my guys pallette is becoming more advanced. i knew you come around to the Seafood stuff
@RationNerd3 ай бұрын
Ewww....LOL Thank you for watching and commenting!
@KayakTN3 ай бұрын
My friend's son was stationed at the US Embassy in Ljubljana back in 2019.
@RationNerd3 ай бұрын
I wonder what that was like?
@diegol79403 ай бұрын
Tks for the video
@RationNerd3 ай бұрын
Thank you for watching!!!!!
@jeffgoswick76603 ай бұрын
Thanks for the video
@RationNerd3 ай бұрын
Absolutely! Thank you for watching!
@Arcane3593 ай бұрын
I lost it there for a moment. "Oh! Arggh! I just got splashed with orange fish oil. It's on my face! This is not cool!" I had to rewind and watch it a few times. Each time gave me a chuckle. I do feel for you. I've had blowback because of those damnable lids before. I do like fish, so I might not have had a problem with it. What I usually have the problem with is when it splatters spots all over my glasses. It never fails to hit those. Good review.
@RationNerd3 ай бұрын
LOL. Thank you Arcane. I was very unhappy with the fish juice splash, but that is just part of the fun. Maybe I need a face shield! Thank you for watching and commenting!!!
@faithharper17563 ай бұрын
Nice one RN. Boletus Edulis (Porcini) is a fungi (like you, lol). So yes you had mushroom pasta. Sorry your dinner main was crap but at least the chocolate pud and bar made up for it. I'm planning on getting the red velvet cake this week. Thanks for another brilliant video.
@RationNerd3 ай бұрын
Thank you Faith! I am really glad you joined the Ration Nerd Nation!
@johnmorris40033 ай бұрын
Nice !
@RationNerd3 ай бұрын
Thank you John!
@TheObserver33 ай бұрын
Coffee is an absolute must in war, if I got an MRE without coffee let's just say the commander might want to communicate over phone lines going forward.
@RationNerd3 ай бұрын
As you probably suspected, I agree with you 100%! Coffee is life! Thank you for watching and commenting!!!!
@chicagochris19883 ай бұрын
😎 welcome back brother
@RationNerd3 ай бұрын
Hey Chris! Be safe brother!
@garywheaton-lifewithgaz503 ай бұрын
oooohhhh I can feel in my gut how those vitamin C tabs taste.
@RationNerd3 ай бұрын
LOL. Yeah, I was actually surprised at how bad they were. You would figure, a vitamin C candy made orange flavor would be a no brainer! But wow, they sucked! Thank you for watching and commenting!
@matthew1776-32 ай бұрын
@@RationNerdYou would think an orange flavored vitamin C candy would be a slam dunk.
@RationNerd2 ай бұрын
@@matthew1776-3 You would think so. But they were hateful!
@antkara67923 ай бұрын
Poor CHEE-NEE Porcini mushrooms
@RationNerd3 ай бұрын
Thank you for the clarification!
@matthew1776-32 ай бұрын
Fun-Gus Lol
@willbbwluvr3 ай бұрын
I'm surprised, you ate, and enjoyed something fishy! But damn, that mackrel looked, special, to say the least! Those travel lunch freezedried's look pretty good, this looks like a, not hateful ration
@RationNerd3 ай бұрын
That is kind of the way I feel about it. It is good but not great, some changes and it would be excellent. That fish though....LOL. Not so nice! Thank you for watching and commenting!
@willbbwluvr3 ай бұрын
@@RationNerd Lol, I like mackerel and that stuff is, nasty! Will be looking out for some of the other bits though!
@matthew1776-32 ай бұрын
@willbbwluvr That canned fish looked awful and awesome in equal amounts! I kind of want to try it, it looks interesting!
@willbbwluvr2 ай бұрын
@@matthew1776-3 bro, don't, it's a good brand to try, but that particular one, is really not good, like it's plain nasty
@MultiMagnum622 ай бұрын
New subscriber here. Cool ration and review. Very interesting. It seems you enjoyed most of the package. A Slovenian meal has escaped me so far, although I have had several from that area of the world. Attack of the fish and vegetables, LOL. We all have been attacked by something on our channels. Part of the hobby, LOL. I think you enjoyed the majority of these components, very nice. If you can enjoy most and have some fun, you should be happy. Again, excellent review. I will look up some previous reviews of yours and catch up. I noticed your automatic OTF. I have identical I use on occasion. I rotate knives out, each review, to mix things up. That knife usually gets more comments than me, LOL. Peace from Kentucky, John.
@RationNerd2 ай бұрын
Thank you Multi-Magnum! I appreciate the feedback. To be honest, there was not too much I did not like. With a little tweaking, this would be a perfect ration. LOL, the knife! I have been accused of trying to pass that off as some expensive OTF. I told everyone is is a TacKinves brand and I got it on Black Friday sale for cheap as hell! Thank you for watching and commenting!
