Do you ever use receiver redundancy (2 Futaba Receviers) in one airplane and if so which receivers work best and at what size do you do this?
@glynhaynie894810 ай бұрын
Is the thin ZAP CA you're using Foam Safe?
@ThomasBrock748 күн бұрын
You are showing people how NOT to assemble their tail feathers dude. If you're not going to do it right you certainly shouldn't be making a video about doing it wrong because you certainly are doing it wrong you didn't put it in there first and measure it out and then cut the covering back to reveal bare wood so you can epoxy the tail in like you're supposed to do. You totally skipped all the steps you're supposed to take to ensure that your tail feathers are in line with the wing. This is incredibly important with a 3D plane because you need them to make straight maneuvers. You took zero steps to ensure this was correctly installed. And you called it trammeling what the hell is trammeling? Ive never heard that term in all my days of building planes. We call it ensuring the tail feathers are square to the fuselage and wing. You have no clue if yours is or not because you didnt check it. That is a terrible building practice that you certainly should not perpetuate by making a video of this stupidly terrible method. So way to go way to teach people how to do shit wrong....
@elizabethfox7512 жыл бұрын
🌹 P R O M O S M!!!
@ThomasBrock748 күн бұрын
Now you're getting downright dangerous telling people to glue their motor boxes in with thin CA glue is crazy... You always always always use epoxy to glue in a motor box man. You need to stop making videos you're going to get somebody hurt or at best cause their model to fly apart in flight.