Congrats Alex on two years with Cozy. Keep up with the amazing contents and looking forward to more years of snapping.
@AlexanderCocciaАй бұрын
Thank you so much for the support! 🙏
@batmanwins5701Ай бұрын
Scorn slotted into an existing deck easily and made it slightly better. Toxin opened up opportunities to really theory craft with bounce. It expands the options for bounce decks to a wide array of choices .I remember when Chavez was the sol ring of snap.
@pixelbomb97Ай бұрын
Mailbag: Do you know of any cards that are good, but you just hate playing? I know Agent Venom is a good card, but I can't stand playing him. I always draw him on turn 5 or 6, never get the buff on Iron Man, he's so frustrating to me.
@anime_xdraw184Ай бұрын
Try him with Howard the duck maybe it will be better
@KaneeleisАй бұрын
Bast makes the iron man early draw a bit better for me
@lukejackson4756Ай бұрын
Hope summers
@Geforce132Ай бұрын
Hela 100%. You know you can easily win most games with Hela, but you just feel embarrassed when you play her. Close second is Gambit, especially played with Wong (and even Onslaught) on turn 6. You just want to apologize to your opponent for the win, haha
@jerrygonzalez2180Ай бұрын
@IsaiahMcGrueАй бұрын
33:41 its pj masks 😂 my brothers loved that show
@batmanwins5701Ай бұрын
Favorite 6 cost all time THANOS!
@RedBeerАй бұрын
I'm a little bit late because I had a major surgery on Monday and all the way to Wednesday I was out. I'm just catching up on youtube videos and of course the Snap Chat is the first one that I watch because it's so entertaining and I have such a great time listening. Thanks for keeping me entertain while I recover from the surgery and for the amazing 2 years and I can't wait to keep listening for the foreseeable future.
@AlexanderCocciaАй бұрын
I hope you feel better soon
@TrickyOtterrАй бұрын
Mailbag: Cozy, WOULD YOU RATHER: 1. Have to start Marvel Snap over from collection level 1 and go through the new player experience, or 2.) Continue playing Snap at your current progress, but you can only ever call cards by the nicknames Alex gives them (i.e. Skillmonger, Wongers, Hydration Robert, etc.)? Side ote, it would be cool to watch a stream of one of you two starting a new marvel snap account and seeing how difficult it is for new players right now to catch up.
@joshnexus22Ай бұрын
Congrats on the anniversary! Love you guys, you're the best thing to happen to this game lol
@AlexanderCocciaАй бұрын
Appreciate the kind words ♥️
@AdvaitChatterjiАй бұрын
Congrats on the Anniversary! 🎊 🎉 And I agree with Cozy at 6:00, I also cut Bishop from my Bounce deck. It wasn't my own genius, I actually heard KM and Lamby talk about it and KM mentioned that since Toxin is a scaler, Bishop being more expensive just makes him clunky. And I played a few games with him and it did feel awkward so out he went.
@MTAVx2Ай бұрын
1-Cost: My favorite that I NEVER wanna see again, The broken OG Highest Cost Spider-Ham 2-Cost: Mysterio 3-Cost: Juggernaut 4-Cost: Dracula 5-Cost: MODOK 6-Cost: OG Blob or She-Hulk (can’t decide)
@pixelbomb97Ай бұрын
I just realized, the new Leech is basically what OG Spider-ham was at 4 times the cost
@bigowl2542Ай бұрын
Ayeee congratulation on the 2 years of Snapchat. I’m a massive fan of you both. I always come here for some good Marvel snap discussions but episodes like this are why I love the Snapchat! Whenever you go off the snap topic things get so funny. The zoo animal tier list is still a personal favourite discussion. Anyway thank you both for 2 years of Snapchat and I’ll be there for whatever is next.
@UnsolvedParadoxАй бұрын
Congrats on the huge milestone!
@ragnarick1984Ай бұрын
Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary. Was never a fan of podcasts till I found you guys. Now, Monday mornings at work are better because of you two.🎂
@alexbelmonte4581Ай бұрын
Mailbag: What is the coolest character to win a game with? For me, it’s Thor or Bill. Dropping the hammer on a Red Hulk, Infinaut, or 3 Broods just feels so good.
