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Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides

Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides

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@skillcapped 2 жыл бұрын
Improve FAST and get the RANK you've always wanted at: 💪
@brandonlucaberry1090 2 жыл бұрын
I kinda feel like that cait was me... when I still learned how her shit went xD everything about that vid was dejavu
@charlesdupee5271 2 жыл бұрын
my favorite skillcapped quote is "as ADC in teamfight, literally just stand as far back as possible and hit the person closest to you." helped me more than any other quote.
@OutcastZ3r0 2 жыл бұрын
And yet they rant you don't do damage...but that's the job, do damage, don't get caught. You're a glass cannon, so just hit whoever's in range and stay somewhere they can't oneshot you. When you get this straight, no matter what garbage your team vomits on you, you're doing it right...kudos for you man!
@adamjohanssonn 2 жыл бұрын
yea but you get hard flamed and death threats if you dont hit the enemy carry
@charlesdupee5271 2 жыл бұрын
@@adamjohanssonn but you get lp if you dont
@clovermite 2 жыл бұрын
@@adamjohanssonn that's why you have chat turned off (both enemy and team chat). It's the most consistent piece of League advice I've seen across all the advice videos. If they need to tell you something, they can ping it
@Ninjer 2 жыл бұрын
@@clovermite league has felt much better ever since i disabled the chat
@Russinho013 2 жыл бұрын
Bad ADC - Gets one shot every time Good ADC - Gets stunned, uses QSS, gets one shot any way
@mangozone3000 2 жыл бұрын
@Stormface16 2 жыл бұрын
Pretty accurate. Thanks mate :D
@guillaumealaux1299 2 жыл бұрын
@jeremymercado2765 2 жыл бұрын
legit af
@VioletPrism 2 жыл бұрын
Wow so true I don't even go regular adc builds anymore it feels like ass this patch
@LestaBan 2 жыл бұрын
The difference is that the good ones are always on the enemy team and the bad ones are usually on your team
@Teemodee 2 жыл бұрын
LMAO! Facts!
@hyperjank5129 2 жыл бұрын
I take this to mean you are an adc main?
@LestaBan 2 жыл бұрын
@@hyperjank5129 the opposite I play jungle
@sansdraart2955 2 жыл бұрын
@@hyperjank5129 as a main support, those are 90% of the time facts
@geli95us 2 жыл бұрын
I find alarming that so many people find confirmation bias relatable
@wildexperiense 2 жыл бұрын
In the video, the last question is a trick one. The true answer is that lee is afk.
@VieneLea 2 жыл бұрын
They ask what the enemy Lee Sin is doing, not your teammate
@wildexperiense 2 жыл бұрын
@@VieneLea I would assume lee is afk, if I didn;t see him on that raptors ward, and the camp is still up.
@naestyksksjsxx 2 жыл бұрын
@@wildexperiense but top hasn't shown up as early as bot so we can guess that he did blue, so if he started he is most likely not afk (even if that was one of the options if thought about too)
@wildexperiense 2 жыл бұрын
@@naestyksksjsxx You're stupid, the answer is: The trinket can't see him pass down, we know he started blue and it;s too late for him not to show up for the other half of his camps.
@sosea_exe 2 жыл бұрын
@@naestyksksjsxx Late but top lane is also AFK. gg ez.
@GigaLigma 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who plays every role and definitely isn't challenger, I know I make plenty of mistakes, but bot lane is the only role where I find myself often thinking "what the fuck was I supposed to do here?" It's the only place where you will sometimes get ganked nonstop all lane by the whole enemy team; even if you play safe and don't reward them for their ganks, they'll keep doing it just to stop you from playing the game. At that point either your team capitalizes on the enemy team's borderline-inting plays... or they don't. Then you lose and you'll likely get blamed for it even if you don't die to the constant ganks. Don't get me wrong - while I knew the answers to the questions in the video, that doesn't mean I never make the same mistakes. It's just pretty easy to recognize when I've made such a mistake, and the only lane where I find myself frequently in situations I feel I have absolutely no control over is bot lane. I can usually deal with a support who's not great or isn't on the same page as me (helps that I know the support's perspective), but the one thing I haven't figured out how the hell to carry through is a 2v4 at 3 minutes followed by a 2v5 at 5 minutes, or a jungler entirely ignoring top to the point that they don't farm their topside ever and end up at half your jg's farm just to camp you. Everyone gets unlucky and ends up in situations like that sometimes, but bot is the only place where I expect it to happen to me routinely.
@thesilentkill7398 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah that's so sad when it happens, you just going 2v5 on botlane eith enemy team TOWER DIVING YOU ALL THE TIME, while your jg peacefully farms red buff
@Onaterdem 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a jungle main who occasionally plays other roles. I completely understand what you mean. Escaping mid ganks is super easy, toplane never gets ganked anyway lmao (even if it does, toplaners are usually bruisers/tanks so they can survive), but getting 5 manned under blue side botlane tower is so frustrating.
@HaPham-jn7jk 2 жыл бұрын
@@Onaterdem ye top laners can sometimes 1v2 or 1v3 cuz their kits are designed to be able to lane solo. meanwhile, if u getting dove bot unless ur support smurfed it u will just die cuz u only offer dmg which is not the thing u need the most during a dive
@ahmedfoda8571 2 жыл бұрын
It is because bot lane has much more variables than other lanes probably, that's my hypothesis,
@tgw98 2 жыл бұрын
Can just Tell you what every one will Tell you and still got moments i dont believe in it. If you olay 100 games safe for ganks and win Ur lane or get time of the enemie mid or Jg u will have a positiv qinrate. U will climb but rly slow and harder than on other lanes. But then losing streak Hits and after 5 loses the mistakes and tilt starts :)
@FoxtrotMikeLimaXD 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome video. One thing to point out… At 1:21, I wouldn’t say the only two options are: 1. Chase 2. Back-off I’d propose option 3: 3. Switch to rockets, hit lulu and slash aph, widening your advantage. Don’t back off, but don’t chase. Take the third option. Pump out FREE harass damage.
