For the canteen I'd recommend a drop of bleach and then filling it with water. Let it sit for a little and then rinse *really* well. You could probably use vinegar and water instead. $20 was a great deal for those magazines. I think USGI mags typically go for $7+. The tan follower mags are some of the more sought after now. I really like the 4x speed driving footage. Maybe more than the 32x speed. Dude, I hate when people cut me off in the bus. Like, do they really think we're going to be able to emergency stop and *NOT* hit them?! Common sense is dead, man. You seem to be a lot more content now that you've changed your video release schedule. Looking forward to the next one!
@JTArndt19912 жыл бұрын
Oh it will be here Sunday around Lunch time. For the canteen I after recording put about 1/4th cup of bleach in and the rest water up to 75% then shook it vigorously then say it down for a while. For the cutting off people; my thing is I know my full steel body with weight would decimate their cars/trucks so my thing is I always have a roadcam/dashcam and make sure I am driving below the speed limit and also be very strict about following driving laws. That way if they cause a issue I am not to worried. Maybe I will have a dent or a few scratches. About the video stuff; The reason for the 32x speed was because it would of been about an hour and a half video maybe even two if I just left it as 4x. Also yeah I just need to figure out what else I have to do and can do with my budget now haha.