The BIGGEST BAIT in League of Legends

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Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides

Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides

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@skillcapped Жыл бұрын
IMPROVE FAST and RANK UP at: 👈👈👈👈👈
@DarkDodgers Жыл бұрын
Dragon has a hidden stat though! It's the tilt stat. The more dragon stacks your team has, the less tilted they'll be at the jungler! I NEED THE DRAGONS! I'M TIRED OF GETTING SPAM PINGED SKILL CAPPED!
@kylepeterson6326 Жыл бұрын
I can't tell if you were joking or not, but I actually agree with the tilt factor. As a top lane main I understand that if I get ganked it is almost always my fault. That being said when I do get ganked and killed, it is a lot easier to just take a deep breath and say "my team has got my back" if they manage to get literally anything with my pressure. I feel like I am making a difference on the map if my team is able to get an objective like dragon off of the pressure I am causing on the other side of the map.
@zackbauer4562 Жыл бұрын
@@kylepeterson6326 Agreed, there's nothing more tilting then if the enemy jgl is sat top for 1-2 minutes camping and your jgl is busy full clearing from bottom to top side whilst drake is up.
@hammerheaddefensegroup5771 Жыл бұрын
/mute all works wonders
@DaenGaming Жыл бұрын
​@@zackbauer4562 Isn't that...great for your team? You sacrifice a little presure playing safe top while the enemy jungler wastes a crazy amount of time not gaining experience or gold. Meanwhile, your jungler is continuing to full clear ramping up a massive lead.
@kylepeterson6326 Жыл бұрын
@@DaenGaming The only problem with only farming your jg in that time is you haven't taken anything away from the enemy, so you really only got a tempo advantage. If you don't go take something out of their jg, take an objective, or try to gank something with that tempo the enemy gets to collect their jg and catch up to you until your camps respawn.
@michaelyang838 Жыл бұрын
I think it’s more apt and important to say this is how you punish taking dragon. I’m sure some people will take it too literal and don’t go for free drags when there is low to no risks. Especially for winning bot lane mid and jungle. The caveat is if their top is fed and tp’ed down. Give it and take the macro play, it’s all about adaptation
@KosstAmojan Жыл бұрын
While I agree with this sentiment, the Akali game is a counterargument. McBaze pointed out that contesting Dragon for Akali's team was a low-to-no-risk option. They were the stronger team and they had a numbers advantage. But they still didn't just sack it, they split their plays, which may be an even worse call (in theory). It didn't matter though. Elise's team lost the game over that Dragon call.
@casualnerd8139 Жыл бұрын
@@KosstAmojan Thats not actually a counterargument. The Dragon was after all contested by the enemy team. If the enemy team decided to defend base instead of contesting dragon (and if baron isnt up), taking dragon would be a decent call. So it was indeed again the fact that the enemy team brainlessly went to drag that was punished.
@allenjohnson9111 Жыл бұрын
Yeah dragon was an objective created to make people fight over it. Uncoordinated teams in solo que usually don't set up the objective properly with proper wave control and waste too much time chasing kills or prolonging the fight over drag which is why it's easily punished. But for this guy to say pro players fighting over drag is a bad idea shows how ignorant he is.
@skylerfreeman1173 Жыл бұрын
@@allenjohnson9111 Yeah this is a wildly weird take. Its about adapting to the situation at hand lol. He probably had people throw games over drag which is fair (same happens with baron) but to say it doesn't matter is Wild haha. Its also funny he talks about Risk management... buddy tilt is a thing in league especially in solo queue. If you dont show up to that 'one' drag, you bet your ass someones gonna be upside down and throwing your game lol. This also assumes that you're playing a character who thrives on funneling THEMSELVES which isn't always the case either-- there just too many factors in league to make a generalization like this.
@TheRalphbitch Жыл бұрын
​@@allenjohnson9111 I would prefer they take the damn drag out the game I would win 70% more of my games because these moron wouldn't have another reason run into it with no vision bad team comp.
@jakublemiesz8083 Жыл бұрын
It's funny to see this video right after riot announces they will nerf drakes which makes this theory even stronger after next patchj. I actually had a Jax game earlier today which i won because of drake. The enemy team were so fixated on drake that i got both tier 2 turret, inhib turret and inhib. Dia 2 game aswell.
@rayznshine Жыл бұрын
yea I just saw the nerf. now I just let the bait do the work
@niconic3 Жыл бұрын
I love Skill Capped videos, but I hope people are careful with this one. Riot is nerfing dragons because teams with 3 dragons are currently winning 82% of games, and teams with 4 dragons are currently winning 90-95% of games (depending on the soul). Intentionally giving dragons over and over is not a recipe to consistently win. I'm similar rank to you (low masters), and in the context you describe, it makes sense. But blanket statements made in this video like "dragon is useless" and "dragon is not a win condition" without any context are misleading. Drake stacking is one of the best and most reliable win conditions in the game more often than not.
@rayznshine Жыл бұрын
@@niconic3 well yes I couldn't agree more that drake stats can snowball into a stat worth of an Item or more. Map awareness is the key. If your team can push into inhibitor without any risk then the super minion is worth than a dragon I guess. But if there are no trades on the other side of the map then dragon is better.
@yunussusam196 Жыл бұрын
@@niconic3 I think thats because losing team tries to defend dragons desperately and ends up losing teamfight at dragon then gets superbehind.
@definitelynotchadfish Жыл бұрын
Agreed. That and typically in games where a team has 3 or 4 dragons they're already insanely ahead on bot side anyway. Take dragon when it is free and there is nothing better to do sure. But don't risk everything for a dragon.