@nostalgicsims 2 жыл бұрын
I was wondering myself why she didn't switch to rockets.
@AlbinosaurusR3X 2 жыл бұрын
The option 3 I was thinking of was to switch to Lulu until she backs up a bit, likely getting about 1/4 of her hp off, before just zoning both of them off the wave and ducking into bush for a sec to drop minion aggro. Lulu can't stay near to contest without giving up a free kill or baiting her own adc into the same.
@penndavi281 2 жыл бұрын
One of the biggest issues I've had in low elo as a support is that whenever as a support (no matter what support I am even if I am a Yuumi) I will try to tank for whoever I am supporting, however despite how all the attention is on me my teammate hesitates so much they end up trying to position themselves out of a danger they are not in, so rather than engaging and landing autos/spells they are trying to run away. Then if I die it's obviously entirely my fault
@jimbeambeamt8168 2 жыл бұрын
not trying to blame you, but "trying to tank" sounds horrible, there is no "trying to tank..." only tank all the necessary damage if you take all of it you get one shotted and your adc ends up in a 2vs1. And i wouldnt ingage or try to force a play anyways if you feel like your adc is super passive.
@penndavi281 2 жыл бұрын
@@jimbeambeamt8168 Well by "trying to tank", I meant as in either I am playing a tank support or I am playing a champ that isn't necessarily a tank but can easily disengage. Which is why I mentioned Yuumi because you can literally W and become untargetable, so I don't know why people don't take advantage of that more. As Yuumi if whoever you're on top of dies you're most likely going to die yourself, so might as well drain some of that health early to take potential damage and abilities away from being used on your adc
@sparemobius7430 2 жыл бұрын
@@penndavi281 that is an interesting take on yuumi, and honestly kinda true, dangerous if your opponents have a brain and toss any cc disabling your attach skill, but not a bad idea plus if you do it right you carry your shield from the passive. As a support main who transitioned into ADC main, I approve, though I am also one of those more cautious ADCs, I would rather farm cs than go for that kill especially early, but if you are playing a Leona or something and go all in, I will at least try, it is kinda risky though can sometimes make the lane snowball if it fails, but it isn't the end of the world and I do prefer that to someone who never goes in or something like just damage supports, Im not a fan of those, please at least have one cc, know what I mean? When I support I tend to go full tank myself and I often do not have an escape, Leona, so I rely on my ADC to kill them first and not just ditch me otherwise I get a ton of damage and have to back a lot, assuming I escape, it sucks, I get you there.
@noWo5HISta Жыл бұрын
A little late to this reply, as a support main, if you're going an enchanter support, your best bet is to assume your ADC is absolute garbage and play the role of a healer, you're job is to only bully out the ADC/zone control, also spamming pings can be really useful as well. Coming from a Nami main, over 1 mil mastery points, platinum 4. If you're getting absolutely decimated bot lane, roaming is another good option, you can help your jungler secure objective, herald/dragon and help your mid laner take plates.
@rasmachris94 Жыл бұрын
Late to the party but i can add some insight as someone that exclusively plays adc. I dont trust that a support has the necessary toolkit to keep that aggro unless it's something with a taunt in their specific kit like Rammus or Galio. You're only tanking for as long as they choose to hit you, when they decide hitting the tank support is a bad idea, I become the tank, and a very bad one at that. Even if you all in and tank it means nothing to me when they can just alternate off you and target me because Im the bigger, squishier threat. So it looks to the ADC that you're just inting because there's no way in hell they'd follow you directly into the line of fire when they can poke from a safe distance and capitalize on the enemies mistakes whilst csing and avoiding ganks. Bot lane is all about minimizing your own mistakes whilst punishing your opponents. Taking a big risk following a support that full sends it every chance they get is way riskier than just autoing creeps and poking them out when they try to cs. There's just no reason for me to be so close to the enemy team, especially if the wave they have is larger than mine and we dont know where the jungler is. Having said that if you have CC I'm on board because just on a flat DPS basis we have the clear advantage. But if you're playing anything that doesnt have more than one hard CC with long durations like Alistar, Thresh, Tahm I'm going to hesitate to go in because it's a gamble and it's just not worth the risk.
@spielesteven6831 2 жыл бұрын
The worst supports you can get are the ones that you have to fight for farm. Like I had a Zilian today that constantly threw his bombs on the enemy minions. Really really hard to farm that, he didnt even stop after I asked him twice not to do that. Lost the game to the enemy mid cassio being super fed, but still. Might have been able to do something about it, if I had some items :D
@wzt9376 2 жыл бұрын
Correction as a support main I can tell you that this was not a support your were laning with it was the legendary douche.
