So uh, I'm getting WATCHED & FOLLOWED by AI bots in Modern Warfare III now...

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Blame Truth - The CODfather

Blame Truth - The CODfather

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@deezmastercu1935 10 ай бұрын
I think activision is inching closer and closer to a legal dispute against them this time.
@mvseven9438 10 ай бұрын
I sure hope so!
@strikezomb8301 10 ай бұрын
Without a doubt. I'm so glad I didn't buy this game because this is just fucking creepy. I hope the lawsuit uncovers ALL of the shady shit they're doing
@Drewkungfoo 10 ай бұрын
@TiniestD 10 ай бұрын
Microsoft recently acquired activision and they have some of the most if not the most powerful AI on the planet
@Sneak248 10 ай бұрын
When you click accept from your account after every update, all that goes out the window unfortunately.
@TheTerrorofDeath23 10 ай бұрын
They've stated that their anticheat can affect people by changing things for them midmatch. If they can do that they can do that to regular matches. The fact that they refuse to talk about sbmm and are going to such great lengths shows this is likely the case
@enasnI99 10 ай бұрын
I've been saying the same thing too, their ability to nerf cheater's bullets in real time + the patents + the radio silence -proves that they could also be nerfing/buffing players based on their algorithms or whatever reason they feel like (skill, bundles, etc)
@StolenJoker84 10 ай бұрын
@@enasnI99Would explain how I’ve had some games where I’d be doing well for the first half, then suddenly the game goes to 💩, and it doesn’t seem to matter if I’m playing solo or with friends.
@Trigger200284 9 ай бұрын
@@StolenJoker84 ya man, the match momentum swings are just unnatural. I have no explanation for how i can be doing so well and then all of a sudden it just flips like someone turned on a switch. It's not a normal ratio of matches like 1/20 or 1/10 it's almost a certainty that if you are winning the first half you will lose the match like 4 times out of 5.
@lilysoficial7467 10 ай бұрын
Was watching the video and then it got privated, glad it’s back ❤
@lilfatbackwoods 10 ай бұрын
@berttykb5147 10 ай бұрын
@texys5848 10 ай бұрын
My cùmis better
@2cents4u 10 ай бұрын
This is how they track or surveillance your game. Activision has a bot in game recoding mics, visuals during active games and lobbies. Pay attention to how these bots show up or move around players. Their AI tracking service needs to be updated and this is how.
@Widdit35 10 ай бұрын
This makes sense cuz I’ve been banned for mild sayings on COD. Like there was no way ANYONE was reporting me for saying you fucking suck trashcan. I’ve said crazier things in earlier cods. Never once have I been reported.
@Bedic-Mag 10 ай бұрын
This is terrifying. Imagine a future where you literally cannot tell if a player is real or not, that's not even a thought, it *is* happening. Imagine being in a lobby full of AI, and you don't know it. Ai that are programmed to use realistic AI voices to say "you're trash" when they get a kill, or say "GG" at the end of a game.
@michaelarojas 10 ай бұрын
I'm scared now
@Rexhunterj 10 ай бұрын
Welcome to the dead internet theory. The theory is real to an extent already, a large amount of comments are bot-made now, even if it's obvious. Most of the 'activity' recorded by any company is usually inflated by bots.
@KA-vs7nl 10 ай бұрын
Yup this is our future. For the truly aware, they will know why this is so important.
@KA-vs7nl 10 ай бұрын
Hint: waccines.
@granganador3900 10 ай бұрын
Lol,,there is worse things glong onn lofe lime elf,voice of etc
@MemelordJord 10 ай бұрын
Anyone ever have that one person in their lobby that’s divinely protected? Like you can’t aim at them, your aim just rolls off. You shoot right at them but your bullets don’t register, they’re the main person killing you, and at the end of the game they have like 80 kills. And it’s ONLY this one person that you can’t kill. You can tell that they aren’t even good, they just get these weird ass kills on you. After a couple of really good games you run into this person and go double negative to balance your k/d out. I played a lot of mw2 shipment, and i’ve noticed this a lot, and i’ve been saving clips
@MemelordJord 10 ай бұрын
I’ve even had someone who was this player on the other team laugh and say in game chat after the game that they didn’t know how they were doing so good
@emilioidk2055 10 ай бұрын
That was me earlier today . No shots would land on 2 "people"
@IlLAD3LPH1A215 10 ай бұрын
Bro constantly Rust is a phucking nightmare and at the moment I got about 1 kd and I’m getting obliterated..I keep thinking if im that bad isnt sbmm supposed to cater to the noobs ?? I thought mw2 was bad but this shit is hot garbage..I’m not great but in mw2 I had a almost 2kd and in this it just doesn’t seem remotely possible to even get near that and at this point..I can’t even enjoy the game
@MemelordJord 10 ай бұрын
@@emilioidk2055 part of it could be bad connection because of sbmm but theres a lot of constant variables that make me believe it’s not
@josephhopkins2851 10 ай бұрын
I've been that person once. All my shots landed, aim assist was super crisp and felt like I was cheating, bullets just seemed to either pass right through or I would soak like 6 shots from 3 people and still live. Dropped 42 kills in a TDM and was like uuuuuh how'd that happen, I'm above average at my best. Aside from that there are matches where it feels like it's unwinnable regardless of player skill.