@zagloba1987 Жыл бұрын
As a mid onetrick neeko in diamond I love drakes. Not because the Drake matters too much, but because the enemy team tends to group nicely around it and I can use my full combo as intended (especially when I have Flash up). Won so many games thanks to Drake that it is my favorite objective on the map. And it can repeat up to 7 times in one game! Insane!
@zo0mah Жыл бұрын
Wow a one trick mid Neeko. That's kinda cool... I hardly see your kind anymore :(
@zagloba1987 Жыл бұрын
@@zo0mah yeah the meta is not very kind. I counter a lot of meta champs tho so it is not all bad.
@GaSevilha Жыл бұрын
as a qiyana main, I agree owo
@Stealmykisss Жыл бұрын
Aw how I love a pit TP with Illaoi c:
@voltwolf9839 Жыл бұрын
Another point i want to add on is that if your trying to 1v5 hypercarry (playing champs that are very gold hungry but can 1v5 easily) the dragon buffs wouldn't even be like twice as good as getting a tower and 3 waves . I play vladimir alot and most of the time when the enemy does drag i go either bot or top and just start powerfarming. It really helps me either get back from a losing position or solidfy my cs lead. the reason why the drag buffs wouldn't be worth it is simply because the drag buff is balanced around being split, if your trying to 1v5 hypercarry you don't wanna be splitting stats with your team.
@Lenexa1 Жыл бұрын
Hopefully people don't get the wrong idea from this video. Dragons are still important, and you should still take them when they're free, but the real import take away from this video is to not int for drags and remember what the soul objective of the game is. Also, there are games that are won and lost because of dragon souls, but a lot of the time you don't really notice it because the buffs are a bit more indirect such as chemtech and ocean soul. They obviously don't carry a team, but they do give your team more of an edge when it comes to the game overall, so you should capitalize on taking drakes when the risk is low, but don't completely ignore them from your games especially if you play jungle.
@13radleyl Жыл бұрын
This is actually kind of hilarious this came up in my feed. I started employing this thought process in the last month or so since being back to the game. I've realized tempo and free objectives are so much better even if my team goes to fight over drake. I've started taking Baron as a Vi at 22 minutes in even. The advice is definitely sound. T1 even lost worlds over the stupid dragon last year when they were almost gifted a win.
@sjcdmill Жыл бұрын
Are you soloing Baron at 22. What build are you using?
@zo0mah Жыл бұрын
Yeah. Vi baron solo at 22?
@13radleyl Жыл бұрын
@@sjcdmill only if Giga fed but basic build. Cleaver radiant death dance or other depending on comps. It takes ages but she can do it. Takes 1:30 with no interruptions. Typically I won't do that as I'd rather just invade constantly and put the other jungler way behind but... Sometimes 4 people decide fighting is a great idea constantly even when it's not. So baron at least alleviates that poor decision making with 35-45 death times.
@kylon1235 Жыл бұрын
I hadn't really thought about this too much, but now that I watched this video I realized this is something I already do. I'm a top lane Riven 1 trick, been playing league for around 8 months and just hit Gold IV. I almost never group for dragon, only when I want to prevent my team from dying for it or I think I can get multiple kills/shutdowns from fighting. It usually feels like more value to split push and either get towers or at least force the enemy team to come match my push, in which case I can just take the enemy jg camps and snowball my lead even more. Also, I am always the one pinging to take Baron when the enemy team tunnels on dragons xD
@popelipo6281 Жыл бұрын
Dragon soul ABSOLUTELY matters in an even game. Sure you can completely ignore it if your team is already winning in favor of higher consistency plays but if youre playing from even or even behind enemy team getting soul can definitely make it unwinnable.
@blinx3606 Жыл бұрын
I think the main point he's making here is if you're effectively using this strat and punishing when the enemy team tunnel visions dragon, (using it to get free towers, inhibs and barons) then it's not going to be an even game. You and any champs on your team that punish will have more gold, objectives, and XP, leading to more kills and snowballing the game easily. So even if the team that's behind does somehow manage to stall long enough to get dragon soul, (which they shouldn't) then all it takes is a couple misplays (which will happen especially if it's low ELO) and your team can still take the base through item and gold advantage.
@opa-age Жыл бұрын
Ive won many games where enemy team had soul.
@unhaix707 Жыл бұрын
Seeing as the team with dragon soul has an 88-91% winrate (depending on the soul) his counter argument of "oooo so scary" seems unconvincing
@isaakward4393 Жыл бұрын
@@unhaix707 yeah but issue there is the team is already winning when they get 4 drakes. The soul is just a result of the team being ahead. It does not mean that the team with dragon souls win 90% of time because of dragon soul, rather the winning team has the soul as a product of being ahead
@lexrupus4798 Жыл бұрын
The soul itself is practically worthless and just a stat buff that quite frankly doesn't add much to your team comp, no matter how beneficial it appears to be. The idea that you "need" soul in an even game is ridiculous since you more or less need to win a team fight or skirmish somewhere near it to even claim the dragon, which is a miniscule prize when you consider that you're trading tempo for tower, inhib, and possibly jungle camps. You earn more gold, xp, and map space that way rather than just getting stats. The only time dragon is justifiable is if you're fighting for Elder because the of execute dmg that'll help turn fights around.
@DCFanatic7 Жыл бұрын
The dragon bait I understand but the team comp thing I can’t agree with. There are too many times in which I desperately wanted to dodge because of just overall crappy comps. Even when teammates perform decently well if the enemy has a scaling team it can be almost impossible to play against considering most games go to 30.
@liamneslind5708 Жыл бұрын
@5H0179 Жыл бұрын
Just ban sol and protect either the midlaner or adc for the win.
