Small Hive Beetle Prevention With Tubed Entrances

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Jason Chrisman Bees (JC's Bees)

Jason Chrisman Bees (JC's Bees)

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@aleklysikov8791 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much You have a great time
@Pippi-Longstocking 4 ай бұрын
got sidetracked by the sciatica comments. As a new beekeeper who, at 52, is on a health journey and finally found a doctor that realized that I have real pain causing weight gain...not the other way around. I'm bad at doing my PT but I know it works. I've also moved my bees to medium sized boxes. THat's been a big help.
@JCsBees 4 ай бұрын
Back pain is no fun. I deal with it a lot. I hope you find comfort and get back on track.
@harley419 3 жыл бұрын
Food for thought, thank you
@sarahmcnamara4610 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Very helpful!
@HomeShowTV 3 жыл бұрын
I absolutely don't want to be a Debbie Downer. But I have struggled with sciatica for decades. Which you definitely have. Long term studies indicate that the relief we get from Chiropractic manipulation is short term in nature. Sciatica always comes back. The stretches the therapist gave you however do work. I wish I had put as much effort early on finding a great PT as I did finding a nerve Dr. It turns out that the PT was much more valuable for me once I gave in and committed to doing the exercises on the regular.
@dennisanthony1874 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Jason, I feel your pain brother. Had back surgery in 2001 and was worse after. Diligent chiropractor care and PT is what has kept me in pretty decent shape for the he last 19 years. I am 65 years old and still working maintenance for my local school district and keeping 12 hives of bees. I don’t think the “25 year old “mentality ever completely goes away, I still find myself overdoing it but manage for the most part to do what needs doing. Hang in there buddy.
@Rogerbrad96 4 жыл бұрын
Hey buddy I understand the 25 mentalities and I'm 68 right now. I just got into beekeeping with a flow frame. I haven't seen any honey but I know the flow frame box is getting pretty heavy. I'm sure it honey. So maybe I'll be able to get some honey before long. You keep talking about beetles and I've researched what they look like online. I got a 3# package from Barnyard Bees. So I'm still learning. I had a problem with my queen when I dumped them in the brood box. I may next another queen to make sure. I haven't seen any eggs yet so I'll likely wait another week or so to get another queen.
@LarryLeesBees 4 жыл бұрын
Jason, I feel ya sir! I am 54 and a retired Army veteran of 24 years. I too find myself trying to do things that I did when I was in my 20's... Doesn't work so well. My P.T. at the V.A. has me doing the same exercises as you. I was skeptical at first. But I am sold. It's really working and my back is feeling much better. Feel better and keep up the good work. Appreciate all you do.
@DonaldRogersBaldEagle 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, i'm 61 and do stuff with my 18 and 16 year old kids like I'm 25. :-) Glad your on the mend.
@pedrodelgado3879 2 жыл бұрын
I feel your pain. Ever since I joined the Gym just to do "Lap Pull Downs",.... I have not seen a Chiropractor in over five years. Give it a shot.
@JCsBees 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting! I will looking into it for sure. Thanks!
@tincup3773 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Jason hope you get better
@Doxymeister 4 жыл бұрын
What a cool idea! And I definitely know what you're going through with the back pain, have had several discs fused and still have pain. Take care of that back--it's the only one you have, they can't issue you a new one if that one messes up!
@honeygurls2 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Jason. My husband installed elbow joints to several of my hives after we saw a much expensive entrance device for hive beetle reduction. It works much like your tubes and it has definitely made a gigantic difference in our hive beetles population even when in smaller hives. They are non existent in those hives. We still need to do some modifications ( we feel it slows them down as well) due to the traffic jam at the entrance. I’ve opened smaller entrances on a couple of them so I’m expecting to see a few hive beetles in them eventually but so far so good. Great video.
@user-px7nh7vs4b 4 жыл бұрын
Can you explain about the elbow joints please. What size and how are they installed? Thanks so much. Ive got big shb issues despite trying lotsbof remedies.
@honeygurls2 4 жыл бұрын
Bea I can’t remember the exact dimension; maybe one inch. They are just the really inexpensive elbow joints from local hardware store. Hubs drilled the hole in front of box with a round thingy on the drill , put the joint in and sealed it. The entrance faces downward. They definitely have made a difference especially in weaker hives compared to those without them. I have a video showing them while I was doing something else to the hive. If you go to Facebook or google and put in @769rawhoney you will get Honey Gurls page. Scroll down to April 3, 2020 post and you’ll be able to see the elbow joints.
@user-px7nh7vs4b 4 жыл бұрын
@@honeygurls2 Thanks bunches!