@Caliburnz 10 ай бұрын
A bot incident happened to me today, they were running a default skin and would mindlessly walk into gunfire or make weird jumps and their pathing was weird. What’s weirder is it moved around in circles melee attacking facing me before mechanically walking into enemies
@LoliLoveJuice 10 ай бұрын
sounds like a regular 'bot' 😂
@PragmaticBLT 9 ай бұрын
My attention spiked when he said "demonjuice" because I just reported a player by that name like 5 days ago, because they where walking around like an idiot on rust but beaming people left and right. They got like 50+ kills so I assumed they where cheating. I'm starting to become more qnd more of a believer of thus theory
@A_New_Reality 10 ай бұрын
Looks like they used AI to detect the reverse boosting and then reverse SBMMed you, by pairing you with a random higher KD fake profile. Terrifying and breathtaking.
@vitalityraider650 10 ай бұрын
OMG! Something similar happened to me as well, however I was playing MWII (PC). It had started when I had started playing call of duty after around a break of around 2 months. I hopped into 1 game, was dominating the lobby in TDM (as I think my SBMM stats got reset) and around half way into the game, some random player with around 8-9 numbers and no alphabets in their name, joined. They were in the enemy team, and that player/bot just started mowing down our team, that too the killcams looked like I was spectating an AI enemy from the campaign mode. They were moving all weird, never sprinting, they would instantly lock-on to our team, and kill them -- it was bizarre. That too, this player would just stare at my teammates and I after they killed us for about a second or two then continue walking towards their next target. The weirdest thing was that when the score was nearly tied towards the end of the game, the account left the game, never to be seen again, and lo and behold, we TIED! Weirdly enough, after the game, this account appeared into my friends list, and I tried to do the exact same thing you were doing -- they weren't getting blocked, I could friend them for some reason , etc. However, this account didn't join my lobby. I logged off instantaneously out of fear. The next day, I logged back in to see that account out of my friends list. It is safe to say that I will not be playing any modern day call of duty because of this glitch/hoax/theory thing. It is truly bizarre. Also, this incident happened about 2 weeks ago and while researching about this encounter I found someone with an identical issue on Reddit that dated back about 6 months ago. If I am not mistaken -- if this is not simply just a misunderstanding or a glitch, they have been testing it out for a while now, and we, the community, have gotten to know about it recently...
@gordoniya5780 10 ай бұрын
The amount of "people" know where exactly, and I mean EXACTLY, where to throw nades (including how long to cook them) and other equipment is staggering. Never seen this in all my time in the other CODs
@_Paul_N 10 ай бұрын
Yes! EVERY single grenade is 99.9% accurate and are never wall bangs or deflected back to them due to a bad throw. The grenades are perfectly cooked as well and tracks you. Don’t bother throwing it back. Also my mines and claymores don’t even work most of the time. They run through them like they’re ghosts or something 😄. There’s specific bots on the opposing team that has a work around for everything that you do to knock your KD down. I know what skill is and I know what rigged feels like. Activision is fixing games 😄.
@HPonOne 10 ай бұрын
Crossmap frag that explodes right in your face as you literally walk into a room. Like damn I just got here how did they know to perfectly cook that thing and throw it so that it would enter the window the moment I come into the room through the door.
@FoBreeze 10 ай бұрын
Must’ve never played the nube tube mw2 era😂
@Widdit35 10 ай бұрын
@@FoBreezefr. I can hit almost all nade spots in mw2 😂
@robertcuevas3062 9 ай бұрын
I got really good at air bursting frags in bo1
@the_xgre 10 ай бұрын
I am almost certain that this is happening in MWII as well. I've been playing MWII since about six months after its release and still continue to play it because I refuse to buy MWIII. I just watched one of your recent videos about this "bot" activity in MWIII, and I noticed the very same behavior in MWII. I was playing Prisoner Rescue on DRC Zone or whatever that map is called, and I was telling my friend about your video because we've been seeing this everywhere and could never understand why the players on our team were always so bad. I like to consider my friend and I as decently above average players, but the teammates we get seem like they have never touched a video game in their life. I don't know the name of said "bot" on our team because it's been a few days, but I had JUST finished watching your video and queued up into a game with my friend, and while we were playing, I was telling him about this "theory" and right after I told him, I noticed a bot-like teammate just randomly shot me in the back and as I turn around and look at him, he just stands still. He was a level 53, default skin, base weapon with no attachments, and he's just staring into my soul. I should almost never get someone like this on my team because my friend and I are both pretty sweaty to be honest. I'm also a level 800-something. Anyway, the "teammate" stops moving entirely for a few moments, walks right up to me, and is just staring at me. No mic, no text chat activity, nothing... It's honestly really creepy and concerning that this is happening in both games. The most concerning part is it felt like it was actively listening to me tell my friend about it and acts as almost if it knew what I was saying. Genuinely scary stuff...
