I think the soldier was still working his way through the instruction manual
@BevinEG Жыл бұрын
That lag had them fighting demons!
@BlobThoughtsMTG Жыл бұрын
had em biting the fart bubbles in the bath
@ALongrunner Жыл бұрын
Some tips for the sombra: - don’t feeling you have to win every 1v1, forcing cooldowns is good enough. Often time your way too aggressive at the wrong time. You seem to want to feed a lot - if your team isn’t around chill and scout, and if necessary help your team with the initial engagement near spawn/on way to point at an off angle. - virus hack is a good combo in that order - sometimes using ult on just 1 hero is a lot of value if you know you can kill them and they have an ult that can win their team the fight. - look at the enemy team composition to understand where your value is located. Taking that 1v1 on brige was a waste of time, and with a Keri, your best bet was to play an annoying/ distracting playstyle not trying to force Elims, so much as threaten them. You can go for bastion when supports are distracted with those supports, otherwise you’re probably going to feed.
@CopShowGuy11 ай бұрын
Sometimes Virus/Shoot is an even better combo. Hack wastes quite a bit of time that could be spent doing damage. It's situational, but I've been having more luck just shooting after virus.
@PandaDasKissen Жыл бұрын
I already see them going for health packs too much. edit 1: They also try to hack into virus too much… Which removes the surprise factor of just doing virus; making the enemy strafe more.
@BobOrKlaus Жыл бұрын
And they kinda shoot the tank too much when there are clearly better targets available (bastion for example)
@ShoanQuebecCoD11 ай бұрын
@@BobOrKlaustbh from a silver sombra most likely done to get dps up some more so team dosent start crying to swap 😂
@chaoticanon1138 Жыл бұрын
I feel that soldier and his lag, I always have random ping spikes at the worst times, highest has been 250 before, my internet was fine so I really have no clue why it happens
@jshyper7775 Жыл бұрын
My highest ping went up to 2500 somehow 😂
@SirLuxxa Жыл бұрын
Lag spikes often happen when playing on WiFi, even if your internet is fine. If you can, try playing connected over an ethernet cable or even one of those powerline adapters.
@titan_main Жыл бұрын
I feel like after they made friends with the kiri and soldier in round 2 they started trying to avoid them, which left them with brig hog and bastion, and unfortunately they just got rolled by the brig.
@Antonio-ys5zd Жыл бұрын
They fought the brig oddly. Kept giving them a chance to run down and kill her
@Real_MisterSir Жыл бұрын
Something all Sombra players (especially lower rank ones) need to realize, is what has fundamentally changed with her last major rework: Her tp use. Before, you had to set up tp spots, and it was a much more "in, hack, assassinate, get out" style of play that benefitted because nobody could chase you down, but also you couldn't always plan your escape mid-fight to account for changing variables. It incentivized a much more of a macro style of play with healthpack control, target focus, dive coordination, etc. With the new tp, the main difference is that you don't tp far out of the fight, but instead have more tp uptime in general. This actively pushes Sombra closer to a hero like Tracer in generic playstyle incentive, where you benefit more from living in the enemy backline and applying constant pressure, and tp-ing juuust out of reach any time someone tries to deal with you. See her tp as a mix between Tracer's Blink and Recall. With new Sombra, your general pressure uptime should be 2x higher than old Sombra, and rather than going for hard shutdowns and elims, you instead benefit from lower threat but more consistent general pressure. Most notably, what you should seek to do, is boost your damage uptime overall to farm EMP and constantly make the backline worry about you -not because you're assassinating them, but because they know that you're simply always there and they can't really do much about it, and eventually your pressure is gonna kill them or force them into a subpar position where they get less value than your team. *IMPORTANT:* Don't go for hack-into-virus-into-shoot. That's alread 2-3 seconds of wasted time where you could just have been shooting, and it also gives the enemy more time to react to your presence and start dealing with you, before you apply any meaningful pressure yourself. Just look at this game, how many hacks actually provided ANY value? Like maybe one or two hacks? Out of 50+ hacks. That statistic alone hammers home the point. Current hack is best used to interrupt abilities, or to make sure a low hp target cant use an escape/sustain tool before they're dead. Any other use, it's worthless. Just go out of invis and start shooting, don't waste your time with anything else. Damage damage damage. This Silver Sombra player could, with their silver mechanics and game sense, still get 2x as many EMPs EASILY, if they manage their damage uptime better and don't apply the assassin playstyle of "hack, virus, damage, hope for elim". Just go straight for the damage as often as possible, and if someone with an escape/sustain ability gets close to critical, THEN you hack them for that elim potential. But don't worry about starting off with hack, it's a waste of time and you gain much more value by just straight up farming EMP as much as possible on convenient targets. Never hard disengage, just tp out of immediate reach of the enemy and re-engage within 2 seconds. You'll be amazed at how much you will be doing over the course of a match. 2x more EMP is conservative, you could probably push it to 3x as many EMPs built over a match when you get familiar with this sort of playstyle. Just imagine how much of a force of nature you'd be in your Silver lobbies, when you play as a Sombra who has EMP 2-3x as often as every other Sombra player in your rank. That alone will carry you into gold, let alone the pressure itself you'd be doing by increasing your overall damage uptime. Don't focus too heavily on target priority, just go for target convenience that lets you keep your pressure up as consistently as possible, and I promise you'll climb faster than any other hero. You have the potential to apply this sort of playstyle. Just gotta shift your mind around it with some practice and dedication. Fun fact btw: hack+virus+melee kills a Tracer, with her having .5 second to react with recall (if she has it). Dont even have to land a single shot on her. Most Sombra players don't realize this break point, but it's very useful in shutting down enemy Tracers or forcing them to disengage. That's one of the few duels where you do want to lead with hack :)
@justcallmexen Жыл бұрын
More viruses, they do not need hacks ahead of time, treat them like soldier 76 helix rockets for surprise initiation damage. She stayed in the Kitsune Rush for the faster fire rate and reload speed but didn't toss out a virus once to take advantage of the cooldown reduction. It's free damage. I'd also say that it was a hard team to fight, with Kiri, Brig, Hog, and Moira tough targets to pick, but the knee-jerk reaction to back out before getting an elim made it tough, it was when you committed to getting a doable kill that you did good.