@ignacioariellopez8491 Жыл бұрын
If enemy has a scaling team and your game goes to 30+ is not a teamcomp problem, at least not entirely or on its majority, its yours/your team faults for not punishing that and ending before their win condition becomes an actual win condition :PPPP We are actually in an early (VERY EARLY) game meta, considering how fucking and stupid strong was (at least last patch) the early game, the early pressure. Theres a reason why double adc shined, why most early junglers shinned, and why early push and prio was so damn important. Games only go to 30+ in mostly low elo, cause well, we dont know how to actually close games when we have tha chance or dont know how to use that early advantage to close a game early...
@ignacioariellopez8491 Жыл бұрын
@@SaintNyx You just proved my point, if you are playing low elo (or plat, where people still make a lot of mistakes like silver or gold) and cant get a lead in lane is just because you are not good enough, sick of the whole "oh but teamcomp diff!! he counters me!!", people, we are not playing against showmaker, we are playing against people who still play lux vs zed and use their q randomly and step up to a zed. I repeat, if you, being ahead against a scaling team, cant close a game before they outscale you heavily and it becomes inviable to play, there are WAAAY many other things to look out for and practice before getting on the "oh, teamcomp diff".
@ignacioariellopez8491 Жыл бұрын
​ @Nyx Im not even that good at the game, im not even smurfing or high elo, and still, games where objectively the enemy comp is was better or "counters" or type of game (whether we have an engage comp, a disengage one, a range one, whatever) im still able to get a lead and eventually close almost every game cause it doesnt matter at all if i pick udyr and enemy jarvan, or if we pick yi against rammus, i know how to exploit enemies mistakes (and trust me, below master people make TONS of mistakes) and have the upper hand on the game. Never had i complained about oh fuck we lost because they picked rammus, but rather, rammus screwed me up but i could have won if done X different, and i think this is something most of you guys should start doing. Stop thinking you lost or cant win because of crap that dont have more impact in the game than your own skill as a player. Unless you had 2 players on your team EXPLICITLY inting or afking, if you lost a game its your fault, not "teamcomp diff" or "counters" or crap. :P
@konstanZX2 Жыл бұрын
First of all I completely disagree as 2 mountain drakes give you roughly 600 gold for stats at 2 items(also depends if you have tanks then its even more valuable), and not only to you to your team. you can make the same assumption for the rest of the drakes except chemtech and cloud which are very teamcomp reliant and a lot of times not useful. The soul is one of the most important things you can take, I would take anyday the exchange of soul for baron if the soul is actually very valuable, I deprecate the cloud one tho. giving away drakes or any objective when youre ahead is not fine, not the worst but not the best decision either, usually better let the jungler solo it and drag attention to other lanes. so your team can farm 3 lanes like always. Second, no youre not ahead of the camille same gold value items, also you dont have ravenous hydra stacked maybe thats why you didn't want to risk it but league is a game about communication and coordination so you have to tell your team why you're not going to fight the next objective, say youre scared of loosing the teamfight. Third, No, darius and katarina are not "slightly behind", theyre having the worst game of their lifes theyre in pain and suffering right now, darius especially. Forth, its true that you dont actually have to give that teamfight to the enemy team, big mistake from camilles part because not only you have 2 poke champs like ezreal xerath but you also ahve shaco boxes so theres no way for the enemy to engage on you. also raging at splitpushing is never the answer. 5th and final is that Yes getting soul is a wincondition and teamcomps actually matter more than you think if there are no smurfs in either team. Pls I know you think dragons are a waste of time and that youre best player in the world, but communicate with your team with pings, its very important, if you want to give drake say give in chat. else the enemy might / will comeback even harder and you stuck in a sidelane now will have to 1v5 even harder than before because you get the resources that your team doesn't.
@briansmith3566 Жыл бұрын
I've actually been doing this for quite a while, when we are behind and its a random 2nd or 3rd drag, just baron. Unfortunately, as a support it's hard to get people to listen, I'm rarely fed, and rarely going to hard carry a game. Even when I can sweep and show they have 0 vision, and ward all around baron, they wont come. One tip that has been working is I literally type this "We are losing, take risk" Often this motivates people, they realize they have little to lose, especially when that one guy has been spamming votes. Why not take a risk to turn the game around?
@oIJustForFunIo Жыл бұрын
@greenonions1808 Жыл бұрын
Ain't no way dude made a whole video to gaslight a plat Camille into giving all his future dragons
@lazydeer4843 Жыл бұрын
Problem with this guide is my team will just fight 4vs5 and die and then I'm 1vs5
@HisBlood77 Жыл бұрын
I play alot of Rammus and I find myself not even bothering with Dragon as much with him because hes so slow at killing it. I'm usually just focused on ganks and farming my camps and helping my team meet their objectives. Now if I was playing a champ that has ridiculously high atk damage I'll probably focus more on dragon if the opportunity presents itself because they would be able to clear it within less than 20-30 seconds
@netherby4335 Жыл бұрын
It's not quite as simple as dragon bad. Yes the stats are mostly irrelevant, but soul can be a significant force multiplier to close out games. The thing is you should never contest dragons. Either you take the dragon because it's free, you punish the other team for contesting when they shouldn't or you don't go any where near it. You never want to take a fair even number fight over it and you never really want to have to commit 5 people to taking it.