@nickfrankart6958 9 ай бұрын
Me too, I have that anon person on mw2
@andrewe.2464 10 ай бұрын
You probably won’t read this cuz it’s a bit too late, but what if the ‘bot stalking’ is precisely because you tried to add demonjuice to your friends list? What I theorize is that all the bots add themselves to eachother’s friends lists automatically (for the purpose of swapping bots mid match maybe?) and by trying to add a bot to your friends list, the game somehow recognized you as a ‘bot’, and then force added other bot(s) to your friends list. Since it’s not a real person, I don’t think bots require permission to add themselves to your friends list. That’s my conspiracy theory, anyway. Edit: The random numbers for your account is your Steam userID, basically the number you can use to find your steam profile. Never seen it bug out like that before, but I just checked.
@tigeruntamed6036 10 ай бұрын
On Xbox that is true you don't need permission to add someone. Not sure on PC and PS doesn't have a follow feature only a friend request one
@jordanmapes864 10 ай бұрын
yo that is genius and very logical like they join unto each others party to make it seem like real players and they all congregate with all of the other bot community, how do you know im not a bot? lol
@Spewb 10 ай бұрын
I've never seen videos getting hidden like this before, this is insane. Don't wanna go full schizo but at this point things are getting weird enough the community may actually be getting close to something really shady. I'll post the results of my matches somewhere when I get all of them done and do the nerdy statistical shit behind them 🤓 keep up the good fight BT
@BlameTruth 10 ай бұрын
This was just KZbin taking a dump. No conspiracy.
@DonaId_J_Trump 10 ай бұрын
I'd be interested in what you find. Just subscribed.
@Spewb 10 ай бұрын
​@@DonaId_J_Trump Not trying to shill this particular channel or anything, I have a handful of them so idk if I'll even post it on this one or not but I'll update people when all's said and done. I doubt it would make it through mod approval if I try to post it on reddit but I'll figure something out.
@JohnDee633 10 ай бұрын
I’m not subbed to this guy, or even agree with any of the stuff he’s saying. And it showed up in my recommended. It’s not being hidden or anything.
@railasvuo 10 ай бұрын
@baronobeefdip7092 10 ай бұрын
Hey BT, I got MW3 yesterday because it was on sale. First COD I bought in years. My first game was in rust 24/7 . I was lvl 1 and everyone else was lvl 55. I went that game 55-14. I had fun and thought the SBMM wasn’t that bad, until the next lobby they put me in and I could not even walk with out getting one shoted by a sniper or some sweaty bunny hopping around dropped shooting me. After my 6 death in a row I turned it off and yet to play that yet
@OldSkool-77 10 ай бұрын
That was your first mistake… buying it even on sale knowing what is wrong with this Franchise. You helped support their pockets while they continue to Fck us hard. You and all the others , and even the KZbinrs who make countless videos about SBMM over the last 5 years are not helping this game get better by lining their suit pockets every year.😑
@ArmageddonEvil 10 ай бұрын
I rather bought games of my interest. A la, RTS games or JRPGs. >.>
@baronobeefdip7092 10 ай бұрын
@@OldSkool-77 nah bro I just refund the game, I gave it a test drive and wasn’t happy
@ACB904 10 ай бұрын
I went 30-6 in free for game started off 0-9........could barely take a step out of spawn for half of those 9
@icecoldjohnnyy 10 ай бұрын
@@ACB904yup sounds like SBMM
@gamerismrobloxian567gamer5 10 ай бұрын
F in chat for the previous 2 uploads. Idk if Activision is seeing these videos either tbh, like possibly the Activision hornet's nest might have been rattled. Keep up the great content BT!
@Anonymous-yi1zn 10 ай бұрын
I had a domination match where we traded capping flags the whole time pretty much evenly. I swear to god we would cap a flag then they would back and forth pretty quickly. Both teams only held said flags for a short amount of time nothing absurd. Somehow the match ended like 120-200 which I promise you was impossible. There’s something weird there.
@enjoythedecline3616 10 ай бұрын
Id be surprised if the devs noticed your videos and the attention they had gotten. They probably assigned some intern to monitor you. I also believe they have 100 percent added bots to try and slow people down or ruin people's games. I hope someone files a class action.
@WetWater_ 10 ай бұрын
ever since you started talking about the possible bots I started checking peoples steam profiles from the people I was getting matched with and ALOT of them are new/private/low level steam accounts, just thought it was a little strange.
@BlockedByYoutube 10 ай бұрын
Private profiles isn't necessarily weird, I have had my steam profile for 8 years and been that day since day 1. Low steam levels usually new players join steam plenty times a day and buy the game. But I do believe bots in the lobbies overall.