@jonathanwalker6521 4 жыл бұрын
Hey guy, I have had two surgery's on L5-S1 and traction is the key. So I got a teeter table. I can't live without it
@gwaynewilcox2702 3 жыл бұрын
My last three attempts of being a beekeeper have been foiled by hive beetles. . I built a hive, I bought a hive. So I am going to contact suppliers and stop the beetles before they get to me. Thank you
@joes3984 3 жыл бұрын
i'm 68 been keeping bees for about 40 years converted to all mediums a few years ago to save my back. this year i'm trying a few horizontal top bars and a horizontal deep langstroth so far really impressed with how easy it is to work the hives and no heavy lifting involved. Honey extraction will be a little more complicated on the top bars but the langstroth frames will work nicely in the extractor. another advantage of the top bar hives you make all your own hives use foundation less frames and don't have a barn full of all the parts and pieces involved with the langstroth.
@amathonn 2 жыл бұрын
Long term how well has your pipe invention worked to reduce SHB ? And how has it affected other aspects of your beekeeping, such as any changes in your honey harvest.
@leeyalcin6476 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Jason, nice video, hive beetles not an issue here in south central Pa, this year at I have 8 colonies and noticed nothing that caught my attention, never tried the tubed entrance, already on my next project list...also, I'm 47, also have lower back pain, mostly from working construction, for me there is no one "fix all" I use a massage chair at home (picked up online), electronic pulse massager, ibuprofen, icy hot, but yoga and stretching seems to help the most, especially the spine twisting, lower back and hamstring exercises...the Joy's of getting old...I'm told it gets better...
@waydwnbama-way3089 4 жыл бұрын
Been battling back issues for years, when it begins to bother me, I'm probably dehydrated but if it catches me the tens unit is a God send. Also the inversion table has been a big help.
@douggray3588 4 жыл бұрын
4 back surgeries rods and screws also a stimulator implant.I feel your pain.Red tubing.I am hearing beetles dislike the red also.Glad you made use of the cell.I hate wasting another resource.
@5hivesohio 4 жыл бұрын
Love the new painting at the end Jason! The artist even got some of your cattle in there. Nice work.
@JCsBees 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, he did an awesome job. Gonna make it into a t-shirt and add it to my store soon. Did you notice he even added my hat with my sunglasses? lol
@5hivesohio 4 жыл бұрын
That's awesome I missed that the first time. Let me know when the shirts are on there.
@SergeantMajorH 4 жыл бұрын
It has to be the entrances because I use the $8 guardian entrance all year long with 4.5" entrance (don't forget to make the reducer hole 4.5" for maximum openness) and have no beetles. The tube is just cheaper and now I have to retrofit all my hives to tubes because of my ocd. Maybe a retrofit your bottom boards to hold a 1" excluder. I have several I had to make for plastic bottom boards. Thanks Jason, lol. Thanks for the update. I find, with a queen cell that far developed, that if I move my queen to a new box to simulate a swarm and let the supercedure continue in the queenless old hive, it works smoother. Once they are that far along the colony is determined and will make another queen cell or ten. just my experience.
@JCsBees 4 жыл бұрын
I hear ya with the OCD, It's driving me nuts not having tubes on all my hives. I got a few at home that don't have them yet. lol Your right, normally I would have left the queen cells and moved the active queen but I only had a nuc on the farm to use so I figured I would keep it simple. Guess I better place a swarm trap just in case. lol Glad you enjoyed the video, Bill.
@user-px7nh7vs4b 4 жыл бұрын
I use Guardian in one of my hives. It has the most beetles :-) I was hopeful but they just aren't working for me. I have beetle blasters, recently got nematodes and dine-max sheets. SHB are awful this year in east Texas.
@ardiahmeti5779 4 жыл бұрын
Use inverse table for your back, and hang from your feet, doctors will not mention that but worked for me and build some muscles in the back.
@eliast4780 4 жыл бұрын
Jason,, you have the remedy right behind you 🐝. I have had this problem for years until I got the bees, tell your wife to put a bee in that area were it hurts. You think you love your bees,wait till you see the results. God bless
@fishmut 3 жыл бұрын
I agree i have seen documentary's on bee stings and pain relief i think it was a girl who had a condition of her back and the bees put in the area to sting after a few treatments and on going treatment she was very grateful for the bees and she even went and bought hives for that very reason, cant think of the name of the film i sore but yes it works but just have to get your head around the sting part and you be ok.
@fishmut 3 жыл бұрын
Stinging bees and treatment for lymes disease or other issues , J C,s bees worth looking into and doing some research on bee venom treatments if this helps.
@trichard5106 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks !!