@Noah44137 Жыл бұрын
09:46 "Got the dragon though" 💀💀💀💀💀Man
@rafaelfigfigueiredo2988 Жыл бұрын
As our good friend Lord Semi tells us: One or two dragons are useless, go impact the rest of the map then get your fed teammates to fight for soul. Or even better, make everyone split and take towers while the enemy rushes that objective
@fabiobianchi7268 Жыл бұрын
Well, it's not about the dragon itself, it's about soul that u play for it. I agree on giving up drags when behind, but if I'm ahead I'll try to get any single one. Especially because we just do not have a Smurf riven top who can punish enemies like that for doing it. And I'm pretty sure soul won me a lot of games. Probably games where u should just have won earlier, but in solo q and especially below diamond u can't always close out games fast.
@azrrrrrrrr Жыл бұрын
Yoo my biggest frustration in my games is when we take baron and we are almost full hp but my team deciedes to recall and jungler starts clearing camps in his jungle. I lose my mind every time seeing that
@s.y.2925 Жыл бұрын
Your jungler must lose his mind a lot when he sees what you do aswell but actually you don’t notice it because you think you do everything better than anyone. Respect the fact that people make mistakes and accept that you are not perfect either. Give your replays to a pro player and he will certainly laugh a lot. Try to fix your mistakes before trying to put the blame out on someone else. Think about it.
@gorgeousgeorge7104 Жыл бұрын
I'm totally agree with this video. Amount of games lost because dumb teammates contesting dragons against stringer team and dying there all the time is insane
@rokasb9441 Жыл бұрын
I'd think 21:0 jax or 18:0 darius on enemy team is the more common loss condition in my games
@keldor8302 Жыл бұрын
I often lose games as top lane. Because my team INSISTS on fighting over dragon. And I don't rotate all the way from top lane to join the fight. I. Not leaving an empty top lane with multiple minion waves and turret. For a massive tempo loss and risk of death for a minor buff. But, my team STILL contests at a disadvantage. Even if they manage the steal. Several, if not all, will die. I then get flamed and the team turns toxic and spiteful. And it cascades into a loss, quickly. 🤦‍♂️
@definitelynotchadfish Жыл бұрын
/mute all
@RobinStormMusic Жыл бұрын
8:46 "This clip is from Master's MMR, HiGh-IsH eLo"... I got a long way to go lol
@dathuynh9772 Жыл бұрын
Where can i watch the stream?
@unhaix707 Жыл бұрын
In order for me to take this video's advice at face value, i would need to weigh this one player's opinion over that of every other high elo coach and content creator.
@phillipemeca Жыл бұрын
I dont know who you are watching but most coaches and content creators I watch say to only take drake if its free, otherwise let it go and trade for something else. Of course I dont follow this advice as I dont follow any advice since its no fun
@gentix8564 Жыл бұрын
he didnt say drake wasnt important he said it is overhyped. and when u do risk analysis you will why he is right. in pro play every small stat increase matters alot that is why u cant do this.
@Wemdiculous Жыл бұрын
@Wemdiculous Жыл бұрын
The only reason I struggle following this advice is that when I solo top my team just 4v5’s with utter confidence no matter how often I ping to group mid or bot
@unhaix707 Жыл бұрын
​@Wemdiculous that should for sure be a consideration. After watching this video again, i remain unconvinced. He didnt really back it up with any data and using plat games as an example seems flimsy at best.
@SiennaBlossom420 Жыл бұрын
I recently won a game using this strat! I pushed top while we were behind, and I was way behind, as jinx. The enemy team just let me because they were so focused on dragon. The second time, they lost a big team fight and I was already at inhib, so I just pushed the rest of the way for the win. Really amazing feeling to be behind and having a bad game, but making one top tier decision that wins the game for your team ^_^
@petermayser2080 Жыл бұрын
thats just so wrong you were just lucky. YOur team won 4 vs 5 while you were puhing sdielanes lol.
@GuppiAttack Жыл бұрын
I'm trying to wrap my head around what the thumbnail is
@mostafaelzohirey9187 Жыл бұрын
It's basically click "bait"
@In_Space Жыл бұрын
Guys it's literally just a silhouette of a dragon. Edit: Not going to lie though for second I thought it was a crocodile doing a handstand holding a sword with one of its legs
@4givenoxygenbarez Жыл бұрын
It's the dragon
@t1gdisgamer961 Жыл бұрын
This concept is why I may get spammed pinged the most but back door so much with Yorick 😂
@LunaLuckyLight Жыл бұрын
Its a lot smarter to say, "Take Dragon when you want to fight, or you don't have a better option."
@MAX_DJM Жыл бұрын
as a yi main i acually used this in so many games as yi can solo baron at 20 and even whit my team i just type "please come baron somone needs to tank for me when i take it" and even if the 0/3 garen takes the baron debuff from me its so free yet i still get spammed whit "wheres drakes?" or "Its SOULD POINT" from the 0/4 adc whit no prio
@nelson6e65 Жыл бұрын
How about all other 4 players committing to the dragon and I'm alone in top with TP up? Should I join them to 5 vs5 or keeping split pushing? I use to keep pushing most of the time, but even if I take 2 towers, my team dies, and they take the Baron next and I have to b. It is correct to roll dices with "maybe my team don't die, and I'm able to take their inhibitor..."? Or should I TP and hope for the 50%-50%?
@antarath517 Жыл бұрын
Usually better to just punish the enemy team tbh, if your team wants to go in on that 4v5 then they're the stupid ones 2 towers means your next split push will probably get inhib
@KwodwoMoore Жыл бұрын
​@@antarath517 If you know your team is going to force a fight, and you have a ton of gold because you've been playing selfishly, you should fight with your team and use them as bait. The enemy team can easily just ignore you and push to end if they wipe your team, because by the time you get back to base their important cooldowns will probably be back up.