@2023PerfectDark 10 ай бұрын
Same thing happened to me. I thought someone was trying to session join me in the pregame lobby or the game bugged out and thought I'm supposed to be in a party with somebody. They will join the party and then leave. Also assumed it was someone from my friends list, and then realized I don't have friends in CoD because I want to play by myself.
@Red-uf4hr 10 ай бұрын
None of that is weird. I know people who had an account for years and are lvl 2-8. Having a private account isn’t weird because privacy is more a thing. With kids playing more and steam deck and other hand held devices getting so good. That’s why you have newer accounts especially with prices of PCs being more reasonable to build. I’m not saying bots aren’t a real thing. I’m just saying what you said about steam profiles is completely normal.
@AbrifTbag 10 ай бұрын
I was in a late night s&d two of my teammates left and we got two of the most clueless players to fill..we were cooking the other team but the two that joined had to be bots. Stayed near spawn.. aiming at nothing and moving slow and mytgotical.. so weird
@kompst_tu 10 ай бұрын
What's weird is, I swear they had some form of this matchmaking back in Black Ops 3 towards the end of the game. They had a free weapon challenge where you had to get a certain amount of victories. I was pretty good at Black Ops 3 but I noticed I very suspiciously got consistent defeats match after match. No matter how well I played my team still lost every single match I played and I ended up not being able to complete the free weapon challenge by the time it ran out. I was so pissed and it felt like the game was genuinely rigged to prevent me from getting victories. Did anyone else experience this?
@MrSnowFoxy 10 ай бұрын
I had an interesting glitch the other day, it was like my menu was being manipulated as if a host was switching menus pulling you out of create a class and it tweaks and favorited some random attachment when I touched nothing on my keyboard or controller. was some spooky stuff.
@DAxBatres 10 ай бұрын
AI working overtime if this got flagged
@michaelarojas 10 ай бұрын
This Cod just keeps getting spookier. The fact that the AI is called Demonjuice makes it creepy he's basically the Bigfoot of Cod.
@Nate-Aims 10 ай бұрын
I’ve been constantly getting errors saying “your profile was signed out” or what ever you got. It’s gotten so bad, that I can only play 1-3 games before this happening.
@User-sb3dq 10 ай бұрын
Was playing today and was in the corner reloading my guns when someone walked slowly round the corner and melted me in a Milo second. Watched the killcam and it was an AI with the worst movement then as soon as he gets round the corner he locks to my head and hits every bullet. Then after that he leaves the game straight away and couldn’t search his profile either
@rexi7472 10 ай бұрын
First week of the games release, two people joined my session whilst being in closed lobby. One was named Ghost, and the other was Jimbo. They weren't my friends, and to my knowledge I've never seen them in game.
@jivval1797 10 ай бұрын
I saw somebody called Ghost while in zombies today, thought it was a player until you mentioned this. They were using a Ghost skin, I didn't interact with them. Weird.
@rather_be_a_cat 10 ай бұрын
I said this on a MW2 forum and the amount of people who went on like i told them Santa isn't real was mad. They were defending the game like it was the love of their life.
@alfianbon9885 10 ай бұрын
All games suffer from this. I have heard Fortnite players complaining about this very recently. Pokemon Unite players have also been complaining abt the exact same thing for the past 2 years. I also experience these exact same things you have been discussing about EOMM/SBMM in Call of Duty on Mobile Legends. Crazy how ALL multiplayer games nowadays pretty much implement these exact sets of EOMM stuff including the AI Bot games
@GothGfGG 10 ай бұрын
I have experienced this today. Just picked up cod yesterday. Averaged a 1.2 I’m learning first cod. Joined a friend who is a 2.0 and we got railed the first two games and the game after those it was most it was mostly default skins and I did turn around to see a bot standing there and not shooting or moving just staring at me for me to get the kill. Shits weird. All of this just to siphon more money out of consumers.
@cixtos 10 ай бұрын
I’m pretty sure that one of those “bots” was me trying to get some levels in from my phone while socializing after Thanksgiving. PS doesn’t make it easy to play FPS with remote play 😂 curious to see where this goes since I haven’t personally played well enough to encounter the same issues
@warlord7376 10 ай бұрын
This bug with random people displayed in "friends" tab is straight from seson 2 of mwII, so nothing new
@sniffer94 10 ай бұрын
Not noticed AI players. But I have noticed that if I play and level up a knife the 4th or 5th game will be filled with knife runners. Same goes for any type of weapon. XD
@jeancarloizquierdo6583 10 ай бұрын
I love how BT used the “regenerator” theme from Resident Evil 4 while reading the Reddit post. It truly sets the tone
@Novistadors 10 ай бұрын
No joke I was watching this in bed last night and hearing Blame Truth sound genuinely spooked, talking about being watched and showing the random anonymous account on his friends list freaked me the hell out LOL.