@Bobby-wq8bn 2 жыл бұрын
im guessing that happened in bronze. I think playing adc is only viable in high gold or +
@SomeGuyXD65 2 жыл бұрын
Just last hit lol
@mintegral1719 2 жыл бұрын
I hate laning with Zyra for this exact reason
@SoraNeet 2 жыл бұрын
@@mintegral1719 you can work around Zyra plants they always hit the same minion, if she one shots them then you can't do nothing. Even tho, I had a Vel'Koz pretty salty at me for losing a lot of hp trying to not lose lane control and to farm a bit, he was late, didn't leash and didn't get first 3 minions exp (Kinda troll i went for the 3 minions (Kai'Sa Q) but it's okay I got pots and he was a poke support so i thought about not losing early control and force them back (Brand Caitlyn) with Vel'Koz help. He instantly starts flaming at me when he get harass or i get harass and starts telling the enemy Caitlyn that it was sad he wasn't his ADC like last game and started to take every single minion while flaming me. I still got to farm, i did pretty good rotations to get more farm while my mid was invading with jungler and/or dead and he keep flaming a bit at me. Managed to get 120cs at 18 which was pretty low for Master (It was that game average mmr) but didn't fall behind so I can say it's completely doable to farm it's just harder. Also that Vel'Koz got hardstuck D2 this season while being master last season so he should've able to hit master with ease just by MMR. As long as you ain't a douchebag and focus on winning you can win most of your games. Winning doesn't necessarily mean carry by micro sometimes just making some decisions or being in a place in the correct moment makes you win just by that
@1337b3nnyvav00m 2 жыл бұрын
I think adc has even less agency than even support since supports are more impactful early and add value to the team even without damage
@shikikankillzone4239 2 жыл бұрын
Support will always have more of an impact than an ADC because their abilities and utility are giga busted. While you would need pixel perfect placement and flawless frame timing to carry a fight as an ADC apart from having to rely on your team to not int your game, you could also pick some random support and win a team fight with one ability (Any hook other than Pyke's, a 2s+ root, an massive AOE stun, Lulu or Janna R, etc)
@arondahlberg5086 2 жыл бұрын
Plenty of times I´ve seen that Jinx and Blitz-scenario happen but instead of Blitz going for Leona, he flashes past her to knock up Jhin that is on half or a quarter of health with both summoners up and suddenly there is a Leona between you and your support. Leona goes straight for you while Jhin kites back to tower or prefarably towards Leona and kill Blitz. Meanwhile you gets a Leona in your face, so by now you´ve been stunned and ignited/exhausted while tanking the whole creepwave if you tried to stay in the fight and didn´t bail out as soon as Blitz flashed behind enemy lines. I see this happen all the time, the support flashing for the "easy" kill, rather than peeling on the adc! When I play Leona I almost always win lane because I just use this kind of behavior to our advantage. In low elo I do not need to make plays just use their mistakes for our advantage. And they will do this dumb shit all the time, then blame eachother and I will always agree with the biggest fool on the enemy team, so he feels empowered because he made "the right" play but his team failed. He won´t listen to them and do the same dumb shit over and over while blaming them for him feeding, they start to argue even more and you just keep adding fuel to the fire in order to keep the tilt going xD
@dreamsunfinished9512 2 жыл бұрын
engage mains are scary
@Elimbi1 Жыл бұрын
This is the most devious shit I have read in a while LOOOOOOOOOL
@Gilthwixt1 2 жыл бұрын
I've been using your tips for a couple months now and I got every question right, but I have to say, just because you as an ADC understand wave control and manipulation doesn't mean your team will play around it in low elo. At 4:01 if this were my game the jungler wouldn't have taken advantage of this or would have dove from the wrong angle (from the brush behind tower) and died, assuming the support didn't ruin my slow push or my crash to begin with. I feel like there's a baseline competency that you need from your team to function as an ADC - if I have that, I go 10/0/whatever. If I don't, I go 4/5/5 or something and get flamed for low damage because I spent the rest of the game trying to farm sidelanes to become relevant but the team surrenders before I can.
@konstanZX2 2 жыл бұрын
my support doesnt even recall with me after the crash xd stays and looks for an engage no junlger around xd
@buttercup_roach 2 жыл бұрын
@@konstanZX2 I relate too much ... I cry
@luciarebussone2962 2 жыл бұрын
This!!! And even if you ask them to like not push the wave they still do, and they flame us when they die. It's literally hell cus ik i make mistakes but how can i learn to improve if they are fed by minute 3, they one shot me dude
@tgw98 2 жыл бұрын
@@konstanZX2 this is the most true comment ever
@medkha8210 2 жыл бұрын
I can't tell you how many times my support fuck up the wave, some of them need to play other lane roles for a while to understand their mistakes. Personally, it helped me to play an other role, beside adc, when i started playing top, it made me understand better bruiser, changed my playstyle in botlane to a more aggressive one, also i realised how important is xp, beside lvl 2 spike and 6. Usually good supports in my elo ( low gold ) that i get, know about wave management too, and try to set up freezes or let the wave slow push to me when i died, not engage in a big wave that is pushing to us. There is one other thing that i noticed, smurfs usually tries to build up a wave and try to trade kills with you at lvl 2 or 3 (when lucian was a popular pick), and it made him ahead in xp and gold, and that thing is done a lot in toplane. But i still thing, the best way to improve is to blame yourself, and try to find what to make better.
@KungKokkos 2 жыл бұрын
Eh, first play, just because you keep going for the kill doesn't mean you have to flash straight into the red minion wave, you could just casually chase through the bushes and then decide to turn back or flash in later.
@showme99 2 жыл бұрын
@GigaLigma 2 жыл бұрын
They say the adc should have started focusing on the minion wave there, but honestly I would have just switched focus to the support and kept fighting. Either you fuck both of their health bars instead of just 1, or the enemy adc goes back in to try to help their sup and you get a double kill. The flash heal into the minion wave was awful but I totally would have kept pursuing that fight, just a bit more cautiously than that.
@showme99 2 жыл бұрын
@@GigaLigma Yea I think 90% of players would try to finish Aphelios off, just not the way this Jinx did it.
@CoNteMpTone 2 жыл бұрын
@@GigaLigma its easy to say that in a video but how do you actually play it in your games? Lets analyze some of your replays ; )
@GigaLigma 2 жыл бұрын
@@CoNteMpTone I believe I've already given them my summoner name and consent to analyze my games. Whether they randomly pick me or not is up to them, but I'm well aware of my own extensive flaws regardless. As for you, I have no idea where the condescending attitude is coming from, but if I wanted critical analysis from a monkey I'd just go to the zoo.
@shikikankillzone4239 2 жыл бұрын
Just like JG diff, ADC diff is most likely the result of team diff. It's the most team-reliant role that shines in very little compared to others, when you take away the team who is supposed to do the rest of the essentials for the marksman, what can one do other than whatever damage they can cause?
@dreams_v9 2 жыл бұрын
That would only be the case if everyone in the match plays flawlessly, but that's never the case. Reducing your own mistakes and increasing the time you take advantage of opponents mistakes will give you a lead huge enough to take over the game on your own. Especially jungle can do that fairly easy since you can conqueror the map freely from the start. Reducing your own mistakes is the key point tho that's also why we visit youtube channels like this one right
@jordisantamariaportoles8233 2 жыл бұрын
Well the problem with bad sups is not they are engaging, is they dont engage, they just sit in lane afk 15 min and dieng by ganks without proper warding.
