You have to give Yi credit. He was a legit NBA player and a loyal national team player. There’s no shame that he couldn’t be Yao. Yao is a generational talent, but that doesn’t make Yi any less of a talent. He should be proud for carrying the torch, I think he did a great job.
@echeng205523 жыл бұрын
@ThunderGod 918 that’s my shouldn’t compare them to each other. Yi’s no less talented than any above average, non generational talent. Yao is a generational talent and it’s unfair to make the comparison. You seem like you would be a joy to have a conversation with. (Hope you got the sarcasm there)
Ziqi Fan 其实伤病也是一大因素,阿联和大姚一样也是国家队,NBA双线作战,NBA第一个赛季他开始打的蛮好的,场均12.8分还拿了月最佳新秀,结果到后面又是伤病缠身,最终整个赛季场均只拿到8.4分,接下来的几个赛季也是打打停停,虽然没有大姚那种致命的大伤,但也很影响状态,印象比较深刻的是篮网那个赛季本来感觉要回到第二春了,结果又受伤了……