@JamesCrouchX 4 жыл бұрын
Amen brother. You are going to need that back for many more decades. I personally went through many many very bad days. My surgeon informed me I would be fine as long as I do back exercised daily, don't try to pick up trucks and sleep in a certain position. When I ask for how long he just looked at me. "Oh", I said. (planks, superman planks.. one of my favorite's from rehab sessions) . I've been taking around an empty deep to put heavy frames in and then only lifting 6 heavy frames off the hives. I am very interested in a sturdy garden wagon like at the plant nursery. The thought I have is I wonder if a welder, scrap metal, axle and tires from farm supply store would be near the price of a really strong cart. Then I have an awesome custom cart and welder too. Hrmmm.. wide wheel base. I've started looking at contraptions online. Mad Max bee hive tender from old lawn tractor. Need a welder for that. . My yard: Started splits April 19th . The first hive I took a 2019 queen seemed to make queens from everything so I did a bunch of splits from it. Then the remaining workers back filled nearly the whole hive with nectar and I ended up catching a swarm from it anyway. (long story, multiple queens had to be involved) I went back in a last day I would expect to see any eggs and found 3 frames with plenty of open empty cells. No eggs. Just NECTAR, some pollen. Top super installed and waiting for intervention. . Those cold wet snaps really seemed to impede queen mating. . Right here it seemed to have sent the bees into over drive, the flow into my hives is CRAZY. So much nectar flow, even in the splits. No where for a queen to lay when I went to look for first round of eggs. I wish I could say I was prepared. It took me a couple days. . I am back on track. Even spun out all of my 2019 honey so I could redeploy the drawn comb into splits. At least one so far immediately went into brood production. Whew! . April 22nd I put a deep with some of that drawn comb UNDER the other hive I stole a 2019 queen for April 29th splits. Waiting for further action. . And on it goes, need to peek in on caught swarm and rest of splits. Rinse repeat. . I did obtain a mated queen and started another colony. I should have at least 4 I can start grafting from TODAY. Need many queens it seems. Some are tasty snacks for birds from the sound of my yard. Need many more bees to process all this nectar. . Captive breeding? Can I take 50 drones from various hives and a virgin queen with some of her workers on a comb into an aquarium situation for a day or so?
@JCsBees 4 жыл бұрын
Do planks build back muscle?
@JamesCrouchX 4 жыл бұрын
@@JCsBees I enjoyed every PT session I had. I like the planking technique called the superman. You really need a spotter to tell you when your opposite arm, leg, back and neck appear all to be in a level plane. Like superman looking at the ground. Soft mat or ground. Save the knees! I also like tension straps knotted on rope with rope knot shut in door top. Arms down one leg up at a time. Figure 4 leg lifts and hamstring stretching. Run these by your PT doc. Short counts, few reps to start. Stop if something hurts !
@tomelistino7853 4 жыл бұрын
Hello from To Melistino Greek beekeeping. Keep up the good job!
@JCsBees 4 жыл бұрын
Hello there!
@stufarnham 4 жыл бұрын
Hey, Jason, 43? You are a mere child!! I am 69 and try to act like I am still 18. One of my friends refers to me a Chief Many Pains because I am so beat up by the end of the day. I try not to let it slow me down too much, although I am a lot less fond of working on roofs and ladder than I used to be and provide a steady stream of income to local teenagers when a strong back is more important than a strong mind. To be serious for the moment, I think the key to remaining young is to remain curious, and to try out new things. Plus I am not a guy who can just sit on the couch and vegetate, I have to be busy. Hope your back is on the mend soon. Lately I see my chiropractor more than I see my wife. Stu
@JCsBees 4 жыл бұрын
@Yo Mama That's it! First you comment and tell me "no one cares" and now your giving my followers a hard time. I am reporting you.
@linr7342 4 жыл бұрын
Jason hope you get better. My husband had two spinal fusions so know what you are going through. Also check out Bob & Brad videos they are great!
@kevinsummitt5902 3 жыл бұрын
Jason ... Can you give up and update on the PVC pipe idea before your cold weather?
@JCsBees 3 жыл бұрын
Kevin, I mentioned the results in another video but dedicating a video to just the results would be a good idea. I'll see if about doing one very soon.
@alphaxanon 4 жыл бұрын
Re: Tube entrances: You're going to have to keep a hive without the tube entrances as a control comparison to the hives with tube entrances, to see if the tubes actually work. It may be, as other commenters has said, that this year is not a SHB year, and they're all in the ground pupating or waiting for conditions to be just right before the adult beetles emerge and try to invade your hives.
@tjones2ful Жыл бұрын
I think I would add the entrances to a hive with hive beetles and see if it makes a difference.
@adamsonright2120 Жыл бұрын
Hello jason, did those tubes work ok for you? are you still using them or did you switch to a different method? thank you for your hard work
@JCsBees Жыл бұрын
The tubes did slow down the beetles entering the hive but they did not stop them completely. If your having beetle issues try adding some peppermint candies (red and white striped) to the inside of the hive. There been a lot of folk say it completely resolved their beetle problem.
