WHERE DO ALL THESE EXCELLENT BRITISH PUNK BANDS COME FROM? Just when you think you've heard 'em all another excellent one pops up. And so many didn't get the recognition they deserved, especially here in America. Around 1979-80 in England it was fashionable for some critics and a chunk of the public to put forth the notion that punk was dead, or at very least, it was on life support. It was only a passing fad and post punk or something else was now " the next big thing." Pity the kids who then jumped off the punk ship--they missed some great music. Like this song. Does this slay, or what? The boys from Stoke On Trent put out one album, So the Youth (1983) one single, two e.p.'s and two split 7"s. War Drum comes at you with a tremendous scampering unrelenting full blown force and is a very appealing blend of punk and hardcore. Screaming guitars and a fine drummer with an unusual drum break are added kickers. The sound they push out at 2:08 is wonderful. England really had it going in the early 80's and Return to Hell e.p. is another example of just how great punk music could be at that time.