@handa6748 2 жыл бұрын
Kiting If you can do that, you're already better than most ADCs
@brianlamptey4823 2 жыл бұрын
But I can and I'm in low silver mmr
@kaete 2 жыл бұрын
I‘m playing low elo and I am supp and adc main. In ranked I mostly chose supp because I have more impact in the game like that. And I think in low elo most people think supp is an easy role like a second mid or something and they have no idea how really play supp. Most of those people are constantly pushing, engaging if there’s a big wave, not warding, engage with no wards or enemy jungle to see and ofc no one ever peels an adc. I‘m getting behind because other lanes never know how to play around an adc. In late I can’t farm bc jungler pings me away from his jungle, mid laner don’t move to side lanes and supporter keep pushing and clearing the farm. It‘s so frustrating how useless you are as an adc without many kills and farm while ur whole team blames you for it even though they ruin everything u need to do to deal a lot of damage.
@dragonsreingsupreme1 2 жыл бұрын
Ha you are nicer than me if i am behind i will afk farm top lane under tier 2 tower and the jungle warded to hell while taking every camp i can because dude if you are not ahead enough or smart enough to be looking for picks as a mid game jungler i doubt krugs is going to make that much of a difference. And it is better a 4v4 because someone is inevitably going to try and get the free adc in low elo because what is macro then having someone whose sole contribution in a team fight is 5 auto attacks maybe a root then feeding the fed akali.
@brianlamptey4823 2 жыл бұрын
One of my biggest consistent mistakes is trying to chase down enemy champions because I blew ult and summoner spells on them out of frustration.
@aviko9560 2 жыл бұрын
Try to learn how to respect your enemies. Let them go, they didn't die but YOU also didn't die.
@brianlamptey4823 2 жыл бұрын
Would a full game commentary from botlane perspective be possible? I feel like you can get the advantage early, but that's when your agency is the least and as a low elo ADC you're most likely to throw it before the mid game. I'd really like to see the full transition.
@skipp3252 2 жыл бұрын
I often run into the situation of doing the right thing, failing at it mechanically and ending up behind. For example that jinx flashing after leona. If she clicks on a minion once she dies, jhin gets a crash and is probably about 400 gold and 1.5 lvls ahead making jinx not have any impact on the game until she has at least 2 full items.
@sean7185 2 жыл бұрын
misclicks can happen to anyone, but if you find yourself doing it often then maybe try using one of those fps aiming tools to improve your mouse accuracy
@williamschlass6371 2 жыл бұрын
@@sean7185 or even getting a mouse with buttons and using one of them to target champs only
@dani08sv 2 жыл бұрын
The first example is not good, jinx situation had more space to chase aphelios, draven has clearly no space to chase so is not the same situation at all, and the champs are differents, aph + lulu are not even half strong than naut + draven so situation changes a lot.
@David-tr9xk 2 жыл бұрын
again supports are still a massive problem with tracking junglers, often they get impatient for not pushing, crashing and getting plates... esp ranged supports. Sometimes they have just combo the wave for themself break your freeze and back. This video should be included in support training.
@zahafhichem8860 2 жыл бұрын
most support players don't know what are they supposed to do, but it still works because the role is just that forgiving. personally, whenever I'm playing support, since I don't have to farm, I take the responsibility to set up vision, summs timings, jungle tracking and deep warding depending on the state of lanes, and even ganking and counter ganking if i have the chance to roam, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.
@srensen3081 Жыл бұрын
low elo mage support players infuriate me, i have had a lux press e on a perfect wave state one too many times
@David-tr9xk 2 жыл бұрын
example 1 good adc: doesnt chase and starts to focuse the wave, blitz chases dies blames ADC spams ff rep adc and proceeds to abandon the lane lose huge xp being useless every other lane.
@Crowdfresser 2 жыл бұрын
how often does this happen? you could also say: toplaner dies and blames jungler for not babysitting every lane. just chill and keep farming and punish them if they get too excited
@deathtoexistance 2 жыл бұрын
While I got these questions right I think a lot of the framing makes it easier to answer. Chances are I wouldn't have been thinking about all of this all at once, personally I know my map awareness in general is bad, though I do at least put down vision and pay some attention so I don't tend to die to every obvious gank. Certainly even if I know these things I need to improve on them through practice.
@Pug.Business.101 2 жыл бұрын
The learning curve of this game is too much for many unfortunately leading to a toxic environment between the 'good' and the 'bad' players. Good video!
@ecosti Жыл бұрын
league learning curve?! u should try dota 2 xD league is for childs compared to dota 2
@Pug.Business.101 Жыл бұрын
@@ecosti my point would still apply to Dota, then.
@srensen3081 Жыл бұрын
@@ecosti why is this a competetion? both games are extremely hard to learn and have extremely high barriers of entry.
@ecosti Жыл бұрын
@@srensen3081 no it doesnt :p league is extremly easy , its one of the most simplified games and so easy that anyone can play it , pls dont compare the lvls with dota 🤣
@WarbirdCA 2 жыл бұрын
7:40 I honestly think this advice is wrong, although it works out here and turns out perfectly, it was extremely close to being a disater and giving jhin a double kill trading 1for2 on their support. I’d say that it’s much better to focus Jhin, worst case he backs off and stops dpsing, then you switch to Leona. This way even if you don’t get the kills you’re at a big hp advantage and can still lane
@tidus259 2 жыл бұрын
i was thinking the same, switching to rockets to clear mage minions since they're low life, that way jihn and leona start tanking minions as well
@williamschlass6371 2 жыл бұрын
I also said Jhin instantly. Focusing supp is too risky...
@Goomity 2 жыл бұрын
"Their Jungler Threw At Scuttle Or Dragon" man that hits hard especially when as a Jungler you need help and none of your botlane even tried to help and you get 1v3 by the enemy Jungler and Botlane at scuttle.