@Ellielastofus1995 10 ай бұрын
I've been running into people after good matches. But They do the exact same Thing. They call in Chopper Gunners or, AC130 when they don't have enough kills for them. I mean they'll have 8 kills but have an AC130. They know exactly where me and my team are Even though an explosion just went off when I approached them. They seemingly can lock onto me like they're in the match to solely keep me from doing too well.
@Username_8886 10 ай бұрын
Get on a private match with AI bots and see if those bots have the same movement and mannerisms as the bots in an online match.
@toxicgracie3772 10 ай бұрын
They don't. They act way differently from what I've seen. For instance, the "actual" AI bots are programmed to do things like take cover on certain surfaces sometimes even blind fire over those surfaces. These "DemonJuice" AI or whatever they are move and act more like a player but are still clearly bots. They aren't programmed to to anything an actual player can't do (without hacks).
@dorian8801 10 ай бұрын
I had this happen with my friends list as well, then I got on the next day and all the strangers that showed up on my friends list were gone. Super strange
@matteogauthier5773 10 ай бұрын
I distinctly recognized the “Anon” username followed by numbers next to it back in MW19. I want to say like in 10-20% of my matches back then had an anon username in the lobby. From what I remember or assumed I thought they were just people that were given usernames if they didn’t distinctly make their own but now what I’m fearing from seeing all this recently discovered disturbing information on the whole bot situation; we may in all this time have had bots in our lobbies for years and not even noticed it whatsoever which in my option makes it even more frightening and bizarre.
@matterflowmf 10 ай бұрын
bro imagine that low key they have a contract with military or something to train AI using cod, to use the AI for robot soldiers they want to use for wars... that would be wild but is far fetched lol
@rebelsoldier2391 10 ай бұрын
So far, you've shown more than enough evidence to conlclude that MWIII definitely has bots in multiply player matches to rig the game.
@Smokinjoewhite 10 ай бұрын
Purrcy was a cat I had when my sister and I were children, he dropped in from beyond to say hi.
@koreancowboy42 10 ай бұрын
When the devs are breaking their own game. Bots are now able to join your party lol and annoy the crap out of you in the main menu
@Awesome-Aaron06 10 ай бұрын
What if they implemented the AI voice chat moderation because they knew we would stop using game chat so they could secretly implement these bots and think we wouldnt notice?
@TrueRetroflection 10 ай бұрын
SBMM = Spooky bot matchmaking
@DefConGaming22 10 ай бұрын
This should be an ongoing Netflix series. "Blame Truth - The Truth Behind SBMM"
@edjonesiv2607 10 ай бұрын
a bot definitely joined and left my lobby quick.. i was like wtf just happened
@StaySteezy951 10 ай бұрын
I noticed too immediately that it always shows anon players and random players as my friends when I don’t think I’ve even played a game with them or they get stuck as a “friend” lol
@5seizures603 10 ай бұрын
THIS IS TRUE! EVEN IN MW2 2022. U CAN EASILY TELL IF U PLAY SND. WHEN I HAVE GOOD GAMES LIKE GOOD KD, THE NEXT GAME I AM PAIRED WITH TRASH PLAYERS AND WHEN you spectate them, they are literally bots like movement and shooting Wise. They can't be real players cuz think about it sbmm is real so why would trash players be in my lobbies when I did so well the previous games. This IS REAL there are bots I constantly encounter them in my team(and sometimes the other team). This is because they are trying to make me lose and it makes sense cuz these trash players/bots always appear in my team especially when I have more than a 2 win streak
@KrankyClownFPS 9 ай бұрын
Literally happened to me the other day! Someone name “ConfessUrSins”, just followed me immediately out of the plane and for 10 minutes followed me just shooting at me blowing me up on the radar, then taking every single thing out of every box leaving me with a pistol, then circling me in a vehicle. This went on the entire match say for the moment naught by my buddy picking me up 8n a vehicle and dipping, without words, then my buddy said at the very end, the guy said “ggs”… I heard nothing but I’m comms banned. Fucking weird after a few good rounds.
@primepete 10 ай бұрын
Yo BT. I got a weird one far you, if you wanna talk more conspiracies. As a PC player, I use Xbox Game Bar to take game clips, party chat, etc. For some reason, whenever I hit a good clip in MW3 (for example, a quad feed with a sniper or an insane clutch) I can use the shortcut and clip it no problem. The second I start seeing weird damage inconsistencies (it happened a bunch yesterday) like my burst rifle three bursting in the body, then not three bursting directly in the head on another player, among other things of that nature, I couldn’t clip anything. Not once. I have a few strange clips, but whenever it’s blatantly obvious that they nerfed my damage or someone’s hitbox was super wack, I couldn’t clip anything. And it’s not my game bar-it’s literally right after I clip something else. Sounds like a conspiracy but it’s a little funny.