@adamsonright2120 Жыл бұрын
@@JCsBees Thank you Jason, I will try the peppermint candy hopefully it will help me control those little creatures.
@paulawaldrep3760 4 жыл бұрын
How does that work for the bees to clean out the hives with tubes in place??
@cherimolina2121 4 жыл бұрын
Interesting concept those tubes. Is it like hard plastic or rubber hose? Wait till you're 58 and two back surgeries. You become the weather predictor lol. I do have a son who has, after 5 years taken over alot of the duty. Teaching him what I can but as most of you w kids are the last person they listen too. We are a work in progress. So much rain in sw Missouri has been a setback here this year! Thanks for the video.
@brianleach7158 4 жыл бұрын
What part of Ohio are you in this is my first year in bees I have 7 Hive now doing great for a green horn lol
@tomedwards2333 4 жыл бұрын
thanks for the info.. theres a lot out there but enjoyed it,, im a novice b keeper..
@gerryaustin8687 4 жыл бұрын
Brother, I feel your pain (literally). Yoga. I hate it but it works. I still go to the chiropractor as well
@eddevault4604 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Jason....I’m southwestern Ohio...I’ve not seen any SHB’s you have any in your other hives to compare to this experimental entrance hives you’ve made.....
@JCsBees 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Ed, Yes, I have seen a few this year in other hives. But I went 10 years without seeing one then they stuck me hard last year. I hope you never see them.
@donbearden1953 4 жыл бұрын
I live in Central AL and normally this time of The year I’m a see a lot of them, catch and kill a lot of them but so far in my 2 apiaries I seen maybe a dozen and killed them. We had a very mild winter so I don’t think that’s the reason for so few. I think they’re like most other things you have good and bad years for them. In no way am I saying your pipe entrances don’t work
@mattpeneguy7812 4 жыл бұрын
@@JCsBees Unfortunately they were out of control for me at one point. I used a two part method to knock them back. Some will say the first step is blasphemy. I sprayed the soil under the hives with permethrin. And I added several unscented swiffer strips to each hive. I don't know how many eggs each adult female makes, but I'm sure it's a lot. Doesn't help when we open the lid and free them from where the bees were able to propolis them in.
@romoshka1 4 жыл бұрын
Had back surgery (1 level fusion) on Jan 2. It reduced my radicular pain but spasms have increased. I feel your pain. .
@JCsBees 4 жыл бұрын
@Steve Jackson Sorry to hear about the surgery. Back pain sucks for sure! Have you ever tried the stretches I mentioned? How are your experiments on hive entrances going?
@bompasbees782 4 жыл бұрын
Lots of good information Jason , glad your feeling better
@johnmary8439 4 ай бұрын
Where did you get that bee veil from? thanks
@JCsBees 4 ай бұрын
New Zealand
@robertselfridge3690 4 жыл бұрын
Great, Great videos, I’m in St. Augustine Florida, of course it’s just about harvest time and our motor on our Maxant 3/6/9 extractor works awesome until we put a slight load on it and it stops. Can you recommend places to find one ? We now have a Parvalux. Thank you 👍🇺🇸
@davidmendenhall2082 4 жыл бұрын
hello I live in orange park florida but a new beekeeper
@dgoodhoney3000 4 жыл бұрын
Sir do, Jason great as usual, have you heard about bee venom therapy (B.V.T.) well many years ago a similar thing happen to me with my back and was introduced to B.V.T. by my mentor. Since then I have practiced various excise three mounts before the honey flow and have been applying bee venom to my spine. I now have a small backyard apiary which keeps me going at my age. I do hope you give the bee venom a try before it gets worst.
@saialangi3702 Жыл бұрын
I just want to know the two frames that you take off from bees hives did you take the queens as well and what about the olds bees hives they makes their own queen?
@mattpeneguy7812 4 жыл бұрын
Jason, I'm so sorry to hear about your back problems. What do the specialists have to say about dead lifting weights to build up the muscles in your lower back? Lifting weight off center from your back exacerbates lower back problems and that's what you do all day lifting bee boxes. I'm not a doctor, but it does stand to reason that if your core muscles are stronger, it can help? And please consider seeing a sports medicine doctor in addition to the chiropractor.
@Bigbarry20 4 жыл бұрын
Jason excellent video as always, surprised bees don't knock pollen off entering those tubes,. Anyway also thought I'd let you know that the bees you sold me are in their second year and Friday cast 3 swarm which I captured all three, so I suddenly i went from 1 hive to 4 hive ,, so I guess the real excitement begins . they kind of spoiled my plans cuz I had 4 Queens on order To make splits from the super Hive but like you say the bees have plans of Their Own
@JCsBees 4 жыл бұрын
Glad to hear you captured them all. Sounds like you overlooked some swarm cells during your last inspection or they made them during the week or rain. Glad you had the equipment to get them all. Sorry to hear you ordered queens though. Best of luck!