@williamschlass6371 2 жыл бұрын
Thats also your fault as a JG, you have to have broad lane knowledge and keep an eye on the waves. If your bot is about to get 3 waves crashed in and youre forcing scuttle (sounds to me like thats the context you left out of your story) then its your fault for trying to force crab.
@KenseiShiro Жыл бұрын
7:42 thats a very very bad example for support inting thresh played that correct
@joaniplaka8284 2 жыл бұрын
I got all of them right but in game I would probably do all the wrong decisions. How can I make the right decision when there is such a small window of time to think
@i7887 2 жыл бұрын
Get a bigger brain
@yoshihasascended 2 жыл бұрын
if u love cheater recall so much skill capped then why dont u marry it!!!
@alif0375 2 жыл бұрын
Because probably he Will cheat again
@brobudplays6286 2 жыл бұрын
This is helpful as a support main to know the ideas that my adc is thinking about
@DB42YT 2 жыл бұрын
The worse you are the more you depend on your team, so bad players will always be very angry when their team isn't performing, I've been there. I've got a lot of improving to do but I can usually accomplish a positive KDA as ADC even when everyone on my team is 0-5 after focusing on improving and watching a lot of these guides. When I'm 9-2 and lose a game hard I'm really quite proud of myself that I was able to accomplish a KDA like that when everyone else is inting.
@clovermite 2 жыл бұрын
12:52 No, I'm good at answering questions when I've watched previous videos that covered the information and I'm given a multiple choice question. There's no way that, in the moment, I would have even noticed that Lee hadn't shown on the map yet, nor would I have thought to question going in on him.
@FalconDS9 2 жыл бұрын
its okay or more likely absolutely essential to switch targets, the low health adc will come back on its own when you are about to kill his friend. and its totally fine when hes not coming back. more time to establish wave control, crash and reset or do whatever you have to do. but you cant do all that when you are dead, think about it.
@Tenz220 Жыл бұрын
As an ADC main i primarily focus on wave management and rely on my support to make plays in laning phase unless I've a soraka/yuumi.
@ThatCrystalityGuy Жыл бұрын
Its obvious even by looking at the thumbnail - good ADCs have skins
@tinybear6141 Жыл бұрын
The first one happened EXACTLY like that and I backed off, just for my support to say “wake up” and “report” several times 🤦🏻‍♀️
@abbycroxford1297 2 жыл бұрын
my Esports team captain showed us this in a meeting I was so nervous to answer wrong cause my role on our team is adc but i got every one right :3. We ended up winning the tournament 3 days later. Thanks for reminding me about all this stuff
@Haustark 2 жыл бұрын
Even tho i make a lot of mistakes during laning phase, i usually end up winning lane playing as support. The real big problem comes when lanning phase ends and your teammates start doing random shit and throwing. Just yesterday, my team was winning hard (2 enemy inibs down at 20min). As i was leaving base and saying "lets go bot as 5 and end the game", my adc and mid laner die in the enemy jungle facecheking bushes. Long story short, the game went on for more 20min and my team almost lost the game...
@dreamsunfinished9512 2 жыл бұрын
spam ping the objective you want them to play around, towers you want them to get, lanes you want them to push, bushes you want them to look for picks with you.
@skywaysky 2 жыл бұрын
Although this advice from this video is very very good, it is difficult to apply some of it to low elo because of the inconsistency of my teammates. I am hardstuck silver 2-1 adc main, I typically play Jhin, Xayah, Zeri, Ezreal, and some miss fortune, and even though I play lanes decent (not all the time but I don’t int) I still lose. Usually because of my jungler most games (not just saying jungle diff to blame someone, it genuinely usually is jungle diff) cause they either try to gank at a terrible time, don’t listen to pings, don’t focus objectives when needed, etc. and sometimes I get shit supports that miss all their skill shots, get hit by everything, and die. I recently played with 3 different random lux’s, all in a row. Every single one was terrible. The last game I played with one was somewhat my fault as well, but the first two weren’t. The first two lux’s kept taking my farm with her e (they do it on purpose at this point), missed her e and q on enemy champions, then would get hit by everything they have to throw at her and even if I try and help I can’t do shit cause I’m 1v2ing after she gets one shot. She also kept randomly throwing r right before an actual teamfight (like before an objective so she wouldn’t have r up each fight) it genuinely felt like I was playing with the same Lux player both games but they were just both awful. And the second Lux was flaming everyone on our team too, I barely said anything. It’s just frustrating cause I often do very well in lane, I rarely die to ganks, I have decent cs, etc. the problem I come across as an adc is if my team isn’t even to ahead in their lanes, I lose. Even if they’re slightly behind if someone on the enemy team is fed, I just lose cause I die in two seconds. I either don’t contribute to teamfights and try and farm and apply pressure to lanes, or I contribute and die to the extremely fed Zed player or something. At this point I just wanna be done with adc and play another role. Adc genuinely feels so shit to play.
@williamschlass6371 2 жыл бұрын
dude theres no excuse for being stuck in silver... youre not following the meta and youre not focused on 1-2 champs so you probably have very poor mechanics. I dont even have to see you play to know that.
@TwilightWolf032 2 жыл бұрын
I remember this one game from the first few months after I started playing League - this Taric that was supposed to be my support, as I played Ashe on bot lane, kept stealing my creep score, then abandoned the bot lane before I reached Lvl6 (I think he was Lvl4 when that happened), and kept complaining that -> I
@ariathgames6068 2 жыл бұрын
Good bot players pick apcs and bad ones pick adcs it's that simple
@fengliu975 2 жыл бұрын
they also go commet + inspiration amma right?
@lilpp4791 2 жыл бұрын
APC bot sucks
@kerresft8745 2 жыл бұрын
@@lilpp4791 ?