@Fighlights 10 ай бұрын
I have a bunch of players on my friends list that’s not even added , they keep joining me every time I’m in a game. When I back out to see wtf is going on, they weren’t there. idk man
@princeswisher704 9 ай бұрын
I came to a draw the other night in Team Deathmatch, I literally was like how in the world is that possible I’ve never had that happen before
@FriendlyNeighborhoodDreg 10 ай бұрын
I like how this demon juice thing has come around like a Christmas horror story
@cambo__ 10 ай бұрын
Anyone else damn near stuck at a 1.00 kd ? It’s like the SBMM MAKES us almost get a 1 KD ratio
@kidiotsstuff 10 ай бұрын
I don’t know how stalking people online using bots is actually legal.
@Nipinpeaches 10 ай бұрын
I have played this game a ton. I honestly enjoy playing, mostly play solo. It is crazy with the amount of close games/close lobbies. I normally play objective modes and I find myself in a constant battle with the same 3-4 players. I never run across the other 2 players on the enemy team. I take a look at the score board, there are players that have like 1 kill, no objectives, what????? No wonder they break up every lobby, its to add the bots and keep you guessing. Also, all the anon user names have to be bots right?
@Drewkungfoo 10 ай бұрын
I do this but in HC, same shit. Its getting weird out there
@AlcatrazWardxn 10 ай бұрын
I keep randomly getting signed out too. They say it’s a server thing that happens at about the same time. I’ve also had non friends on my friends list. Usually they’re just played recently players that have been showing up under friends for some reason.
@redii5476 10 ай бұрын
I have had a few occasions when I search for a game a random account joins with a basic name and backs out last second before the game starts 🤷🏻‍♂️
@ian3415 10 ай бұрын
I’ve had the worst day. Nothing hitting. Bad aim. Super sliders and circus knife throwers all over the shop. It wasn’t fun today at all.
@M1GH7YALN 10 ай бұрын
I have joined into Dom and HQ games where no points have been taken and coms seem to be disabled with people having like 1-3 kills then game ends. and a heap of players leaving just before end even when we a winning.
@al6r725 10 ай бұрын
I saw Bigfoot at Target, in a mirror.
@ElMegaNerd 10 ай бұрын
I haven't had that happen yet but I do see people I've never played with (and that I'm not friends with) show up in my friends list.
@Iron4TrollPatrol 10 ай бұрын
the phobia being talked about here, dear of spying, can be indicative of a mental illness, paranoid delusions are a symptom to be taken seriously
@BobaFrett666 5 ай бұрын
Never had AI’s in my game before most of the time I get sweaty, moms basement, degenerates that kill me every time I run away
@O.TownMagic 10 ай бұрын
Yesterday on RUST I was leveling up my sniper’s and was laying on the platform in the corner when all the sudden an enemy walks across the pipe right up to me. I was in the middle of a reload and quickly tried to punch at him but missed. I figured I was dead to rights after that miss but he just walked backwards without doing anything to me, I went to reload again and he walked back up to me all without firing a single shot or trying to kill me. It’s like he was curious about who I was and what I was doing . I again punched him and this time killed hin, it was the strangest thing I’ve experienced yet by far. He absolutely wasn’t trying to kill me despite me going after him.
@LSXLogan 10 ай бұрын
the weird friend stuff is really strange. But im wondering if since it launched so poorly if activision is trying to keep player numbers up with bot accounts. Bot gameplay doesnt seem to weird because battlefield 2042 has bots if the game player count is low.
@Tube.Youxoxo 10 ай бұрын
Intetesting fact, I just realised (but need to double-check). I’m playing on ps5 and in notification section every time I get “20 recommended friends” to be added- something like this. I will check if there are true players or possibly some bots
@sprougtsprro 5 ай бұрын
Congratulations on so many subscribers i have watched the channel grow and grow!
@DedAlexFive 10 ай бұрын
I love this "creepy horror game music in the background" thing you started doing lol. May I suggest tracks from the game Manhunt?
@Dachipoo 10 ай бұрын
It's crazy because I have seen that anon user yesterday in a terminal domination match, I gotta check my recents if that's still there to compare them
@Ya_Father79 10 ай бұрын
Okay, Let me talk my peace. Four days ago, when I first watched your video about Bots. I was a little spooked, more leaning skeptical kind of vibe. The day before Thanksgiving, I was up late that night, wanting to say around 3 am, working on some homework, etc. I decided to boot up Mw3 on the console. Two games in, I'm playing on a map I'm not too familiar with, but we were playing control. I'm running around the map, and I get headshot. I'm watching the kill cam, and I see I got shot from the back of the map. I'm like, “Uh, Cod shit, I guess.” Now I respawn, and I get clapped by the same guy again. So now I'm annoyed. I'm making it my mission to kill this guy, and each time, I rushed to the particular area where I died recently. I kept dying. For the very last time, I watched the kill-cam where I died. Homie shot me through an entire Building!!!! What's even weirder is not only that he goes negative on his kills-to-death ratio. He barely moved. It's not like camping movements but extremely Stagnant, to say the least. I got on the mic and started to say yeah, he has to be wall-hacking. Another player on my team said, “Yeah, you see this shit too huh?” It's weird man, because I saw AI bots on Fortnite, but that never bothered me. Maybe because it was widely discussed, but ever since I learned about this. It's making me more aware of my team and the opposing team.