@AdrianThane 4 жыл бұрын
great job seeing a chiropractor fellow bee keeper. I would see your guy once every month to stay in place. look up dead bug, and bird dog exercises :D
@brucehamon5312 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Jason - really enjoy your videos! I cannot seem to find the links you mentioned in the most recent one about SHB. Wanted to our more about the 2 items you mentioned. Thanks and keep up the great work. Best to you and yours, Bruce
@jwca35 4 жыл бұрын
Get a surgeon to look at it.they fixed mine after years of caropracter visits. Best thing i ever did.
@JCsBees 4 жыл бұрын
Glad to hear it helped up, I know several people who had back surgery and are now worse off than before having it so I really don't want to have that done.
@rovidius2006 4 жыл бұрын
@@JCsBees Had the same problem ,the secret it is exercise ,when your back muscle will become stronger your problems will be gone ,one year of daily one hour exercise will most likely cure it ,the secret is gradually : muscles and bones will grow and fill the gaps .
@CaptainLuv 4 жыл бұрын
Yo what size pipe are you using. I like the idea the only thing I'd be worried about is the Asian Hornets that have made it to the states this year iv watched videos of them just killing entire honey bee hives
@ivanphillips4399 2 жыл бұрын
Not gonna pat you on the back problem lol.. welcome to the club.. I do have to ask did you ever confirm the original queen was not on the 2 frames you pulled out? I know this is way late but I couldn’t help but ask.
@fergieferguson2457 Жыл бұрын
You know about 35 years ago when I was younger no back problems when i would catch swarms other than my own my swarm boxes are big 6 frame if I filled with water would hold about 4 gallons.but only a 8”x1/2” cut out for bees to fly in with no landing board.same for my Nuc boxes! Of course no issues with SHB in spring of the year or during mid summer.I experimented with no landing boards on my 10 frame colonies it’s been working for me for close to 30 years.that’s about the time I went to single brood deep’s.but think my next boxes I build I’ll try some DIY tubes.
@kenjordan5164 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Jason. Thanks for the video. I KNOW this is a stupid question, but you did check those 2 frames you pulled to out in the nuc split to make sire you didn't carry away the queen right. : ) I just thought I'd ask.
@DavidWilliams-wr4wb Жыл бұрын
A hive beetle can’t hover like a bee can so the tube makes the 99% chance the beetle won’t get into a full box of bees , strong colonies don’t like beetles for sure , i about lost my mind a month ago when i lifted up a chicken feeder in my coop and there was a cluster of hive beetles , I thought they were a different beetle but I compared them to the beetles that I knew were hive beetles and sure enough I just found a temporary spot where hundreds of hive beetles were, I showed my chickens and they ate half of them thank god lol , one question I had is do you leave holes at the top of your hives do you keep the tubes ? Was under the impression that the negative pressure/air flow you want the bees to create themselves, they are finding that bees have a better chance at overwintering with a bottom entrance only , I’ve just started doing this last season and the bees seem ok with it
@briansmith6824 4 жыл бұрын
Jason, I recently switched from satellite internet (Viasat. pro:nothing else available in many rural areas, good service, fast. con: $100+/mon, blackouts due storms, slow uplink tho fast download, 60 GB data limit. ) to AT&T "fixed wireless". (Pro: much cheaper, no blackouts, much higher data limit. Con: a bit slower but not so you would notice, only available if you have cell phone service. ) 3 months in and I'm still happy with it. When I got Viasat service 3 years ago, fixed wireless wasn't available.
@billygore6702 3 жыл бұрын
Have you tried with the tubes all close together to maybe cut down on favoritism for hole.
@JCsBees 3 жыл бұрын
No but I really like that idea. Now to make it happen. Thanks!
@ECP 4 жыл бұрын
Jason Love ❤️ your Videos new Bee 🐝 Keeper here making Bee 🐝 Videos too...
@richardkuhn8115 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks Jason, for your efforts toward making these informative videos. We DO appreciate it! Why do You think that the colony created a swarm cell, When there appears to be adequate room in the hive? Hey, how is your Mead doing these days. Bee Safe! Blessings.
@HMallory1 4 жыл бұрын
Hello Jason , curios too know why you didn't move the queen instead of the queen cell ? Thanks glad you are doing better.
@JCsBees 4 жыл бұрын
It was the easiest way since I didn't really look for queen while making the video.
