9:43 "this is too easy bro" 9:53 "oh wait i'm failing"
@OmaR4762217 күн бұрын
@naginaginan17 күн бұрын
@SamD44-e9s16 күн бұрын
You are the top comment 🤦
@gum_z16 күн бұрын
@@SamD44-e9s yeah, and lmao
@Benchyisgoodatcooking15 күн бұрын
12:20 "berry is easy" *loses* 13:08
@krillisgoatedxd15 күн бұрын
This is the guy i would watch for a week, a month, or a year and never get bored. We will miss you snakethug❤
@SpongeBob123-h3l15 күн бұрын
@John_Doeee14 күн бұрын
He leaving sometime this year@@SpongeBob123-h3l
@YaroGene1014 күн бұрын
He still not gone i think you misunderstood i think he means he doesnt want to talk about it
@YaroGene1014 күн бұрын
@SpongeBob123-h3l why does this translate to smoke 😂😂 😂😂
@ARJUNKANI-yq3ky14 күн бұрын
@NoGorou517 күн бұрын
9:19 ayo editor what are you doing bro 😭🙏
@Sprout_SeedlyDW17 күн бұрын
@jefta-i1x17 күн бұрын
the comments be like: 00:00another banger
@byJanoxYT17 күн бұрын
And: First
@NathanJefta17 күн бұрын
@SStrangerr_17 күн бұрын
No its the top comment is gay one
@byJanoxYT17 күн бұрын
@@SStrangerr_ No all comments
@CheesymaxBS17 күн бұрын
And also! Top comment is gay
@BS_editz12317 күн бұрын
Hallo Snake, ich hoffe dir geht es inzwischen besser und ich wünsche dir noch ein gutes weiteres Jahr 🎉!
@adamrobinson516616 күн бұрын
Ich auch, gute bessrung🎉
@MobMasterMind17 күн бұрын
00:50 Open the middle finger 💀
@CannedPickles517 күн бұрын
Open the middle thing there, sounds like middle finger cuz of his accent
@Stonespeeder3-pv3yi17 күн бұрын
what did he say?
@erikgr578117 күн бұрын
@@Stonespeeder3-pv3yi he said open the middle thing there
@CatLeonfr14 күн бұрын
@wantedontop261917 күн бұрын
12:20 "Yeah right" 13:09 "WAIT WHAT ?"
@Wizerd512117 күн бұрын
33 min gang
@maksimus-w4s17 күн бұрын
I broke my leg one week ago, the only thing that can make me smile is SnakeThug's new videos. Love you SnakeThug!
@CheesymaxBS17 күн бұрын
Tip: let someone put on sigma boy on Spotify but they put their phone on the other side of the room on the top of a closet so you have to stand up to put it off. Insane idea right?
@Symwon363317 күн бұрын
@@CheesymaxBS, fr
@heroweeb693817 күн бұрын
@@CheesymaxBSor:thick of it by ksi😂
@maksimus-w4s17 күн бұрын
@CheesymaxBS ty for the tip will use it
@ArtofLife-12317 күн бұрын
@maksimus-w4s 🤣
@Accek16317 күн бұрын
Bro im soo thankful you still record videos and post them thats amazing!
@Yosp2914 күн бұрын
1:06 P.O.V opponents a edgar: snakethugh “ok guys nice video it was fun while it lasted”😂
@FedericoWiliamsFrancoCarsin17 күн бұрын
Siempre ♾️ amare al maton serpiente 🐍💖👑
@FlipNJedi36017 күн бұрын
0:15 You also make a group with Shelly, Buzz Lightyear, and your favorite brawler (Surge most likely) as the final rarity challenge. 😊
@kcbilling8 күн бұрын
Buzz is confirmed as legendary
@PureSportsFX17 күн бұрын
‘Do we have a good skin for 8bit no not really not really’
@LocalPickles17 күн бұрын
bro disrespected saloon 8bit so hard (saloons better than virus imo)
@tiagofurtado198317 күн бұрын
Dear Lord im still amazed how you timed it so perfectly at 10:25 Thats what i call a legend play... beautifull and keep destroying teamers...