@nautillius 10 ай бұрын
this one's sanity must have already crumbled.
@paulstyles5483 10 ай бұрын
This kept happening to me when loading into zombies and had squad fill turned off and same person I didn’t know (not on friends list) kept joining my lobby.
@Trigger200284 9 ай бұрын
I'm telling you man, I've seen it, right at the start of a game, enemy players doing generic bot maneuvers and strafing while facing 1 direction around corners and shit. Also seen people in the back of maps just spinning in circles for minutes on end. I've noticed allot of match swings too where we are up by a fair margin and then it's like the whole other team is rage hacking to not lose the match. It happens all the time and I've been playing multiplayer shooters since like halo 2. I have never seen so many momentum swings and I don't have an explanation for it other than rage hacking or bots?
@mooreweasel 10 ай бұрын
I havent noticed anything like that but one think ive noticed is certain players on enemy teams kill me so easily like they're pro players they'll shit on me the whole game but when i check the scoreboard they're 13-29 and im 45-20 but 10 of my deaths came from one guy who isnt able to get a even k/d. My friends in the same game who arent as good as me have no issue killing said player either. He's of no consequence to anyone but myself. Its very strange. Ive also had several instances where aim assist is completely gone. I mean so much so that i honestly feel like its working against me to keep me from being on target. It like i literally cant toggle over an enemy. Ill die, come back to life and restart my streak. Ive also felt like i have been playing against bots. Not so much in mw3 but in warzone 2. Same as before. My worse teams, people who average 2 kills a game, kill a guy easily, enemy looks completely lost. I fight thw same guy and they instantly have crazy movement and aim. Never miss a bullet and track me like no bodies business.
@Tuffbruvvv 10 ай бұрын
The SBMM & EBMM are the bots like anon & demonjuice consistently aimbotting you with 348 & 398 damage even when you shoot them first. For the longest time in MWll I thought I was dying to rage hackers all the time, when in fact they’re literal terminators sent to even out the playing field. Try playing Lockdown Quads & tell me those aren’t bots landing on you in gun fights or capping the flags. This game is absolutely being manipulated in more ways than one & it’s downright sickening
@Tuffbruvvv 10 ай бұрын
Oh yeah, & the bots will leave before the game ends, will be offline immediately & only have an Activision id with all private information & the inability to add them. SUS AF!
@bigskater228 10 ай бұрын
Today I had some random person named “RootWrangler” join my session while I was playing Rust 24/7 he was level 55 and the basic operator skin and he would back out before the game started and when I would get back to the lobby he wasn’t there, but when I would go to start another match he would join again… started really creeping me out so I blocked him. It did removed him from my friends list but I noticed now I also have a random “anon” player with a bunch of numbers after that when I try to block, he stays on my friends list. After this happened every game I got into I was almost even score with everyone’s K/D being like 22-36 or 28-24 or something they were all around the same thing and I had to get off. Idk what’s going on with this game right now but the fact everyone is having these same AI issues is insanely weird. Edit: Forgot to add that after I got back on later almost every game I got into there was one specific player would would be melting me and I would be struggling to get any kills on them, like all the sudden my guns aim would be off or it wasn’t causing as much damage.. meanwhile I could kill other players no problem for the most part. I don’t understand why this would be happening
@jarodwhite3198 10 ай бұрын
Dude, totally understandable about your internet privacy, getting hacked or impersonated or some shit like that on the internet is super freaky and it's happened to me more times than I'd like.
@brandonl.6840 10 ай бұрын
I just had the ANON player in the terminal 24/7 playlist level 55 with all default calling cards and emblems and such also using a sniper with no attachments with only a couple of kills and then immediately left after the game ended
@ozzy110 10 ай бұрын
Btw BT you made a reach over into twitter and some guy a made a article about it, featuring some threads for twitter. It kind of sucks since you don’t have twitter. Your making a impact man.
@LV_daWEED 10 ай бұрын
I have a 2.1, and I swear I always have 1 or 2 “players” that go like 4 and 30 and then they disappear right before it ends
@granthammond6406 10 ай бұрын
That Percy thing I’d blame cod for, I go to join my friends and it just tosses me in with random people sometimes. Also happened in MW2.
@narcshark 10 ай бұрын
I've gotten the ''profile logged out'' error ever since MW2 released. Its happening a lot more in MW3 though, almost every time I play. It's a steam problem not the game
@jackwatson9997 10 ай бұрын
I keep having this issue, people I don't know joining my friend list. Yesterday was weird, spectated a kill cam and the guy was moving/aim weird plus shooting before having information on my position, also default skin. Didn't think much of it, thought maybe I'm just looking for them now, then he join my friend list and I could not get rid of him. Further for the rest of my play time he stayed online and according to the game at the main menu except of once. Really weird.
