Poor Azure man. I feel for him, but I feel like Sett does need Nina in his life. He has been sweet to her since he slashed her chest, and he is changing.
@Sara-ce5wr16 сағат бұрын
Here's the thing personally for me I will go read the manga after this because I love the triangle so far I think the frustrating thing for me is knowing that the season will end without getting Nina's decision or it might end on a cliffhanger so that has lessened my excitement by a tiny bit but I still love these episodes every week. I was also a little bit upset with Nina because she did tell Azure you are the only one for me and I like Azure's character personally but she did come to Galgada to become queen so Azure and Fortna could be safe and yeah these two did not communicate to each other so they are on different paths and not on the same wavelength anymore. Sett and Nina are on the same wavelength and he's mellowing out so he has more of a cuddly feel to him now and I like Sett and Nina's banter despite their rough start at first. I think Nina's line as she thinks about the two of them is meaningful as well. Azure found her as Nina and fell in love with her as Nina the orphan girl who had to throw away her identity and shared his pain and gave her a place to belong and now he wants to fight for where he belongs. Their relationship is cute and has a sense of comfort to it. With Sett Nina whether acting as herself or Alisha grew because she didnt want to lose to Sett and in the process found who he truly was and has a desire to protect him and the people of Galgada as well. Sett also allows her to do what she wants and he is very dependent on her. There are pros and cons to both ships but right now I think Nina staying in Galgada with Sett is best we'll see what the last episode brings.
@vivan7222Күн бұрын
i think sett deserves to be with nina azure is more of someone power hungry and stuff sett seems more on this changing from war maniac to sweet person
@zam0236 сағат бұрын
LOL so, the title of the video was not about Nina the Starry Bride... >_< 18:41 The young prince only provided the poison. It is highly unlikely Hikami to have the antidote. I could be mistaken >_< We have a special guest appearance. Hello Chair-chan! You sounded so much like Sari >_
@Mirthy090223 сағат бұрын
10:34 Eso digo yo, hay mucha falta de comunicación
@Mirthy090223 сағат бұрын
Sett parecía cruel para ti, pero seguro notaste que se expresó así para que Nina misma diga que le molesta y que quiere para complacerla, lo ha hecho en varios capitulos porque le gusta verla feliz a diferencia de antes cuando buscaba su desesperación.
@MartinaDilorenzo-n4b21 сағат бұрын
VERDAD, me da coraje que la gente piense que la estaba amenazando o burlándose de ella, cuando lo que él estaba haciendo era hacer que Nina se sincere de una vez, Nina da muchas vueltas a veces, y Sett es él que la hace actuar, porque si no le decía así, ella Nunca iba a conseguir nada. 🙄
@MartinaDilorenzo-n4b21 сағат бұрын
Sett is still no fully developed as a character, there's still a arc missing for him to completely changes his perception, it's a shame that the anime is not going to adapt that part, because it is where Sett truly shines like a character, he is not perfect, he makes mistakes and sometimes they are not justificable (The beginning) but for me, that's is what it make him interesting, because even seeing how he started in the beginning, he ended up becoming Nina's unconditional support and the one who always support her the most, he is a character with bad thing but also good. I am proud of my boy 😢
@marianrabolini89344 сағат бұрын
Azure will betray Nina soon soo... Sett is so far better, his character development its just gold
@brianhall23Күн бұрын
Things only get crazier. Be ready.
@ciambella_pink429Күн бұрын
😂 Adoro Nina ,ha capito che il potere di Gardar è più grande,Azu morirebbe 👍