@sageturk204Ай бұрын
Winning the game with Omega Red is incredible. When it’s the last card and he literally slaps the cheeks of the opponent it never gets old
@willthethrill1213Ай бұрын
Congratulations for the 2 years guys! Keep it going! (Btw, ain’t nothing like a Quebec poutine. You guys have to try it before making up your minds 😉)
@packersfanmattАй бұрын
Congrats on the 2 years! I listen every Monday on the way home from work. I’m just as big of a surfer fan as you! My fav version is snow guard, forge, AV, Cassandra, Brood, Surfer, Red G, Makarri, Shaw, Abs, Gwen, and Sera. Snow give you so much location flexibility. Try it out and let me know what you think! Congrats again to you and Cozy! Keep up the great work!
@YilmaisterАй бұрын
I will NEVER forget how Alex got flabbergasted because Cozy flexed the Sabine Rich Variant for Black Cat. I smile every time it comes up in the shop 😊
@juancarloslopezegea9085Ай бұрын
Congratulations for 2 years of great Marvel Snap content
@Mr_Paw_revisedАй бұрын
Great special episode! Congrats on Your Anniversary 🎉
@BetarayBillLoverАй бұрын
43:46 absolute cinema
@ttr5733Ай бұрын
Ohhh yea I'm feeling that Thanos purple in the new profile picture Alex. Happy anniversary to the snap chat and thank you both for helping keep my love for this game alive.
@TribbSkimbyАй бұрын
Been running discard bounce with toxin. Really fun. Being able to play scorn for extra toxin power and still discard it the same turn is super cool
@Ryuuk00Ай бұрын
29:11 I like using Venom and then Grandmaster to send the Venom mid. The Nimrod aren't little because, Shuri or SSM.
@icenoviceАй бұрын
19:06 this has so much “GRAND DAD” energy
Cozy, I hear ya on the I married Dekkster comment. I spent nearly a decade in the navy and was stationed in Washington State for the bulk of it. I met my wife in Washington, and we actually got married in this little tourist trap town by the name of Leavenworth. Leavenworth is also the name of the federal prison that all (or at least most) of the people that get sentenced to hard time while in the Navy get to spend their time... and it's the first thing anyone thinks about when hearing the name. I used to love going around and dropping the fact that I got married in Leavenworth and seeing the odd looks on people's faces. 😂
@TJPV3Ай бұрын
Mailbag: When Cozy said that if we didnt play bounce probably by now, we shouldnt be getting Toxing, that made me wonder: in a game that is always changing the meta because of new card realeases and our resources are limited , should we be more commited to just one or two types of archetypes in order to achieve better results? Also thank you for creating snapchat, its something that is part of my weekly routine by now and definitly something that helped me a lot during this year and ultimately being more interesting in the game then i was before ❤
@Shax22132Ай бұрын
Thanks for the video, and congratulations on two years running. :D
@NidgeDFXАй бұрын
Mailbag: Alex Coccia should go as Omni Man for Halloween . Just needs to take one for the team and not shave his stache for a few months. Also, your son is going as one of the PJ Masks characters :p
@edcarrer75052Ай бұрын
Yall are amazing, Gratz on two years’🎉
@VatsugifyАй бұрын
Congrats on two years 🎉 Here’s to many more!
@grimruinАй бұрын
All-time favorites: 1: OG Kitty Pryde 2: Jeff! 3: OG Nocturne (but only because there's nothing else for me at this cost) 4: OG Shuri 5: OG Taskmaster 6: She-Hulk/Doom/OG Alioth
@FiestaTX17Ай бұрын
All time favorite cards for me of each cost: 1s: Selene, Elektra, Nebula, Kingpin 2s: Shadow King, Mirage, Daredevil, Silk, Invisible Woman 3s: Jean Grey, Captain America, Surfer, Green Goblin, Polaris 4s: Man-Thing, Enchantress, Sentry, White Queen, Typhoid Mary 5s: Cannonball, Annihilus, Namora, Sersi, Gamora, Aero 6+: Alioth, Orka, Doom, Spectrum, Magneto
@YaBoyMOTOАй бұрын
Did Cozy just call Elastigirl “Mrs Incredible” 😂😂😂
@tommyleelynnАй бұрын
Technically right because she was called both.