@AkshansYoutubeAccount Жыл бұрын
there are reasons why ppl take dragons: - game of thrones - they have cool icons - the icon at TAB is glowing if soul is active - elderdragon is fun to watch - getting more kills at dragon pit (who cares at dieing) - if your jungle fail smites you can type "jugnle diff" - veigar gets more ap with infernal dragons - beeing able to run down faster with air dragon is a win in my book - the river is nice and laners want to see something other than lane in a 30 min game. its like if you walk in a garden in real life. quite petty. - maybe something exiting happends like.. you getting perma cct by 5 enemys even if you went for max tenacity and your team somehow loses the teamfight after. yes much fun, much wauw
@matysekhanak7010 Жыл бұрын
a team with soul has like 90% tho
@stormfall2783 Жыл бұрын
As a bel'veth main, I love seeing a team fight break out over dragon leaving rift herald free for me. I get so much momentum off of herald then going to top lane that it usually takes 3 or more enemies to respond by the time they get dragon, recal, and come for me. The voiding are insane when you stack 3-4 waves of them with your own waves. Let alone a team gives up baron to me in exchange for a single dragon. My lord the regret
@Vael221 Жыл бұрын
Dragon sickness is yet another example of the bad habit death spiral. Bad players ping and yell about making coinflip plays; we fall for those bad calls because of all the pinging and yelling; and when the coinflip works confirmation bias kicks in and makes us think it was super important because all the yelling and pinging tricked our idiot brains into focusing on it.
@captainglad4966 Жыл бұрын
my team: everyone go drake me: no i watched a skill capped video i will not go drake
@emmanuel39409 Жыл бұрын
The best comment I've ever heard "the baron is used to empower minions. There are no minions are dragon." 🤣🤣
@nimahanna1709 Жыл бұрын
love pushing top with bel veth when its a cloud/ocean second drake
@Mr.Despair. Жыл бұрын
This makes me feel better, especially as a jungle main who is VERY TIRED of terrible team mates.
@jeffreytaylor5338 Жыл бұрын
You did not understand the assignment
@serpentlili Жыл бұрын
what about early game, would it be worth denying the enemy sion and rammus a mountain drake if the dragon is actually free, or you can steal from lane?? (i got a pretty cute kaisa w steal once while coming back to lane) and what about an enemy shyvana? (sorry im overthinking this, not doubting your words)
@DurpeeSlurpee Жыл бұрын
Dragon used to be an extremely important objective because it gave everyone 300 gold. Its basically useless now.
@quinn336 Жыл бұрын
omg ty for this video, i hope it blows up bc i hate having to explain this every single low elo soloq match
@Lilacil Жыл бұрын
This makes complete sense, I have to think about how I can apply this information as a support though.. because I know if I don't ward for the dragons, they'll still just do it but blind..
@olivereliasson799 Жыл бұрын
You did not mention this in the video but i would assume that the same does not stand for elder dragon? That is much more powerful but is still a dragon so wonder if the same principle stands for that. Granted that if someone u splitting that late in to the game and the enemy goes for drag. The one splitting could maybe end the game
@IIIlIl Жыл бұрын
I remember seeing in a video that elder is even more of a wincon than baron. Doesn't even matter if other team has soul. Which is why if both baron and elder are up at roughly the same time you will prefer taking elder in 99% of cases. I'm low elo though so take what I say with a grain of salt.
@Failzz8 Жыл бұрын
You can wait out elder dragon buff, but if you're forced to fight against it you'll lose almost every time, it's insanely powerful.
@carltaylor2975 Жыл бұрын
"There are no minions at dragon." Lol this guy is funny😂
@Arel_Kursat Жыл бұрын
It is fucking insane that people care about dragon this much. I had this Lux in mid while I was jungle. I got the herald and the enemy Zed was at %10 hp. I asked for lux to push the wave so we can dive Zed and take down a plated tower together. Guess what she did? She just stood there not hitting a single minion, I was in the bush to see what she was gon do and when I see that nothing is gonna happen I started to base. Enemy jungle was Morde and was really strong, I was Viego. So I didn't want to risk Morde coming and ulting one of us to kill us both, that's why I was recalling. But Lux went to the dragon by herself, ignoring me and then she died of course. Telling me that "Are we gonna let them take the dragon for free?". Can you believe it? We were gonna get the middle tower which is the most important tower in game and also it was plated, so we get more gold with the first tower gold. It was the first dragon ffs and the idiot just went to it by herself. After that I couldn't find my chance to snowball as my team had zero lethal and we loose the game.
@lukaskrall5318 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for backing me up. Whenever I say that drake is not worth and we should push I get flamed in the chat. At least let me push and don’t blame it on me if you fuck it up in the pit
@Wolvengo Жыл бұрын
4:11 you got one THOUSAND and three HUNDRED. Not thirteen thousand.
@adrielschmunck9054 Жыл бұрын
As a yorick main, its the best thing in the world when they try to contest dragon. I just chill and take towers, inhis, even push 2 lanes at the same time or take a kill if im ahead
@ryanlu729 Жыл бұрын
I have been preaching this from the start, but my friends and teammates keep feeding from drag delusion. Maybe after I link this vid they can finally wake up. Thanks Doc
@macattack5863 Жыл бұрын
The biggest struggle with going baron is when teams don't use it.
@johnf419 Жыл бұрын
Yeah the get baron and now let’s team fight in the river 🤦
@TendoTheDude Жыл бұрын
Lol watching even the professionals getting not so subtly salty over the game is reassuring.