@patrickmullen3227 4 жыл бұрын
the bees are swarming like crazy in Illinois I have caught 3 wild swarms in 2 days
@fishmut 3 жыл бұрын
That sounds like a good problem to have :)
@davidmendenhall2082 4 жыл бұрын
hi thanks for tube id but I have seen a 45 degree or 90 degree inch and half P.V.C. fitting I made some but dont have enough hives to tell yet what do you think of this idea?
@JCsBees 4 жыл бұрын
I think they will work just fine.
@CharlieRocRevolution 4 жыл бұрын
It's also called The Upward Dog
@JCsBees 4 жыл бұрын
I wondered if it was a yoga position. Thanks!
@michaeldavidson9939 4 жыл бұрын
Wait till your 63!
@frankslaman3950 4 жыл бұрын
Same problem here(bulging disk L5), same pain,lol. Wait til you’re 54!
@JCsBees 4 жыл бұрын
What do you do to avoid flare ups?
@frankslaman3950 4 жыл бұрын
Stretch every morning and night. It may take a few different stretches until you find the one that works best for you. An incline table also helps when me when my back is in real bad shape.
@jweaver7170 4 жыл бұрын
Nice graphics at the end. Shirt Graphics challenge I'm sure. Thank You
@timothymitchell9956 4 жыл бұрын
Since you were concerned about your entrances. Why not make one big entrance with 3 or 4 tubes per the one big entrance?
@johnhoffman8203 4 жыл бұрын
did you wax those ceracells before using them, is it necessary?
@JCsBees 4 жыл бұрын
Sure did. I put a thick layer on them too.
@FernvalleyFarm 4 жыл бұрын
welcome to my world with back pain just keep moveing goes away quicker im a horseshoer over 35 years and have my horse farm. back to bees i had a bad problem with picnic beetles bad in a few hives last year and some hive nothing good video
@taksekimoto241 2 жыл бұрын
Hi. Thank you for your info. I am new to bee keeping and I lost 2 hives by hive beetle. I will try this spring again but but I was wondering do you think copper pipe works as well? I use horizontal hive and my bee entrance is round and copper pipe fit well. What do you think. Thank you for your input. Kansas City, MO Tak
@JCsBees 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think the type of piping used will change anything. Give it a try! Good luck!!
@taksekimoto241 2 жыл бұрын
@@JCsBees Thanks!
@robertstephens7034 4 жыл бұрын
Incline table!
@Humbucker-hg9ku 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve always been told to move the split hive at least two miles away. You just moved yours to a stand behind the original hive. Did you have any issues with them returning to the original hive? Any truth to this? Would love to spit it and forget it. Instead of finding someplace far away. Anyone can reply. Thanks.
@JCsBees 2 жыл бұрын
There is tricks to it. 1. Try to make your splits mostly young nurse bees (they can't fly yet). 2. Barricade the entrance with brush. Make it thick too so you can't see the entrance. This forces the bees to re-orientate thus remembering where to return. After about 24 hours remove the brush so they can fly freely. Hope this helps. I know the pain of trying to find a place at least 3 miles away. Good luck!!
@Humbucker-hg9ku 2 жыл бұрын
@@JCsBees thanks. I’ve been keeping bees for three years now. My wife is the real bee keeper.(9+ years) I asked her when I got home and she told me the same thing. Great content. Hope your back is better.
@jeffcotton526 4 жыл бұрын
Why don't you try placing the tube entrances closer together towards the center, with a 1/2" space between the outside of the tubes? Maybe that will cure the issues with the bees using predominately the center tube? Just a thought. I've read where the bees prefer an entrance of approximately 2 square inches, regardless of whether it's rectangular, round or square.
@sparksmobilerepair4025 4 жыл бұрын
Hurry make a design and patent that bad boy Jason!
@honeybeeworkshop807 4 жыл бұрын
J where did you purchase your ceracell frames? super interested .. love your channel .. im in eastern PA so our climate is very similar... thanks
@JCsBees 4 жыл бұрын
Ceracell sent them to me to do a review on them a couple years ago. I love them, very nice frames. I'm not sure if anyone in the US is selling them or not. Sorry!
@socloseagain4298 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Jason I have a question, how do you know if a colony will replace their queen or is about to swarm? How can you know the difference?
@JCsBees 4 жыл бұрын
The location of the cell on the frame. When at the bottom they are swarm cells. If they are in the middle to top of frame they are replacing current queen.
@socloseagain4298 4 жыл бұрын
@@JCsBees Thank you!!
@matthewmccormick2417 4 жыл бұрын
Keep under hives clean of weeds and use some chickens. The chickens will also help reduce the SHB
@JCsBees 4 жыл бұрын
If you watch some of my videos from last year you will see I have several chickens and still had beetles. But I agree they have to help.