@doctorlovesjessАй бұрын
He’s not wrong bro
@comfortablymumАй бұрын
YAY! 🎉 Happy 2-year anniversary, boys!!
@rafk2976Ай бұрын
All time - 1 - Nico. 2. Angela. 3. Venom (so close to picking Beast) 4. Dracula. 5. Sera, the second pool 3 card I ever pulled in beta (Human Torch was first). 6. Magneto.
@korzorkАй бұрын
As a french canadian, i can say that Poutine is S TIER fast food
@tigui02Ай бұрын
YES! Alex agreeing to Cozy that cheese curds are like mozzarella sticks chopped in slices really shows that Poutine is a Quebec thing and not that of Canadian 😅 It's schwick schwick cheese curds. And only that. Can't compare to anything.
@g.martinez2871Ай бұрын
Keep up the great content guys!!
@Toxic_RitualАй бұрын
I thought I was crazy until I heard Alex mention he also hears Nico sound effect at the start of the game
@GigaBrainGaming.Sm4rtАй бұрын
My favourite cards of all time, at every cost: 1. Nebula 2. Lizard 3. Killmonger (not in the same deck as Nebula though xd) 4. Supergiant, who I bought on release, had lots of fun with, and have come back to now to huge success (I won an Infinity Conquest with her, my second ever) 5. Legion 6. Magneto 7. Arishem 8. Death
Mailbag: If you could each have a small role in any Marvel/Sony film, which would it be? Congrats on two years of content and friendship, we appreciate you both!
@chrisvasko16Ай бұрын
@alex Snapcast Question: If you were to get into a fight to the death with an equally matched opponent, would you choose a bat or a knife? Here are the rules: Your opponent will be randomly selected from your peer group (age, gender, weight, basic background) etc. The bat is a wood standard Louisville Slugger. The knife is 12-14″ bowie knife. The blade length is roughly 60% of that. You will start 14 ft. away from each other. The fight will take place on a dry, grassy field. The fight is to the death. Thanks, Chris from Denison, TX
@jyetanner9080Ай бұрын
GOATs. Cheers for all the hard work legends. You’ve done so much for the game
@AlexanderCocciaАй бұрын
@jcolbino2021Ай бұрын
Phoenix Force has been my number 1 archetype lately. Since symbiote spoder and madam web, infinite conquest has been a breeze
@TheKurgainАй бұрын
Cozy with Coulson & Patriot is like Thor with Stormbreaker and Mjolnir.
@RickReasonnzАй бұрын
1. Nebula 2. Old White Widow, RIP 3. Silver Surfer 4. High Evo 5. Legion 6. Leader
@jonnyjackjawАй бұрын
Thanks you 2 for 2 amazing years! Congratulations and can’t wait to see what’s next?🤔🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@hiddenzombie013Ай бұрын
My favorites of all-time: 1. The Hood (1-cost is VERY stacked though) 2. OG Lizard 3. Silver Surfer 4. Iron Lad 5. Iron Man 6. The Living Tribunal
@ArtelindSSBАй бұрын
I've never really thought about my favorite cards at each cost, but, for the two year anniversary, I'll go through them all and jot down the ones that jump out at me the most in this moment: 1 - Titania 2 - Invisible Woman 3 - Green Goblin 4 - Captain Marvel 5 - Lady Deathstrike 6 - Galactus Lots of close calls here, though, so shoutouts to Nico Minoru, Scream, Ms. Marvel, Attuma, Hobgoblin and Spectrum. Also, I completely forgot Alex was a big hippo fan. I knew there must be some reason I've stuck with this podcast for so long.
@ianperry6278Ай бұрын
33:54 you’re thinking ow PJ Mask. It’s Catboy being the 3rd member of the trio of heroes
@tristanklein4326Ай бұрын
Congratulations guys!!🎉🎉
@ugo_con_acheАй бұрын
Mailbag: first of all, congrats for the 2nd anniversary of this great content. Rework card suggest: Rescue 3/3 Next card you play here gains the power of this card. Opinion? Keep it working on this, guys.