@Walking_Softly 2 жыл бұрын
angry upvote
@connorduval3977 2 жыл бұрын
@lunaheavens0820 2 жыл бұрын
I'm glad I got the first one correct, cuz one. I'm learning to be an ADC with Vayne, two. I'm still learning the kiting method, and three. I need to get better at other lanes regardless XD
@naginiriddle7091 2 жыл бұрын
Idk, that Lee sin could have started on bot side. Having watched pro games, those junglers don't get leashes. However, I would have chosen backing off anyways because you don't have vision in the river. Not to mention the enemy is pushed up pretty far. So with no vision and the enemy pushing, it is possible for a gank to be going down. I also want to point out that with the Leona kill that you said to focus, the adc still flashed for that kill. The only reason her all in went better than the Caitlin's or the previous Jinx was not macro but mechanical. The Jinx was just better at kiting and dps.
@rosirumenova287 2 жыл бұрын
my only wrong answer was to the question: "Who should you focus, jhin or leona". I know Im bad at deciding who to focus all the time, im just not sure most of the time...
@mrblackard 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly about Caitlyn auto attack with trap - I'd argue you are wrong. Trap then auto. Even Sabre says this, and he's a Cait main
@abuncharandomstuff 2 жыл бұрын
I am nowhere near Challenger and am still learning but a quick question. In the scenario with Draven, they have a huge amount of advantage because of HP and summoner skills. Why wouldn't he just freeze the wave and block them out from farming? Is it because of the jungle? I know the item advantage is strong but it seems like denying farm first, then crashing the wave before B would be a better play?
@geli95us 2 жыл бұрын
Freezing there is impossible, the wave is already pushing towards them and they won't get close to hit your minions so there's nothing you can do to prevent it from eventually crashing
@abuncharandomstuff 2 жыл бұрын
@@geli95us Okay great, thank you!
@TheAzorg 2 жыл бұрын
good to know i'm decent by knowledge but trash by skill. At least there is *some* hope, right?
@mattjohnstone5232 Жыл бұрын
i realized at 50 seconds in im a bad adc player video gave me a new mindset ty I fixed my shit literally jumped from silver 3 to gold 2 in a month
@nicolapacella5966 2 жыл бұрын
The change to tp ruined toplane forever... the most satisflying thing of that role was to get an advantage and feeling helpful helping your team with tp. Now for 14 minutes you are almost out of the game, and you are a monster to think that that change was good.
@TheVanillatech 2 жыл бұрын
In a 5 vs 5 game, it really does not matter in 95% of matches, how good YOU are (presuming youre placed in the correct MMR). Even if you play perfectly, if your team are useless and get outplayed by the enemy team who are all, on average, far better players than your team, YOU LOSE. To carry 1 vs 5 you need a certain champion of maybe 3-4 out of ALL the ADC's and a shit load of LUCK. The impact you can have as a carry, either AP or AD, in a 5v5 is very small. It's a team game. Hence why, unless youre smurfing, the winrate for 90% of all players is between 48-52%. That's how RIOT do it. If you lose 10 games in a row because your teams are awful or you have AFKS or whatever, you will suddenly be handed 10 easy wins vs bad players. Most LOL games are either easy wins or hard losses. Thats how it is, in any 5v5. LOL is not like Quake Live where its 1v1 and you can ONLY blame yourself, and it comes down to who is the best player (95%) and luck (5%). Leauge comes down to who is the best player (10%) and luck (90%).
@Splinder_boy 2 жыл бұрын
actually blitz prolly can't live to go to second brush cause 2 things 1. he is ignited so heal wont heal him for more than 80 hp or so 2. twitch passive poison stack would still get him cause he can clearly auto him twice and he can just walk back with hp enough to survive and cait would prolly die too since pyke q e would be off of cooldown
@balanceoforderandchaos7971 2 жыл бұрын
I think I am decent for my elo but I autopilot to much
@djjazzyjeff1232 9 ай бұрын
5:30 ish, one thing people never do either is FOCUS THE CARRY. I get it pyke was lower, but sheesh. ALL THE TIME do low elo ADCs do this, I've noticed.
@Aleexsoyyo 2 жыл бұрын
Good ADC - Uses Caitlyn Bad ADC - Uses Kaisa
@EddyConejo 2 жыл бұрын
To be fair Kaisa is a better pick than Caitlyn atm
@acube1638 2 жыл бұрын
I STILL cannot tell which rank is which was the Cait bronze or gold like I wouldn't know
@fengliu975 2 жыл бұрын
it depends on which day... gold players can play like bronze after 5 Ls or bronze player can play like gold
@BVDtwentyseven 2 жыл бұрын
After maining adcs for 3 years i moved to mid lane for a bit. I was really done with getting oneshot by any champ in the game.. now its heimerdonger mid 😁
@geli95us 2 жыл бұрын
As an ADC main the other day I oneshotted a 7/1 Caitlyn as a 1/3 Irelia under her tower, I felt so dirty, and so sorry for her
@lilpp4791 2 жыл бұрын
@@geli95us yea irelia is a dog unbalanced champion in general
@geli95us 2 жыл бұрын
@@lilpp4791 she has 49.27% winrate, that a champ feels unbalanced doesn't mean it actually is, and most duelists feel "unbalanced" because people don't understand that if a duelist can't duel you while behind it is just a useless champ
@brianlamptey4823 2 жыл бұрын
5:02 An inting support is bait. You get free dmg on both enemy adc and supp bc they focus yours.
@johannebasa Жыл бұрын
1. is definitely chase, but instead of flashing, you should force Aphellios to flash. You still have 2 free autos anyways.
@hikari1690 2 жыл бұрын
"Sometimes your nami just dies to the enemy naut and draven" is so painful... Since I constantly get hooked myself xD Also I immediately knew leesin was gonna pop up bot with the info. But the problem is ingame you dont get to see the info listed like this video does xD. If it did we'd all be grandmasters xD
@dieabsolutegluckskuche5174 2 жыл бұрын
Im main support but on adc i have a 70%wr on my main account. I never blame my support. Except if he is wintrading or some bulcrap like that.
