken together and running over will be poured unto your lap." many preacheers take this scripture and use it when they are taking money for the offering. But if you read the one line before that, Jesus wasn't talking about money He was talking about forgiveness. You have to understand, Jesus isn't coming back for an angry bride. He's coming back for people with a pure heart. Unforgiveness, blame, shame, these things have no place in heaven. My fervent prayer is that people will understand the seriousness of this matter and allow the Holy Spirit to work in their hearts and purify it so when Christ does come we will be ready. We will be a clean pure spotless beautiful clothed in white raiment bride of Jesus Christ. The time for Christ's return is near and everyone is saying, "get ready, get ready," but nobody is really telling you HOW. The people who won't submit to the work of the Holy Spirit in purifying their heart, their lot will be left with the unclean as witnessed by Jesus' parable in Matthew. You cannot leave your heart locked up and closed, full of unforgiveness and anger towards others. Because when you forgive others it sets you free; that's the truth that truly sets you Free. Jesus last command to us was two fold. One to love God with all our heart and soul and mind. And another was like it to love others as ourselves. In doing this we fulfill the whole law. Many people are going to cry out, "Lord, Lord, what about us?" And He is going to say, "I NEVER knew you." Imagine how TERRIBLE those people will feel when they've lived their lives believing that just asking for forgiveness without forgiving others was not sufficient enough to be accepted into the Kingdom of God. If I only have one message to share with the world it is FORGIVE, FORGIVE, FORGIVE! Let me share a list with you about just what unforgiveness is: Unforgiveness according to Jesus is MURDER, it's hostile to Jesus Christ. It bears bad fruit, it's slanderous to God; it's not a lover of God or a lover of the truth - it's brutal to the truth. It's wicked and deceitful among all things, it's malicious and untrustworthy, it's unholy and undisciplined Unforgiveness is destitute of faith; unforgiveness is a truce breaker and the lowest form of degredation. It's REBELLION against God - it resembles the accuser. It despises God, it's unholy, unthankful to God for what He's given to us; it DESPISES God. It's a spirit of error, IT'S EMNITY AGAINST GOD, it's a hypocrite. It dishonors God and is reprobate. I would like to end this message by saying that God has called me to share this with the world because Christ is returning very soon. He's coming for a PURE BRIDE and many in the church think "I'm ready," but they really are not. Preachers are not sharing the second part of a two-fold message. It's not only repent, but also to forgive others. If I can only send one message it's what God shared with me when I cleaned my heart of unforgiveness and I asked God to forgive me of my uncleaness. I felt the most awesome freedom that I have ever felt and lived in peace ever since. I encourage everyone who calls themself a Christian to get on their knees, to pray about this. Ask God your ownself don't just believe me - believe GOD. Search the scriptures; don't just listen to a pastor tell you what to believe. Seek God with all your heart and soul and mind and you will find the TRUTH in the scriptures and the Word of God. Thank you for taking time to listen to my message.
@kathyg.3566 4 жыл бұрын
Anita P I really appreciate you sharing the truth. I needed to hear this today! Thank you!
@p.melidamartinez6057 3 жыл бұрын
thank you I will preach this message with my church today.
@benantone1439 5 жыл бұрын
Glory to God
@Praise___YaH Жыл бұрын
HERE is The Savior HalleluYAH translates “Praise ye YaH” YaH is The Heavenly Father YaH arrives via the TENT OF MEETING YaH was Who they Crucified for our sins ** NO FEMALE INVOLVED WHATSOEVER ** - Hebrew Book of Isaiah Isaiah 42:8 "I am YaH; that is my Name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols. Isaiah 43:11 I, I am YAH, and there is no other Savior but Me. Isaiah 45:5 I am YaH, and there is none else.
@darlenesmith1605 2 жыл бұрын
If you love the Lord, and stay sensitive to his voice and spirit, he speaks thru everything as you said. He speaks to me so much just thru birds, other animals and just nature. I don't know how many times it's been thru birds. Not people don't slow down long enough or pay attention to anything around them and miss what is right in front of you. Thought church history, the old has NEVER accepted the new, and always fought against it. It looks different and it will really look different this time! I don't want to miss my hour of visitation just because it don't look like I think it should. No way!