@flameman1188Ай бұрын
15:55 I want this as a game-mode so bad 😞
@BetarayBillLoverАй бұрын
Mail bag: after the announcement of character mastery returning and your progress working retroactively which cards do you have the most progress/splits for? Mine is obviously beta ray at 38 and counting
@katrahan03Ай бұрын
Mailbag: What would you guys consider is high rank in snap? I have been a dedicated move player and finally reached about 4,000 on the leaderboard as of this moment. Thank you both for helping me mentally through the dark metas!
@macross3745Ай бұрын
Mailbag: What are some of the og bad cards that now would be good? OG Crystal shuffeling your hand and draw 3 would be really good now with Agent Venom and Phastos, or OG Nakia would be interesting now that we have Gwenpool
@TrevorJustАй бұрын
Halloween: Bro I bought a hand made Jedi costume for $300 20yrs ago, wear it every year. Also, I know someone who buys kids costumes from Amazon and returns them.
@humouroushawkАй бұрын
Pulled Toxin in 4 keys, but landed Scorn too! Waitin on Black Swan to hit my shop for tokens. Passed last time before she was activate
@CasimenoriАй бұрын
Mailbag: we need more Saved Deck Slots. My notes can only hold so much
@rafk2976Ай бұрын
Widow, Misery, Phoenix Force gets people to retreat who are actually still going to win. Total tilt machine.
@Clover_2LАй бұрын
My favorites of all time: 1-cost: Sunspot 2-cost: Daredevil 3-cost: Mystique 4-cost: Wong 5-cost: Ironman 6-cost: Original Thanos (RIP)
@ChipCrisperАй бұрын
MAILBAG: Hot Take?Werewolf By Night should get the buff with any On Reveal is played regardless of it gets blocked by a counter and regardless if the card is able to move.
@icenoviceАй бұрын
wbn is already decent enough and this change would remove a lot of what makes its game play actually interesting, thoughtful, and competitive imo
@JulieBoyerАй бұрын
Also great new photo Alex!
@megamagnet1Ай бұрын
Legion is my all time favorite 😆
@PhastosEnioyerАй бұрын
1: Deadpool 2: Thena 3: og Loki 4: rip Darkhawk 5: Annihilus 6: og Alioth
@blackiemist88Ай бұрын
I said do the reverse patch for a Kang event! The mode is a way to get a new Kang (he adds variants to your hand) and play back in the OG days of snap
@TheArctusАй бұрын
She hulk was my favorite card in snap until war machine became ongoing. Then it became a question of why skip a turn 6 for the dirty 30/40 (with moon girl) when you can just play war machine and drop infinaut freely. I went from she hulk infinaut to war machine infinaut, with war machine being my favourite card in snap
@vanbloodАй бұрын
Hey guys, I've been watching all your snapchats since the very beginning, thanks for this amazing content and keep up the great work! It's the only podcast that made me laugh out loud to my phone like an idiot 😅 Mailbag: how about little talk about variants? Some of your favorites, best splits. I like some variants so much that I play terrible cards just to use them- I'm looking at you Rose Besch White Queen 🤩
@spincut13Ай бұрын
Hm, curious who you subbed out if bishop was often what toxin replaced; the rest was my traditional bounce list , but yeah now curious where sage came into play.
@walterdomingo2588Ай бұрын
@bl4acksnakeАй бұрын
LMAO I didn't know if it was actual beaver tail either
@batmanwins5701Ай бұрын
Congratulations dudes!
@AlexanderCocciaАй бұрын
Thanks for the support!
@Ransolo626Ай бұрын
I just started playing bounce with Toxin. My win Rate went way up
@StickyzАй бұрын
The costume is from pj masks
@richardfreer2921Ай бұрын
Great ending. Two years🎉
@chritopherhernandez5493Ай бұрын
Favorite cards 1 cost kitty pride 2 cost jeff 3 cost green goblin 4 cost darkhawk 5 cost devil dino 6 cost thanos
@Ynot2711Ай бұрын
Is Black Swann worth tokens to play bounce because I feel like I’m always missing her and I have every other card. Hard to play multiple 1s with an iron man.
