is there a way to change the order of spells that you've added to a bar
@Dezarc4 ай бұрын
@@kapitanmartin manually selecting which slot on the bar they appear would be the best for me; as an example i'm playing enhancement shaman right now and my priority is something like Maelstrom Lightning Bolt > Lava Lash > Ice Strike > Empowered Frost Shock > Stormstrike which is how i want to order them on smartbar, but with the way i have my action bars set up Stormstrike is on 2 and Lava Lash is on 4 sorting by lowest to highest (or vice versa, preferably selectable) cooldown would also be good, as that's how i prefer to sort my cooldowns/defensives/etc. whereas my rotational buttons are kinda dependent on class and build also even without the option of sorting thank you so much for this addon, it's made figuring out my buttons in the moment so so much easier than the default blizzard bars
@kapitanmartin4 ай бұрын
Hi Dezarc, I wanted to let you know that I really liked your idea and decided to implement it. The feature is now deployed, and you can update the addon to see the latest changes in the changelog. Setting up priorities is quite straightforward. Thanks for the great suggestion!
@Dezarc4 ай бұрын
@@kapitanmartin god (or insert higher power of your choice) bless you just set my priorities up and it works exactly how i envisioned it, great job
@kapitanmartin4 ай бұрын
Cool i am glad to hear that
@attahnimo3 жыл бұрын
how do you add spells to select, i want to track primordial wave
@kapitanmartin3 жыл бұрын
Hi you must have them in action bars and it cant be macro so if you have this spell with macro, then place spell directly from spell book to your action bar.