@princesspatriot1544 4 жыл бұрын
@Ccc35712 3 жыл бұрын
I remember when I was in 6th grade in 1976, our class teacher took us outside to watch a total solar eclipse through a piece of cardboard with 1 pin hole in it to keep from eye damage. 1976 is not 99 years ago. I guess fake news told another lie when this broadcasted. I'm viewing this on May 15, 2021. The year of 1976 was the bicentennial year of the constitution signing. That year was a very patriotic year, the entire year! 😁🇺🇸 That solar eclipse was a sign to our nation then.
@abaker4692 8 ай бұрын
In the 2nd sign of Revelation 12, a comet called "Child" passed through Virgo's womb.
@kelleycalder8408 4 жыл бұрын
I dont know what it means being I do not believe in coincidences the eclipse was on my dads birthday and the next one falls on my daughters birthday. Pray for salvation for my family please time is urgent.
@jennifertruhler7524 3 жыл бұрын
I'm watching this in 2020, but have been aware of these signs since 2017. The birth pains are increasing in frequency and duration, but the willful ignorance in America is causing it to follow in the same path as Ninevah. It's probably a safe bet to say that the reckoning is here, and we have a choice to make that will determine the fate of it's soul. -Another thing I've noticed is that there are many different, yet the same stories among different groups of people that are also converging at the same time, like the Hopi prophecy.
@time4japan921 4 жыл бұрын
Matthew 24:29-30 is clear that the sign of the Son of Man comes AFTER the tribulation. Therefore there is no biblical basis for calling the Virgo/Sun/Jupiter convergence "the sign of the Son of Man". I believe in Troy's heart. I just hope he submits his teaching to some kind of accountability and check system.
@mmccrack3n 4 жыл бұрын
Thought. If we have learned anything over the last 5 years... it is we haven't understood the actual "amounts of time" between signs and wonders we have seen in the heavens... and in the scriptures. In Isaiah 61:2, there is a 1900 year "Church Age" gap in that verse. I wonder if the Sign of the Son of man in heaven happened during Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits in 2017 (the sign of Jona in the 2nd heaven). This astronomical event only happened once in history, perfectly aligned with the appointed times of the Lord that year. The bright and morning star was "retrograde orbiting" right through the belly of the fish. If this is true, then there is a possibility that there was a three year period between the sign, and the rapture... and the earth mourning in Math 24:30. And after that (the tribulation), "they" shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory (not us, as we will already be gone).
@josea9895 5 жыл бұрын
What year was this video made?
@kimberlytancrede5468 4 жыл бұрын
October 2017
@warningeagle8558 4 жыл бұрын
1 March 2020 revival
@WarriorMichelle57 8 ай бұрын
I have a question: I'm a "Virgo" according to the basic info we have all access too... Is it bad to say that I am a Virgo? Because I stopped saying that some years back when I started to feel like I was being like the world but I was very lost at that time, loving the Lord but not being very Christian-like that's for sure... But I am a Virgo... When I hear Pastor speaking about the Virgo it is not evil, it is actually of God, the people who practice witchcraft though of course they use it in an evil way but the constellations are not evil I know that. So now I don't think being a Virgo is evil to say, as long as I don't begin to identify with what the horoscopes say about the Virgo because I used to do that. They would say Virgo is a perfectionist and I am really but that doesn't mean that I am a perfectionist because I was born at a certain time... Or does it? Who knows? But my identity is in Christ. My favorite constellation is Orion by the way, I love to see Orion's belt.
@WarriorMichelle57 8 ай бұрын
18:31 I wish I could see it clearer, but I think Pastor has a constellation map in his shop or something.
@WarriorMichelle57 8 ай бұрын
22:28 Wonder Woman 💫💙
@WarriorMichelle57 8 ай бұрын
34:08 Pastor Troy has been preparing for this coming sermon next year! Wow! Thank you Pastor! PS I like to comment to myself so I can come back and click on these time stamps lol!
@enthos38 5 жыл бұрын
@sheliaking5860 3 ай бұрын
Imagine 6 yrs 1 different kind of ( ring of fire ) ISREAL has been attacked and JONAH gets here in a week with another Total Special ECLIPSE 🫠 Exciting Times 😊
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