@TheArcticTurt1e Жыл бұрын
I've literally been saying this for a while now. I main belveth in low masters/d1 range and I pretty much live off of herald for the passive. Nobody cares about herald, and if I lose 1 singular dragon my team loses their minds every game. This is supposedly the start of high elo and they're still doing this. Legit if you're below challenger just ignore the drake unless there's legit no other play that gives more value. Push the tower, take the enemy quadrant, push out the mid wave. If all that is done, take the drake. Otherwise its worth nothing but lost tempo
@Gamber63 Жыл бұрын
Meanwhile enemy Shyv just solo bulldozer an entire jungle n' dragons, then 1v9 suddenly:
@thedarkdragon1437 Жыл бұрын
the problem is, low elo players will take the "dragon is bait and we won't do it" chemtech soul: yhea, it is win condition in low elo, but only when enemy has a lot of heals and shields and you don't build antiheal. literally, build antiheal, boom, no longer win condition. Despite the soul giving damage reduction, main problem is the heal combined with damage reduction.
@saintuary1283 Жыл бұрын
as someone who seems be hardstuck in plat as a support, the early baron call nearly works every time when i ping my team to do it. other team has 0 vision and don't even try to contest except maybe an EZ R. way too much focus on drag
@5H0179 Жыл бұрын
I’ve already been doing this but 80% of the time when I go to take towers my team just rush to drake and get killed. Then they either flame or someone goes afk. How do you deal with this?
@ChaosImmortal Жыл бұрын
Suck it up and keep grinding
@jackcobalt2005 Жыл бұрын
Well I do think Dragon CAN BE a win condition. But I also agree that sometimes side push is way more efficient and nearly at a 0 risk
@Joe52090 Жыл бұрын
Sometimes I feel like Drag can be a win con too, but now that I think about it maybe the real win con is wiping the enemy team at a dragon fight they shouldn't be taking.
@NoNonsenseSkyblockGuides Жыл бұрын
Cloud soul has a ~94% win rate (fun fact)
@isaakward4393 Жыл бұрын
@@NoNonsenseSkyblockGuides lol
@Akronox Жыл бұрын
@@NoNonsenseSkyblockGuides That stat is kinda biased cause if you're able to take 4 drakes there is a high chance that you were already ahead before getting the soul. While comparing souls on all dragons can tell you which one is stronger, it is very hard to tell what part the soul had to do with the win. Getting soul also means it is usually longer games. Would be more interesting to see the number of games lost to a dragon fight but that's not something easy to find out. Or at the very least, the % of win with cloud soul when the team getting it is behind in gold.
@NoNonsenseSkyblockGuides Жыл бұрын
@@Akronox you just typed a complete essay fully surrounding something I assumed was just common sense, but hey, you do you.
@em8452 Жыл бұрын
Hate being spam pinged for dragon. More of a Herald guy. I like tower plate gold. Tilts the hell out of my teammates though. Even if they get to share it occasionally.
@azrrrrrrrr Жыл бұрын
I have been doing this in silver/gold elo and the amount of hate and spam pings i get is insane. But big problem i face is that my team usually still goes and contests drake and they proceed to lose 4v5...isnt it better to go and help them?
@SamraK64 Жыл бұрын
No, cause that's a coinflip. half of the time the only thing it will change is that you die too. In gold and lower 4v5 or 5v5 barely makes a difference anyway, so it's even more important to ignore pings and splitpush. You can sometimes get to the nexus towers before a silver team notices x)
@petersblub Жыл бұрын
this video is just about him getting 1 turret and waves for free, while darius was doing nothing ? IF darius shows up earlier and is euqly strong he gets to push a wave. After that he should go to his team and force a 4 vs 5.
@karsonkammerzell6955 Жыл бұрын
So real talk here: @3:10 he states that Camille is ahead but not as much as he is (on Riven) and I cannot understand how he is arriving to this conclusion using the information I can see. They're both almost identical in CS, Camille is ahead 1 level, has a better KDA (which is always overvalued; I know), and has a bounty over Riven. Even Camille's lane opponent is arguably more behind than Riven's. What am I missing in this comparison?
@nastu6162 Жыл бұрын
How should I use this method as a top lane riven, because I find myself splitting ahead with high cs and kills but my team is trolling and they need me for drag fights and what not but as soon as I join I lose my lead
@WiseYetti Жыл бұрын
Play on different account, never group with team and always split. Then watch your replays of what happens when you do this. Take note of the gold you got, the gold the enemy got and what happened to your team etc.
@JohnHandle- Жыл бұрын
i've been saying dragon is worthless for years now. nobody in my games listens. I actively spam back ping when even one person walks toward it, no one listens.
@Hizsoo Жыл бұрын
Dragon sickness - Basically players defaulting to rush strategies and considering objectives as mandatory. Madness unfolds.
@dracuhl8342 Жыл бұрын
I can't tell you how many times a huge wave was in the middle pushing towards my tower, me vs their ADC and support, while my support and jgl are pinging me to help with the completely uncontested dragon instead of 3v2, shoving wave, and then cap dragon.
@dracuhl8342 Жыл бұрын
And this is for FIRST dragon. Not even the damn dragon soul or Elder.
@dracuhl8342 Жыл бұрын
And then ping their stupid ?s while I'm farming under tower and they get collapsed on 2v3 and the dragon stolen because thinking is hard.
@JackBoxMonkey Жыл бұрын
This is a perfect example of how a lot of pro players are only good at the pro level. Any low elo player could tell you, not getting drags will throw your games by making your adc or mid laner run it down. Low elo is all about not triggered the babies on your team. Clean the better option here? you got to take heal so your supp doesn't run it down. Drag not the win conditions? you have to take it so your allies dont run it down. That's how low elo has to be played,
@01dixieforever01 Жыл бұрын
That’s crap. I’ve had 2 games recently where we couldn’t close out the game due to macro but the enemy team got dragons and soul and closed out the game with one wipe. After being extremely behind all game. I get your point tho if your team can’t win team fights or if it’s even
@orchispuppet9704 Жыл бұрын
as a Shyvana main i personally believe that Shyvana is an exception since on top of the drake buff you get free armor and mr which is useful if you run Iceborn and the enemy have many Magic damage dealers or when using Heartsteel and you need some resistances.