@ItzVolitick 10 ай бұрын
About that anon dude..i keep seeing him in my games. From warzone 1 last year. To literally a few weeks ago on MWII..i also see him a few times in other people’s gameplays on youtube. Anon with a bunch of numbers at the end. This is super super weird
@bluesides8323 10 ай бұрын
Percy joining and leaving was probably a visual glitch.
@roseflows6585 10 ай бұрын
As a player who used to pubstomp 40 bombs in bo2 and 50 bombs in advanced, this ai sbmm shit is really killing any urge for me to play cod again. i just wanna go back to 2012 or 2015 when i could kick ass and take names and the lobby would cheer me on or rage at me telling me im a bloody cunt. this shit dont happen no more. and its slowly getting more and more lonely.
@mgauslexo9118 10 ай бұрын
So I just spent 5 matches reverse boosting where I walked, didn't aim down sight and went like 2 and 15 each game. Quite literally bot movement and I was at the bottom of the leaderboard for almost all matches. I then decide okay 5 matches should be enough I'll actually start trying. We lost 74/75 and my K/D was 5 and 20. HOW TF DO I SPEND ALL THAT TIME REVERSE BOOSTING TO GET COMPLETELY DESTROYED AGAIN! I actually cannot stand this game. You'd think with how bad I do with SBMM, they'd treat me as a bot and give me easy lobbies BUT I HAVEN'T HAD A SINGLE EASY LOBBY THE ENTIRE RELEASE OF THIS GAME. This SBMM is much deeper than we'd ever understand and I'd like to put the balls of whoever approved its use into a paper shredder.
@darkmatter3538 10 ай бұрын
I uninstalled COD MW 2019 in November 2022 because of the damn bugs and glitches in every update; they took out 5 of the groundwar maps and left us with the 4 shittiest maps. (I ONLY play groundwar) so I got fed up and just said “f*ck it”. I uninstalled it and have officially retired from COD ever since that day. But when you were mentioning the player named “anon”, I suddenly remembered seeing that name pretty frequently in COD 2019. I couldn’t tell you if I recall them acting strange in any way, I played groundwar after all so that’s a lot of players to focus on, but the name definitely stood out for sure. Every so often I would see that name over and over. Who knows how long the developers were testing this creepy shizz out
@andrewsmith8727 10 ай бұрын
They need to just prioritize connection. Then lobby balance. I back out of every game that has over 30 ping when in the lobby. It might not sound like a lot but I get in 50ms lobbies and it’s insanely noticeable. Crazy how milliseconds makes it feel worse.
@danielrodgers2153 9 ай бұрын
Me and my buddies had two team mates. Who didn't show on our names. But we could hear them die everytime. There names where blue above their heads. The only time we could see their names is going on the scoreboard
@Lightningdays 10 ай бұрын
In about 4 years time activision will fall into one of the biggest lawsuits because of this
@Kiwiappl3 10 ай бұрын
You already know what it does BT!!!! It adjusts your damage, spawns, hit boxes, connection speed… IT FU+*S WITH EVERYTHING IN GAME!!! IF YOU’RE DOING WELL… NOT FOR LONG!! IF YOU’RE GETTING STOMPED… NOT FOR LONG. IT’S DESIGNED TO KEEP YOU AT A 1 TO 1 K/D.
@originaldk5436 10 ай бұрын
Lowkey I am starting to think that it's doing some whacky shit it feels like I am leaving enemies on 1HP a lot more than usual. Might just be insane at this point
@alexsam3044 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the tip about updating the server list after installing it!
@madd_dogg_155 10 ай бұрын
This makes me think about turning off crossplay, is it really turned off when you do? Or do they put bots bc I think they do.
@tasha4400 10 ай бұрын
They’re not enough players for that so there will be bots still
@Eyetigerstorm 10 ай бұрын
Ran into a player named “LUCKI” on rust and it moved like an NPC like the ones on the INVASION mode. I literally stopped and he stopped running at me and stared at me without firing back. I marked him with my ping and someone shoot them . But yeah it was so weird.
@kvngjames8465 10 ай бұрын
I have had a random person/bot pop in countless times being that im mainly a solo player i was thinking it was someone from recent games but seeing how it happened to you it happened to me the same way while trying to load any zombies match idk why its zombies but that’s when it happens to me
@jordanyupyup3120 10 ай бұрын
They have been testing these bots since mw2 2022, I’ve seen them in infected especially for months now
@TheLasagnaWoof 10 ай бұрын
COD Mobile already has bots in it's mp, so there is a precedent. The person joining on you could have been a steam friend who has a different activision name on cod. Check your cod friendlist for any weird names.
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