@MultiMagnum622 ай бұрын
@@RationNerd , I rotate knives in every review I do. Some look for the knives, more than the reviews. Peace. First kosher meal I done this weekend, you can see said knife. Peace. John, KY.
@RationNerd2 ай бұрын
@@MultiMagnum62 I will check you out!!!!
@KayakTN3 ай бұрын
Mousse makes a nice cake topping. Don't buy that diabetes in a jar from the grocery store.
@RationNerd3 ай бұрын
Not a horrible idea! But I think at that point you would have to keep it in the refrigerator. Thank you for watching and commenting!
@PaineK3 ай бұрын
HAHA Skusha Weekend (Mackerel Weekend, it is mackerel) sounds like an event were your boss teabags you with sweaty fish smelling balls to the face. Oops sorry, you know what that is like... trauma. Keep on eating those MREs, you make them fun... thanks and may the canned fish gods be with you!
@RationNerd3 ай бұрын
ROFL. Yeah, unfortunately the can of fish had its way with me. Thank you for watching and commenting!
@matthew1776-32 ай бұрын
Lol....may the fish be with you
@nickthenoodle92063 ай бұрын
Not enough coffee or accessories, but otherwise seems okay.
@RationNerd3 ай бұрын
It was just okay. If a few items were tweaked, it would be a solid ration. But I agree 100% on the coffee issue. Thank you for watching and commenting!
@angusoldwolf2953 ай бұрын
Between the muesli and the beans....I am sure your bum was barking!
@RationNerd3 ай бұрын
ROFL....Yes it was! Like a boss!
@chris7infdiv8353 ай бұрын
Omg, the fishy fish can't deal with. I can't believe you kept on eating it. And the beans, looked like someone already ate them. Nothing worse, fish and beans. I like that it has chocolate. Chocolate can warm you up when it is cold. The caffeine in it makes your blood flow. My XO taught me that, one night on guard duty. Amazing how it works. Great review. Hope you are doing well.❤😎
@RationNerd3 ай бұрын
Thank you Chris! I am well. That fishy fish was pretty bad, but I try my best to give everything a chance. Even fishy fish! Thank you for your continued support my friend!!!
@chris7infdiv8353 ай бұрын
@@RationNerd Lol, you did a lot better than I could have done. Love watching your numbers rise. It's like up to 1300-1400, that's what's up. ❤😎
@RationNerd3 ай бұрын
@@chris7infdiv835 I am shocked that so many people wanted to come along for this goofy ride! Thank you for your support! Eat em up!
@matthew1776-32 ай бұрын
@@RationNerdWe come along because you make it fun.
@geneard6393 ай бұрын
***WARNING*** 'Sticky', 'Wet', 'Smelly' are things you do not mess with. IF you need to eat it? You use a few sanitizing Wet Wipes. Otherwise you may find yourself sitting on the toilet holding your buddy the trash basket. Dump everything out, wipe everything down, spray it with alcohol or a 1/10 Bleach/Water mix and wipe the ick off. Or else you my very well regret it. ***WARNING*** I do rock out, however I lack chickens, sooo... Also Delamaris tinned fish in sauce and vegetables ARE AWESOME! $2 and all you need is some good rice or mashed potatoes to accompany them, great cold or warm. Delamaris has been in the Tinned Fish business since 1879(!) and is French (for those that don't know, the entire Canning Industry started with one Neapolitan waging a Continent spanning war, and issuing a contest for food preservation, first dish ever canned successfully for months was 'Cassoulet' and to this day, 'Pork and Beans' a cheaper version of Cassoulet is canned throughout the world) . So, if you are eating Delamaris tinned fish? You ARE eating both History and French Cuisine! Why am I passionate about it? Try it just one time, any of their products and you will know some folks can make fish yummy even if they are phobic!
@RationNerd3 ай бұрын
Excellent history lesson! I have to say, I am not a seafood fan, but if I was I probably would have loved it. It looked like quality canned food. My taste buds just don't like fish. But I do preface all videos with that fact, just so people can enjoy my suffering. Trust me, I do a lot of off camera hand sanitizing in situations like this. I have had some rations make me sick and none of those times were fun. I do appreciate the warning though! Thank you for watching and commenting!
@angusoldwolf2952 ай бұрын
Cassoulet sounds so much classier than pork n beans! What's for dinner? Cassoulet. Ooohh, sounds good!
@knyazprime3 ай бұрын
I just spit fruit-flavored-ice water across the living room! He is PAINFUL TO WATCH A MOVIE WITH… especially if you have trailer park tastes in movies like me! BROTHERHOOD OF THE WOLF ….