@wzt9376 2 жыл бұрын
That Jinx should have also realized something from champ select...they were fighting vs ranged champ her partner cannot do much once his grap is done in term of AA compare to the lulu range which eats at him as for the rest well nothing much to add there.
@stakezen7825 2 жыл бұрын
I like comparing league to hema to explain it. Both Finesse(macro) and Brute Strength(Micro) Are needed if 2 people of equal strength size height etc, fought whoever was more skilled would win if they are even 50/50. Same with skill, While skill/macro is incredibly important. You have to have the micro and raw strength to use it
@NotKudaaa Жыл бұрын
At the end if the day it doesnt matter because you’re limited by your support. Vice versa. Good synergy is more important imo
@mofuguniang 2 жыл бұрын
Watching that first scene with Jinx, I said I would back off but I would also get instant flame by support LMFAOOOOOOO
@haakoncj6887 2 жыл бұрын
What is the background music?! Awesome vibes!
@OneZenDarius 2 жыл бұрын
I still have a ton to work on...but I now understand better what I need to do.🥃
@Aynshtaynn 2 жыл бұрын
The answer to the first question should be neither, no? Because chasing for the kill is, as we can see, a throw, but immediately backing off will result in not getting any of Aphelios' spells because of lack of pressure. So Jinx could've chased for a while to see if Aphelios uses any of his summoners, then back off regardless.
@invertfriend 4 ай бұрын
The issue is also with how you ask your questions, you already lead them to the right answer, but they won't necessarily always know why it's the right answer.
@marcusmeins1839 2 жыл бұрын
1:37 jinx underestimated the shield of lulu , the enemy minion wave damage and exhaust and heal.
@xGrinkelx 2 жыл бұрын
What about my 0/14 Soraka from earlier? Is it my fault when I had 2 deaths in lane while they were already at 8+?
@khoinguyen5004 2 жыл бұрын
Ive wonder how many time, I, as a support, ping top that the jungler is missing, only for them to be ganked like 10s after. 10 whole second when they could have back off and avoid an easy death
@kaisel_01 2 жыл бұрын
In the first clip the idea of chasing them isn't bad though, surely Jinx could have just kept autoing (assuming she has lethal tempo) and not flash and potenially force the heal or flash or both. Also Blitzcrank Q would be coming up if not soon then after the trade and if Jinx had proced the flash it would be an easy level 2 or possible level 1 kill from Blitzcrank Q set up. I understand that maybe that angle she might not have been able to hit Aphelios even with lethal tempo range but Lulu was still in range so chunking Lulu out also sets up for a level 2-3 play for Jinx and Blitzcrank. Just my take on it, I could be wrong.
@srensen3081 Жыл бұрын
i wouldve probably kept hitting lulu a bit, but i dont think chasing for aph is the right play, just zone him off farm with blitz q threat and make him miss the next 3 waves
@Suoo31 2 жыл бұрын
The problem with the first thing is that when you stop chasing them bc you know you cant kill them you back ping your supp he goes in dies and flames you for being a bad adc. A lot of the games it isnt even possible to controll the wave bc your supo doesnt know about wave control. They ping you if you last hit the keep pushing the wave when im freezing, they dont help me to push the wave fast after a slow push. And yes i ping and write.Its always the supports (ofcourse i do mistakes too its not always their fault) that dont know what a support actually has to do that throw my game ending in getting flames by the hole team.
@bartholotv 2 жыл бұрын
10:27 I'm looking for something like this for month. Thx
@someonewithpoortaste 2 жыл бұрын
i think i'm not that bad of an ADC, the thing is that I still need to learn all supports kits because sometimes I get paired with a support I have no idea what the role is and end up not following their int because I didn't know they were gonna do it, and didn't think that they would do it. I used to main jungle so I'm an insane jungler spotter, I often even ping other lanes that they are in danger if I don't see them back off xD
@mintegral1719 2 жыл бұрын
I got all of them right; can I keep complaining about my supports now? :P For real though, a lot of this stuff is easy to understand conceptually, but hard to put into practice in low elo. As an example, that clip of the high elo Jinx and Thresh, where it was said that she made the correct play by standing right next to Thresh, because he can interrupt Leona's engage with Flay? I can't trust a silver Thresh to do that successfully. And jungle tracking in low elo just doesn't work a lot of the time because the junglers themselves don't know what they're doing. With all the information in that last clip, of course it makes sense that Lee is pathing bot, but in a low elo game, for all we know, Lee is trying to full clear and just hasn't gotten to his raptors yet because he accidentally let one of his buffs reset.
@miauwza 11 ай бұрын
so i got one question wrong... I usually play jinx so I said I wouldn't target Leona because Leona is so tanky... but then I realized Leona was only lvl 2 in this clip. If she was a higher level and the same situation happened, shouldn't I target the ADC instead of Leona ? I've been playing league for 6 months~ but had a really good friend help me out with all these things before so I'm happy I got the other ones right!
@karasutsuki1733 2 жыл бұрын
Im a support player, but got most of those right except the 1 choice to focus Leona instead of Jhin, I picked Jhin >.
@GigaLigma 2 жыл бұрын
I think they're a little overconfident in saying Leona is undeniably correct there anyway. Jhin is a massive damage ADC at all points in the game, especially if you let him get multiple 4s off in a fight. If you ignore him in a fight at any point then you're risking him getting a free double kill from how unavoidable and painfully consistent his damage output is, as we saw him ALMOST do in the clip, showing the decision not to focus him first was at least questionable. He's also immobile and about twice as squishy as Leona, so there's tons of good reasons to switch focus to him - best case would be that the jinx kills him first and is then left in a 1v1 against Leona that she would easily win, and worst case is that Jhin backs away once he gets low then Leona dies anyway. The only wrong play there would be to focus Jhin then KEEP focusing him even if he tries to back off.
