After "Akari," this song that everyone's been asking for is finally here! It's easy to play at first glance, but really hard to capture the original vibe perfectly... It has so many details, and I didn't want to just play it through. So it took me two afternoons trying to record the song right. I hope you all enjoy it! 繼『燈』之後大家敲碗的這首終於來啦!這首隨便彈很簡單,但想抓到原曲的神韻去還原來彈就超難....細節滿滿,我又不想放棄然後隨便彈,所以掙扎了兩天才錄好;不知道呢,可能是這首歌詞特別對味吧,嗯,所以想認真一下。希望大家喜歡! 🎹「燈」(Akari) 🎹「’葬送のフリーレン」(Frieren Series) 🎹「薬屋のひとりごと」(The Apothecary Diaries Series)