@RationNerd3 ай бұрын
You son of dare you mention that movie! Is that even a movie?!? It is a secret North Korean torture device! LOL. Thank you for watching brother!
@RimfireAddicted703 ай бұрын
Am I off the comment ban?? Well let's get at it then! Your first comment of eating things past their expiration is true to your character of the grandma fetish. Speaking of which it made me think maybe I'm beginning to see why you have such a strong aversion to "fish" smell and taste. Have you ever tried anything not expired or at least with some life left in it? At 18:25 telling us you can't believe you ate vegetables back to back....come on let's be honest it's not the first time and Sheila & Janet back me up on this. How many times in your life have you uttered the phrase used at 30:30 "It's on my face!!" I'm guessing way more than once as sounded too natural. Fingerprints LOL I would have thought after that incident in 2022 you would have .....never mind that's water under dumpster behind the bar and if Mike says it didn't happen ...well. At 48:25 What we see on the tray is exactly what we're going to see in 8 hours and 42 min. whether there is a toilet or not!! Great review as always! Fingers crossed this comment makes it this time LOL
@angusoldwolf2953 ай бұрын
Why would you be on a comment ban? RN does not even ban the haters. I am pretty sure he likes you....freaking YT!
@angusoldwolf2953 ай бұрын
Roflmao. You are a character Rimfire. No wonder RN likes you so much. I am still chuckling...
@RimfireAddicted703 ай бұрын
@@angusoldwolf295 All of my comments for last few videos have been deleted and I don't know why. I even reposted some a second time the next day only to have them deleted. What else was I to think except I was banned ? LOL
@RimfireAddicted703 ай бұрын
@@angusoldwolf295 Thx man it's all in good fun. If I'm heckling someone it's because I think they are doing a great job.
@RationNerd3 ай бұрын
Okay.....hold up! I would never EVER ban you from commenting Rimfire! You are too GD funny! So I made you a moderator for the channel! Maybe you can approve your own comments? I was wondering where the he11 you have been man! I thought you were just busy, or found another man-crush (which broke my heart just a lil bit). So for real bro, there was no ban from me! There are no other moderators either, so no one banned you except for the TUBE! So now you have the blue wrench. Be nice with it....LOL. Everyone gets to say what they want, no banning anyone! SMOOTCHES!!!!!! I can't believe you though I would ban YOU of all people! You were here from the beginning cheering me on, it was your funny ass comments that made me keep doing this.
@andrewblackmore31503 ай бұрын
I hate fish in all it's forms, so I guess I'm never buying Slovenian ration. But even allowing for that the main didn't look fun either. Apart from the fish it's almost a vegi ration
@RationNerd3 ай бұрын
It is not hateful. But at least it has some variety. I agree, the double fish items was a bit much! Thank you for watching and commenting!!!!
@randyguidry4958Ай бұрын
Those protein shakes always taste like sand and sour milk.
@RationNerdАй бұрын
Some of them do! Thank you for watching and commenting!!!!
@killingzombies83662 ай бұрын
I will say that however the rations are stored will be the fate of the ration itself. it's unfortunate that a few of components were ruined.
@RationNerd2 ай бұрын
To be fair, the ration did really well. I have no clue what the storage conditions were, but I know how bad the box was beaten up in shipping. It lasted longer than I thought it would. Where I store them is consistently 70 degrees and controlled humidity. Thank you for watching and commenting!
@justinjordan74493 ай бұрын
Hmmm what anime is this from?
@RationNerd3 ай бұрын
These are just stock animations and art that live on the video editing software I use. Thank you for watching and commenting!
@justinjordan74493 ай бұрын
@@RationNerd oh my bad I was gonna binge watch the series lol
@RationNerd3 ай бұрын
@@justinjordan7449 LOL. You can always binge watch Ration Nerd videos!
@justinjordan74493 ай бұрын
@@RationNerd yeah but I'm trying to lose weight seeing eating all that good stuff will make me want to eat LOL real talk though have come down for a minute 410 lbs 4 1/2 years ago to 297 last time I checked went from a size 55 pants to a size 44 right now so it's working slowly but surely
@RationNerd3 ай бұрын
@@justinjordan7449 YES! YOU GO MAN! That is awesome! Keep up the awesome progress Justin! I would rather you stay on track than watch me. But if you can come along for the ride, without falling off the wagon.....then please do! Thank you for watching and commenting!
@RageAngry2 ай бұрын
Whining again? I don't understand why KZbin keeps recommending these to me.
@RationNerd2 ай бұрын
Maybe you should take it as a sign! You need more Ration Nerd in your life! Thank you for trolling!