Singapore students continue to outperform global average for IB exam

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@browncowed 17 сағат бұрын
comparing an "average" with a blanket statement of "majority scored x and above" is so cringe.
@diypromax Күн бұрын
The pap party holding all the money and own self collect own self 's highest pay etc, but only gave singaporeans a little money the pap party call helping the people, pap party not ashame?
@diypromax Күн бұрын
Also don't forget a lot of NS boys (soldiers) became NoSoul boys during their service, it's the pap party fault but most cases were covered up by the pap party of course.
@dr._.juniorcollege2799 10 сағат бұрын
I wholeheartedly agree. What a waste of my precious time
@diypromax Күн бұрын
Since sg tops world first in scams city, majority people said it's a matter of time before the remaining singapore reserves $$ and gold bars be scammed away, or by the pap party of course.
@diypromax Күн бұрын
Surprisingly majority people said the people are the REAL every day opposition people themselves, each have their own ways of course.
@diypromax Күн бұрын
What's important singapore became a multi-nation country, multi-nation-singapore so even with the saf soldiers also no use totally, it's the pap party mistakes and there's no way to u-turn back.
@JojoJoget Күн бұрын
Do they outperform on suicides too?
@hengbin2974 11 сағат бұрын
For as far as I can remember, SGP students hv performed very well in PISA & IB exams. Yet the UNMITIGATED SISASTERS of the scale Lee Hsien Loong & Ho Ching (& to a lesson extent, their eldest son, Li Hongyi) hv created means that SGP in @ or almost @ DUMPTY" "HUMPTY" state. Can the PAPies explain?
@unsulliedthe832 10 сағат бұрын
So in SG, poorly educated means not English-educated. Even if you hold a degree from the now-defunct Chinese-medium Nanyang University from the not-so-distant past, you are generally deemed as "not very educated".
@भगवानगणेशभगवानगणेश 9 сағат бұрын
Yes, by all appearances we dance to the tune of the west and we succeed our way because we dance so well almost as if we have another silent tune of our own.
@diypromax Күн бұрын
Are singaporeans rich? Of course not, more than 80% of people lives in hdb flats and not private houses, it's one of many pap party very bad management, not ashame?
@killerins1000 11 сағат бұрын
Name me a country where 80% of its citizens live in private landed houses. Lmao.
@diypromax Күн бұрын
The pap party still dare to allow non singaporeans to buy hdb flats, even knowing sg run out of land to build hdb flats and run out of road for cars, pap party not ashame?
@भगवानगणेशभगवानगणेश 10 сағат бұрын
Without English language and getting plugged into the mainstream world ruled by Anglo Saxons, Singapore wouldn't have that opportunity to outshine everyone else. LKY facilitated it this way. Taiwan, HK, Japan, Korea and China all have only miniscule minority English speakers in their populations so they can never excel in an ostentatious manner like Singapore. The flipside, though, is those in SG society unwilling or unable to fully embrace English are faded into the shadows. Yes, just by being English proficient can bring you far even if you aren't very intelligent - it's hardwired into the unspoken rules of SG society today.
@anziar3038 Күн бұрын
S'pore has the best education system in the world, thanks to the first-world PAP govt ranked the most effective in the world.❤
@JWYeo 17 сағат бұрын
Aiya, this is a good thing mah. Then how? If we outperform global average for Prostate Examinations, we shiok lah?
@diypromax Күн бұрын
And people still gathering and traveling, don't forget it's always a matter of time before the next biggest spike in cases, and it's those people last travel of their lives.
@tonykwok9763 17 сағат бұрын
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬PAP GOV.....🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲
@diypromax Күн бұрын
Those people who likes to choose the pap party only means those people love sufferings, and drag all people into sufferings.
@archielee60 Күн бұрын
SDP also proposes to abolish the PSLE, and this should be complemented by broadening the curricula and reducing the workload.
@diypromax Күн бұрын
Sg smart nation: No Sg scams nation: Yes Also sg became a multi-nation-singapore: Yes So no more sg, no way to u-turn back of course.
@dr._.juniorcollege2799 10 сағат бұрын
Not to mention the low TFR, is there even going to have sg100? I doubt so
@diypromax Күн бұрын
And people still ordering food delivery? People still trust the food delivery boys? People still dare to eat the food from the delivery boys? People still not afraid that's the last meal of their lives?
@zatilaqmar3427 Күн бұрын
Me side eyeing at Malaysian moe who invited the Taliban to "exchange knowledge".
@diypromax Күн бұрын
Who be the Pm also no use totally, majority people said they choose the pap party but only getting more and more sufferings and problems from the pap party always of course.
@diypromax Күн бұрын
Also majority people said there are no more food safety and other safety, the next meal the people eat are the last meal of their lives.
@diypromax Күн бұрын
Don't forget the pap party don't want to choose any side (usa or china) so lost the whole world of course.
@diypromax Күн бұрын
Lucky I didn't had any brand of the jab previously and that's why never sick before, as majority people said after they took the jabs previously but nowadays they only became more and more easily to fall sick, it's the pap party mistakes and there's no way to u-turn back.
@norman6499 Күн бұрын
Stop putting our student on pedestal, we all know China got millions of student can take the No 1 place anytime anyday.
@G2H_HellBringer 20 сағат бұрын
Speak for yourself. We still top the world in pisa score.
@norman6499 2 сағат бұрын
@ dude, im a singaporean. What do u mean we? Go back to your normal stream
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