@luisg3369Ай бұрын
I need a White Widow Refund!
@JulieBoyerАй бұрын
Same, I got her with tokens the week before she was nerfed 😢
@luisg3369Ай бұрын
@@JulieBoyer damn
@Tyron-u9cАй бұрын
i love toxin this card is fav and fun to play gg on 2years as a fairly new player to snap the grind on pool 3 cards is painfully slow and time gated
@deadroot3711Ай бұрын
PJ Masks Alex! Absolute banger
@gnotzeusАй бұрын
Collection level 19k here. Never ever played a deck with Onslaught
@pirachist551Ай бұрын
Love you guys.
@MrKarlpotterАй бұрын
Mailbag: New ability for Kang - he invokes a different timeline where all cards in YOUR deck have their original abilities/stats as they were on release.....
@ScripzureАй бұрын
no... just no.
@icenoviceАй бұрын
this but for shadow king
@ilovemacaroons5229Ай бұрын
Your new youtube profile picture makes your channel look like your are a highschool teacher and I love it
@kRy-ps5jzАй бұрын
He is a teacher
@ThatSlushieBoiАй бұрын
Speaking of Black Widow, I had a game a couple days ago where my opponent used black widow on turn 3. Then abs man on turn 4. Then Grandmaster on turn 5…… And I still won😂🤣
@JonasSoubryАй бұрын
How could you guys not mention high evo in the 4 cost slot? You did my boy dirty!
@godfathertribble4404Ай бұрын
Y’all think Toxin is worth some gold if I’m short on collector tokens? I’d like to play bounce more.
@sgt_rinx-_-3589Ай бұрын
My favorite card is Morph.
@eduardverschuur5578Ай бұрын
Firstly, its surreal that its been 2 years😅 Secondly… what do you think about the new Dream Theater song? I love it
@duckboyguru6164Ай бұрын
Mailbag: As a semi-new player who has a lot of series 3 cards, i feel like i am always missing at least 1 card to make a good deck, tired of using mostly pool 1&2 cards. how can sd make progression better? it seems they dont want to
@toymaker117Ай бұрын
Thank God, Iv been waiting for a reveal or something, Cozy says son is in hospital, a week later he had a loss and was down, never mentioned his son, I feared the worse. Glad it wasn’t your son, still sorry for your loss.
@harmonitime374Ай бұрын
My favorite all time silver surfer
@Ynot2711Ай бұрын
Mailbag: Isn’t symbiote spiderman just a different version of Peter Parker? If so do you feel we will ever get other versions of the same characters such as like a World Breaker Hulk or some other version of Iron Man, etc. as entirely new cards and not just variants?
@someguyontheinternet-x9fАй бұрын
Mailbag: Is it worth it to get a support card for a kind of deck I like playing even with such banger cards for next month and the upcoming series drop? (I’m thinking about getting proxima midnight for discard and I don’t know how long it will stay relevant in the meta)
@juggercrawlerАй бұрын
What made old Chavez so good?
@trevorpyka2052Ай бұрын
ive been playing bounce for the past 6 months and I cant get over how much I HATE Nico. Like I know she's great and has lots of utility but whenever I get in a situation where im ready to play her down she always has a spell thats going to fuck me over entirely.
@KaisingsensАй бұрын
Snapchat Mailbag question: do you think SD shot themselves in the foot with releasing the game with almost all well known marvel characters? i can't tell you the last card that released that I've known before snap and most of my decks mainly contain the new powercrept obscure marvel characters that I have 0 emotional attachment to
@coomerandy965Ай бұрын
Use each of your fav cards to create a deck and win with it. Would be good video
@samhillier5167Ай бұрын
PJ Masks!! That’s the show you’re missing
@loganbostelmann8729Ай бұрын
Mailbag: ALEX HOW DARE YOU. Cookies & Cream is one of the greatest chocolate bars and putting it any lower than always good is proposterous. This might be worse then your hatred for elephants. I am disgusted, bewildered, flabbergasted, and enraged. Edit: AND TOBLERONE? Alex, how dare you
@kennycarranza2822Ай бұрын
White chocolate should is an abomination and should not exist.