@BIGPoyo17 күн бұрын
Bro will never run out of content
@SemVanPoppel17 күн бұрын
SNAKETHUG, Please keep it up and if it really doesn't work, think of the community and the people who support you.🤩😉🙏🙏
@BadRandom_url16 күн бұрын
13:12 you understimated my power
@killstreak_baconКүн бұрын
as a berry main i say deserved
@Goldengod1715 күн бұрын
I’m actually kind of starting to tear up. This is so beautiful. 😢
@OswaldiAnimations15 күн бұрын
7:48 meg was the tank this whole time 😱
@raphaelh.l.470817 күн бұрын
A very good thing is you have creativity for new concepts, but you sometimes reuse somes ancients one because they were very good, and I love that
@SandroBrawlStars17 күн бұрын
Guys let’s get snake thug to 2Milion Subscribers so he hopefully does not quit😢❤
@Astro_Playz-m2s17 күн бұрын
Another SnakeThug Video and its already a Banger❤🔥🔥
@FuriousblazeYT17 күн бұрын
Him saying Berry is easy and then losing😂
@erikgr578117 күн бұрын
SnakeThug pls dont stop doing youtube you make my day and i dont wanna lose another Hero❤😢
@SpintritzEditz17 күн бұрын
Fun fact I FOUND MYSELF : aA brawler gets its rarity by how unique their attacks and gadgets are example : shelly and chester
@Emile_DV_Edits12 күн бұрын
3:56 bro forgot he's suppossed to be family friendly
@picklerick231214 күн бұрын
Video Idea: Brawler Trios in duels, chose by a spin on the wheel (with brawler/s that dont have a complete trio must use a random brawler/s put at the end which if they get to must purposely die)
@Блин4ик12 күн бұрын
That idea is cool ngl
@3boodie_Pro17 күн бұрын
Yoo nice vid snakethug,very excited for more collabs
@byJanoxYT17 күн бұрын
0:00 Banger Start🔥❤️💯
@lololol467917 күн бұрын
@irisstache589517 күн бұрын
Bro be quiet Nobody Cares (yes it is a banger) but Stop saying " 0:00 bAnGeR sTaRt✨"
@byJanoxYT17 күн бұрын
@@irisstache5895 why
@beclashon17 күн бұрын
@@irisstache5895be quiet you u copy
@Blackwarrior-9917 күн бұрын
0:50 in case we want to open the middleeee finger😂😂💀
@MorgosYT17 күн бұрын
I really like the "simpliness" of this channel, you got my sub bro
@Weluvlasangna17 күн бұрын
Dear Justin when you quit- We all admire your passion and dedication for what you do. - You are so talented and creative, I love seeing your work. - You have a great sense of humor, you always make us laugh. - You are a kind and generous person, you always help others in need for a giggle.- You are a wonderful friend for all of us, we were lucky to have a KZbinr like this
@KTL.Gringo17 күн бұрын
could you do a chester video like “bronze to master only using chester”
@daanloijenga773317 күн бұрын
Very nice video idea snake❤
@headwing776717 күн бұрын
I think it would be better if you set your own order. So that it gets more and more difficult. For example, shelly or bull at the end, like the rocket launcher or the fists in the original. If you play the legendary brawlers at the end, it gets easier and easier.
@BTYFlmzy17 күн бұрын
snakethug is so happy, we love it bro
@Mrnuggwt11 күн бұрын
You are so good att brawl stars Don't quit🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
@panguien15 күн бұрын
7:55 where did the megs head go?
@LouisZSOng11 күн бұрын
@ramadevi-bw3dq2 күн бұрын
@MrMixedContent11 күн бұрын
Good luck Snakie
@Clancylancy16 күн бұрын
They should do something where theres 3 starting brawlers and you have to choose wich one you want and you can pick shelly, poco, or colt
@cloud-bs17 күн бұрын
snakethug is the goat of duels
@Mystiric216 күн бұрын
0:30 we dont wanna miss anything u post! ur the best
@EMIEWN16 күн бұрын
Love this kind of Content
@thislegend224617 күн бұрын
@JaydenDecentAtBrawl17 күн бұрын
I once had an idea like this so amazing seeming it come to life Snakerhug can read minds😂
@JjMortis17 күн бұрын
Challenge idea: win in duels with 3 rare skins, and then 3 super rare, 3 epics , and so on but the exact same format
@CloudLove-d1c16 күн бұрын
3:57 Dude broke the sound barrier 😂
@GLAR3_LikezDukz16 күн бұрын
I love how the first game he plays someone is Lightyear Carrier 😂
@DASH-01216 күн бұрын
Nice video bro
@DLSantaKlaus16 күн бұрын
Snake Thug, can you make a video in which you will rank from the best to worst the damage brawlers like Pearl, Colt etc. and also a video in which you will make a guide on the all damage dealers class, especially on Chester, Rico, Pearl.
@Samthegoat-oy3lu17 күн бұрын
Duels is goated ngl
@DackelRubs17 күн бұрын
Changing your mind about the Colt starrrpower: In my opinion both SPs are good but I think the faster movement one is a little bit better most of the times (exept you are playing Colt on like sniper maps) because that slightly more movement speed helps you not only dodging better, which is essential for Colt in my opinion, but also for aiming or (an die Deutschen, die besser sind als ich in Englisch: was sagt man für „bzw.“ (also „beziehungsweise“) auf Englisch?) hitting your shots.
@fruitcat_17 күн бұрын
just made myslef a pizza, perfect video for eating
@Symwon363317 күн бұрын
Bon appetite🍕🍕
@NikolaKobescak14 күн бұрын
@user-jb6vq2qy1q17 күн бұрын
Hey...most of us bought surge from the pizza shop so...plz..do a surge guide (solo showdown + 3v3)❤
@rirked-86 күн бұрын
I don't have a good 8-Bit skin (8-Bit Saloon chilling in the skin selection)
@nicolewilde44646 күн бұрын
That skin isn't that good it's just rare
@rirked-85 күн бұрын
@nicolewilde4464 Bruh... okok, it's just a personal opinion that I can't relate...