@dongreer3021 4 жыл бұрын
I did see one beetle in my new package the other day didn't get a chance to get it out this is my 2nd year lost my hive last year I think due to a field fire lots of smoke but do you think the bees will take care of it are what do you suggest.
@southernexposure123 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the entrance research and the video. I have no monetary interest in the company, but there's a company called Guardian that sells SHB protection entrances and their colored red. Maybe the combination of the tube entrance and the color have a deterrent affect against the SHB. I have painful back issues and I'm 72. I hope you get better and stay pain free.
@JCsBees 3 жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed the video. As far as the Guardian, I made a video on it this year too. It's working very well at controlling beetles.
@southernexposure123 3 жыл бұрын
@@JCsBees Thanks for the added information.
@Whipple1 4 жыл бұрын
Hello Jason. Where did you first hear about the tube entrance idea? Asking for a friend...! 👍😉🐝 Cheers! Whipple
@JCsBees 4 жыл бұрын
A Tennessee beekeepers uses this same method and told me about it. He also has videos on them.
@OklahomaBeekeeper 4 жыл бұрын
@@JCsBees must be my friend Langford
@eddevault4604 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Jason....if you can buy into it....I tried to watch the video that Beekeeper sent you....but I have a feeling you are old myself...and I also doubt you want to try the invert board....and both are workable to some....but if you want to try what I do....TRY THIS.... Lay down in a position of a doorway inside your house....stretch one leg up the side of the wall...while you protrude the other leg flat on the floor through the door way...hold for 30-40 seconds...putting your butt closer...and closer to the door frame each cycle....and after doing this 3-time switch position so you can do the other leg...I know when you start this it will be difficult....because your hamstrings are so tight....but stay with this for 4-days ...twice a day.....take a chance on me old boy....
@JCsBees 4 жыл бұрын
I appreciate you trying to help. I will give this a try today, thanks!
@eddevault4604 4 жыл бұрын times got so bad...I would have to sleep on the floor....but since I’ve did these stretches ....the moment I feel it coming on....within four days Im good as new...I enjoy helping a good ole boy....
@socloseagain4298 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Jason what about brood frames that are entirely covered in brood? What would be the indicator then whether to feed the bees or not?
@JCsBees 4 жыл бұрын
In that case, I would check the frames closest to brood frames.
@socloseagain4298 4 жыл бұрын
@@JCsBees Thank you so much!
@rodneymiddleton9624 4 жыл бұрын
Could you make an oblong tube to fix the congestion issue?
@strutt01 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Jason. Hey I was wondering if maybe since the top part of the hive didn't have so many bees then there would be some hive beetles there. If there are none you might credit your entrances more.
@coffeetish 4 жыл бұрын
I just gotta say, you could bring your computer outside to work on the videos. I love laptops cause of that. My last laptop was better than my desktop. And if it is hard drive space needed get external drives so you can transport between computers. That also has an advantage in using the laptop for uploads in town while you do other things, so many places have free wifi now like libraries or parks.
@برانيبراني-ز1ف 4 жыл бұрын
@fionmor4893 4 жыл бұрын
do you use the Beetle Buster Bottom Boards?... just wondering if those would help you with beetles?
@spicyflyhoneybees1478 4 жыл бұрын
I also suffer from sciatica problems. Just wanted to share what has worked for me. I do a lot of cut outs here in the greater Houston area and came across one particularly mean hive(africanized? probably). I was getting swarmed pretty good and was reaching up to cut some hardy plank. my jacket rode up and exposed my lower back.. see where i'm going with this? I got nailed 7 times during that cutout in my lower back. This is purely anecdotal but my sciatica didn't give me any issues at all for the next couple months..
@JCsBees 4 жыл бұрын
I appreciate you sharing. I may just have to try some bee sting therapy and when I do I will make a video on it.
@MrHoneybeeScratcher 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Jason, this has been my experience with hive beetles; one year it seems to be heavy, the next year they are few and far between. This year so far they have been few and far between, even in my Apimaye bottom trays....none. I do think you're doing a disservice to that hive, they seem confused trying to go in. That's just my opinion.
@JCsBees 4 жыл бұрын
You could be right about the beetles year to year, I'll have to pay close attention myself and see what I notice.
@cluelessbeekeeping1322 4 жыл бұрын
Have you ever tried placing a dry swiffer sheet on top of the frames? I use them, they work really great.
@JCsBees 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, I tried that last year many times and they did catch a few. The others avoided the sheets. They also catch a few bees by the legs which I didn't like.