@shapeshifter7676 2 жыл бұрын
In that first jinx video, I would definitely back off and get reported by my entire team for not chasing
@JustGeoz Жыл бұрын
Bro, as an ADC I seen the enemy team's jungler doing dragon so i went to prevent that w my support. We killed the enemy jungler. The dragon was like half HP and then our Kayn comes to kill it. We saw our lane being pushes so we left Kayn doing dragon. 15 seconds later we heard "Executed" and seen 6 pings on me and my support...
@merictaliac9600 Жыл бұрын
Don't think heal would of mattered since blitz was under ignite and a full twitch passive.
@Nairistarcraft 2 жыл бұрын
draven in this example potentially could deny ezreal several waves, but instead he flashes in and randomly lives with litterally 1 hp, is this seriously an example of a good adc?
@xAlpex 2 жыл бұрын
Ezreal used heal to try to save xerath and when Draven does his first trade with him after Xerath dies he uses his E which has like a 20 second cooldown early, after this Draven backed up and waited for his hail of blades to reset from the Xerath kill. Because Ezreal doesn't have heal or his E Draven flashes ontop of him using heal to tank Ezreal's burst to get 2 axes and an auto off thinking it will kill only misjudging by about 20 hp because Ezreal is chugging potions after the first trade. even if Draven dies here he 1. Cashes in his passive and 2. Ezreals wave is pushing into him so if he goes 1 for 1 with Ezreal it largely benefits Draven more.
@Nairistarcraft 2 жыл бұрын
@@xAlpex Ezreal never uses W, if he does at any point after the draven flash he kills draven, maybe he put a second point in Q, but draven cant realisticly know that, anyway.. my point was that saying low elo players are bad when they miscalculate and flash for a kill and then showing this "good" draven get lucky and score a kill in the same video is just...
@xAlpex 2 жыл бұрын
@@Nairistarcraft Ezreal doesn't use W despite being level 3 during the gank and during the entire first trade, that's a way to realistically know that it isn't leveled. The point of the video is to highlight that high elo players play around their champions strengths to secure early advantages they can use to force their opponents into unfavored situations. One player flashes in disregarding the enemies summoner spells the size of their minion wave and either supports cooldowns. The other player flashes in taking into account every advantage they had and deciding it was worth the risk. Even if Draven just dies to Ezreal, Ezreals at 1hp with a pushing out wave, he has to recall and lose xp and gold or Naut can just stay in a bush and kill him. the gold Ezreal gets from the kill is evened out by what he loses and Draven continues growing his lead.
@Nairistarcraft 2 жыл бұрын
@@xAlpex my point, was that it is a bad example, yes it worked out and yes it was a risk worth taking. But its not something you should put in an educational video (at least without context). Are you this draven player? how do you know he took anything into account at all, maybe he just "yolo, limit-test!"?
@meg2726 2 жыл бұрын
These tips will surely assist me as I climb out of Iron
@shapeshifter7676 2 жыл бұрын
Have a support Qiyana standing behind the adc waiting for him to die so he can take farm... It's adc's fault, right?
@cats4e779 2 жыл бұрын
0:05, no, its midlane
@a_fake_koala2528 2 жыл бұрын
I feel that foe the short amount of time ive been playing league im actually not half bad adc, given that generally i feel that i learned not to overextended pretty early on, i owe a lot of that to this channel lmao
@ScytheManiac 2 жыл бұрын
got everything right except the wave one, since I play adc more frequently on wild rift, and waves are a bit different + i don't have much knowledge on wave control... I guess i'm [INSTICTIVLY] an ok adc, cuz when asked , the immediate response was the correct one... but mind still went " no, wait i'm prob being a dumbass " and expected to be wrong. and it does get me inside of games like "hey my supp is gonna die here i should run " " no, maybe i should try to help a bi.. no i'm dead too"
@davidunkown1925 Жыл бұрын
1st note on "good" adcs, that draven dropped down to 1 hp after flash fighting ezreal due to surrounding minions after an assist from support and jungler
@mapspeta Жыл бұрын
Does actually ADC (Ex: Jinx) need support? (Sometimes no none come to help while the enemy have one) And what is support role job?
@michalbabor3519 Жыл бұрын
Ok there is some things i would do different i would go after the aphelios but i wouldnt flash...
@throwscats 2 жыл бұрын
Didn't the second fight only work because Leona mismanaged her W? If her W had actually been rolling during the engage, she would've been a lot harder to kill. If she needed W to walk up for the engage, she shouldn't have walked up. I could be wrong about this, but that's what I read from looking at the fight.
@mintegral1719 2 жыл бұрын
They're level 2... she doesn't have W
@MrBeardest 2 жыл бұрын
She had no W at that point but what would've happened here in low Elo is Thresh would not have flayed the Leona, he would have ran down the Jhin leaving Jinx to just die to Leona and then Leona and Jhin would have turned on Thresh to kill him
@michaelschmitt6926 2 жыл бұрын
I Love your skill capped site and i have to learn a lot Often i get Killed by ganks I think i have nice mechanics and Good Wave control but Looking my mini map and jungle awarness ist awful😅
@rolandfabian6835 2 жыл бұрын
But caitlyn heal wouldn't do anything on blitz, since ignite and twitch passive.
@OwlEmperor 2 жыл бұрын
I got them all right but I need more work.... bc I'm hard stuck silver. Sadge
@nonamesorry7135 Жыл бұрын
I might watch all the videos in the world and I might have answered all these questions correctly (with a few exceptions), but no matter what... I'm slow as hell. I would probably get confused and make the wrong choices anyways under pressure.
@Franke840 2 жыл бұрын
The Lee lvl 3 gank is the most terrifying thing in lol
@burhanerginn 2 жыл бұрын
Support is all that matter. This is why rekless playing support only now
@lilpp4791 2 жыл бұрын
Support is the easiest role in the game
@douwemusic 2 жыл бұрын
It's cus he doesn't want to play ADC with an offrole supp lol
@thatsmeRosanne 2 жыл бұрын
I'm literally the other way around, I could've autoattack more but I just stop xD and then get no kills, but i also dont die
@maxsmits7097 2 жыл бұрын
That there actually is a video that tells you to check cracked me up
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