@QiyanasStories Жыл бұрын
I heard a Challenger coach talking in his vid about how if you're an assassin - stacking dragons is the way to go in SoloQ.
@Genevagirls-h2x Жыл бұрын
Its funny, Ive always been ok with giving up drakes in soloQ, specially in trade for first herald. I will do drakes if my lanes are pushed and i see jungler top OR if i gank bot and we get a couple kills. I feel in soloQ that first herald has a lot of demoralizing power if you can push and take a quick tower.
@ChaosImmortal Жыл бұрын
I'll die to deny them rift over getting a free drake any day tbh, it gives so much early when used properly
@Phoenixfeather100 Жыл бұрын
As a support I can't really apply this strat to my games unless I tell it to my laners and they listen. Or can I?
@ASwallie65 Жыл бұрын
I think it's interesting to note the idea of confirmation bias. People say that dragons when you more games, it's in the statistics! You get X dragon you win an extra Y percent! Except... Which team is more likely to get the dragon at any given point, the team that's already winning or the team that's already losing? Of course you're going to win more if you get a dragon, because your team is the one that was ahead enough in that position to get the dragon in the first place 😁 ... Not to say dragons don't give statistical advantages as well. Just, yeah. This video is smarter than me.
@NightridingDoom 11 ай бұрын
7 months later, this video needs an update. 3 drakes pretty much quarantees a win
@thebigfatsoman2002 Жыл бұрын
i dont know if an orn main can really use this advice to the fullest, since orn is a teamfight champ and cant really push towers that fast, but if i play illaoi this is very useful, since i never go to objectives anyway as illaoi since i cant and shouldnt
@BlaXTar1000 Жыл бұрын
Lol, the number of times I’ve won games even when enemy had dragon soul and elder dragon simply because of dragon sickness is just laughable, really.
@BlackScar0 Жыл бұрын
I get so confused watching videos on this channel as a low-elo player trying to improve. One day, I go here and watch a video on jungeling that stresses the importance if full-clearing and doing the first drake ASAP. I come back the next day to find this video. I buy the argumentation, I just need you guys to get on the same page when it comes to objectives, lest learning on this channel becomes real difficult and confusing.
@freunddeswaldes575 Жыл бұрын
While everything is true what you say in this video, there is also alot of counter arguments. 1st: you being the only one doing the right play makes you be the one doing the bad play. If all 4 teammates int anyways onto the dragon then the enemy team gets ahead. In addition you will get even more flamed. 2nd: If you have a lead its a great tool to force the enemies to teamfight over this objective since you can 90% win of the soul buff. 3rd: It requires much less makro knowledge of your team to group as 5 rather than playing the split push correctly. Doublelift says, randomly starting Baron when all 10 players are alive is literally the biggest troll you can do because it is the biggest comeback tool for the enemy team. Agurin (Rank 1 EUW Jgl) says Dragons are really OP rn with the buffs they give. The gold value of them are insane atm, yet they get nerfed a little because they were too strong. imo it is just a playstyle that you individually prefer and that works out for you. However thats also cause you are a challenger player in plat, that can use his lead. We low elo players are more likely to make a bad play ourselves after getting a lead. I'd say Dragons are a great insurance policy that keeps you permanent buffs, and always a win con you can play for. If you can play for soul win con with your team you should do so. Keep in mind that there are always crossmap plays potentially that are of greater value for you. Especially when you are behind, there is no reason to force something that you simply cannot contest. Thats the biggest noobtrap for me. Thousands of Junglers die at dragon every minute, because they simply cant accept they have no business contesting an objective and die anyways.
@dimaratosgeorgiadis2672 Жыл бұрын
I ask my uncarried friend if he even knows the exact stats dragons are giving you and he didnt even know, but still insists trading our nexus for the stupid drake
@samiatt5244 Жыл бұрын
This is so true, get flamed so much for prioritising rift and they spam ping me drake with no prio.
@jackbordar2727 Жыл бұрын
You always have to keep something in mind. If you qued solo, expect to play solo, even as adc, because people are idiots and everyone has a different plan. Some plans are good and some bad. I just had a game where I had a 5 level advantage over my team and I gave my damn best to try to level them, but to no success.
@samiatt5244 Жыл бұрын
@@jackbordar2727 yeah feelsbad man.. relatable.. even then I try to be as critical of my own self as much as I can and try to avoid blaming team even though I know they’re baboons
@jackbordar2727 Жыл бұрын
@@samiatt5244 being critical of oneself is in any case a very good thing, because you can always improve yourself. I wish everyone (I get teamed up with) could do that.
@Chraan Жыл бұрын
Rift is not even worth the time you spend doing it, its so much worse than Drake. Only do it when you are next to it and your only other option is a recall. By all means, never prioritize it unless you play Bel.
@shaunslays2151 Жыл бұрын
I realised how useless drake is when I was climbing on a fresh account on jungle. I would get 3 drakes , close to infernal soul. And then the enemy team would just bring it back from being down 3-0 on drakes to roleplay as Germany and bring it back with 4 back to back drakes for soul
@petersblub Жыл бұрын
So a drake can buy you time to scale. Before enemy team gets soul. You should use a drake for an easy objectives to fight and set up over if you are ahead and in position and the enemy team contest it you get a free tf and later on a free baron.
@XIII-TheBlackCat Жыл бұрын
Been saying this for years. In low elo kids will smash their computer over 1 missed drag.