@cluelessbeekeeping1322 4 жыл бұрын
@@JCsBees Did they not work good ~enough? I was given a hive of these really mean bees which were super infested with small hive beetles. There were over 100 which I crushed on the ground. Still, they had a decent number of bees + TONS of capped brood, hopefully they pull out of this dilemma they're in. I saw them today (but I just opened the lid). Next time I go out there, I might add a CD Slim Jewel case with some bait for the small hive beetles. I figure, hit them on a couple of fronts!
@JamesCrouchX 4 жыл бұрын
Question; did you see the queen in 41? Did you NOT see her on the two frames removed. :)
@kennylecroy9706 4 жыл бұрын
Is anything inside the tube ?
@bamabeesqueens 4 жыл бұрын
Did you try blue pipe? Bees supposedly see blue but not red. Be interesting to see.
@JCsBees 4 жыл бұрын
I have not tried the blue. I had a bunch of the red just laying around.
@Bigbarry20 4 жыл бұрын
Why not install the tubes into a shim like a 2-inch shim that you would use on top for feeding clearance but instead the shim on the bottom.
@russellkoopman3004 4 жыл бұрын
Yah you could cut a thicker board at an angle to taper down to 3/4" and have a solid board to insert.
@darrellvater8990 4 жыл бұрын
Amazing only one cell. I usually see several.
@JCsBees 4 жыл бұрын
I agree!
@Pugwash07 4 жыл бұрын
I’m assuming you saw the original queen before doing the split and left her in the original hive. You didn’t mention that, hence my query.
@beekeeper1889 4 жыл бұрын
About your back... Stretch your hamstrings and calf muscles. Your leg muscles connect to your lower back and can become tight, and short, if you're always kneeling down and not stretching them. You need to loosen them, as they also pinch nerve groups across your buttocks and pelvis. I suffered for years, with lower back pain, until I started to stretch it all out. Look for hamstring stretching exercises. Don't sit on your wallet either, as your pelvis will be crooked 👍
@eddevault4604 4 жыл бұрын
I do agree....but it’s hard to get anyone to buy into that concept....I suffered for I know when it first get down on the floor...and do the precise stretch in the doorway-up the has worked for me for 30 years...every time....if you do it correctly...for me it was L-4....don’t half-ass the stretch’s .....
@beekeeper1889 4 жыл бұрын
@@eddevault4604 That's it! I'd spend a fortune having my back clicked into place, but once I learned it was muscles and nerves, and could be stretched out at home, or out in the field before going home... problem solved! 👍
@JCsBees 4 жыл бұрын
@Beekeeper You hit it right on the head. The chiropractor said my hamstrings were really really tight and said I should look into stretching them. Guess I will add that to the other exercises I need to do. Thanks for the input much appreciated! I asked my chiropractor about using a invert table and he said he had no issue with them unless a person has high blood pressure which I don't. You ever tried one?
@beekeeper1889 4 жыл бұрын
@@JCsBees Hi Jason, No I never have. I'd probably get stuck! 😄 This is a good video, and will certainly help you. Don't do too much at first, as you'll ache elsewhere, but the stretches will definitely help you. Take it easy, and thanks for the reply, and also for taking the time to make your videos. 👍
@Joseph-Colin-EXP 2 жыл бұрын
@JCsBees 2 жыл бұрын
Workout what? lol
@kat2641 4 жыл бұрын
Well this I can truly relate to .. I'm 64 an treat my body like an invisible 16 yr old an I have my dumb butt attack's an?? A trip to the bone cracker anhe usually gets me fixed up in a week or untill I try being a teen and lift way too much... I have had a lot of body akes I. My lifetime but back pain?? That's a direct link to the. Brain .
@bodemiller5026 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Jason, have you ever heard of maggots in a old hive, that hasn't been cared for? ... slot of them.😳
@bodemiller5026 4 жыл бұрын
A lot of maggots.
@JCsBees 4 жыл бұрын
I would guess they are not maggots but rather wax moth larva or small hive beetle larva. Is there still comb in this old hive?
@bodemiller5026 4 жыл бұрын
@@JCsBees yes there is, but this box has not been opened for a very long time. Thanks I will tell my friend, who owns the box.
@robertselfridge3690 4 жыл бұрын
Bob in Florida. Can anyone tell me we’re I can find info on long hives ?
@CaptainLuv 4 жыл бұрын
Look up Langstroth hives there's few ppl on KZbin that has alot of information on what your looking for
@jabojr5171 3 жыл бұрын
Did you know where the queen was??
@rinkevichjm 3 жыл бұрын
Perhaps you need to switch to AŽ hives for your back.
@JCsBees 3 жыл бұрын
I have switched to mainly 5 frame nucs and that is helping but I will look into the AZ hives. Thanks for the suggestion!
Small Hive Beetle Tips & Tricks / Hive Beetle Management
Jason Chrisman Bees (JC's Bees)
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Guardian Hive Entrance (Small Hive Beetle Prevention)
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