@ashtonarrington698 Жыл бұрын
That NO to the widowmaker pasive was so royal sounding 😂
@Antonio-ys5zd Жыл бұрын
But which passive? Old or new?
@ezekialmaverick5461 Жыл бұрын
The Sombra and Kiriko sharing a moment was cool
@nemebliss Жыл бұрын
This sure was something. Too bad the soldier was stuck in 1984 most of the time Edit: and yes, Brig is a wonderful counter to Sombra. I have so much time on Brig since the Sombra rework and I hate it but you do what needs to be done, i guess
@ringyring Жыл бұрын
Brig is also the only support that doesn't immediately fall over because of a half-competent Genji or Tracer. The perfect anti-dive support.
@ringyring Жыл бұрын
I know the title is meme-y, but most Sombras in Silver are actually worse than this. This was one of those rare times she worked well.
@HEIRorERROR11 ай бұрын
Okay so shes in the fights but she could fight someone other than the tank though. All her cool downs have been on Roadie, just mix it up a little on id say.
@Linaard Жыл бұрын
This person should stop hacking every time. I get it's a habit from before the rework but the current hack isn't as integral for damage anymore. Now it's mostly just a huge "I'm going to shoot you now" warning. Use the suprise to make sure the cube lands at least, the extra 10 damage the hack does is just slightly more than a bullet.
@Real_Karoshi Жыл бұрын
As a Silver Sombra…I’m scared to watch this video
@ashleysealy9375 Жыл бұрын
I weirdly seem to lag more In comp and it irritates me I’ll play qp for a few games before and it’s fine and as soon as I play comp lag kicks in 🙄
@evenseanbean Жыл бұрын
any idea when the next potg bingo is ?
@Antonio-ys5zd Жыл бұрын
Friday hence Bingo Friday
@zepchir Жыл бұрын
i feel the soldier 😢
@marcusbullock2753 Жыл бұрын
This game was definitely weird.
@MilkysRevenge Жыл бұрын
W emongg
@michals1108 Жыл бұрын
sr is BS in ow now , ranks are irrelevant
@STanger6917511 ай бұрын
Hey guys I'm the bastion in this video :)
@HEIRorERROR11 ай бұрын
I haven't started the video but im gonna guess they run around invisible way too much. When i last played ranked, i was in diamond but far too often id seen Sombra not engaging in the team fight and running around invisible hacking HP kits and basically doing nothing
@davidcreevey9171 Жыл бұрын
Sombra needs to have lowered HP from here on out to gain balance in gameplay. shes able to do way too much without real consequences upon making mistakes and the skill ceiling for Sombra feels very low because of her kit. have her HP lowered to 175 like Widowmaker. there isnt too much I can do, personally in Silver, when shes always behind my team hacking backline and not being within the realm of dying by time shes found out. She has invisibility for fucks sake... that alone should be enough for the HP drop to make her feel more pressure and feel more risk/reward types of effect, instead of just outright slaughtering everyone with the low skill ceiling
@weebtrash3376 Жыл бұрын
How to counter Sombra: 1. Don’t be alone 2. If you’re alone, turn around and shoot randomly. Congratulations you now know how to deal with Sombra as literally every character that isn’t countered by her
@Winterhe4rt Жыл бұрын
How to counter Sombra: be a Support player. done. Srsly unless you are a Zen you can just duel the Sombra. Many of the DPS are also favorable vs her. Dont think she needs massive buffs either, but the rework on her was (as usual) laghable.
@zepchir Жыл бұрын
i kind of agree. it feels annoying when you get hacked and get some damage and she just teleports away like wtf lol
@Aon_Duine Жыл бұрын
If you play with your team stuck together she'll never have chance. Take brawlers like Zarya, Mei, brig and shell be rendered useless. Don't take an Ashe and play from afar expecting to win the 1v1, same with widow. Widows health was decreased because she can one shot, sombra can't. She struggles against some supps like ana, bap, Kiri, brig; Moira can easily escape, Zen is a free kill if he doesn't stick with the team, same for weaver. So yeah. She doesn't need a health reduction. The reason tracer has such low health is because she can regain it all with a good reaction