@Kostyazz Жыл бұрын
My favorite is when my jungler starts solo dragon with no prio, get collapsed on, and pings team
@fabriciomenezes3111 Жыл бұрын
gotta play jax jungle and split top at every drake spawn
@vannoah Жыл бұрын
Tbh I’ll sac almost anything other then nexus turrets and baron for a solo tier 2 and multiple waves. Dragon soul, 5 mid but we can defend. Gold injections are so important
@othmaneeljacfi3747 Жыл бұрын
as a toplaner i actually use dragon spawning timers to push every single game, works like a charm
@pizzamafioso9191 Жыл бұрын
Now we just need a cure against the illness where your team does its own jgl camps after securing the baron buff
@mishaberendsen8476 Жыл бұрын
Sadly I can say my dragon illness is probably 50/50. I know how insignificant it CAN be, but being gold makes people int lanes just for not going to a 5v5 (or even if one of ours died 4v5) dragon
@PLZFrosty Жыл бұрын
I wish garbage elo could learn this... I'm so sick of players using it as their argument...
@solonton6341 Жыл бұрын
I don't play League pc but in Wild Rift drakes advantage provides teamfights advantage and every drake is a step closer to an elder or even a nashor, and once the enemy team get them, all efforts you put in splitpushing become worthless cause waves will just vaporize your turrets.
@Thekisame27 Жыл бұрын
Sadly, these situations never happen in EUW. Since only 1 enemy jungler goes for dragon. Who is 10/0, and can solo pentakill. While his teammates pressure us from all the sidelanes...
@Cozeris Жыл бұрын
People will use statistic like "team with dragon soul with 60%" or whatever. Do people not realise that the team that is already winning usually takes all the dragons? They are not winning because of dragon buffs, they are taking dragons because they are already winning...
@elkinarteta6343 Жыл бұрын
You guys said in one of your courses that the first dragon is important. If you get the first drake, you have an 80% chance of winning. So, who do we believe?
@caliburnleaf9323 Жыл бұрын
I've definitely had games where dragon soul determined the game. Specifically, ocean soul. I've had games where the fights were close before soul, but the enemy team manage to secure the ocean soul and we can no longer kill them. Infernal soul is another game-warping one that can make the game feel hopeless for how fast you die. That said, any dragon before soul is pretty inconsequential, so if baron can end the game before soul becomes a consideration, I always opt for baron over dragon.
@Micolash9 Жыл бұрын
it's not even about the soul the drakes themselves give over a pentakill worth of stats even at the early stages. If you look at junglers like Agurin and how much they prioritise dragons you wonder how these coaches come up with the stuff they post
@caliburnleaf9323 Жыл бұрын
@@Micolash9 That is a gross misrepresentation. "A pentakill's worth of stats" sounds like a lot, until you realize it's split between five players, and each of their characters may not utilize the buff well. What is an ADC going to do with an extra 8% armor and magic resist? Or an extra 6% tenacity and heal/shield power? They'll just get overkilled slightly less or still die after getting hit by CC. A pentakill puts 1500 gold in *one* player's pocket, which they can spend however they like. And it turns out, full items tend to be a lot more gold efficient than components, making gold efficiency a dubious metric in the first place. Furthermore, there's a lot more that comes with getting a pentakill beyond the pentakill itself. A penta makes the entire enemy team dead, depriving them of minions and giving you time to take objectives.
@Micolash9 Жыл бұрын
@@caliburnleaf9323 tl;dr
@HS-hq6eg Жыл бұрын
We won a clash which we were initially losing because the enemy team went 5 drake while our Yone just ended
@kamilkollodi2060 Жыл бұрын
surely it can work well on toplane but otherwise not necessarily, because your team is not that smart and they might go for a dragon and if you dont help them they might all die and you might lose regardless especially when baron is up
@kevonhall3468 Жыл бұрын
unless you are outright fed enough to carry the drag fight completely on your own, going to drag with your teammates to "help" might result in all 5 of you dying instead of just your 4 teammates. of course all 4 of your teammates dying is not ideal, but going somewhere else and getting gold for yourself at least is better than all 5 of you being dead and you getting no resources to carry
@DeMafiaGirl Жыл бұрын
If I tried to split push like this in solo queue my team would get murdered in the dragon pit and the enemy would raid my base and ignore my existance and push far faster than me and just end the game. You assume that if you don't come your team will just back off because its a 4v5. But they never back off they just fight and int
@WiseYetti Жыл бұрын
You have to play split push to truly understand the effect it has on people in solo queue. Play the next 50 games of just split push on a smurf and never group and you will see some funny shit. You really have to play it and just watch what happens, you would be very surprised. Your team will often play way safer because they know they are fucked and can't fight or they will have no front line as they are mostly ranged and can't start a fight anyway. The enemy will have no fuckin clue what to do, often 2 people will try to recall or they get pressured to try engage and then so many times I've seen my team win a 4v5 because split pushing just breaks everyones brain in solo queue. You are right that your team will almost never back off though. It just never goes as bad as you think. Worse case scenario if all 4 of them die the enemy gets like 1500 gold + dragon? While you also get 1500+ gold usually. Not to mention the camps + farm they get denied by you crashing waves and taking camps. Also your team will almost never get wiped. It just doesn't happen and half the time your jungler will just 50/50 smite the dragon anyway.
@utikahk4538 Жыл бұрын
Well, as a mid player I love drag fights when I'm six before everyone else. It normally nets me a lot of kills. Or if my team has a major advantage I go for them
@Fonziggy Жыл бұрын
Literally won a game today while the enemy team had ocean soul cause they kept giving towers and baron for free to group at Drake
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