Foreigners Love Sikh Temple Food | Guru ka Langar | Free Food Langar Sewa

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Foreigners Love Sikh Temple Food | Guru ka Langar | Free Food Langar Sewa
There are many memorable aspects of a Sikh Gurdwara program, but most first-time visitors are surprised and delighted by the wonderful food that is freely served to the congregation at the conclusion of every gurdwara program. This serving of food is a long-standing tradition called, Guru ka Langar (the Guru’s Kitchen) and originated with the first Sikh guru, Guru Nanak around 1521. Perhaps it began when, as a boy, young Nanak would feed groups of traveling mystics as they traveled through the area around his home. Or perhaps it grew out of Guru Nanak’s experiences traveling far and wide during his four Udasis (extended spiritual journeys) - being on the road, vulnerable to the varying level of hospitality that were available in all the locations he visited. Established at a time in India when separation by caste was of the highest importance, the act of sitting together (Pangat) in the Guru ka Langar was a revolutionary idea. “That is the maryaadaa (discipline) of langar - that even a king and a beggar can sit together, serve and eat the same food, in the same way” (Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan). Today, it is still a powerful reminder of the equality of all people before God, regardless of birth, gender, faith or status.

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