@BSforever7517 күн бұрын
Snakethug is the trophy titan ❤
@IronLevi1117 күн бұрын
video idea: duels with every trio in brawl stars
@Godlotal17 күн бұрын
once again watching snakethug at 2am (SEND HELP)
@iprovdeleteddisacc17 күн бұрын
don't worry bro i sleep average 4am😔
@Snosft17 күн бұрын
I love snakethug!
@Krithplayz17 күн бұрын
1:41 thats one of brocks voice lines
@maheriyaismaili17 күн бұрын
Snakethug i love duels play more love the vid❤️
@Tomatoes1417 күн бұрын
great content ❤
@MaxTew-g2m17 күн бұрын
snakethug ily vids so much i wish u have a happy life after retirement
@YangJajajajack17 күн бұрын
I love the edit❤
@Ideenloser16 күн бұрын
2:05 Megalovania, heck yeah!🎉
@DavitVareljyan17 күн бұрын
Another day another banger 🗣️🔥
@TristanKnight-h8f17 күн бұрын
W snakethug for a another banger
@penny_main17 күн бұрын
BRO I WAS IN THE SHOWER I WISH I WASNT 😭❤️(you are the best)
@TonyLawless-ju7yr5 күн бұрын
I got so happy when you got anti-virus 8-bit 3:10
@ItsBreaktime-l7l17 күн бұрын
Love u snake thug ❣️ from indian
@mallabu223417 күн бұрын
11:36 SnakeThug moment: forgetting the ultimate of a brawler you did max tier Note: yeah I now it's probably pre-recorded
@Krithplayz17 күн бұрын
He has meeple on 0 trophies
@SuryanshMathur14 күн бұрын
7:50 "Where is my head?" ahh Meg💀
@BrewerDickson17 күн бұрын
SnakeThug I think that you should do a Barley cursed account and see how fast you can get him to rank 35.
@sardarzakauddin520617 күн бұрын
U mean rank 50
@HamdyAl-Akhras17 күн бұрын
Snakethug is the best brawl stars player ❤❤❤❤❤😏😏😏😇😇😇
@Ace-fv4gj17 күн бұрын
love how snake uplode everyday
@rarescartu860117 күн бұрын
I love your videos so much snake
@NoobBrawlstarGaming17 күн бұрын
Pls don’t quit yet😢
@luehmannmichaelkix15917 күн бұрын
Snake is the number one.
@Nenad_Grobar17 күн бұрын
Thank god you not leaving yt and bs.
@JomarElsner17 күн бұрын
He does, but not yet he said he will go around february
@CharlieF-t6j16 күн бұрын
3:02 I also bought anti-virus 8-bit Snakethug 🐍🐍
@byul646917 күн бұрын
This video was actually crazy
@Cybloxfruit17 күн бұрын
Yessss 8-bit
@YouTube-regan15 күн бұрын
Hey snakethug❤ I brought your phone case and I love it
@Brawlstarsoflife12 күн бұрын
Nice job on the pin
@stvafzoro420417 күн бұрын
ay snakethug whats your sleep time it cant be over 1 hour I need more vids (im addicted)
@LevivanHage17 күн бұрын
@davejones446617 күн бұрын
U first :O
@EvanThomas-w6d17 күн бұрын
Like him up he was first
@byJanoxYT17 күн бұрын
@EvanThomas-w6d 16 guys comment ‚First‘ but the real First comment ‚yo‘
@wawterguy17 күн бұрын
for the 1v3 challenges you should die on both the other brawlers so if you die at the same time its a loss or draw (or win if you kill them first) . more competitive that way rather than always getting a free Win if you kill them the same time you die
@everyday_gourmet7.817 күн бұрын
13:57 gregory is up 😂😂
@syontuteja768917 күн бұрын
i just saw this and was like another vid i gotta watch it
@Brawlstarspro217 күн бұрын
Nice video
@KouroshM.K17 күн бұрын
I play Brawl Stats just be like you ❤
@mrboeufgaming781717 күн бұрын
Ur the best brawl stars youtuber 😂
@ΑθανασιοςΑνδρεου-υ1κ17 күн бұрын
Blud has 100 videos ready to upload
@WeepyCat17 күн бұрын
@DoFliesCallUsWalks17 күн бұрын
he said he will and he's gonna do it, gonna be pretty cringe if he yap about it so much and not do it in the end. if he wants a peaceful life or one free from toxic youtube and toxic bs, its very good and im happy for him.
@WeepyCat17 күн бұрын
@DoFliesCallUsWalks shut up kid
@Alen-h7r17 күн бұрын
@@DoFliesCallUsWalks sooo hes coming for 5 years when hes gone
@DoFliesCallUsWalks17 күн бұрын
@ ?
@Flab_is_here17 күн бұрын
Next challenge "I win with every brawler all in one"
@Snorke-gaming17 күн бұрын
Snakethug your the best
@Jollyboik17 күн бұрын
He says “so many people can’t dodge curveball” me thought it was a meme that it has hard to dodge