you guide?...ffs dude i got better shit to take my kids ice fishing....lmao I got my 13 year old his own doggie so he can ride around and set tips out without having to bother with unhooking my own from the sled...lmao. not only that but all that crap you have to lug around and take on and off is nothing but a hassle. You should add more sleds and give the kiddies rides in your ice choo-choo... so you can make your next credit card payment easier ,lolz by the time it takes you to put all that shit together id already be at the hole with a limit. Guiding is nothing more than showing idiots where the spots are and convincing them to pay you for it. Do you tie hooks on for them too....I'd like to show your clients how to read a lake map and where to start looking for fish based on species they want to target. Once they know how to do that they don't need to waste their money on guides...